Mirror wonders


Mirrors in the interiors. What new mirror forms "composed" designers and how to apply them?

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Mirror wonders
Architectural Bureau "Millennium-project" Architects A. Kulikov, N.Simanova

Photo V.Nepledov

Mirror wonders
Mondadoripress /

East News.

Spectacular framing will make any mirror active interior detail

Mirror wonders

My light, the mirror, say ...

Mirror wonders

Decorative panels from the same mirror elements interconnected

Mirror wonders
Stained glass frame in Technique Fusing from PonyGlass
Mirror wonders
Spiegel Design.

To color mirrors, you can pick up screws with decorative heads

Mirror wonders
Mirror wonders

Unusual mirror mirror

Mirror wonders

Complex compositions made of mirrors will decorate any room

Mirror wonders
Spiegel Design.
Mirror wonders
The decorative effect of the colored mirror emphasizes the finish by Mexican glass of the Marbles. Incorrect form-true sign of manual production. The use of such a finish increases the value of the mirror several times
Mirror wonders

Mirror on an elegant wroughtter from IKEA

Mirror wonders

Mirror with mosaic edging

Mirror wonders
"Mirror face"

Mirror Fashion is constantly changing. Today, decorative mirrors with all sorts of volumetric images are especially in demand.

Mirror wonders
Mirror wonders
Architect Yu.Demerji

Photo V.Nepledov

The scope of the mirror canvase is extensive. Facades of kitchen furniture played with new paints

Mirror wonders

The mirror always attracts attention and becomes an active element of the interior.

Mirror wonders
Spiegel Design.

Stand for disks made using UV gluing technology

Mirror wonders

To avoid microcenarpine, to clean the mirrors, use napkins from natural materials

Mirror wonders

To inserts in the furniture uses a cloth with a thickness of 6mm

Mirror wonders
The author of the project D.Davydov

Photo V.Vasiliev

Mirror wonders

Mirrors- "Flacks" make it possible to take a fresh look at the usual world

Mirror wonders
Mondadoripress /

East News.

Mirror Shirma

Mirror wonders
Photo by Pononarev

Installation of large mirrors requires the participation of a specialist

Mirror wonders

"Kill time" will now not work

"You want to be beautiful in every room in the mirror," says Georgian folk wisdom. Decorative capabilities of mirrors, the ability to create optical effects is successfully used in modern interiors. What new mirror forms "composed" designers and how to apply them?

Brilliant choice

It would seem that a simple task is to choose the mirrors for different premises and the functional areas of the dwelling. If you find a large mirror, in which you can see yourself from my head to the legs, in the living room mirror of any form will create a mood of the parade, and the bathroom will need a special waterproof cloth. All this is a terrific truth. They must be remembered, even if you are looking for not just a mirror, but a kind of art object, which will be assigned the role of a key decorative element of the interior.

Next, which will have to think about, - style features. It makes sense to decide in advance which frame you consider worthy and what you want to see reflected in the mirror. The least troublesome, but not the cheapest way - to find a ready-made model according to the catalog and make it a baguette. If desired, you can contact the designer with a request to develop something original for your interior. For example, reproduce an imperial frame from the Russian nobility manor. Note that such an order will certainly perform (you can find a professional sharp sculptor), but at the same time a model with a height of about 110 cm will cost about $ 1000.

An important criterion that determines the choice is the quality of the mirror canvase. No matter how beautiful is the frame, it will never hide flaws. Experts recommend independently check the cloth for the effect of the mirror curve. This is done quite simple. At a distance of 1-2m from the canvas, take a pencil into an elongated hand. Focus the look at its reflection. Then start moving the pencil horizontally. "The picture" is considered good if the reflection does not "float", but moves in a straight line.

Hoping, forced to note that domestic mirrors in terms of quality are still losing imported. Belgian, German, French and Czech products are successful in the Russian market. They are resistant to moisture and random damage (rampant shocks, scratches). The latter is especially important, because when fasteners on the back of the mirror, damage to the protective layer will occur, which leads to the destruction of the canvas, especially in wet rooms.

