How to choose the right apartment: detailed guide for buyers


We tell what to pay attention to when choosing an apartment in a new building and in the secondary market.

How to choose the right apartment: detailed guide for buyers 1361_1

How to choose the right apartment: detailed guide for buyers

Buying real estate is a responsible step. Before you do, I want to be sure that no unpleasant surprises follow. Apply for help to the realtor, but it does not guarantee the absence of trouble. By law, he is only a mediator providing certain services. Therefore, it is better to figure out how to choose an apartment when buying.

All about choosing a new apartment

Purchase on the primary or secondary market

Basic selection criteria

- District

- Type of house

- Floor

- Stage of Finishing

Check before purchasing

New building or secondary

This is the very first thing to determine. Accommodation from the primary and secondary market can differ significantly in quality, level of comfort and price. It is necessary to understand a good difference and understand the pros and cons of both options.

New building

This category combines housing that is bought in the house under construction. The stage of readiness can be different: from the pit to the ready-made object or ready for delivery. The advantage of new buildings is an attractive price. It will differ significantly depending on the degree of availability of the building. At the start of sales, the price of a square meter is minimal.

To minimize the buyer's risks, since July 2019 there is a scheme for the acquisition of real estate using escrow accounts, where physical faces are concentrated. According to the new rules, the developer has the right to use only own funds or credit. Therefore, a tripartite agreement on the opening of an escrow account between the bank, the buyer and the developer is concluded.

The money on it is frozen until the object is putting. Until this time, the Bank finances the construction of credit funds. After entering the building into operation, the money goes to the account of the developer. The use of a new scheme lengthens the process of designing a transaction on average for two weeks, but guarantees the safety of the physical person. As before, it is possible to conclude an agreement at any stage of construction.

We list the main criteria for choosing an apartment in a new building. They pay special attention.

What to pay attention to when choosing

  • Developer. The terms and quality of construction depend on its conscientiousness. Before concluding the contract, information about the company is required. Well, if you can visit the already built or renting at home to see how efficient work is underway.
  • Permits. The developer places the documentation package. It includes permission to carry out construction, project declaration, other contracts. If he refuses to do this, it is a reason to doubt the cleanliness of the future deal.
  • Stage of construction. If you hurry nowhere, you can choose the initial stages. This is more profitable. At the same time, it is necessary to calculate all risks and maximize the deal for yourself.

How to choose the right apartment: detailed guide for buyers 1361_3


Secondary housing is bought by the owner personally or through the agency. It may be different as a state, the type of house and other characteristics. This also includes apartments in buildings that have already been put out for some time. They are selling developers. Unlike the primary, the secondary transaction market is carried out through the conclusion of a standard-type purchase agreement.

The advantage of the secondary is the possibility of its inspection and evaluation. Therefore, you need to know how to choose an apartment in the secondary market. It is important to competently appreciate its condition, determine which renovation will need, how much money will have to invest in it, or repair work will not be needed. Based on this, the full cost is calculated.

Most often, the old residential foundation is in areas with developed infrastructure, good transport accessibility. These are the pros. But it is possible that the level of comfort of living will be lower. It is often found to be uncomfortable layout, a small living area, stairwells and entrances are not always well maintained. Much depends on home and location. Therefore, this option must be very carefully choosing.

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Important Apartment Selection Criteria

We list the main points that determine the choice of housing.

1. Area accommodation

When choosing a district, you must consider several factors.

  • The level of infrastructure development. Availability in the walking distance of shops, clinic, schools, playgrounds is very important, especially for families with children. New areas are often built up comprehensively, in this case everything you need is built simultaneously with residential buildings.
  • Transport accessibility. The presence of transport junctions, quality of roads and their workload is another important point. The owners of the vehicle are recommended to come to the place of intended accommodation and reach from there to work or to the city center. This will help estimate the real state of affairs. But in this case, the availability of public transport is important. Well, if it goes regularly and there is a sufficient number of routes. In the central areas there are no problems with this. There may be difficulties in under construction.
  • Ecological situation. Near house there should be no industrial facilities, large boiler houses, groundwater polygons. This is an unacceptable neighborhood. It is better that nearby was a green zone, and the movement of transport is not the most active.

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2. Build type

The comfort of living depends largely on the type of design: brick, panel, monolithic. We will analyze the pros and cons of each.

  • Brick. Such houses are well preserved heat, durable and durable. They have good sound insulation, but there may be difficulties with redevelopment, since a large number of walls are carriers. The construction of brick construction is expensive, prohibited for high-rise projects, so it is applied now less often.
  • Monolithic. Modern seamless construction technology. There are monolithic brick buildings. Their shared benefits are fast construction, high energy efficiency, a large selection of layouts. In monoliths, high ceilings, two-tier rooms, terraces are more common. Soundproofing is not good enough.
  • Panel houses. Modern "panels" differ from the Soviet predecessors. They are much warmer, because they are erected from insulated block structures. Old buildings are more often cold, since their seams are blocked. It depends on the state of the house, the presence of repair. In all panel buildings, poor sound insulation, there are practically no refreshing capabilities. But the price is low.

