

Overview of the air cleaners market: types of devices, filter classification. Firms conducted by the environmental expertise of air apartments.

Operation 13681_1

Operation Clean air

Operation Clean air

Most of the air purifier models are available in desktop and outdoor versions. It simplifies their installation in the apartment.

Operation Clean air
Compact air purifier with Plasmacluster FU-21SES technology (Sharp)
Operation Clean air
Operation Clean air

Elegant appearance will help post a technique in any interior.

Operation Clean air

Air ionizers with a lamp-nightlight

Operation Clean air
In the model Greennara20 (Chung Pung) there is a retractable metal plate on which dust is deposited. This plate is necessary as it is contaminated to clean - remove and wash under the jet of running water.
Operation Clean air

Using the display, you can get information about air pollution, noise level, instrument mode

Operation Clean air
The Oxy 3 Silence models combine a high producer (up to 380m3 / h) with economy - in the lowest intensity mode. Power consumption up to 30W. The device is equipped with a removable easily detergent electrostatic filter
Operation Clean air
Ecoquest International

The Fresh Air to Go ozonor cleaner is designed to work in the room up to 30m2

Operation Clean air
In Bionaire air purifiers, HEPA mechanical filters are used complete with coal
Operation Clean air
Operation Clean air

Most cleaners are equipped with an easy plastic housing.

Operation Clean air

Air purification mode can be changed using the remote control that is included in the BAP1500 model

Operation Clean air
Using the HEPA filter in the BAP412 ionizer cleaner (Bionaire), such smallest pollution, such as pollen, tobacco smoke and other particles up to 0.3 mk are removed
Operation Clean air
LW-44 air humidifier cleaner from Venta
Operation Clean air

The degree of filter contamination can be determined visually by removing the device cover

Operation Clean air
This looks in the assembled state and completely ready for operation of the air purifier from AFE (Malaysia)
Operation Clean air

Humidifier Cleaner AOS1355

Operation Clean air
In addition to the plasmacluster ion generator, coarse cleaning filter, coal and non-filter, an antibacterial apatite filter is included in the SHARP models.
Operation Clean air
NPP "Dose"
Operation Clean air

The housing of the SIGRM-1208 gamma radiation indicator is made in the form of watches

The air in large cities are far from natural purity and freshness. The natural mechanisms of its purification can not always cope with exhaust gases, smoke of factory pipes, construction dust and other contaminants. Paradoxically, but intrahavarine air sometimes turns out to be almost more contaminated.

As a rule, in the course of construction or repair of housing, the focus is on protection from cold and street noise: sealed windows and glass windows are installed, the premises are redeveloped, the finish of them with new synthetic materials. All this, coupled with the overall unfavorable environmental situation, leads to the fact that the air in modern city apartments is unsafe for the health of people. Allergies, decrease in immunity (and, as a result, an increase in the number of infectious diseases), increased fatigue, diseases of the respiratory system, is far from a complete list of "troubles", which are threatened by citizens.

That is why in recent years, air purification in urban apartments is an increasingly urgent task. The most effective measure, experts consider the installation in the dwelling system of the supply and exhaust ventilation with the complex cleaning of the incoming air (speech about it in the article

"In search of clean air"). Alas, with all the advantages of such equipment, its widespread use is limited to the cost ($ 3000 and higher). A much cheaper solution should recognize the acquisition of a special unit of air cleaner. It is possible to significantly improve air quality in other ways. From what exactly, we will talk in this article.

Our invisible enemies

Most often, dust becomes the cause of complaints about polluted air. This "fluffy shooting" can serve as many troubles. First, the smallest particles dusty allergen. Secondly, the dusty air sometimes becomes the cause of chronic bronchitis, emphysema of the lungs and other serious diseases of the respiratory organs. Household appliances of dust suffers and, for example, cause overheating and failure of various electronic components. An important (and for some owners a decisive) often turns out to be aesthetic factor: a gray "carpet", covering furniture, makes an apartment attractive. It is not surprising that most of them seek to get rid of dust. For this purpose, both air cleaners operating in continuous mode and vacuum cleaners are used, with the help of which periodic cleaning is carried out. Preventive measures are accepted that reduce the "production" of dust. They will be discussed below.

