Why is facade plaster cracking and shuffled? (His house number 3 2006)


Why is facade plaster cracking and shuffled? (His house number 3 2006) 13610_1

Why is facade plaster cracking and shuffled? (His house number 3 2006)

Why is facade plaster cracking and shuffled? (His house number 3 2006)
Plastering mix of GROSS manufactured by IVSIL
Why is facade plaster cracking and shuffled? (His house number 3 2006)
Cement-sand facade plaster from the domestic company "Students"
Why is facade plaster cracking and shuffled? (His house number 3 2006)
Cement Plastering Composition "Celine C-100" from Unis (Russia)

When finishing the facade of this house, the builders faced a problem that cannot be solved to this day. The plaster applied to the outer walls gave shrinkage and crackled, and now every year it has to be updated.

The advantages of plaster as finishing material are indisputable: mechanical strength, resistance to atmospheric influences, vapor permeability and much more. But such a coating is a thick-layer material with a significant flow rate per unit area. In addition, it is not subject to restoration - cracked plaster will have to fully belong and apply. Obviously, the update of the facade will fly into a penny. So that this does not happen, the work on the application of plaster needs to be taken very seriously.

The error made by the builders in this project is simple - the house has stood too long with "uncovered" walls. Initial masonry penetrated sediment moisture, the walls were dumbbed and became not able to carry a decorative layer. Remember that it is extremely undesirable to postpone the facades. But unfortunately, this is not the only miscalculation that may occur when working with facade plaster. Often for one reason or another, even the highest quality compositions are on the protection of the walls very and very long. So why is the plaster crying?

Work on bugs

First of all, we will deal with what types of plasters are suitable for facades. In addition to the nature of the binder in solutions, lime, lime-cement, lime-gypsum, gypsum and cement plaster are distinguished. Obviously, the use of gypsum in outdoor work is excluded. Plaster for facades should be moisture resistant, therefore, a lime-cement solution or a solution with hydraulic lime is used for its preparation.

When preparing a solution, it is necessary to clearly observe certain proportions of the components. Sometimes it is done too skinny, that is, with an insufficient number of binding - lime. Such plaster is poorly grapped with the surface of the wall, dust, and the paint will not hold on it. When the composition, on the contrary, is very fat, the coating begins to sit down, there are cracks on it, in which moisture penetrates, and over time the decorative layer will inevitably turn to crumble.

Often, the finishers neglect the most important procedure - preparation of the surface. As mentioned above, the facades should not be raw, so it is possible to stucify the walls only a few weeks after their erection. Solid side, too dry bases will quickly absorb water contained in a plaster solution, and the coating will gradually begin to crumble, which is why the walls are simply wetted immediately before plastering the wall.

It should first spray a thin layer of liquid cement milk at a smooth reinforced concrete slab - it will give it the necessary roughness. In the opposite case, the plaster does not fit with the base, air bubbles are formed under it, and it will fall off in large slices. When applying plaster on a brick wall, it is necessary to pre-close too deep (more than 5mm) seams between bricks.

One of the common errors is an incorrectly defined thickness of the plastering layer. Excessively thin coating is not able to hide the irregularities on the wall surface, and when the precipitates hit it quickly flies, and an unsightly relief appears on the facade. Too thick layer cracks down when curing.

It happens that the plastering coverage looks on the wall spotted and inhomogeneous. The reason is that the facade includes elements with different characteristics of water absorption. For example, reinforced concrete beams of overlaps come to the surface of the brick masonry. This wall has to be covered by the layers of plaster different, and it will be uneven. To solve this problem, the ends of the beams must be pre-closed with overlaid clay overlays.

Outly with color plaster work on the wall, which is covered by one makeup, you need to be performed without a break, and the material is immediately prepared on the entire surface area. The second time to make a solution with exactly the same aster is almost impossible.

Finally, before proceeding to plastering facades, it will be useful to ask the weather forecast for the near future. It is impossible to work in cold or heat. For the first case, a crust of ice is formed on the water surface of the wall, which prevents the adhesion of plaster. In the second - due to too fast drying in the material there are shrinking stresses, and the coating begins to crack. If you have to lead work in the heat, then the plastered facade should be shaded. The plaster is spoiled if it rains or degrees on the freshly treated wall.

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