Answers on questions


Answers on questions 13614_1

Tell me, please, what should be the bias of the roof so that snow and water do not accumulate on it?

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Photo of Dmitry Minkinanabolnaya Number of snow accumulates on the covered rods of the roofs having a bias 30, since the snow is blown away from the wind-out skate to the wind, is transferred through the horse and settles on the taverid. On the roofs, the slopes of which are much more or less than 30, the snow almost does not happen: with a steep slope, for example, 45, it easily slides from the roof, and when the wind is mounted. We do not recommend landing close to the cottage High trees - they protect the building from the wind, thereby contributing to the deposition of snow.

What lattices are better to put on the doors and windows?

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The Tula Forging is the most durable lattice with a rod thickness of at least 16mm, the distance between the rods should not exceed 150mm. The most reliable of the lavety lattices, the ends of the rods of which are littered directly into the wall to the depth of over 80mm. Manufacturers offer a fairly wide selection of drawing, but lattices with rods located, located rhombus or cross and cooked in each crosspiece, better than others copier with a protective function.

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Photo Dmitry Minkadloga Protection of window openings often use wooden shutters made of at least 40mm thick boards. Sometimes apply boards or plywood with a thickness of 12mm, upholstered from two sides by steel sheets.

Many owners are installed on the windows and doors of the roller blinds. This is collected from horizontal lamellae metal canvas moving along the guides. The icing of the blind are rolled into the roll and are in a metal box. To close the opening, the cloth unfold and fix the special locking device.

How to cook a quality concrete for the foundation?

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Photo of Peter Nikolaev
Answers on questions
Photo of Peter Nikolaeravasor for the foundation We advise you to prepare from Portland cement M300-400, using pure large sand and granite crushed stone as a placeholder. Small sand with clay particles and crushed stone from limestone or brick combat significantly reduce the strength of the foundation even with high-quality cement. One part of the cement in volume should be mixed with three parts of the sand and glue three or four parts of rubble. Water is added with such a calculation so that the plasticity of the concrete allowed it to lay it, and not pour into the formwork with a light traam. The tougher concrete, the stronger the foundation.

It is important to take into account that long-term storage of cement even in a dry place reduces its brand for six months by 25%, for a year 35-40%, and in two years - approximately twice as well, which, of course, affects the strength of the foundation.

How safe are the glass doors in the house?

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"Glass Man"
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Mame Trendesign High-quality glass doors are made of safe tempered glass or triplex. Tempered glass is a leaf material subjected to special heat treatment in order to increase the mechanical strength and ensure the safe nature of destruction. Such a glass of 4mm thick maintains a blow weighing 45kg from a height of a 1200mm drop, and the usual leaf will not endure even from a height of 300mm. Manufacturers tend to produce doors of a thicker web-8mm, sometimes 12 and 14mm. In case of destruction, tempered glass forms small safe fragments that are not able to injure people.

Tell me how to calculate the number of facing bricks?

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Architect Roman Bessarab

Photo of Peter Nikolaevadl This you need to calculate the walls of the walls, to deduct the area of ​​window and door openings from this result and the resulting value to multiply by 52 (the number of bricks for 1m2 masonry in the Pollipich). Facing bricks recommend to acquire more computational values ​​by 15-20%. When buying a missing quantity, some difficulties may arise. First, in the season demand often exceeds the offer, and therefore the price will increase. Secondly, from the party to the party it is possible to change the color or shade of the stone, which will inevitably affect the exterior of the house. Brick for the construction of walls is also desirable to buy with some reserve. You can use the balance of the construction of fence or economic structures.

What should be the parameters of mansard windows?

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The nf-studio of the best coverage of the attic area of ​​all windows should be at least 10% of the floor area. Moreover, the window looks in the sky illuminates the room by 40% more efficient than the same size vertical. The optimal distance from the floor to the opening handle - 185-205cm.

What lamps are installed in stretch ceilings?

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Project Manager Alexander Kolynikovnikov

Photo Dmitry Minkinava can mount almost any lighting devices. The only limitation is their power: point lamps should not be more than 50W. Halogen lamps have an elevated temperature, therefore it is advisable to use low-power products.

Please advise which partitions to choose if you need to separate only part of the room space?

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Deni Designs You can order sliding partitions moving using a roller support along the floor either on the roller suspension along the ceiling guide. Most often, the installation of partitions is carried out according to the second scheme - as a result of the sash moving above the floor, while keeping on the top rail. Between the floor and partition, leave the gap to 1cm, and so that the web does not swing, in the floor make the guide groove or install the finished bar with the groove, which includes the pinion mounted below the key. Frames of sliding partitions are made of aluminum, wood and MDF. Punching of filling is used tinted and mirrored glass, stained glass, plastic.

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You can zonail the room with a light moving screen. Modern models of Shirm are affixed by a variety of forms and materials: wooden, metallic, bamboo or rotanga frame attached the most bizarre outlines, tighten with its cloth, paper, leather, filled with matte or colored glass. Apply even a kevlar mesh used in the space industry. The multifunctional score will make hooks, shelves and pockets for storing decorative baubles or something important.

How to install the door to the steam room?

