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Household air dryers - types, features of operation, specifications. Models presented in the Russian market.

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Household driers MDB-20 from Ballu (a), FH300 from General Climate (b),

MJ-E16PX from Mitsubishi Electric (B)

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Household desiccant CF0.5M from Gree (a) and his "Classmate" DH3212 from Vestfrost (b)
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F800 from GEA is characterized by a manufacturer as a High-End Design Device
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Photo A.Buko

Wet air from the pool through the duct enters the channel dryer. Dried air is injected into the trim duct for which it returns to the pool

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Photo P.Nikolaev

In this pool during the "downtime" wall dryer (Kaut) turn off, and the water surface is closed with a film

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Dantherm CDP dryers are designed to work at the air temperature in the pool from 10 to 36c
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CF90BD / A from General Climate (a) and its air filter (b)
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Mitsubishi Electric
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Channel Drainer of AP from Aerial
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Photo P.Nikolaev

Wall-mounted air dryers often work in a pair with an energy-efficient supply and exhaust ventilation system

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Canal air dryers are functional drying equipment for swimming pools that provide comfort in any weather.

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CDP from Dantherm condensate is removed to the drainage of gravity (a). To mount the dryer, uses bracket (b)
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Channel dehumidifiers with low-pressure fans are mounted in the actor, on the wall bordering the pool. On the side of the pool on the wall, ventresses are installed
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Industrial dryers are often used for drying cement-sand tie
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Industrial dryers from Remko in steel case
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DRAKER DH80 from Master removes from air to 79l moisture per day
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Photo P.Nikolaev

Industrial desiccant can be used for fast, high-quality, without temperature deformations of drying of plastered surfaces, such as seams between plasterboard sheets

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Knots of modern air dryers: Compressor Motoades Counter (A), Copper-Aluminum Evaporative Heat Exchanger (B), Vibroopora under the "Laps" of the compressor (B), humidity sensor (g)
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The industrial desiccant T40 from Kroll is equipped with a built-in capacity (10l) and a drainage nozzle for the "permanent" condensate removal
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This model from Aerial is often used in everyday life.

No humidity!

The actual amount of water that can be held in a constant room of the room depends only on temperature. Thus, at 20 ° C in each cubic meter, air may be contained up to 18 g of water, and at 30 there are already up to 31.6g (for example, above the pool or in the bathroom). But that's not all. After all, in addition to air, moisture in the form of condensate can carry window slopes and the upholstery of the furniture. Finally, it is capable of accumulating in the form of banal puddles. To reduce the humidity of the air and drying the room on a summer day, it is often enough just to open the windows and arrange a draft. However, the volleary ventilation is possible not everywhere (it is impracticable, for example, in bathrooms, storage rooms, dead-end rooms of codes of cottages IT.P.) and not always (let's say, during drying, it has just been unacceptable. In winter, the ventilation is associated with big energy losses: along with moisture, warmth and warmth, the dwelling is laid out. Well, when the rains are going and the relative humidity of street air is close to 90-95%, even intensive ventilation of the room is ineffective.

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AerecOV rooms with high humidity air dryers warn the damage of finishing materials and furniture, the appearance of unpleasant odors and fungal mold, fogging windows.

Air dryers are just applied in cases where it is impossible to ventilate the room or this measure does not give the desired result. Cupid, pools and construction site use condensation instruments. They operate on the principle of condensation of water vapor contained in the air, when it comes with a cold surface. Inside such desiccants, a refrigerator with a triad main components: compressor, evaporator, condenser- and fan. The evaporator plays the role of a cold surface. When passing through it, the pre-filtered air is cooled to a temperature below the dew point, and the moisture contained in it condenses and drains. Next, the dry air is supplied with a fan to the condenser, where it is heated (at the inlet to the device, the air is approximately 1-5 colder than at the output of it). Due to the multiple passage of air through the desiccant, the air humidity is reduced, as a result of which evaporation processes with wet surfaces of walls, furniture IT.D. Having got rid of excess moisture, things and designs dried, after which the humidity of the air indoors no longer goes beyond the optimal values, and the desiccant is automatically turned off. If it is impossible to remove all moisture from the room, the desiccant will work cyclically. For example, in the closed pool, the air will constantly absorb evaporation and moisturize. Labor on his drainage can be likened to Sisyphorus. We are only the difference that it is carried out for the benefit of people.