Imported mirrors are maximally protected, which, as a rule, are made from a high-quality, already polished, perfectly smooth glass of M1 brand, which is devoid of air bubbles and mechanical defects and reflects validity practically without distortion. For comparison, let's say that M4 M4 allows various kinds of deformation, especially on the edge. Strinking foreign firms. The back side is not just crossed (as in domestic), but are supplied with a special protective layer (electroplating, water resistant varnish, plastic IT.P.). The result is a reliable protection of the canvas from moisture, the appearance of chips and scratches. In the presence of Skol, the mirror layer of the Russian model can begin to be destroyed quite quickly, and for imported mirrors, the chip is not completely terrible.

Another argument that determines our preferences is the cost of the model. The most correct policy here is not chasing the cheapness. A good mirror of the running size (7080cm), according to experts, cannot cost 5000-6000 rubles cheaper. A figured model with facet and engraving for "funny" money will probably be produced in China, which means that the quality will not be at the height.

Mirror wonders
Designer A. Voronov

The mirror location is desirable to plan still at the interior design.

Mirror wonders
Designer V. Budilsky

Photo A.EListratova

Smooth surface is boring. Geometric pattern applied by sandblasting matting with deep effect

Mirror wonders
Architects O.Sharapova, S. Alhverda

Photo M.Stepanov

The mirror wall, optically doubling space, is indispensable in small rooms

Casmodical in our house

Expand the area! Starting from the era of the revival of the mirror are used to visually expand the space. The mold of the canvas, which is emphasized by the frame, really change the proportions of the room. So, oval and stretched vertically mirror increases the height of the room. The same mirror hung horizontally, optically expands the space. Large mirror compositions in the entire wall, especially located opposite windows, saturate the room with daylight. At the same time, the links of the joints of individual elements should not be at the level of human eye.

Designers appeal today with the surface of the mirrors highly. It is discharged, crushed into geometric shapes or, overlapping one mirror to another, create decorative compositions. Reflective rectangles, squares, circles of the same diameter form a clear rhythm in the room, form an interesting pattern of space, allow you to avoid visual voids. Negatively affects the human psyche. The mirror tile in which "crushes" reflection. Therefore, fractional forms should be placed in such a way that direct reflection is expelled in them. Doubtful from the point of view of visual comfort it seems to decorate the front side of the canvas with mirror crowning of the wrong shape. In addition, finally, the mirror ceilings belonged to our feesors were handed over their positions (colorless or tinted in blue). Now they are the day yesterday.

According to Fengshui teaching, it is extremely unwanted to hang mirrors against each other. Reflective surfaces, located sequentially one after another will be able to distribute the vital energy in the room. Fashionable version of ammunition - mirror borders of different widths. Africa, fastened around the perimeter of the room, and even additionally highlighted, will play an enchanting light show with a lot of glare.

Mirror furniture. What to say, mirrors can decorate any embossed forms. The only mandatory condition is at least a small flat surface. On the individual order for you, mirrored countertops, and faceted columns, and complex decorative panels will be made. Making this is important to tell about the interesting technology used precisely in the production of furniture and accessories. This is the so-called UV gluing, which allows you to create mirror designs without fastening fittings (for example, shelves for mirrors in the bathroom). For fastening glass elements used UV glue. The principle of operation is simple: the composition is applied to the surfaces glued, the parts are fixed and illuminated by the ultraviolet lamp. Under the action of ultraviolet rays, an optically transparent connection is formed, according to the strength superior glass itself. The technology simplifies the connection of individual glass elements into the overall design and due to the transparency of the adhesive seam gives it airiness, ease and openwork.

Mirror wonders
Andrei Surinovich (commercial director of the company "Mastekloklo") Sandblasting and sandblasting effect is the difference between these decorative methods and how can the consumer find them?

Sandblasting and processing glass for mirrors abrasive particles in air jet. A protective mask is applied to the surface. Places designed for processing remain open. Abrasive with force beats the canvas and scratches it, chopping glass microcuses. Sandblasting can be superficial and volume- In the latter case, a solid image is formed in the glass. The canvas treated with sandblasting matting is easily polluted- Even the touch of a finger leaves a fat imprint. To avoid this, such a mirror is covered with the composition "Glass-toner" (in the people it is called "Anti-Pale"). It also protects against traces of cleaning agents, microorganisms and mold. Chemical etching is a type of matting, in which the surface of the glass under the action of chemical reagents becomes matte. Compared to sandblasting, chemical is softer, gentle. Matte mirrors produce from chemically injurous glass. On it fingerprints are invisible.

