Under the roof of your house


Under the roof of your house 13748_1

Under the roof of your house
Under the roof of your house
"Cozy world"
Under the roof of your house
Window "Ondulin Euro" from Onduline (size 5264cm, 160)
Under the roof of your house
FEL, FAKRO model (size 94140cm, 780)
Under the roof of your house

The glazing area should be at least 10% of the area of ​​the room, but the more daylight will be, the better. The design features of the attic window allow you to establish it in various versions, and it is not possible to choose the optimal

Under the roof of your house

The glass winds are filled with inert gas, the frame can have one, two or three contours of the seal, and a low-emission layer of silver is applied to the glass

Under the roof of your house
Under the roof of your house
Single Special Holder Sash Window can be fixed for slotted ventilation (Roto 874 model, size 5478cm, 399)
Under the roof of your house
"Cozy world"
Under the roof of your house
For better insolation of the room, architects recommend combining the mansard windows into groups. The most common combinations of two or four windows, but more complex options are possible.
Under the roof of your house

Salary is not just a constructive element that helps secure the window in the roof. It prevents the window to the plane and inside the rainwater placing flowing from the roof.

Under the roof of your house

Under the roof of your house

Under the roof of your house

The Mounting Kit BDX-2000 from Velux includes a waterproofing apron, heat-insulating circuit and fasteners (price - 44)

Under the roof of your house
Salary Z + 10 to increase the angle of inclination of the roof from Roto Frank (size 5478cm, 205)
Under the roof of your house
PRESELECT window from Fakro - New 2005. It combines two options for opening the sash - "classic" central swivel and upper suspension (size 78118cm, 410)
Under the roof of your house
Under the roof of your house
Roto Frank offers the only Da 3K hatch on the market with a sash of PVC. Equipped with a gas shock absorber, the sash can be opened both to the left and right (size 5498cm, 242)

Under the roof of your house

Under the roof of your house

Under the roof of your house

The TWF light tunnel from Velux is the perfect solution for dark rooms with a flat ceiling, located under the roof - bathrooms, corridors, storerooms IT.D. True, it should be borne in mind that a significant percentage of daylight will be lost

Under the roof of your house
Roto Frank.
Under the roof of your house

It is possible to staining the frame in any color of the RAL palette

Under the roof of your house

Downtown windows can be installed in a roof covered with almost any roofing material (an exception is a straw roof)

Under the roof of your house
Roto Frank.

The selection of the window length is carried out depending on the angle of inclination of the roof

Under the roof of your house
Roto735h stem from Roto Frank The axis turning the flap is raised by 3/4 of the window length (size 5478cm, 295)
Under the roof of your house
Under the roof of your house
Under the roof of your house

Special curtains (from 30 per 1m2) and blinds (45-60) for indulgence windows regulate the flow of light entering the room

Under the roof of your house
Under the roof of your house

Cockfine can also be connected to the automatic control system (from 190), rain and wind sensors (from 60), emergency battery (80)

Under the roof of your house
Roto Frank.
Under the roof of your house

On the outer side of the sunscreen curtain, a light or heat transfer coating that protects against sunlight can be applied

Under the roof of your house
Under the roof of your house

Ventilation valve allows air ventilation even with a closed sash

A mansard window - a high-tech product and high-tech. Yes, it can not be otherwise - in fact it lies the same load as the roof itself: rain, snow, hail, wind, straight sun rays. Yves of these extreme conditions, the window frame should remain hermetically sealed and maintain the stability of the sizes, and the window itself - to secure heat

Design of the attic window

Traditionally, the frame of the attic window is made of wood - a set-glued bar of the northern pine (a massive board with oscillations of the temperature and humid mode inevitably swells or cracks will appear in it). True, in terms of the quality of the source material, the opinions of specialists are disagged. So, for example, FAKRO (Poland) uses only bruks without bitch, motivating that even the smallest knots can become moisture conductors, and in case of their loss of any strength of the design of speech and can not be. Engineers Velux (Denmark), on the contrary, argue that according to Russian guests, minor flaws on the technical characteristics of the frame do not affect, but they add to this environmentally friendly decorative material. The finished frame is treated with an antiseptic pressure and coated with two, and sometimes three layers of varnish. However, the Russian manufacturer of "cozy world", previously known as "OCCO", offers frames and from unprotected wood, which can be painted in their taste. Of course, the cost of such products is significantly lower - if the sto coated with a varnish window of 6078cm costs 139, then a similar model without an additional coating - 125.