The main characteristic of the dryer is performance. It shows how many liters of water per unit of time the device can "pull out" from the air with certain indicators of temperature and humidity indoors. Performance is measured in liters per day and amounts to 12-300l / day models used in apartments and cottages. The maximum values ​​indicated in advertising and informational materials can be achieved only at 30c and 80% humidity. Close indicators will be able to detect except in the pool: air temperature 28-30C, water temperature 25-28C, relative humidity of 60-90%. Live and utility rooms with typical for the middle strip 20-24c and humidity about 70% of the dryer performance will be two times lower. With a further decrease in temperature, it is becoming increasingly difficult to achieve tangible results from the device. Operate the dryer at too low temperatures is unsafe: the lower limit of the operating temperature range in many models is 3C. And the heat of the dryers do not complain: even the most endless models are not recommended to be used at temperatures above 36c.

Tale of humidity

Air humidity is determined by the amount of water vapor present in the air. An absolute humidity is called the number of water vapor contained in the air at a given temperature, expressed in grams per 1m3. To estimate the degree of dryness or humidity of air, the absolute humidity is unsuitable, since at the same value (for example, 60 g / m3) air, depending on the temperature, may be dry, and wet. After all, the higher the temperature, the greater the amount of water vapor can contain. The maximum amount of water vapor saturated at a particular temperature is called maximum humidity. The true idea of ​​the degree of air humidity gives the humidity relative, defined as the ratio of absolute humidity to the maximum and pronounced in percent. To measure air humidity, special instruments are used and hygrometers and psychrometers.

Where is the desiccant useful?

Domestic dryers can be used in any room apartment where humidity exceeds the norm. These devices are capable of lowering the humidity, eliminating the possibility of accumulating condensate on the surface of the ceiling and walls, as well as their damage (sweating of fabrics, wallpaper, cracking of paint etc.). Forces to the household desiccant and prevent the appearance of fungus and mold-genuine guests of poor ventilated bathrooms, shower, laundries IT.P. The inadvertising time of the year, the hostess often complains that the underwear after washing will not dry. If you put the dryer next to the linen dryer, the wet textile will dry in just a few hours. For this, such devices are very loved, in particular, Japanese housewives.

We can remove moisture from the surface of musical instruments, lenses of photo and filmmers, carpeting, not allowing rust on metal surfaces. Initious period, such devices put in large book and wardrobes. Deposit, where the reserves of the provisionant are stored, the dryers are protected from the learing of bulk products, sugar, salt, flour. It is much better to store in a drying room and washing powders, medicines, as well as building materials for which the manufacturer indicates a certain level of relative humidity.

A more powerful class of air dryers for the pool is used to create a comfortable microclimate for swimsuit and ensuring the preservation of the building. After all, an open aqueous surface even with a relatively low temperature intensively soar. Especially desiccitors are needed in the pool in the summer with high humidity in the street.

During the repair and construction of housing, industrial dryers are used. They guarantee a significant increase in the quality of finishing work due to drying without temperature deformations of wall coating (plaster, wallpaper), floor (ties) and ceiling. These devices allow you to achieve low moisture content in building materials, torn water, especially before laying floors and wall cladding, and, therefore, prevent moisture accumulation under them. Drying with the use of the airstower is very economical and effective. Energy consumption compared to heating air (for example, with the help of fan heaters) and the subsequent removal of moisture with ventilation is much lower.

Another area of ​​applying industrial dryers air is eliminating the effects of flooding, as well as the drying of garages, flooded by the spring flood.