Home dust can be classified either by sizes of its particles or by origin. The naked eye is distinguishable by particles in size from about 0.1mm, but this is the "visible part of the iceberg", and the relatively less dangerous one. There is much more harmful to the smallest, invisible particles. First, they, in contrast to the larger, are much slower deposited from fixed air under the action of gravity. Speakers of less than 1MKM are able to float in the room almost unlimited time, while the particles with a diameter of 30-100 mkm "fall out into the sediment" in a few minutes (we are about fixed air and particles of a spherical shape; otherwise, the deposition time can repeatedly increase). Secondly, small dust is worse captured by mechanical filters, which are equipped with many air cleaners and vacuum cleaners. Finally, thirdly, microscopic dusting is easier by contacting the natural protection of our organism - the crew epithelium in bronchi. This epithelium delays the particles with a diameter of several micrometers, but "sweeps" before the "smaller", which freely settles in the lungs (as, for example, tobacco smoke particles).

As for the origin, it is definitely a lot of dust falls into our dwellings from the street. But most of the dust is born inside the apartment. Its "suppliers" serve a dilapidated fabric (clothing, bed linen, carpets), stuffing mattresses and pillows, books, animal wool, plants pollen, disputes. It is especially important to know the source of air pollution for allergies, since its elimination sometimes turns out to be the only effectful way to cope with the ailment.


Along with dust, our urban life is very efficiently poisoned by various volatile connections that are filled with air. Three groups of such substances can be called:

Gases that are distinguished from construction and finishing materials. It may be phenol, formaldehyde, aromatic hydrocarbons and many other harmful substances. Some building materials due to the harmfulness of this kind were gradually separated from use (let's say, Lead Belil). The source of harmful "flavors" may be not only a decoration of an apartment, but also furniture, especially made by handicraft and not having a certificate of quality. Such furniture made by domestic or foreign crafts from materials, which were at hand, it is better not to acquire;

"Waste production" kitchen stoves, gas boilers, furnaces and other heating devices. Carbon monoxide is most dangerous (carbon monoxide), which in houses with furnace heating often becomes due to fatal accidents. Extrastal quantities this gas causes headache, decay of forces, deterioration of well-being. Along with the furnaces and fireplaces, carbon monoxide sources are automotive exhaust and tobacco smoke;

Natural gas Radon, released directly from the earth's crust (as well as water from underground sources). Radon-inert radioactive gas. It is heavier than air and is able to accumulate in closed rooms. Most often, its concentration is dangerous high in poor ventilated basements, on the first floors of buildings. Radon is a carcinogen and can cause oncological diseases.

Another "risk factor" for the inhabitants of the apartments is able to become an ion imbalance and insufficient concentration in the air of negatively charged aeroions. Zhodgorod residents, according to the standards, the number of aeroions in the air should be at least 600 per 1 cm3 (for comparison: in nature, the concentration of aeroions reaches 30000-50000 per 1 cm3, and in apartments can be only 50-100 per 1 cm3). Ion imbalance causes deterioration of well-being - fatigue, reduced performance, weakening immunity.

Ionizer: plus or minus?

Among scientists there is no unambiguous opinion regarding the benefits of intensive use of air ionizers. These devices in the process of operation are isolated by ozone, which, being a strong oxidizing agent, can adversely affect the pulmonary tissue. Therefore, operating household ionizers and (especially) air ozonizers need carefully, strictly following the instructions. No effort cannot be allowed to ensure that the technique has worked over the specified period (one or two hours). It is also not recommended to use ionizers in highly dyed premises, because the charged dust settles, including in human lungs. It is best to include ionizers immediately after cleaning air from dust using filters.

We are looking for guilty

So, the apartment air turns out, requires care. How to show it? It is best to act as follows. Forward queue, you need to install, from which it is necessary to "clean the air". To do this, contact the specialists who will conduct an ecological expertise of air an apartment. VMoskwe provide similar services to the company "Ecology of living space", "Ecostandart" and some other firms. Air analysis is usually produced by a number of indicators that allow you to mostly establish its chemical and bacteriological composition. The limited list, as a rule, includes analysis to the most common and dangerous pollutants, such as phenol, formaldehyde, nitrogen oxide, toluene, aromatic hydrocarbons, mercury and other substances, also determines the level of bacteriological contamination. Depending on the number of components under study, the cost of the analysis is $ 150-400.