The effect of sandblasting mirrors can be obtained by placing a special matte polymer film on it. It is less durable than the actual sandblasting matting, although the manufacturers give a long-term warranty to some of its types. On the touch, the film is similar to plastic. The same you will feel the transition from the surface of the mirror to the film - it is "above the glass", while the "real" sandblasting processing is the technology of impact on the glass itself.

Geometry and color

Size matters! Two absolutely different problems are the purchase of a small mirror to perform the functions of a decorative accessory or large-sized (from 3m2) mirror canvases.

The exact option is increasingly or less clear. In the second will have to take into account the mass of the nuances, which, as a rule, have an idea of ​​only specialists. First of all, the extensive mirror canvas should not be thin: 2-4mm is quite acceptable for small models, but insufficient, if we are talking about "large-scale projects". The thickness of the large canvas, which will be mounted on the perfectly level base (this, by the way, do not whim for specialists, and the indispensable condition of quality work) should be 5-6mm. It will be quite logical to invite a consultant from the workshop specializing in cutting and installing large mirrors. The measureer in place will determine the condition of the wall surface and set the exact size of the canvas.

Form and color. A classic mirror rectangle, apparently, will never come out of fashion. However, new trends in design are increasingly demanding interior with objects having a complex configuration. Triangles, rhombus, "drops", "Moon" and "Sun" - these outlines are attached to the mirror canvase, trying to avoid classical rigor and reference. Naturally, a complex configuration is welcomed and in the case when the mirror performs the function of decorative insertion in the door web or the facade of the cabinet, a fireplace IT.P. This situation is the complexity of the work reflected on the customer's wallet. The processing of the rectangular canvase will be twice as cheaper than the processing of complex forms (circle, arch, any bends).

The problem of processing the edge is directly related to the configuration of the product. Domestic workshops offer two main types of processing: the so-called Eurocrome, or polishing (smooth polished edge), and fatset (edge ​​is cut at a certain angle or even make figure, and then polished). Polishing is cheaper than Fazet. Judge for yourself: 1 p. M polishing in a straight line costs 70 rubles., in the figure edge - 140 rubles. Fazet is the more expensive than it is wider and the thicker mirror. For example, 5-15mm width of 5-15mm width costs 110 rubles, and 40mm wide is already 550 rubles. But the noble "cut" of the edges will give the mirror a special expressiveness and depth (illusion based on the laws of optics). In addition, Fazet allows you to do without frame-baguette, and this will agree, considerable savings.

The color of the mirror is sometimes no less important than the form. This factor is especially considered when the front zone is cleaned. The most common tones (green, bronze, blue, gray, golden) are achieved through the use of special glass, made using the oxides of various metals. Note that in the colored mirrors of imported production (GlaverBel, Belgium; Pilkington, United Kingdom; Saint-Gobain, France) The world is reflected in all its original paints, while maintaining the starting tones and shades, but some domestic samples are transmitted to reflect their intensive color, which of course same testifies not in their favor.

The scope of color mirrors is enormous: from wallpapers-panels to small decorative inserts in furniture items. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the color is sometimes favorably changes our idea of ​​the environment, and, and, frankly, about us. For example, bronze and gold mirrors have a stunning effect, which has long been used in solariums and beauty salons: on the resulting reflection, the skin looks well-groomed and tanned. Azolothy mirror, selected in the tone of a gentle yellow living room, enhances the effect of the "sunny" interior and looks even more organic than the traditional model.

There are, by the way, and mirrors chameleons that change their color depending on the angle of view. For example, it is made by the individual order with a smooth transition of the same color to another. Transformation is completed with the conversion of the mirror in the glass.

Mirror wonders
"Glass Master"

The mirror canvase can be given any outlines. There are pleasant male

Mirror wonders
The backlight on the reverse side of the mirror allows the canvas to glow from the inside. Farming birds from Album Mobili
Mirror wonders

The complexity of the processing of the figure edge of the mirror is reflected at its cost. Motive waves is now popular

Find for a spy. Everyone knows the effect of mirror sunglasses, the owner of which sees reality in all its magnificence, and his own eyes remain hidden mysterious glasses. The idea to apply such technology in the interior attracts designers for a long time. Indeed, the usual mirror wall causes persistent associations with a dance hall or bar. If the shine and brilliance certainly want, but at the same time there is no desire to put themselves in a certain mirror box, a tinted mirror glass is suitable with the effect of one-sided visibility. Through such a glass on one side, it is possible to consider everything well, but it is not visible from the other, except for its own reflection. In this case, it should be remembered that the maximum effect "works" if the mirror side is very well lit. Similar "jokes" are sometimes used for the design of the door leaf, for example, in the bedroom or bathroom (the main thing is not to confuse the sides when installing). Partitions, transparent with one and impenetrable to look on the other side, can be successfully replaced by blinds or shirms.