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Mitsubishi Electric

During the rainy season, household dehumidifiers put in the hallways for drying wet shoes and outerwear (a), in residential rooms - to prevent condensate accumulation on furniture and building structures (b). After using the bathroom with the help of this device, you can quickly dry the walls and furniture (B)

From 30 to 60%, no more

The household air dryer is similar to the ottoman or the cabinet on the wheels. For carrying on its package there is a handle. Holding for it, the device can be moved from the room to the room or transport to the cottage. During the day, the household desiccant is able to "pump out" from the air to 30 liters. It is enough to arrange it in the right place (10-15cm from the wall), connect to the outlet, set the required level of humidity, and it will immediately get out of business. To achieve a positive result, it is important that the drainage is carried out in a closed room, the temperature of which corresponds to the range of operating temperatures of the device.

Extensive models Controlled electromechanical: Start / stop button and a regulator that allows you to set the required humidity in the room, from 30 to 80-100%. More "advanced" dryers are equipped with a multifunctional panel with touch buttons on / off and switching modes. For visual display of the current temperature, relative humidity in the room and various parameters of the device, a liquid crystal scoreboard can be mounted in the control panel. The slightness of complex models provides for protection against freezing and protecting the compressor. If the evaporator was covered with annea (this happens under reduced temperature and high humidity in the room), the exhaustion mode automatically turns on. The protection function from frequent starts allows you to enable the compressor only after 3 minutes after shutdown.

The inconvenience during operation is a household desiper, which consists of 300-700W electrical power from the network, as a rule, does not deliver. Is that its noise level seems to be too high (44-52dB), especially if an excessively wet room is dried and the device works throughout the night without a breather.

Inside, the driers is located a retractable tank for collecting condensate by 3-12l, which, as it is filling (with an increased relative humidity, after a few hours of operation), it is necessary to empty, otherwise the device will automatically turn off. But if you move the desiccant is not planned, you can equip the condensate drainage or straight to the street along a flexible tube connected to Baku. In this case, it will be necessary to maintain the instrument. For example, once a week to check and, if necessary, clean the built-in air filter and clean the soft cotton fabric moistened in a warm soap solution, air intake and air duct grille.

Speaking about models, we want to note that the choice of good dryers in the Russian market is small. Positive feedbacks have MJ-E16PX models from Mitsubishi Electric (Japan), CD 400-16 from Dantherm (Denmark) and MDB-18DEN3 from Ballu (China). It is also worth named with the technique of General Climate, Gree (Hong Kong), the model CF0.5M from Vestfrost (Denmark). Prices fluctuate from $ 350 for the simplest model with manual control to $ 630-750 per device with electronically controlled, liquid crystal scoreboard, evaporator defrost system and compressor protection.

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Floor dehumidifiers for pools AP50 and AP70 from Aerial- Reliable low noise devices
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Wall dryer DH33 from Calorex with hygrostat, filter and swivel shutters

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DANTHERM CDP 35T / 45T / 65T models are put in a separate room when the location of the wall dryer in the pool is unacceptable

Drain of water kingdom

In the pools, stationary wallpapers of wall and floor mounting with a capacity from 30 to 110 liters / h were obtained. They are used mainly on small and medium-sized "objects" (water mirror area - up to 20-40m2). Consist from one compact block that is quickly mounted directly in the pool room and connects to the power grid. Like all household models, such dryers are equipped with an air filter at the entrance.

Stationary channel models are used in swimming pools with an area of ​​water mirrors from 15-20 to 100m2 or more. Productivity of such devices - 70-300l / day and above. Usually they are noticeably larger than the floor and wall models, and the functionality of this technique is often much wider.

Channel dryers are often equipped with a water-cooled condenser, allowing the heat of the condensation of water vapor to heal water in the pool or in the hot water supply system of the cottage. Extract models of dryers (for example, CDP165 from Dantherm) can add one-or two-piece water heater and an air damper for a substitution of fresh air (10-15% of the performance of the drainage system). Such an "upgrade" will allow using one device to organize in the pool inlet ventilation, drainage and air heating.

Recaped "fidelled" models of channel dryers (for example, Thermocond from Menerga, Germany) are used lamellar recovers, as well as special system of overflow valves, which, together with a "advanced" system of automation, allows you to maintain optimal air humidity in the pool, even with extreme climatic conditions " Overboard "(tropics).