According to the results of the analysis, experts will give specific recommendations: what type of purifier to choose may advise a certain model. Such an approach seems correctly glasses, for example, people choose themselves with the help of an eyepiece, and not on their own. In addition, professionals will be able to determine the source of pollution. Extreme cases, the exact knowledge of the "culprit" helps to cope with the dangerous consequences. For example, it is easier and cheaper to replace too "fragrant" furniture from the "suspicious" chipboard, rather than regularly carry out air degasiation. With a strong saturation of air, poisonous products indoors spray a special cleansing agent, which neutralizes malicious molecules. Similarly, aromatic hydrocarbons, hydrogen sulfide, mercaptan and other hazardous substances are eliminated. But, of course, if you do not eliminate the source of pollution, degassing will be only a temporary measure.

Or, let's say, you are going to buy a cottage, and in it an increased concentration of radon is detected. It is likely that a set of measures to ensure your safety will be so expensive (total sealing of carrying structures and floors of basement), which will be cheaper to find another cottage.

What is dust?

Currently expressed by scientific language, dust is a type of dispersion aerosol-absorber in the air of the smallest solid particles. The maximum size (the diameter measured in micrometers, thousands of millimeters) particles does not exceed 200-300 microns, since larger dust loss of volatility. The minimum particle size is limited to the dimensions of the dust-forming molecule. The concentration of dust is measured by the total mass of all dust in the unit of air volume. Directly the main air pollutants are soil particles falling into it due to erosion.

Aces airfare

The next step is the selection of the air purifier. Today, several types of these devices are presented on the market, which use different types of filters. There are mechanical filters (coarse and fine cleaning, the so-called HEPA filters), electrostatic, photocatalytic, water (in detail about their design it was said in the article "Filters for urban water pipeline"). Ovsech them have their advantages and disadvantages. Thus, mechanical HEPA filters are simple in design and, depending on the class, are able to delay up to 99.995% of particles with a diameter of more than 0.06 μm. However, the filter is tight, the more powerful fan it is required for the air run. Therefore, some air purifiers equipped with mechanical filters are strongly noisy.

Electrostatic filters capture dust, which acquire a charge in an electrostatic field. For these filters, in contrast to mechanical, the size of the particle size is no matter what is less, the device works more efficiently. In addition, cleaners equipped with electrostatic filters are less noisy, as there are less powerful fans for their action. The disadvantage of "electrostatics" is low performance. To increase it requires electrostatic filters with a large square plate, and their use leads to an increase in the size of the equipment and its cost.

But both mechanical and electrostatic filters are not able to "figure out" with gaseous pollution. For this, coal, apatite or photocatalytic filters are used. For the next case, activated carbon, capable of absorbing from the air, most contaminants are under the action of the fan air passes through the coal powder, which delays "unwanted elements". "Close relatives" of such filter-apatite - work according to a similar principle. AB photocatalytic is used more complex technological process. Here, organic contaminants are decomposed to harmless components under the action of ultraviolet radiation in the presence of a catalyst (titanium oxide). The advantage of this purification method is that its effectiveness does not depend on the development of a resource, such as in coal filters. It is necessary, however, note that these two types of filters are not able to completely clean the air from harmful contaminants. So, with their help, it is unlikely to "neutralize" or "decompose" gas radon and some of the most simple chemical compounds.

Daily air cleaners are used by one or more filters of different types. Their combination allows you to achieve the greatest efficiency of work. For example, the FU-425ES model (Sharp, Japan) is composed of a coarse filter, an HEPA-filter of fine cleaning and activated carbon filter, deodorizing air. Modeled Z7040 (Electrolux, Sweden) There is a coarse filter, electrostatic and coal filters. The photocatalytic method is traditionally used in Daikin devices (Japan). They also contain coarse air purification filters and electrostatic (for example, in the MC704AVM model). A variety of filter combinations are found in the models of the Canadian company Bionaire, Swiss Plaston (AIR-O-SWISS, Boneco trademarks) and other manufacturers.