Wood is not the only possible material for the manufacture of attic windows, gradually it comes to shift more modern. Roto Frank (Germany) offers windows from PVC, which are completely not afraid of moisture. They cost an average of 20 more expensive than a similar wooden model. FAKRO also considers the possibility of the release of polymer frames, but still limited to the fact that it was located in the zone of the ventilator, where the risk of condensate formation, moisture-resistant plastic element is especially large. VELUX releases the GGU window, on the frame and the sash of which the polyurethane coating is applied with a thickness of 3mm, which, according to the manufacturer, makes the window almost eternal.

To seal and maintain heat between the frame and the flap, seals are set (the contours can be one, two and even three). But on this struggle for the durability of the design does not end. Outside, wooden parts of the frame are protected by metal overlays, most often aluminum. For greater reliability, Roto Frank uses hidden fasteners, which eliminates the contact of the wooden parts of the window with water. The surface of the linings is covered with polymer thermotransmissible paints. The most popular color is gray-brown; It is best combined with any roofing material. However, most manufacturers make structures that both themselves and lining themselves can be painted in any color of the RAL palette. This service will add to the cost of the window about 20%.

The company "Cozy World" uses black and white plates made of polymeric material. They cost a little cheaper and defended the frame no worse than aluminum.

Heat Saving

To date, almost all attic windows have a single-chamber glass. For heat maintenance manufacturers use other techniques: first, the 16-millimeter interconnect space is mandatoryly filled with an inert gas - argon, secondly, double-glazed windows are equipped with energy-saving glass. Roto Frank, Fakro, Velux and Onduline mentioned above are used with a soft low-emission coating glass - the so-called I-glass (LOW-E). It has higher thermal insulation characteristics than the K-glass used in conventional windows (with solid, metallic spraying). The coefficient of resistance to the heat transfer of such a glass package in the firms under consideration varies within 0.64-0.9m2. C / W, and the resistance of the windows of the window in total, from055 to0.7 mc / W, which fully complies with the regulatory requirements existing today.

But mansard windows do not stop on the results achieved. So, Velux has developed a new generation of mansard windows, whose double-glazed windows are manufactured using a "warm perimeter" technology. They contain no aluminum, as in standard models, and the steel separation frame (thermal conductivity of this metal is 12 times less than aluminum). In addition, the design frame is solid, not cut into part, which also contributes to heat resistant. Thanks to such improvements, the heat transfer resistance of the entire window rose to 0.7 m2. C / W, and according to the results of the tests (which were carried out at temperatures to -55 c) the glass package was found to be frost-resistant. Fakro, in turn, causes a layer of plastic on the separation frame, which, according to the manufacturer, further reduces heat loss.

Another way to fight for the "weather in the house" is the maximum "immersion" of the design in the roof of the roof, in other words, room in the thermal contour of the building. VELUX and ROTO FRANK in all cases completely "blend" window to the roof window, and the Universal FAKRO installation system allows you to install it in one of three positions - the depth N, V ​​and J. The first, depth N (30mm), is used only for materials with materials High profile, such as natural tiles. Since in this case it will be necessary to combine the frame with a high roofing material, "plant" it is deeply simply impossible. More often the window "is interpreted" into the roof to the depth of V (60mm) and less often, to order, to the depth J (90mm). In this case, it almost completely "goes into the body" of the roof and can no longer serve as a conductor of cold.

Non-easy question of protection

Security is never unnecessary, and for the attic window it is important first. The glass located in the roof can be crashing in the event of a fall of the irrigated branch, due to the hazardous hail or strong wind. Inesl in economy-class models can be used ordinary glass, then in expensive products most of the manufacturers are used glass tempered. It is four times more stronger than usual, but even if it is possible to break it, then such a glass crushes into small non-cut fragments. Punching of external glass can also be used triplex - even broken, it will remain in the opening, held by the film. FAKRO serially mounts double-glazed windows with a triplex (23mm) in the Termo LUX window. Velux and Roto Frank companies produce such double-glazed windows only to order.

Hospital, we have to be protected not only from rain or hail. As sad statistics says, more than 50% of cases, robbers penetrate the house through the window. The anti-burglar properties of the design will increase the anti-vandal glass consisting of two glued 4-millimeter sheets separated by a shockproof film. Such glass will increase the cost of the window, approximately 20%.

In addition, mansard windows depending on the model have from one to four locking points. Combined with anti-burglar glass packages it also increases the safety of attic rooms.

