On waves landscape


On waves landscape 13591_1

On waves landscape

On waves landscape
On the ship you can mentally push the "expanses" not only a pond, but also the Green Sea of ​​Lawn. Flowering "Waves" on it (Nased is a garden of decorative grodes) are separated by tilte
On waves landscape
The bottom deck, or the cockpit, can also be called a "block", because sitting on it, the owners love to enjoy the kebab, cooked here, on the mangale
On waves landscape
The table and chairs are scored from thin, set at the angle of dusts. Thanks to the lumen between them, the furniture looks easily and elegant

On waves landscape

On waves landscape
Ship rigging and rowing wheel are not much different from the real. Ietto makes a gazebo favorite place of children's games
On waves landscape
Sitting in such a woven chair, you can experience something like a sea swing

If water does not go to Magomet, ... Landscape designer will propose to create an artificial reservoir. The aquol soon water appeared on the site, to get a shield quite well, making it one of the key elements of the landscape

Ship as an incarnation of the dreams of the hosts about marine travels is too large luxury even for a plot of 25 acres. Therefore, it was given a useful feature, organizing a rest area with a grill with a hidden, hidden under the double, covered roof on the deck. Something like a good gazebo.

Sailboat, or, if you want, the wheel steaming, anchored in a man-made pond, imitating natural reservoirs. The thunder flows with a stone-laid stone, the source of which is located in the niche wall surrounding the pool. The winding shores of the pond are decorated with boulders and moisture-loving plants: hosts, iris, loyal, etc. The ship was shifted to one of the borders of the territory, closer to the bathhouse and the pool located nearby. The romantic image of the arbor from this was not hurt. On the contrary, separated from the main territory by the greenery of bushes, leaning some conditional details, the ship gained intriguing mystery and reliability.

The central space of the site before the main house is left free. Trees planted around the perimeter with rows and picturesque groups only emphasize his openness. Lawn does not look boring. The necessary accents on the perfectly smooth green carpet are arranged using geoplasty, low-spirited shrubs, grassy plants, alpine slides, few and non-latch flower beds.

The main organizing the beginning of the garden-winding, paved by a paving track and retaining walls, isolated from the artificial Kamrock stone. They are, as well as the bends of the pond make the garden drawing soft and plastic. Tome of the place between the bath and the ship reserves the right to geometry.

The main advantage of this gardens of measure. A variety of landscape techniques, a rich composition of plants, a stone decor - nothing is displayed at the bottom, all elements balance each other.

On waves landscape

On waves landscape

On waves landscape

1.Bequer, with film waterproofing, strengthened with boulders. Large stones are visible and through the thickness of the water, the surface of which decorate the flowering pits

2. Necklish, slightly curved wooden bridge resembles a ships

3. This reservoir is inhabited only by birds of birds. But he may well look like a real ducks

On waves landscape

On waves landscape

On waves landscape

4. Another holiday area was organized from the ship: an oval table surrounded by chairs with high backs. Furniture from light wood wonderfully looks on a green lawn background

5.Sad sculpture in the form of a ball ascended to the pedestal of a paving slave masks a water intake well

6. Long and flower beds on the site near the baths are made in the same style as the other garden furniture

On waves landscape

On waves landscape

On waves landscape

7. Klematis is still timidly clogged on the rope grid. Novssor it forms a dense carport

8.This track accompanies "Honorary Caraul" from Tui and Garden Testers

9. Making a house on a strambered tree can also be an element of design.

On waves landscape

On waves landscape

On waves landscape

10. The highs in the crucible platform near the bath is one of the few elements of the "regularity" in the smooth bends of the garden. Sprink herbs are grown here

11. When the seven hundreds of metal pipes will be used by Lianami, they will turn into fabulous trees. Hospital, in the photo are not visible elements of their decorative branches and crystal apples

12. If the ledge of the retaining wall is covered with wooden flooring, it turns out a pretty garden bench

On waves landscape

On waves landscape

On waves landscape

13.Pood walls are composed of the same stone as facing the facade of the house

14. All year or two, and the girl grapes will completely close the wooden fence

15.The garden is a lot of conifers, including such green "pillows" fir

On waves landscape

On waves landscape

On waves landscape

16.Star ship aimed his belief in the reservoir, whose stony shores "thicket" conifers

17, 18.This interesting geoplasty will be infrequently visited in near Moscow areas. Looking from the deck of the ship, it can be taken for the mountains on the distant shore. In fact, earth sculptures in the form of an elephant and a snail are designed for children's fun

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