Channel driers are mounted, as a rule, in a separate technical room. Sbassayin binds two air ducts, one of which is in the device the wet air is closed, and on the second it is served dried.

Channel models with low-pressure fans are used in cases where the installation of a wall or floor apparatus in the pool is not possible. It is possible to have such devices only be bordering the wall with a wall of the technical room (up to 350mm thick). The connection uses the addition to the base bundle of delivery, short air ducts with ventilation grids.

Models with high-pressure fans are on and farther from the pool, because the static pressure of their fans is up to 250pas, it allows to overcome the aerodynamic resistance of long (up to 50 m) air ducts. The breathable air should reach all structural elements of the basin, especially panoramic windows, exterior walls and ceiling, otherwise condensate is possible on cold surfaces. If there is a glass roof, mandatory and blowing it. To deliver the dried and heated air from a powerful channel device to the plotted surfaces in the room, a duct-collector is laid with distribution lattices-blinds. They form air jets in such a way as to "press" the humid air to the water surface, and the windows and elements of building structures to blow up with a heated air. The discharge and transportation of the moistened air into the dryer is often carried out through the air duct-collector with air intake gratings located behind the tail ceiling. The configuration and location of collectors are determined based on the features of the enclosing building structures, the shape of the bowl of IT.D.

Automatic maintenance of the required level of humidity When using wall-mounted, floor and channel models, is usually provided with the built-in hygrostat (usually it is configured to relative humidity 60%). But if a frequent reinstallation of a given level of humidity is assumed, it is recommended to connect to a room hygrostat desiccant. The processes of protection of the desiccant includes a device for protection against frost.

It should be noted that the drainage system functions not only during the use of the pool, but also during its inactivity. Since the evaporation of moisture from the fixed stroit of water is less than during the operation of the pool, the performance of the dryers is logically reduced. It is possible to turn off the drainage in the case of the use of a special film that covers the entire surface of the water during the inactivity of the structure and winding into the roll before its operation.

Among the frequently used stationary dryers for the pools, we call the devices of Kaut, Aerial (Germany), Calorex (United Kingdom), Dantherm, General Climate. When 30l / day performance, the cost of the devices is $ 4000-7000, the model with a capacity of 250l / h with water heating equipment and other elements cost $ 15,000-20000.

Drain on health!

The household desiccant can be determined as a device that can benefit health. As you know, the increased humidity adversely affects the thermoregulation of the body and well-being. At low temperature and high humidity, heat transfer increases, the person is exposed to a large cooling. On the contrary, at high temperatures and high humidity, heat transfer is sharply reduced and extremely difficult conditions for the body are created, especially when performing physical work. By domestic desiccant forces in a matter of hours to reduce the relative humidity in the room from 90-100% to the most comfortable 40-60%. It is important that the drainage is carried out in a closed room in the range of operating temperatures of the selected device.

On the construction site, and not only

Outside of residential premises and pools, as a rule, apply mobile industrial dryers. The performance of this class devices is usually ranging from 22 to 120 l / day. Devices are similar to lockers on large (to enhance the passability) wheels. Refrigerating machines of such dryers, as a rule, operate on Freon R407 or a friend of ozone-safe checkered. Built-in hygrometer and thawing automation successfully prevent evaporator frost. This allows you to use devices at low air temperatures (up to 3 ° C). Ana Stroyka such a need arises often. Forest equipment includes an easy-to-clean air filter. The devices have a meter of hours, allowing to measure the duration of the compressor operation, can be additionally supplied with remote hygrostat. Extract models The water capacity is equipped with an integrated pump for pumping condensate to drainage.

The Master (USA), Kroll (Germany), Dantherm, Aerial, are widely represented in the market of mobile industrial dryers. You can also find models from Veab (Sweden), Remko (Germany) and other firms. Devices with a capacity of 10-21l (for example, Master DH25) will cost the buyer at $ 1700-2000.

The editorial board thanks the company "RFK Climate", "Inmort" for the help of the organization of filming, as well as the company Mitsubishi Electric, Rusklimat, "Arctic" for the provided photographic materials.

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