In search of a silent air conditioner


Low noise air conditioning systems: wall and channel split systems, chiller-funkyla type settings. An example of conditioning studio.

In search of a silent air conditioner 13765_1

In search of a silent air conditioner
Mitsubishi Electric delivers to Russia a split-system MSZ-FA 25 VA, the minimum noise level of 21stB
In search of a silent air conditioner
Noise of the inner block of the new split-system FTKS20CVMB (Daikin) from 22ndB

In search of a silent air conditioner

In search of a silent air conditioner

In search of a silent air conditioner

In search of a silent air conditioner

In search of a silent air conditioner
Mitsubishi Electric

Shells on fins (a), Balanced (b), with variable pitching blades (B), large diameter (d) impeller, multisective heat exchanger (D) - attributes of low noise air conditioning

In search of a silent air conditioner
In the CS-HE9DKE model (FlagShip), the noise level of the inner unit at the low fan speed is 26DB
In search of a silent air conditioner
NK Noise Movements Production of NED is installed in rectangular ducts. Punching filler in them is used mineral wool slab from basalt fiber
In search of a silent air conditioner
The silencers are designed to reduce noise from the fans of the inner block of the split-system in the air duct channel both on the inflow and on the hood. The speed of air through the silencer should be minimal

(A- "season";


In search of a silent air conditioner

The air conditioning and removal from the recycling room is organized by flexible air ducts

In search of a silent air conditioner
For mounting air ducts use assembly clamps and tape

In search of a silent air conditioner

In search of a silent air conditioner

In search of a silent air conditioner
The internal block of the channel split system when creating a low-noise air conditioning system is usually mounted in the technical room. The supply of contingent-auction air - through the air mass-pretends, mounted in the ceiling or to the floor (A, b). In effectively sound insulation, the internal unit can be installed in the air conditioning room, behind the tail ceiling (B)
In search of a silent air conditioner

The noise level generated by working fan coil is largely determined by the quality of its fan balancing. In "Advanced" models put statically and dynamically balescent fans installed on soft rubber supports

In search of a silent air conditioner

In search of a silent air conditioner

In search of a silent air conditioner
The channel split system with a thermal pump mode can be used to cool air in summer (a) and for air heating in the transition period (b)
In search of a silent air conditioner
To reduce noise reduce fan speed
In search of a silent air conditioner

Fan coil air leaves specially planned guides

In search of a silent air conditioner
"Coward Kosinus" from a zehnder- rectangular metal cabinet, inside of which there is a heat exchanger from thin polypropy-flashes
In search of a silent air conditioner
Scheme of the cooled air through the "anti-icon" "cosine cosine"
In search of a silent air conditioner

Perforated aluminum panels with built-in coils pipe- main elements of cooling ceilings

In search of a silent air conditioner

Cooling ceilings do not occupy free space

In search of a silent air conditioner
Climatic System provides conditioning and ventilation of recording studio
In search of a silent air conditioner
Basic element of the climate system Studio-channel split-system FB4B036 / 33YCC036 produced by Carrier, operating in cooling and air heating mode
In search of a silent air conditioner
Photo by D.Minkina

Air-distribution in the studio is organized using sinus-a diffusers and ventilation gratings from Systemair

In search of a silent air conditioner
Photo by D.Minkina

Programmable remote

Air conditioning is definitely a very useful invention. This help we can support the optimal temperature of the air, regardless of the weather popsicles. But, as any electro-mechanical household appliance, in the process of work it is noise, and often very strong, so that there can be no speech about comfort. If you prefer to be checked in silence, it is logical to purchase equipment for low noise air conditioning.

What noise will be supposed?

In search of a silent air conditioner

Split systems with low noise inner blocks put not only in bedrooms and children's, but also in the fireplaces, silence often experiences about unacceptably strong noise from air conditioners begin after installing equipment in bedrooms. The noise interferes primarily during sleep. He makes it difficult and slows asleep, wakes up a man at night. At the same time, it may be critical to become even a barely audible crackling of plastic elements of the hull or fan electric motor. Very uncomfortable viewing of video films, preparing homework, listening to audio records under the sound of the air cooling system. In addition cases, the noise is worried about the residents of the air-conditioned apartment, and the neighbors, since the part of the system is made beyond the housing turns out to be very loud.

Of course, each person perceives the noise in his own way. Some are enough tolerant to him, whereas other irritation causes the slightest sound. Despite these differences in perception, scientists managed to determine the noise level permissible for most people in the dwelling. Recompute with CH2.2.4 /, an acceptable noise of the air conditioning system in a residential room (living room, bedroom, office IT.D.) from 7 am to 11 pm Maximum 3DB, and at night (from 23 to 7h) - 25DB . According to the Moscow standards (MGSN 2.04-97) for high-needed houses (category A) This parameter must be kept even more strictly: in the afternoon, not more than 30 days, at night- no more than 20 db!