On the salary

Manufacturers make maximum effort to make an indoubted mansard window for impaired and for an impermanent guest. But even the most reliable design will become a source of increased danger, if it is not hermetically connected to the roofing material. For these purposes, the external element of the window is salary. It is a drainage device that prevents rainwater and snow to enter the junction of the frame and roof. Its type directly depends on the material covered with the roof. For generality, let's say that salaries can be for smooth and profiled roofing materials. The same classification of salaries in different manufacturers looks like this:

for smooth roofing materials thick up to 8mm;

for profiled roofs thick up to 16mm;

for high-profile material height up to 30mm;

For material with a wave height of more than 30mm.

The salaries are made from the same material as the frame lining - from aluminum (standard color, like frame linings, gray-brown, if you wish, you can also paint in any color RAL palette). However, and from this rule there are exceptions. It is obvious that for the copper roof of aluminum is not suitable - the electroplated pair of atmospheric moisture from these metals due to the electrochemical corrosion of "eating" salary and hurts the roof. For such cases, manufacturers offer copper salaries (the lining on the frame can also be made copper). By the way, the "red metal" sometimes choose from the aesthetic considerations - it looks like this window is expensive and beautiful. Fakro, Roto Frank and Velux are issued to order salaries and for titanic roofing.

The company "Cozy World" Complete its products with polymer salary. This material has a higher than aluminum, heat transfer resistance. Salary (PL type) is designed for flat roofs, but the supplied apron made of elastic material (R) makes it suitable for a roof with any wave height. Onduline, in turn, offers universal salary, which can be installed on the roof of both smooth and wavy material.

Under the roof of your house

Artem Alekseev, Head of Advertising and Public Relations of Fakro:

"When selecting the model of an attic window, it is necessary to take into account how well the supply-exhaust ventilation is organized in the room. Hospitality, residential premises, where it functions not quite effectively, we have about 70%. If the attic is originally designed as a residential premises, any windows can be installed any - Simple (in them the ventilation is carried out by simply opening the sash) or with ventilators having a standard bandwidth. If there are no standards during construction, the windows must be with an advanced ventilation system. In the oppos one, due to the pressure difference, the windows ventilation valve starts working in the reverse side, releasing wet air out of the room, and this is fraught with the formation of condensate destructive frame for wood. "

The salaries also differ and depending on the angle of inclination of the roof. Technologically install the attic window and protect it is possible if the angle of inclination of the roof ranges from 15 to 90. But there are special salaries that make it possible to set the window to the roof with angle of inclination from 7. They allow you to tilt the window relative to the roof slide by 10-15 And thus get into the recommended range of the installation angle. Ufakro is the type EAZ, Roto - "+15", but it is worth such a salary about three times more expensive than usual.

In addition, there are special salaries that combine the attic windows in groups: horizontal, vertical or combined (the distance between the windows horizontally and the vertical should be 10mm).

Velux has released a set for hydro and thermal insulation of the BDX-2000 window, consisting of a waterproofing apron and the heat insulating circuit. The insulation system has a rigid aluminum frame, equipped with special corners, which eliminates errors when mounting. When installing windows of any models using BDX-2000, the company increases the warranty period from five to ten years. The cost of the kit is 44.

Methods of opening, types of windows

Another difference in the mansard window from the usual consists in the way of opening the sash. The most popular today is a window with the so-called Medium-turn opening . The friction loops located in the central part of the frame allow you to leave the sash in the open position, and turn it to 180 (FAKRO), 160 (Velux and Onduline) or 135 (Roto Frank), which greatly facilitates the washing of glasses. Ktakim models include, for example, Ondulin Thermo, FT window from FAKRO, GZL and GGL from Velux and model S from the company "Cozy World".

Window S. Combined system (Model FK from FAKRO, GPL from Velux, and Alpine 847 from Roto Frank) provides for the combination of medium-turn and suspended (over the top hinge) methods of opening the sash. The opening angle of the top of the top is small - from 30 (FAKRO) to 45 (ROTO), but this is enough enough to look out from the window (the middle-speed system does not allow this). Usually switching the modes is carried out using an additional handle, but Roto Frank solved this problem differently. Thanks to the patented system, switching the modes is carried out by one handle, as in conventional vertical windows. The handle may be in three positions:

1) horizontal, the knob "looks" to the left - the sash opens along the top axis;

2) vertical - closed window;

3) Horizontal, the handle is rotated to the right - the axis of rotation is located on 3/4 of the height of the sash.