Filtration systems can be complemented by ionization installations (for example, in models 1773, 1774 from Vitek, Russia; BoneCO7162 from Plaston; LC-1060 from Bionaire), as well as air ozonomators. Ionizers are designed to eliminate ion imbalance. There are models of air ionizer cleaners produced in the solo-version, say XJ-888 (Air Comfort, Italy), "Super Plus Turbo" ("Clean Air", Russia). These and their similar devices work perfectly silently (there is no fan in them), but differ sufficiently modest performance - it usually does not exceed 40-60m3 / h.

Companied types of devices include air humidifier cleaners, as well as installations for cleaning kitchen dirt (kitchen hoods). This technique deserves a separate conversation. We were told about the cleaners-humidifiers in detail in the article "Do not give yourself to dry!", And the article "Why in the kitchen umbrella?" Is devoted to kitchen

HEPA filters classification according to EN 1822 Euroormativ

Filter class H 10. H 11. H 12. H 13. N 14.
Percentage of detained particles with a diameter of more than 0.06 microns 85. 95. 99.5 99,95 99,995

Hold your nose in the wind

Choosing air purifier, future owners need to be remembered by the following factors:

Performance. A virical case must pump the amount of air in an hour, equal to several residential volumes (2-4 for the bedroom, 3-6 for the living room). At the same time, the device must have a power supply so that it can quickly cope with suddenly emerged contamination (for example, tobacco smoke clubs formed after the visit of numerous guests).

Pollution type. The aforementioned tobacco smoke refers to the number of the most problematic domestic pollution. It is capable of neutralizing not all models of air cleaners. It is not by chance that the cost of devices designed to work in highly smoke rooms may be high enough. Thus, the Grace Electrostatic model of the Dutch company Euromate is able to "decide" room to 90m2, but it costs about $ 1100-1200. In love, by purchasing the air purifier, be sure to specify which type of contamination it is, first of all, is designed. Hospitality, some unscrupulous sellers can mislead buyers, assuring that de their air purifiers are able to cope with any imaginable and unthinkable pollution. However, solid manufacturers prefer to confirm the quality of their products "dry numbers". There is indicative of the Experience of the American Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (Aham), which has developed the CADR index for air cleaners. This index is measured for each model in three indicators: the degree of purification of air from dust, tobacco smoke and pollen. The higher the number of CADR, the more in large quantities the air cleaner produces clean air. Among the devices certified by the CADR index and supplied to Russia, we will call the products of Delonghi (Italy), Bionaire, Sharp, Electrolux and almost all American manufacturers.

Noise level. The noise parameter is especially critical when choosing air-conditioned bedroom devices. Sanitary standards are prescribed: the noise level of technology at night should not exceed 35DB A. Well, if the air cleaner provides for the night mode of operation with a reduced power, let the performance (it will be discussed below) reduced, but but noise does not interfere with sleeping.

Wash or clean filters? Sooner or later, air cleaner filters overflow. The speed of contamination and the possibility of repeated uses - these parameters must be paid attention to when buying. Electrostatic filters can be washed, coal and apatite need to be replaced (in the newest models of FU-440E / 425e from Sharp there were washable coal filters), among the non-filters are found as washable, and no (now almost all manufacturers use washable, but also Service life is limited to several years of operation). Be sure to check when buying how much consumables are for the air cleaner, how often they will have to be changed, where it will be possible to purchase further.

Also remember: the operation of the air cleaner with a filter contaminated over measure may be ineffective and even dangerous to health! Therefore, it is best that the device is equipped with a filter contamination indicator, such as MC704AVM (Daikin), Z8030 (Electrolux) models.

Ease of operation. Some modern air cleaners have a number of devices that make their exploitation as comfortable as possible. Ktakov belongs to, say, remote control (model Z8030 from Electrolux, MC704AVM from Daikin, FU-440E from Sharp). Also in a number of models (see Table) there are: the option of automatic selection of the fan operation mode depending on the noise level in the room; indicators of noise level, power, air dusting, odor intensity; system automatic performance adjustment depending on the level of air pollution; timer with the ability to automatically turn on-off the device; Lock from inclusion by children. All these improvements make it possible to use cleaners in fully automatic mode.