To equip the room with climatic equipment, noise from which does not exceed the permissible values, it is necessary to contact a specialized organization and conclude a contract with it in which the permissible level of noise in the room should be registered. If the installed climate system will seem too noisy, you can present the company informed claims (up to a lawsuit). This requires documentary confirmation of exceeding permissible norms. It is possible to contact the SES or a commercial firm specializing in environmental impact assessment. The cost of the service (including the departure of specialists and the preparation of expert opinion on the results of the measurements carried out) in Moscow is about 7500 rubles.

Low Noise Wall Split Systems

In search of a silent air conditioner
The new Flagship (Panasonic) series with an oxygen generator, an ionizer and air purification system Super alleru-bus gear (area up to 20-25m2) Low noise air-conditioning installation can be implemented on the basis of a split system with a wall-mounted inner block that is mounted on the wall on the wall height 2-2.5 m on the floor. As is known, the split system consists of two blocks. The external is outdoor located: outside on the wall, on the balcony, on the roof or in the garden, sometimes in the attic or in the basement. The inner air processing unit is mounted in the apartment. Broadcast blocks are connected through the hole made in the wall with copper pipes and control electrical communications.

Hospital, use the split system for low noise cooling of the room in practice is far from always. First of all for a specific room, especially if there are many heat sources (computers, IT TVs), may not have enough equipment power (although at first glance it seems strange, because split systems of sufficiently high power on the market as much as you like ). The fact is that manufacturers of low noise equipment in their advertising and information booklets usually do not report that only one, usually the most low-power, are able to work out of all air conditioners offered in the "quiet" mode. Yes, and it with a reduced noise level will function only with the minimum frequency of rotation of the fan of the indoor unit, which gives out no more than 30-70% of its maximum cooling capacity.

The noise level data, published in the advertising and information booklets of manufacturers, usually needs to be adjusted towards an increase, which may well withdraw the considered unit from among those suitable for you. The fact is that the manufacturers of split systems measure the noise at a distance of 1m from the front surface of the inner unit, in the non-echo chamber, simulating the hall of infinitely large volume. The rooms of our apartments, unfortunately, are not so great. The sound emanating from the indoor unit can be repeatedly reflected from the walls and enhanced. Therefore, to assess the real level of noise, which will be perceived by the human ear, it is necessary to add sound, reflected from the walls to the "tiny" from the catalog. For an approximate rating: if the air-conditioned room is minimum of furniture, bare walls and tiled floors, it is necessary to add to the catalog value about 6-9DB. If there is wall-mounted and floor carpets in the room, on the windows are dense curtains, absorbing sound, the gain will be approximately 1-4DB. Implemented the noise characteristics of air conditioners will correspond to reality only for "muted" recording studio.

Finally, even if the noise level of the inner block of the split system turns out to be relatively low, then it is always high at the outdoor unit, it is always quite high at least 45-55DB, and it can ruin the whole thing. After all, if the outer block is installed on the loggia or directly under the window, the noise from it may well penetrate into the housing, or through the wall thickness (the so-called structural noise), or through the window. Bad obstacle on the path of noise to the room are traditional wooden frames with single or double glazing. Avota Modern frames with glass windows of different thicknesses significantly reduce the noise from the outer block.

The coincible advantages of split systems should include their low cost (relative to other types of climatic installations), and even that this equipment can be mounted in the house- both at the stage of the draft room and in the already decorated apartments. A results of the Wall Split Systems, especially "advanced" models of recent years, are widely used for low-noise air conditioning bedrooms, children's, cabinets, living rooms and private recording studios.

Calculated manufacturers of low-noise technology should certainly be noted by Japanese companies Daikin, Mitsubishi Electric, Panasonic, Toshiba, Fugitsu General and a number of others. As a rule, with a minimum level of noise, only the technique of the highest price group works. The cost of the split system of cooling capacity of about 2kW is $ 1000-1500, and the cost of its professional installation is not less than 20-25% of the equipment cost.

Tanners with noiselessness

In search of a silent air conditioner
Architectural Studio "Object"

Photo V.Nepledov

The low-speed air-wide string of the wall in the wall in the hallway conditioning rooms with an area of ​​5-10 to 100 m2 or more, while ensuring the minimum noise level in them, it is possible using channel split systems with an internal unit equipped with an average and high-pressure fan (static pressure, from 80 to 250PA).

