And raise the fireplace in the room ... (your home number 2/2005, p. 149)


And raise the fireplace in the room ... (your home number 2/2005, p. 149) 13750_1

And raise the fireplace in the room ... (your home number 2/2005, p. 149)
Island Fireplace from "KF Evita"
And raise the fireplace in the room ... (your home number 2/2005, p. 149)
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Inner view of drywall casing

And raise the fireplace in the room ... (your home number 2/2005, p. 149)
Fireplace installation scheme on the second floor with a support for the foundation of the first
And raise the fireplace in the room ... (your home number 2/2005, p. 149)
Furnace Installation Scheme and Fireplace with Separate Dwellers

The heating system of the house at the Riga seaside includes a furnace-fireplace on the first floor and a fireplace on the second. These two heat carriages are combined vertically with a common chimney, which caused a number of technical difficulties.

Forward queue should be borne in mind that the oven, and the fireplace are rather impressive facilities: the mass of some models can reach 900kg. Judge, if the focus is installed on the first floor, the specialists strongly recommend the construction of a separate foundation that is not related to the foundation of the building - preferably reinforced concrete. The depth of its embezzlement should be at least 0.5 m for one-story house and 0.7-1m for a two-storey, based on high and, as a result, a heavier chimney pipe. Kotlovan tear off in the ground in the area of ​​the base of the furnace (fireplace). The surface of the foundation is aligned strictly horizontally and coated with waterproofing from rubberoid or waterpore.

If the fireplace is mounted on the second floor, it can be installed on separate dual-level beams, which close in capital walls with a length of at least 350mm. But this decision is advisable primarily for massive fireplaces. Light design (and for the upper floors, they choose, as a rule, light models with cast iron furnaces) can be placed directly on the floor, pre-enhanced lags.

The main problem of installation in this case is not whether wooden beams overlapping the weight of the structure will withstand. As a rule, they are strong enough. The fireplace should stand firmly at the overlap and be securely connected to chimney. The woven the wood supports is a rather "mobile" material, which is sensitive to changes in the temperature and humidity regime. The result of these movements can be cracks at the site of connecting to chimney and even disruption of the integrity of the entire structure. Obviously, the operation of the fireplace in such a situation will be far from safe.

Therefore, if the designer has conceived the installation of a furnace and a fireplace interconnected by vertical, each such a case is considered particularly. The specialist goes into place, removes the size, analyzes the condition of the flooring material and walls, selects the appropriate design of the chimney IT.D. Tonight on the basis of calculations is made by the final decision.

If there are doubts about the reliability of the overlap, one of the solutions to the problem can be the installation of a fireplace on the foundation of the first floor furnace. Then the chimney of the lower heating device is placed in a kind of brick box, which "cuts out" the inter-storey wooden overlap. Mind on this box, the reinforced concrete plate is mounted, which serves as a support for the upper fireplace. Of course, the foundation of the furnace should be strengthened.

Functional differences

She also the difficulty of creating such a union is that the principles of the furnace and the fireplace are different. The furnace has a closed firebox and fully uses the heat released during the combustion process of the fuel. The heating of the room is carried out by convection: the warm air from the walls of the furnace rises to the ceiling, cooled in the windows and exterior walls, lowers, returns to the heated furnace IT.D. The furnace almost always remains closed, and excess air that falls into the furnace from the room when the door is opened, only slightly "dilutes" the combustion products and reduces the traction.

The fireplace is arranged completely different. First of all, it has an open furnace, and it comes to firewood much more air than is required for normal burning. The temperature of the exhaust gases is obtained too low, the result of which the bad thrust becomes. That is why fireplaces are equipped with a straight smoke channel working as a pump and pulling almost all heat together with smoke. That is why it is possible to use a fireplace and oven, "planted" for one chimney, you can only separately. In the opposite case, air dries occurs through the channels of the non-working heat carrier into the chimney of the working, the thrust is weakening or stopped at all, and a smoke occurs.

However, sometimes an embodiment of the furnace and a fireplace is used through the so-called dissection, but then the likelihood that both floors will be filled with smoke clubs, significantly increases. One way or another, the installation of two heat carriers connected vertically by one smoke channel is, rather, an exception than the rule, and if possible, it is better to refuse it.

The editors thanks the company Duck-Hall, Saga-Bis and Soyuz Masters for help in preparing the material.

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