Model, manufacturer Maximum performance, m3 / h Type of filters Noise level, dBA Additional Information Price, $
Green Nara CP-10 (Chung Pung) N / D. ionizer - Recommended area of ​​room- up to 33m2 110.
7162, Boneco (Plaston) 220. Nehra, coal, air ionizer N / D. Four power steps, indicator of operation modes 130.
BAP223 (Bionaire) Up to 80. Pre-cleaning, nera, coal, ionizer N / D. Fan speed two-position switch, Recommended room area - 12m2 120.
OXY3 Silence Z8030 (Electrolux) 380. Preliminary cleaning, electrostatic and coal 31- Air dusting level, power level, noise level, air purification automatically change according to air pollution sensor, automatic cleaning degree, depending on the noise level, timer, remote control, protection against children, locking on without lid and filter 380.
"Super Plus Eco" ("Clean Air") N / D. Air Cleaner-Ionizer Does not produce Recommended area of ​​the room - up to 20m2 fifty
Fresh Air (Ecoquest International) Up to 650. Ionizer-ozonator, photocatalytic filter N / D. Serviced area- up to 180m2, trim Cipseral veneer, remote control, LCD display, displaying all processes occurring at the moment N / D.
MC704AVM (Daikin) Up to 420 in turbo mode Coarse cleaning, plasma ionizer, electrostatic, photocatalytic, ionizer sixteen- Remote control, automatic power saving mode, air dust degree, turning off the timer, ionizer contamination indicator, filter contamination indicator, odor level indicator, air purity sensor N / D.
* - purified air

Opinion expert

"Carpets with an artificial long-track coating can be a source of air pollution with aromatic hydrocarbons. In the manufacture of such carpets, the so-called short-chain polymers are used, which are destroyed far faster than polymers used in the production of short-pile carpets. "

Julia Sablin, specialist of Ecostandart

Not an air cleaner one ...

A good air purifier is only one of the problem solving options. It is possible to achieve an improvement in the home "atmosphere" by other methods. Here are some tips, how to do it:

Furniture from laminated chipboard becomes the cause of air pollution during improper operation. For example, with sudden changes in temperature in the room, the laminate coating can crack and the "subsoil" of the chipboard will begin a more intensive emission of harmful substances. Therefore, the objects from the laminated chipboard are not recommended in the immediate vicinity of central heating batteries, furnaces, electrical heaters.

When buying furniture from chipboard should be carefully checked. It should be weathered, do not smell. It is also necessary to inspect the laminated surface to make sure there are no cracks. Of course, any furniture must have a certificate of state sanitary and epidemiological service of the Russian Federation, confirming its environmental purity and safety.

With intra-ordinary repair, it is impossible to use sealants, varnishes and paints designed for open air work. Often such agents are distinguished by an elevated level of excretion of harmful substances (or a longer period of their hazardous emission health).

Some building materials, on the contrary, help improve air. Such is, for example, a TiO2 titanium coating tile of the Italian Gambarelli Factory, manufactured by Ideal Standard (Italy). This substance is a catalyst in the process of formation of ionized oxygen under the action of ultraviolet (according to the same principle there are titanium-containing materials in photocatalytic filters). Such "active" oxygen effectively neutralizes dangerous compounds, such as carbon monoxide, is destructive effect on pathogenic organisms. True, the beneficial properties of the tile are manifested only in the outdoor sunlight.

Radon is a "rare guest" in modern apartment buildings, which are necessarily undergoing examination on its absence. Avot in the "private sector" the likelihood of increased concentration of radon is higher. It can be identified either by examining (as mentioned above), or with the help of a household gamma radiation meter. The cost of such domestic dosensometers of domestic production (for example, "SIGRM-1208" from the NPP "Dose", "Radax RD1503" from "Quart-Rad") is $ 100-300. If the level of gamma radiation exceeds 25-30 microentergen per hour, you need to look for a source.

In terms I want to remind you that even if there are the most modern air purifiers, the apartments must be periodically (at least two or three times a day) to ventilate. Zodgorodsky conditions are best to do early in the morning when the intensity of traffic is minimal. Of course, few of the owners are capable of getting no light either dawn every morning to open the window. Therefore, in such cases, it is much more convenient to use the system of automatic ventilating rooms. They will tell you in the following rooms.

The editorial board thanks the representative offices of Electrolux, Sharp, Sony, a chain of household appliances and electronics and electronics "Peace", Bauklotz, Daichi, "Ideal Standard-Moscow", "CenterClimat", "Center Plus", "Ecostandart", Meteoline Trade System for Help in the preparation of the material.

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