Decor is not only a frame! It is believed that it is the frame that gives the mirror decorativeness and determines its belonging to a specific style. But it is not so. Sometimes the canvas itself decorated with such complex technologies as engraving, silk-screen printing, surface matting by sandblasting. We mention only a few, in our opinion, while the little-known ways to decorate the mirror canvases that allow you to achieve a really interesting result. For example, to create sandblasting effects use paints for glass (they are released, for example, Ivlack, Italy). Drinking with different colous pigments, they help to perform a frame around the perimeter of the canvas, create a starry sky or metal texture. The charm of technology is that, with an unsatisfactory result, the paint can be washed with water for an hour.

Mirror wonders
Architect Natalia Gusev

(Quarta-Eco Design Studio) Colored mirrors in the interior create a much greater effect of expanding space than ordinary. If you need to visually increase the living room space, place on one of its walls, by 2/3 from the ceiling, a tinted mirror. It will reflect what's in the room, while creating an illusion of another room, with a different color of the walls, another upholstery of furniture and other curtains.

A very interesting effect produces a color mirror located opposite the window. It catches light from the window, thereby increasing the light of the room. If the mirror is gold or warm tones, the presence of "sunlight" will always be provided, even if the "half a year is bad weather" window. ATO, you see, it is important for raising the mood. So try and do not be afraid to boldly experiment.

But keep in mind:

Red gives a charge of cheerfulness and increases blood pressure;

blue soothes and relaxes;

Green is useful for the eyes.

Time communication

Mirror Fashion goes keep up with the main trends of Haute Couture fashion. Inesl in clothes now preference is given to vintage things, then in the interiors it is increasingly possible to meet artificially aged mirrors. If the family does not have a family mirror in the family, order the "antique" version of the mirror you like. True, the time-consuming effect of "dust of ages" is quite expensive. For example, the toned "Bali" mirror with a size of 7080cm will cost 3850 rubles. (Compared with a conventional silver web, the difference will be $ 70-80 for 1m2).

Another way to achieve the effect of antiquity is man-made. So that the mirror looks older than the year at 100-150, it is necessary to remove the protective layer (soil), then the reflective layer apply a special composition and coat with paint or soil.

Installation and fastening

To install was high-quality, and your mirror is safe, you need to pay attention to the location of the mirrors in the interior at the stage of its design. It is unreasonable to postpone the solution of this task for later. Then there is a lot of problems: for example, there is not enough space or the base for which installation is planned, it turns out to be unsuitable.

The best solution is to invite a consultant in advance that commetes the possibility of implementing designer ideas. And, most importantly, advises how to prepare for mounting the mirrors so that they look good on any surface. In wet rooms, for example, the base must be processed in advance with waterproofing and anti-grib.

In addition to the base for fixing the mirrors (without frame), the following attachment methods are used:

Decorative screws Constantly hold the mirror on the wall surface. Their number is directly dependent on the size of the web. The only drawback is that the outer fastener, even with the minimum diameter of the head (1.2 cm), does not particularly look good on small mirrors (capitals, columns with edges and other elements of a complex configuration), especially at an area of ​​less than 50 cm2.

Glue for mirrors Allows you to mount the mirrors on any surface (painted, covered with wallpaper or wall panels and even on the tile in the bathroom). Poor quality glue can crack or dry so much that the mirror is deformed. The glue "eliminates" the front side of the mirror from the screws of screws, in addition, increases the safety of the attachment. With a technologically correct process, the glued mirror is impossible to break down. It does not even split even with a direct shock elbow. The same, even a large glued mirror can be dismantled. True, usually in the agreement between the company and the customer include the point on the likelihood of the appearance of chips in this case.

Fastening plates Placed behind the mirror and work according to the "loop hook" principle. It is convenient when moving and in a removable apartment, when moving the mirror can easily be removed.

The editorial board thanks Glaverbel, "Glass Master", "Glass and Peace", "Gallople", "Mastery", Spigel Design, "Mirrings" for help in the preparation of material.

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