Log Domostroy


Log Domostroy 13743_1

Log Domostroy
Breed houses among wooden buildings occupy an honorable place. The technology of their construction is constantly improving. Along with the mined manually, buildings from the calibrated (rounded) logs are erected. These facilities are distinguished by the expressiveness of architectural forms and beauty of the finish.

Log Domostroy
Bituminous polymer mastic is applied to the foundation walls

Log Domostroy
The first crowns of the house are installed on the foundation through the gasket from hydrohotelloisol

Log Domostroy
Rearves perform "in a cup" with a release log out

Log Domostroy
In the process of assembly in the walls leave openings for windows

Log Domostroy
Holes under berthed drill strictly vertically brown for wood

Log Domostroy
Ribbon flax insulation fasten your log directly before installing it.

Log Domostroy
The assembly of wall structures is made of pre-sliced ​​in factory and labeled elements

Log Domostroy
Pillars terraces have adjustment nodes that allow them to change their length as the wall shrinkages
Log Domostroy
The house has spatial rafters partially transmitting roof load on the inner walls
Log Domostroy
The basis of the floors are the beams outstanding from the log, for which the "Pie" floor design
Log Domostroy
For mounting a metal tile roof over a pair-and windproof membrane, bars are navigated, and then crates

Log Domostroy
From the inside the roof is insulated with mineral wool and tighten with a vapor barrier film, fixing it on racks

Log Domostroy
Breeding boards of the eaves are killed in the fronton log

Log Domostroy
Doors and windows are installed in the openings after the establishment of the house "under the horse"
Log Domostroy
Sewer and gas supply pipes are summarized to the building before the foundation casting and base plates

Log Domostroy
Water from the well passes through the filter system

Log Domostroy
Heating is organized with steel panel radiators equipped with thermostatic valves

Log Domostroy
Installation of mounting boxes for the socket and switches are possible from the end of the log

Log Domostroy
Autonomous sewage system

Log Domostroy
Restrained wooden wall palette, floor and ceiling diverse green curtains, portors from Indian fabrics, bright Eastern shawl and Tiffani style lamp

Log Domostroy
The arrangement of wet premises in a wooden house requires the builders of special knowledge and skills.

Log: Ecology and Economics

Log Domostroy
The log house with an area of ​​236m2 is composed of logized logs with a diameter of 28cm. The walls are treated with bioprotective composition, the finishing finish was performed on the integrated technology "TextUROL" Russia owns almost half of the forest resources of the planet. And it would be a mistake to abandon use in the construction of an ecologically perfect and inexpensive material, which is a log. That is why the country shows the production of calibrated (cylindered) logs with a diameter of 22 to 45 cm.

For a number of reasons, even in Russia, at home from the rounded log cannot be cheap. At the present, comfortable conditions in the log structure can be created only if it is folded from a diameter with a diameter of at least 24 cm. The fact is that the vulnerable sections of the log wall are milled semicircular grooves in which the sealing gasket from the insulation is placed. The thickness of the wall in such places is only 10-12 cm. Consequently, heat loss along the entire length of the connection logs will be the higher, the smaller the diameter. There is another circumstance in favor of choosing thicker logs. Whole logs tend to crack. This process is natural, and it does not cause the level of strength of the construction. Nevertheless, the fracture of the logs slightly reduces the resistance of the wall heat transfer. In order to successfully winter in a house folded from thin (20-22 cm) logs, it must be additionally insulated from the inside or outside. In this case, the insulation will hide the texture of the walls, and the facing and finishing of surfaces will also need. If so, the need for a thin log cabin disappears. Cheaper and easier to build a warm wooden house with frame or panel methods. Thus, developers have serious foundations to build buildings from thick - diameter from 28 cm and above - logs so that their dwellings are truly beautiful, warm and comfortable.

Log Domostroy
Rearviews perform "in a cup" with a release of a log to the extension of a 38 cm diameter of 28 cm, including the cost of a tape basement, but without finishing and installing engineering systems, on the Russian market averages $ 380-420 per 1 m2 . Customer's expenses significantly increase if he chooses an exclusive finish and wishes to equip the house with costly engineering equipment.

Many are taken from the logs today, but the results are obtained different. Not all manufacturers of rounded logs are able to harvest the forest on the desired deadlines and in those places where it is the highest quality. It follows in winter when trees can be preserved to return to the active life in spring and summer.

The beginning of time

Log houses do not need capital foundations from a prefabricated or monolithic reinforced concrete, which are required for buildings from bricks. Although the mass of building structures made of logs is at least 20 tons, they are fully maintained with tape-columnar foundations in combination with a monolithic reinforced concrete base plate or without it. The depth of the bookmarks of the pillars in the suburbs is 1.7 m (below the duration of the primer of the soil), in the southern regions it is less. Frequency installation of columns - 2.5-3 m.

