How to equip a hookah? (His house number 3/2006, p. 155)


How to equip a hookah? (His house number 3/2006, p. 155) 13624_1

How to equip a hookah? (His house number 3/2006, p. 155)

Are there any rules for the arrangement of hookah? It should be recognized that there are no strict restrictions on this account.

Let's call some basic elements without which it certainly cannot do. First, there must be a hookah himself, and better somewhat (the Eastern custom to pass the mouthpiece from one interlocutor to another is unlikely to be Europeans to taste). The choice of hookah is a difficult matter. Specialists recommend paying attention to the model worth at least 1000 rubles., Not only from aesthetic considerations. Each product consists of a number of elements: metal, glass or ceramic (plastic are also found, but still we advise you to "go" to a more expensive material) of the flask where water is poured; the so-called mine (a hollow tube of metal, where smoke is cooled); Leather or rubber hose (since hazardous nicotine resins settle in it, it should be thoroughly rinsed); mouthpiece (it happens from a variety of materials, even from gold); The bowl in which tobacco is put. All this magnificence is sold in a disassembled form - it is advisable in advance to get detailed assembly consultations and practice already in the store, checking the tightness of the device (which is extremely important!). The height of the hookah is usually 50-70cm, but there are also "desktop", very small models. By the way, the high hookah put either on the floor, or to a low table, it is impossible that the mouthpiece is below the flask. In addition to the above elements, in the kit offer charcoal for reaping hookah and all sorts of devices for this coal (tweezers, boxes of IT.). We mentioned the onis table we mentioned. Eastern etiquette implies that the gathered will be reconciled or sitting on pillows or carpets, special puffs or low seats are often used in Europe. Of course, ordinary tables and chairs are inappropriate here. If you are inconvenient to do without a table, use low models, and ideal if they are decorated in the Eastern Spirit. Everything else depends on your imagination. Any means are suitable for creating the appropriate color: carpets on the floor, patterned fabrics on the windows (the presence of windows in the hookah, by the way, is not at all necessary). Well, if the window openings have a characteristic fit form, but it can be easily reproduced using, for example, simple plasterboard. The size of the premises should be such that there is no void voice, configuration, in general, does not matter. The lighting is important. Several "Aladdin's lamps" (now in any luminaire store there are models in oriental style) will be much more interesting than ordinary chandeliers or sconces. Note that soft muffled light is appropriate in the hookah, so the stained glass windows on the windows will be very good here.

Smoking hookah is an extremely fascinating and relaxing lesson. In the East, it is a kind of priesthood, during which there is equally natural as a deep silence and leisurely conversations on this or that topic. In the van country, if you believe the classics, many important conversations occurred (and occur) in ... Ban. Perhaps that is why hookahs very often suit itar next to a bath or sauna. So in this case, the authors of the project successfully connected two national traditions. The hookah is located on the attic floor, over the Russian bath. In fact, it performs the function of the rest room, and this decision cannot be considered something out of a series of outgoing. On the perimeter of the room made a wooden podium, on which the foam pillows are upholstered with a cloth. Not all of our compatriots love to sit in Turkish, and designers did not refuse traditional backs, giving them a few exotic look: the backbone cushions are tied to wrought-iron cornices fixed on the wall. As for the costly Persian carpet, he found an interesting and quite adequate replacement: on a bright orange (positive color!) The floor with a stencil is applied with a gold pattern. We will not argue that its motives are completely borrowed in the East, but the mixture of styles in this case is not particularly confused. Therefore, wall lamps in the shape of a candelabra, and a suspended lamp (the usual light bulb in a wrought-iron "lampshar") is not contributed to the interior of a special dissonance, on the contrary, in combination with eaves, they look straight and necessary accessories! Several patterned pillows, woven emblems - and the image is completed.

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