The equipment of the channel split system is located outside the air-conditioned room (only the control panel is located in the latter). The outdoor unit is mounted on the street, on the outer wall of the building, in the attic, on the roof, in the IT.D. The internal channel block is installed in a technical room adjacent to air-conditioned (for example, in the pantry). The block is mounted under the ceiling, on the floor or on the wall, fixing on the rubber vibration plants (so that the vibrations are transmitted through the walls in the air-conditioned space). Air-conditioned air intake in the internal unit, as well as the delivery of cooled (heated) air in back into the room is carried out according to flexible round heat-and-fluidized ducts of large diameter (usually more than 200mm). Their outputs indoors are closed to the ceiling (behind which the air ducts are laid) low-speed air distribution and air intake grids.

To effectively reduce the noise from the inner unit into the gap of the thermal insulated ducts, the channel noiseless are mounted (most often these perforated pipes wrapped by absorbing noise material). They are usually put on the inlet and at the exit from the inner block of the channel split system, as well as in front of the holes through which the ducts from the inner unit are laid in the air-conditioned room. Here, the silencers should be tightly adjacent to the wall adjacent to the air-conditioned space, in order to avoid penetration of sound from the technical room. The area of ​​free sections of the silencers should be equal to the area of ​​the duct section. With a decrease in the free cross section of the muffler, the flow rate increases in it and, accordingly, an additional noise generated by this flow increases.

Among the manufacturers of channel split systems, the products of which are currently presented in the Russian climate technology market, it should be noted by ASCON (Malaysia), Airwell (France), Clevet, Delonghi (Italy), Haier (China), LG (South Korea), Carrier (USA), Electra, Tadiran (Israel). Traditionally, good equipment supplied to our country such Japanese companies like Daikin, Fugitsu General, Mitsubishi Heavy, Sanyo, Hitachi, Panasonic, Mitsubishi Electric, Fuji Electric and a number of others. Among the manufacturers of high-quality heat-insulated air ducts should be called such companies as Sodiamex, Acomat (France), DEC (Netherlands), "Diaflex" (Russia). Well-established silencers of domestic firms "Arktos", "Lotonservice", Ned, Vectra, as well as technique from Swedish companies SYSTEMAIR and OSTBERG. High-quality low-speed air distribution devices supply Systemair Trox to Russia, Stifab Farex (Sweden), Modair (France). Cheaper, but very good quality Air grids from the plants "Arktos", "Season", "Lotonservice", "Tyra" and some other firms. By approximate estimates, a low-awake climatic installation created on the base of the channel air conditioner, the turnkey will cost the Customer in the amount of from $ 1000-1500 for each kilowatt of the refrigeration power of the split system.

Water systems

Today, for air conditioning residential premises in some urban high-rise buildings (usually elite new buildings) and country houses, the system of central air conditioning type "Chiller-Fancoille" is established. Chiller cools water to about + 7c. The installation of the pumping station, the cold carrier is pumped on the floors and in heat insulated pipelines enters the cooled rooms. Fan coil, cooling air mounted there. Obazovy elements of the Chiller-Fan Coil system, our magazine has already written in the article "When the water controls the water."

Valid dreams from split systems, low noise fan coils are produced not only in the wall, but also in the outdoor performance, a cooling capacity of 1.5-2.5 kW. The noise level is indicated in the advertising and informational materials of the manufacturers of technology at the minimum fan rotation frequency (in the maximum cooling capacity mode, it may increase in 1.5-2ruse).

Very effective and low noise fan coils manufactures Chiller (Finland, Studio Line range). The level of their noise is about 21DBA. The fan used in this line of devices has a sound absorbing design. The fan motor is installed in the center of its masses, so that the vibration of the device is partially absorbed by the engine weight. Interest, instead of the bearings of sliding, ball bearings are used, which prevents the emergence of axial displacements in the fan and, as a result, does not allow noise to appear. The heat exchanger plates are installed at the fan from the suction side, and this guarantees a uniform air distribution even with a weak stream.

Interesting (from the point of view of low noise) Fan Coils supply to Russia Daikin (FWV-BA6V1 / FWV-BAF6V1 models, the minimum noise level is 20 DBB), Aermec (United Kingdom), (Omnia HL10 outdoor model, from 22.5DB) IDR. The cost of the device on 2kW, having a low noise mode, is $ 700-1000.

In addition to fan coils to pipelines, entering cold water in the room or cottage, other types of temperature closers can be connected. They are actively used in the practice of building abroad, but have not yet received proper spread in Russia.