Log Domostroy
Doors and windows are installed in the openings after the establishment of the house "under the horse" in our case, the foundation was cast in plywood formwork on a pre-connected frame of the rod armature frame. Horizontal irregularities of the foundation were eliminated by posting several rows of ceramic bricks. Since the soil on the plot is wet and sour, the builders paid particular attention to the foundation waterproofing. For this purpose, the external perimeter of the walls, the ground was chosen to a depth of 50 cm, covered the foundation outside and inside the layer of bitumen-polymer mastic and replaced the selected sandy sand. To protect the foundation from precipitation and melting waters around it, a concrete breakdown was made of 1 m wide, which was cast on a masonry grid.

After the institution under the house of pipes of engineering communications, the platform inside the foundation was covered with a layer of rubble and sand, the vibromascol was tamped and the surface of hydrokhotlozol was waterproof. Over the waterproofing, metal frames of the base slab tied and cast it from concrete just below the foundation level. Under the first crowns of the walls laid the gasket from hydrohoteloisol.

From floor to ceiling

In order to avoid unnecessary cracking, the builders made at all their length from the groove compensation rattles with a depth of 4 cm. The gram assembly began with a bookmark on the axes of the semi-branched. In the course of the construction of the walls in the groove of each log, the lines of the flange insulation were laid and fasten the stapler brackets. The angular compounds were performed "into a cup" using logs with milling in their body with recesses in the form of a regular cylinder, which on both sides cover a full-scale log (bustling crown). Placed at the factory and numbered logs clay according to the assembly drawing, leaving openings for future windows and doors.

Log Domostroy
Floor plan
Log Domostroy
Plan of the second floor

Technical data

Total area of ​​the house ............. 236m2


Ground floor

1. Carnate 2.Tambers 3. Gosta 4.Sanosel 5,8,9.New 6.Kuhnya 7.Hoz. Block 10. Parna 11.Deals 12.Holl 13. Bassaine

Second floor

1. Cap 2. Walnna

Log Domostroy
The pipes of the sewage and gas supply are summarized to the building before the start of the foundation casting and the base plate on the height of the human growth logs were manually raised. In the future, for these purposes, a block-polyspaste device with a winch was used. Broadbands were connected to the brains. Begroes - round rods of dense (birch or oak) wood, which are without effort to lay in vertically drilled holes. In the process of shrinkage of walls, they do not allow the logs to "walk", give the design additional strength. The holes under the heated with a diameter of 25 mm were drilled by a special brown on a tree to a depth of three logs in 1.5-2 m increments, alternating them between rows in a checker order. Interior partitions of the first floor, simultaneously being carrying walls, made from logs of the same diameter.

Log Domostroy
The house has spatial rafters partially transmitting the roof load on the inner walls for the flooring of the flooring along the concrete slab, the bars were isolated, on top of lagged lags and knocked tipped floorboards to them. Then on these boards in compliance with the company's technology was installed parquet. The ceiling overlap was made of full-scale beams, which are tested on both sides of the log. Rebuilding the use of cranial bars playing the role of support for the ceiling boards, builders cut through the grooves of 5 cm wide in the beams, which later inserted ceiling boards. They laid a layer of pergamine, the mineral wool insulation URSA, covered it with another layer of parchment and sewed the black places of the draft floor. The floors in the attic also made parquet.

Wooden windows and doors installed in the openings on the mortgage elements attached to the boxes. In the ends, the logs were cut out the grooves in which the mortgage elements are freely moving during the shrinkage of the wall. Above the boxes left 10-centimeter clearances, later reversed by platbands. The insulation laid in the gaps is compacted during the shrinkage of the house.

Under the roof of the house

Log Domostroy
The basis of the floors are the beams outstretched from the log, for which the "pie" design is installed and the second floor partitions are performed from the log of the same diameter as carrier walls. Such a decision was taken by aesthetic, and on engineering reasons: the logs look better than the woven framework partitions or log imitation from the Blockball board. The main thing, the inner walls of the logs take on the load of the roof, in the design of which the spots rafters are used. Thanks to the use of the rafters of this type, you can do without horizontal tensions and increase the scope of the attic due to the device of inclined ceilings. The rafters were made of 50 g 250 mm from the board and installed them in increments of 0.8 m. They are designed for the weight of the roof from metal tile, snow and wind load in the suburbs. First of all, the anti-condensate membrane "Yutakon" was knocked to the rafters, on top of it - a counterclaim, then - the crate and mounted metal troops. Ventilated space over the membrane and under it allows you to remove moisture in a timely manner, prevents the creation of condensate and getting it into the insulation. Next, between the rafters strengthened the plates of the Rockwool insulation with a total thickness of 200 mm. On the side of the attic insulation, the insulation was protected by the layer of vapor insulation "Yutafol-n", after which the ceiling boards were laid. Eaves performed first black, and on top of it - finishing board.

In the adjoining room, the room has a pool with a bowl of 10-meter length. How it was done, the topic of a special report. We only note that there were additional measures to protect structures from condensate and biocorrosions in this wooden structure.

Aesthetic finish

Log Domostroy
The restrained palette of wooden walls, gender and ceiling diverse green curtains, curtains made of Indian fabrics, bright Eastern Shawl and Tiffani style lamp The main finishing operation is grinding. In the house with which we introduce the reader, it was performed so that the wood became absolutely smooth, as if glossy, without the slightest roughness.