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Photo of Dmitry Minkinaz Safety reasons The door in the steam room must be opened out. If a person suddenly becomes bad, he will be able to reach the door and, pushing, open it, thus ensuring the influx of fresh air. No locks that allow you to locate the door from the inside should not be. If necessary, you can install a small springs latch of the ball type.

How to reduce heat loss in a house with a glass facade?

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Architect Timo Akras

Stock Foto Karen mancament glazing facade Use two-chamber windows with a thickness of at least 32mm, but this may not be enough. Significantly reduce heat loss energy-saving glasses with low-emission optical coatings, which are freely passed into the premises short-wave solar radiation, but do not allow the heating devices with long-wave thermal radiation.

Tell us what material is better to bind the pool bowl?

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Photo of Dmitry Mincination of all use mosaic-glass or ceramic. Mosaic, cast from glass, is distinguished by wear resistance, it is much stronger than ceramic and absolutely does not absorb moisture.
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The pool bowl is also lined with porcelain tiles, which has a greater density than ceramic, and therefore absorbs moisture less. Ordinary ceramics in this case will not fit: due to the porous structure, it absorbs water and becomes an "incubator" for microorganisms. Skimmer type pools can be postponed with a special thick film.

How to save lumber, harvested?

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Photo of Dmitry MinkinachToby Protect lumber from exposure to direct sunlight and atmospheric precipitation, ends of the boards advise with oil paint. When staging between layers should lay gaskets. Remember that the tree can not be tightly climbed by a plastic film in order to avoid the occurrence of the greenhouse effect, and from above the stack is useful to put slate sheets or rod rootes. If you failed to protect the material from mold, then it is better not to use it in construction. The fungus, struck the surface of the tree, easily and quickly penetrates deep into and can continue to spread to the entire building structure. In this case, it will be extremely difficult to deal with it.

What properties acquires the facade after applying a hydrophobic impregnation?

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Photo Peter Nikolaevagidrofobization prevents the appearance of hears and often helps to preserve the appearance of the facade for 15 years or more. The composition penetrates into the depth of the surface layer of the enhancement structure, increasing its water resistance and providing protection against harmful effects. The facade does not wet even with a braid rain, and dust and dirt are much less settled on the walls. The impregnation prevents the growth of microorganisms and mosses on the facade, and also reduces the thermal conductivity of the outer walls. In addition, the hydrophobization enhances the self-cleaning effect of the facade: pollution from it is easily washed off with rain.

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How to prepare a reconstructed wooden facade to color?

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Answers on questions
Forward the queue it is necessary to clean the facade from the dirt, remove all the peeling paint, sharpen cracks and irregularities, after which it is thorough to dry the surface. When using imported facade paints, be sure to remove the old coating layer, which can be done with a grinding skin, metal brush or special washes.

Please explain why in the basement of damp if the foundation waterproofing is performed correctly?

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Photo of Peter Nikolaevatinno, the option of damage to waterproofing is not excluded and, as a result, the appearance of leaks. But, most likely, the case in the condensate protruding on the walls. Therefore, the walls of the basement from the outside should be insulated, inside the ventilation. You can cover the walls with special porous "warm" plaster, which reduce the condensation of steam on the cold surface. They are obtained by mixing the plastering solution with porropeing additives (for example, Porovent). For the thermal insulation of the foundation, rigid plates from extrusion or foamed (porous) polystyrene foam (BASF AG, Uralita, OAO Idre OJSC) are used.

What pipes are better to choose to lay a gas pipeline: polyethylene or steel?

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Photo of Peter Nikolaev
Answers on questions
Photo of Peter Nikolaev Metal pipes in the ground are corrosion, which sooner or later leads to their partial or complete destruction. Alleged this service life will be a maximum of 20 years. In addition, over time, the operation of the steel gas pipe becomes more dangerous than polyethylene.

Polyethylene pipes have a number of benefits: they have significantly higher frost resistance, plasticity, they are not terrible corrosion. Such products are easily cutting and welding and, unlike steel, designed for laying directly into the ground without isolation. The plasticity and strength on the rupture of polyethylene pipes make it possible to use them in areas with bunched soils and in regions with increased seismic activity. Warranty service life- 50 years.

How to distinguish an agglomerated marble from natural?

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1, 3, 4- Marmol Compac

2- Santa Margherita Aglomerate by 95-96% consists of stone crumbs and small, size 2-3cm, pieces of natural material (marble, quartzite and granite), as well as polyester resin (4-5%) and painting pigments. For better clutch of all components, calcium carbonate is added to the mixture. The elasticity of the resin makes the agglomerate less fragile than the natural stone. The whole air, the bubbles of which can weaken the strength of the "stone", are subject to vibropress, then the material is exposed to vibropress. Finished blocks are separated by a diamond instrument, grind and, if the customer needs, polish. In appearance, it is impossible to distinguish an agglomerated marble from a natural non-specialist, to establish their authenticity or guide will be able to only be radical methods. So, for example, in a fracture of a real marble-porous, fractured, and artificially dense. From the heat of cigarettes, the natural stone will ship very weakly, agglomerate - stronger. The puddle of vinegar on the agglomerated marble will not leave the trace.

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