Required minimum


Bathroom (bathroom and toilet) with an area of ​​3.9 m2 in a two-room apartment at the P-44T series. Implemented project.

Required minimum 13632_1

Required minimum
The advanced residential houses of the P44T series are collected from ordinary and corner sections on the design principle and have a T-shaped or P-shaped configuration in the plan. We are located single, two and three-bedroom apartments. The thickness of the outer walls (three-layer panels lined with bricks) - 300mm, internal (reinforced concrete plates) - 140 and 180mm. Plasolite partitions have a thickness of 80mm, reinforced concrete floors - 140mm. Ventilation Natural exhaust, carried out through ventilation channels in the bathroom and corridor, cold and hot water served from the city network

Required minimum
The bathroom solved in the traditional room for this room and blue. But does this spoil her? By purchasing a two-room apartment in a panel house, a very common P44T series, a young married couple decided to make "non-type" repair without spending significant funds. Work on the reconstruction of the bathroom and toilet began with destruction. According to the design project, a separate bathroom should have become combined. So I had to dismantle the plaster design of Santekhblok, usually installed during construction. In her place to masonry in Pollikirpich, the walls were erected, made new ceiling and floor and covered the last layer of coating waterproofing. The scene of the uneven plaster, the sanulace area increased by 2m2. Fresh brickwork was plastered and tiled with ceramic tiles.

Developing the overall design idea of ​​the interior, the architect used a blue insert as a decorative element on a glossy white background. The dark "track" of ceramic tiles is descended from the ceiling, cutting a corner of the mirror, stretches along the wall, reaches the floor and rises again to the ceiling, but already on the opposite wall. It would seem that lay out such a simple drawing under the power and newcomer. But in practice, it turned out otherwise. Spanish ceramic tiles for rare exceptions make from red clay, which instantly crushes, barely begin to cut it. Therefore, so that the joint of the tiles in color was smooth, the masters had to work pretty. The domestic plumbing hosts replaced the products of the French company Jacob Delafon.

Required minimum
Plan Sanuzla
Required minimum
Plan before reconstruction
Required minimum
Plan after reconstruction

The editors warns that in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the coordination of the conducted reorganization and redevelopment is required.

Required minimum 13632_7

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