The next step was the processing of walls by bioprotective composition and their subsequent varnish. These operations performed according to the technology of the Russian firm "Texturol". The means for deep protection of wood from all types of biological lesions "TextUROLE BIOGOSCHIT" twice applied with a brush on everything without exception wooden surfaces outside and from within the building. After that, also using a brush, the inner surfaces were covered with a colorless semi-tailed preparation for protecting and decorative wood trim "Texturol Tikso", well emphasizing the structure of wood fibers and a protective tree from light mechanical damage (scratches, etc.). Outside, applied a similar means with an increased gloss and effectively protecting the walls from mechanical impacts and moisture. It contains natural linen oil, wax and alkyd varnish, the combination of which gives the coating flexibility, elasticity and durability. The same "texturing azure", but in three layers, put on the walls and ceilings in the pool room.

Rational engineering

Log Domostroy
The teenage girl's room is decorated with bright and quarrels on the installation of engineering communications conducted from the start of construction and practically before putting the house. When booking the foundation in the building, the pipes of sewage, water supply, electric and telephone cables were introduced, a little later - a gas pipe. The hidden wiring of the electrical wires was made in the floors and in the walls, for which the vertical holes in the logs drilled over all their heights, for laying wires to sockets and switches from the coupling groove, horizontal strides were separated. NYM brand wires started in metal pipes, VVGng-Ls brands - plastic. Lamps: chandeliers, sconces, lamps, - mounted outside, because the insertion of high-temperature lighting devices in the logs is conjugate with great difficulties.

Pipes of water supply and sewage tunable to the sanitary pribments in floor overlaps and ceiling. Vertical pipe gasket in the attic floor was performed in a decorated male box. Wastewater reset organized a local sewage system in an equipped near the house. Ventilation arranged a natural supply-exhaust in residential areas and forced - in the pool and bathrooms. Such ventilation in the basin area, where the walls and ceilings are wooden, especially important. Air boxes hid behind a tail ceiling.

Log Domostroy
The pride of the owners is the pool and a bath complex with a saunaido-large - 50 m2 - swimming pool and the bath complex adjacent to it need special equipment for water treatment. The technique you need installed in a separate engineering room. In another technical room there is an Italian Ferroli boiler, operating on diesel fuel (metal fuel tank with a capacity of 500 l placed outside). This decision is explained by the fact that an unstable gas pressure on the network is observed in the village. There are also voltage stabilizers, an uninterrupted power supply system (diesel generator), an input-switching device with protection machines and RCDs and water purification equipment (since the water intake is carried out from an individual artesian well). In this way, the house is a practically an autonomous engineering structure, whose viability only depends on external power sources. The main communications of the building: heating, water supply, sewage, can function even with long-term shutdown of electricity.

Enlarged Calculation of the cost of work and materials Building a house with a total area of ​​236 m2

Name of works Units. change. Number of Price, $ Cost, $
Foundation work
Takes up axes, layout, development and recess m3. 264. eighteen 4752.
Device of the foundations of ribbon reinforced concrete m3. 53. 60. 3180.
Device of monolithic reinforced concrete plate m3. 49. fifty 2450.
Device of monolithic stairs m2. 2. 95. 190.
Laying of retaining walls of bricks m3. eleven 35. 385.
Waterproofing horizontal and lateral m2. 460. four 1840.
TOTAL: 12 800.
Applied materials on the section
Concrete heavy m3. 104. 62. 6448.
Ceramic brick thousand pieces. 4,2 190. 798.
Crushed stone granite, sand m3. 95. 28. 2660.
Bituminous polymer mastic, hydrohotelloisol m2. 460. 3. 1380.
Armature, Formwork Shields, Knitty Wire

And other materials

set one 1200. 1200.
TOTAL: 12 490.
Walls, partitions, roofing
Build walls from logs m3. 114. 90. 10 260.
Device of wooden floors m2. 236. 12 2832.
Installation of the rafter design m2. 320. 10 3200.
The device of the calane vaporizolation m2. 320. 3. 960.
Metal coating device m2. 320. 10 3200.
Insulation of coatings and overlaps insulation m2. 556. 2. 1112.
Filling opening windows and door blocks m2. 76. 35. 2660.
Ceiling stitch with planed boards m2. 236. 12 2832.
Device board coatings m2. 236. 10 2360.
TOTAL: 29 420.
Applied materials on the section
Log-rounded log m3. 114. 300. 34 200.
Sawn timber m3. 38. 120. 4560.
Poland boards m2. 236. 6. 1416.
"Eurovand" m2. 236. 10 2360.
Paro-, wind-, hydraulic films m2. 320. 2. 640.
Insulation Rockwool, URSA m2. 556. four 2224.
Metal profiled sheet (metal tile) m2. 320. 12 3840.
Wooden window blocks (two-chamber glass) m2. 48. 270. 12 960.
TOTAL: 62 200.
Total cost of work: 42 200.
Total cost of materials: 74 700.
TOTAL: 116 900.

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