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3rd floor

The comfort of housing in high-rise buildings depends on the selection of the floor. Conditionally allocate three groups of floors.

  • Lower, floors up to 3-4. Here, residents do the sounds from the street, especially those who live in the first floors. Their windows are easily viewed from the street, which is also unpleasant. Therefore, the cost of the "square" here is 5-10%. The only advantage is independence from the elevator.
  • The average, floors from 4 to 10. The absence of street noise, more light, a good view from the window, as the review does not light up anything. The price of the "square" is the highest. The disadvantage is considered the dependence on the functionality of the elevator.
  • Top, floors above 10. Wishing to live in high floors attract beautiful views from the windows, no street noise, air purity, since all toxic substances are lowered closer to the ground. Of the minuses it is necessary to note high risks in the event of a fire and a complete dependence on the elevator work.

Below is the price is usually on housing on the first and last floors. The main problem of the first - dampness and cold of basement, which requires additional investments in isolation and insulation. Accommodation under the roof is potentially dangerous leaks, in summer it can be hot from the heated roof.

Regardless of the floor, there are features of the location affecting the comfort of living. We list which apartments are better not to buy.

  • Near stairs and elevators. Here guaranteed noise and vibration from the elevator shaft.
  • Corner options. The rooms will be colder than in the rest of the high-rise building.
  • With windows that come to standing very closely building. In the premises will be dark.

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4. Stage of Finishing

In new buildings, different types of finishes are offered as in the secondary. The presence or absence of repair affects the cost of housing. At the same time, it is necessary to calculate the amount for subsequent finishing works in advance if it is needed, and to add it to the price. We will deal with possible options.

  • Without finishing. This is a "box" with an entrance door installed and window blocks. It is impossible to live in it to repair, but the cost is minimal.
  • Drawing finish. The ceiling, the floor and walls are aligned, engineering communications were carried out, seated places under the plumbing. Installed water meters.
  • Proper. In addition to the previous option, electrical wiring is laid, there are switches and sockets. Plumbing is fully installed. The Whitebox format involves sticking wallpapers for painting and installing all interior doors.
  • Clear. Finish finish of all surfaces. The developer offers options for design. More often is the most inexpensive solutions, but maybe otherwise.

Sometimes it is offered real estate with designer finish. In this case, the buyer chooses the favorite design project that is embodied. This is the most expensive solution.

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How to check the accommodation before buying

A comprehensive check before the conclusion of the transaction is mandatory. It is carried out in stages. First study the documentation, then carefully inspect the purchase object. It is best to invite specialists: lawyer, builder, realtor, who will help thoroughly check the property. We will analyze the features of the check.

New building

The most carefully studied the necessary documentation. In electronic form it is posted on the website of the developer. There must be documents on lease or on ownership of land plot, permitting documentation for construction, construction declaration.

It is worth familiar with the complete development project, where infrastructure objects are indicated, their characteristics, input times. Originals of documents should be provided upon request of the buyer in the sales office. The visual inspection of the apartment at the purchase stage is most often impossible. Therefore, you should carefully choose a conscientious company.

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The most important point is to make sure that the owner's conscientiousness. It is not easy to do this, so it is desirable to hire an experienced lawyer, he will analyze all the documents provided, competently issue buying and selling. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the original documentation. Owners can be somewhat, then with each certified consent. Specify the absence of a possible occurrence of inheritance rights, they receive the approval of the social service if the child is prescribed.

Learn the house book or consumers so that no one has been registered at the time of purchase. It is worth seeing the lack of debts on a communal and any encumbrance. You can additionally insure the case of loss of property rights. If an insured event arises, the company will independently solve all problems.

The next stage is a visual inspection. Start it from the facade of the house and adjacent territory. Pay attention to the purity and well maintenance of the entrance and elevator. The latter should be in working condition. Inside the apartment, you need to verify the real layout and the one that is presented in the supasport. If they do not coincide, there must be permission to redecessing. Otherwise, not avoiding problems.

The condition of all surfaces is checked. There should be no mold, cracks, water flutters. The state of engineering communications, plumbing, ventilation system is studied. It is advisable to ask to turn off for the time "sounding" electrical appliances to assess the sound permeability of partitions and the level of street noise. It is worth checking the operation of all sockets and switches.

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In conclusion, it is advisable to talk to the neighbors. They are not interested in sale, so they will help to objectively assess the convenience of living in the area and the yard. Many interesting things can be found about the house and about the accumulated housing. It is necessary to make a final decision only after analyzing all the information received.

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