More recently, Fakro has a new PRESELECT window, which provides for opening along the upper or central swivel axis, but control is carried out by one handle. The mode switch is located on the side element of the box and is not noticeable when the window is closed. To date, the preselect model has another obvious dignity - this is the only combined window equipped with an anti-condensation V35 ventilation system.

Evacuation window It has a fundamentally different opening system - from him up. It is equipped with holders, the descent of which allows you to raise the leaf from the usual 40 to 68. Including cases such products are equipped with a gas shock absorber, which, on the one hand, facilitates the opening of the sash, and on the other - does not allow it to be closed under its own weight. As a rule, such windows have quite large sizes (from 78118 to 114140cm) and are superseded to a greater extent for public buildings, where it is necessary to organize an emergency exit to the roof. Cordable models include GPL from Velux and Fe from Fakro.

Swing window Connecting the advantages of the traditional attic window and the hatch window, is represented on the Russian market FW from FAKRO, Roto Da 2 from Roto Frank. This window also serves to emergency exit to the roof. The sash opens from myself a sideways and can lean both to the left and right. But the sake of justice should notice: this model has two drawbacks. First, the outer glass will be quite uncomfortable to wash, secondly, the window is deprived of the ventilating valve, and can be aircraft, only opening the sash.

Window-hatch It serves solely to enter the roof. Ufakro is a WS model - Velux - GVT, ONDULINE - Onduline EUR Polyurethane window, Roto Frank - model Lucarno 210. The design has a built-in insulating salary and a transparent cover that can be opened and fixed in this position using a handle or dropped up At 180. The thermal insulation package is absent, so the window is mounted only in unheated attic rooms.

Farmery window (For example, the FL model from FAKRO; VFE, FVA and FVB from Velux) is located at the top of the walls - in the cornily - and is intended for installation in a complex with a standard attic window. It can be open or deaf. The opening window is sometimes equipped with a special mechanism that prevents its complete discovery.

Supplement architectural ensemble will help FAKRO offered by FAKRO, a deaf window and a semicircular, triangular or rectangular shape.

And, finally, to the attic windows, albeit somewhat conditionally, can be attributed Light tunnel TWF is a new Velux. The design includes a deaf round window with a diameter of 35cm, built-in waterproofing salary, corrugated aluminum hose for light rendering (2M long, 35 cm long) and an inner ceiling. The TWF system is recommended for premises located in the center of the building: corridors, pantry and bathrooms. Hospital, light losses will be quite large, but even on a cloudy day of light penetrating through the tunnel, it will be enough to navigate the room, not including electrical lighting. One tunnel is enough to illuminate the room in 9m2. As for the sizes of the attic window, then each manufacturer's company has its own table size (there can be up to 13 options). The size of the frame vary from 5578 to 114140cm.

Under the roof of your house

Oleg Panitkov, Leader of the Velux Project Group:

"I had to hear that the mansard window could be put on the crate. But I insist that it needs to be mounted only on rafters, except for the cases of a large cross section. The fact is that during fluctuations in the temperature and humidity of the rail can a little "walk", which leads to the displacement of the window and violating the conditions for its normal operation. She raftered an order of magnitude more reliable. If the standard step of the rafter does not coincide with the dimensions of the window, their (rafters) can always be adjusted. As a rule, the fitting circuit usually indicate the window installation instructions. "

Road and ventilation

You should not forget about one important window of the window - ensure the influx of fresh air. Of course, the easiest way to ventilate is to simply open the sash and fix it in the right position. However, FAKRO, ROTO FRANK and VELUX are thought out how to organize a ventilation process with a closed window: In most of their models, a ventilation device is provided - a slotted labyrinth valve located in the top of the frame box. It provides air exchange from 25 (FAKRO) to 39m3 / h (VELUX), which fully complies with the requirements of regulatory documents. Velux supplies ventilation valve with a removable filter from dust and insects.

Practical recommendations

Under the roof of your house

The optimal location of the attic window is at an altitude of 90-130cm from the floor.

The slope over the window needs to be performed horizontally, and under the window - vertically, which makes it possible to use the daily light as efficiently as possible, improve the circulation of warm air and avoid the formation of condensate. If the windowsill is provided, it should be installed with some indentation from the walls, leaving the air gap.

In urban environments, wooden window elements need to cover the new layer of varnish every two years, and in the area with a small amount of precipitation - every ten years.

Arrangement knob

Attic windows have two options for the arrangement of the handle opening: below (Fakro, Onduline, Roto Frank, "Cozy World") and at the top of the frame (Velux). To judge what one is better, and what worse, difficult - everyone has both advantages and disadvantages. If the handle is located at the top, even when the window is open, it will remain indoors, and it will not be necessary to log out to close it. It is also important that the little child will not be able to open the sash independently. But, on the other hand, if the attic window is large or installed high, it will be difficult to open it and adult. Before the knob, located below, will get even a low person, but if directly under the window is a sofa or table, reach through it, opening the window, it will not be very convenient. Yes, and on the windowsill, if any, it is better not to put extra objects - the risk is too great to drop them.


Enhance the usability of the windows will help the accessories offered by all manufacturers. The simplest - curtains (from 30 per 1m2), they reduce light access and revive the interior. Blinds (45-60) allow you to control the amount and direction of sunlight penetrating the room, and may have a thermo-reflective coating. An even more effective protection against a destructive ultraviolet can be the marquise (45-60 per 1m2) - it dispels the sun's rays before they reach the glass plane. At the same time, the fine-seat canvas remains transparent to the eye and does not interfere with admire the view from the window. It costs $ 45-55 for 1m2. Roller shutters (from 200) completely darken the room, provide good heat and sound insulation and penetration protection. All of the above can be supplemented with an anti-mosquito net (from PVC or fiberglass), which guides for which are mounted in the opening from the inside, as a result of which they do not prevent the window opening and closing (100-130 per 1m2).

Special rods and cords (from 20) will help to open or close a highly located window. Comfort lovers can advise the remote control system (90), and then the window can be controlled without getting up from the sofa. The rain sensor (60) provides automatic closing of windows in case of precipitation (due to the heating system, it is insensitive to dew and fog), and the wind sensor closes the sash if the specified wind speed is exceeded. Emergency power battery (80) allows you to control FAKRO windows, even if the electricity is disabled.

The main parameters of the model of mansard windows from some manufacturers



Model Size, see Angle of





RO glass

Pack M2 C / W

Glass (external /



The price of the window, Okla type, approach


The price of salary




GZL. 5578. 15-90. under the central

Nya axis

0,7 in-

it is with a soft selective


175. EDS, for flat roofing materials /

EDW for profile roofing materials

45 /


GPL 78118. 20-55 combination


0,7 External - tempered, in-

it is with a soft selective


539. EDS, for flat roofing materials /

EDW for profile roofing materials

53 /


GGL Intergatm. 78160. 15-90. under the central

Nya axis

0,7 External - tempered, in-

it - with a soft selective coating

1078. EDS, for flat roofing materials /

EDW for profile roofing materials

57 /




FTS-V (Fakro Standart) 5578. 15-90. under the central

Nya axis

0,66 in domestic - with soft selective


155. ESV, for flat roofing materials /

EZV, for profile roofing materials /

ENN, for high-finished materials

43 /

57 /


FPP (Fakro Pre-Select) 78118. 15-90. combination


0,66 External - tempered, in-

it is with a soft selective


410. ESV, for flat roofing materials /

EZV, for profile roofing materials /

ENN, for high-finished materials


75 /




94140. 20-55 on top suspension and central

Nya axis

0,66 External - tempered, in-

it is with a soft selective


700. ESV, for flat roofing materials /

EZV, for profile roofing materials /

ENN, for high-finished materials

56 /

80 /


Roto Frank.


Roto 847 N. 65118. 25-65 combination


0.69 Both glasses are hardened, in-

it is with a soft selective


479. F, for flat roofing materials /

Z, for profile roofing materials /

Z +10, to increase the angle of inclination of the roof

46 /

66 /


Roto 439 H. 5478. 15-85 under the central

Nya axis

0.69 in-

it is with a soft selective


173. F, for flat roofing materials /

Z, for profile roofing materials /

Z +10, to increase the angle of inclination of the roof

43 /

59 /


Roto 735 N. 5498. 25-65 Upper suspension 0.69 External - tempered, in-

it is with a soft selective


316. F, for flat roofing materials /

Z, for profile roofing materials /

Z +10, to increase the angle of inclination of the roof

44 /

62 /


Onduline (France) Ondulin Euro 5264. 20-90. Upper suspension 0.63. Float - Glass 160. salary


"Cozy world"


STN. 6078. 15-90. under the central

Nya axis

0.55 External - tempered, in-

it is with a soft selective


98. Salary pl union

Silent / System R

40 /


Sto 6098. 15-90. under the central

Nya axis

0.64. External - tempered, in-

it is with a soft selective


145. Salary pl union

Silent / System R

40 /


The editors thanks for help in preparing the material of Velux, Fakro, Roto Frank and "Cozy World".

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