A very curious technique "On the water" offers in our market Zehnder (Germany) - one of the leaders in the production of designer heating devices. The "Coward Coward" device ("Mine Cock-Fold") is white or painted in the Customer-selected color rectangular metal cabinet with a height of 2300mm, 1000 width and a depth of 270 mm, which is installed at the wall of the cooled room. Inside the cabinet is a heat exchanger made in the form of a mat from thin polypropylene tubes to which cold water is connected from the water-cooler machine. The device is working as an "anti-icon": the air is circulating through its body moves not from the bottom up, but from top to bottom. From the room, it penetrates into the closet through the grille located on the front surface, at the top. Near the heat exchanger from polypropylene tubes, the air flow begins to cool and fall into the lower part of the device. There is an air distribution grille, through which the air enters the room.

The cooled air from the "Mine Implasses" is supplied to the smooth jet, absolutely silent. The refrigerator of the device is approximately 1000W, it is enough to cool a small bedroom. There is no power consumption. The cost of the "COSINUS COSINUS" device is about 2000 plus shipping costs and "customs clearance" of cargo.

Extremely good for cooling rooms new for the Russian market device-cooling ceilings. Abroad they are often used to cool VIP-chambers in hospitals, as well as high-class offices and other premises. Listening to increased noise requirements such ceilings are used in everyday life. Structurally, they are perforated aluminum panels with built-in coolant coolers of pipes or suspended panels, at the top of which are pressed, welded or fixed with clips of the pipes through which cold water is passed. Being mounted, the panels do not differ from the usual suspended ceiling. Sometimes they give the properties of sound absorption by laying in their upper part of perforated noise absorbing sheets.

The advantages of using cooling ceilings are in their full silentness and the absence of unpleasant drafts. These devices do not occupy useful space. Avi strength that they lower the middle radiant temperature in the room, their use makes it possible to increase the air temperature over the limits permissible when organizing the cooling of the room. For example, you need to create comfort equal to a felt at a temperature of 24c in the case of the use of traditional systems. The use of cooling ceilings will allow to heat the air in the room to 25-26 ° C, depending on the intensity of thermal radiation (for example, solar radiation). It is said that the cooling radiant stream going on the head of people gives them a special feeling of freshness.

The temperature of the water at the inlet in the cooling ceiling panel must be at least 1.5C above the dew point. In the opposite case in a room, cooled with the help of ceilings, droplets will begin. Relative humidity should not exceed 45% so that the dew point remains at 11-12C (for this in the room it is necessary to arrange a system of supply and exhaust ventilation). Achetle people did not hear the roast of water, the speed of her movement in pipes should not be higher than 0.3-0.6 m / s. However, in winter and in the transition period of the year, the temperature of the water at the entrance in the panel can be significantly increased. Cooling panels can be used as devices heating space. To do this, it is enough to switch them from the coolant to the coolant, and it will start circulating hot water from the boiler room.

Equipment for the cooling ceilings system (including a rather complicated and expensive automation, providing control of the humidity level and maintaining the temperature of the water in the entrance to the room) is in the range of companies Zehnder, Carrier, Stifab Farex IDR. The estimated price of the "cooling ceilings" system (panels + automation) is from $ 2500 for 1 km of refrigeration power plus the cost of the supply and exhaust ventilation device with the air drying function.

Sorry for the radio

In an effort to reduce the noise of split systems with internal blocks of wall-mounted type, the manufacturers are constantly improving the design of their fans and heat exchangers, reducing the level of aerodynamic noise generated by these nodes. As a rule, such improvements can be found in the technique of the highest price group.

A very effective low-noise fan, as well as a heat exchange with an enlarged heat exchange surface, equipped, for example, MSZ-FA25VA's wall-mounted air conditioners, which currently owns the palm championship in the production of quiet split systems (air conditioners are supplied to the Russian market with minimal noise level 21DBA) . The VMSZ-FA25VA used the fan increased compared to the models of past years of diameter (about 100mm) with a variable step of specially planted blades. The fan is statically and dynamically balanced and installed in the air conditioner on very soft rubber sliding bearings. At the same time, the evaporator was made four-piece, with an increase in the surface of heat exchange as compared to the models of past years. This allowed the previous dimensions of the indoor unit, but the reduced frequency of the fan rotation to ensure a fairly fast and quiet cooling of the room.

Variable blades (Zigzag FAN) and a special shape heat exchanger are used in Daikin FTKS25B models, thanks to which the noise level at the low fan speed in these split systems is reduced to 22nd.

The sketch of reduce the noise from the freon contour, the throttle of the liquid refrigerant (after the expansion valve or the capillary tube) in quiet split systems is carried out in the outer block. A special silencer is sometimes put in front of the thermostat, which, like a sieve, separates the bubbles of the gas phase in the flow of a liquid refrigerant, which significantly reduces the sound from the refrigerant circulation in the system. Such a device is equipped, for example, the SRK28HBE Mitsubishi Heavy model (the so-called "pearl series"), the noise level of which at the minimum frequency of the fan rotation is 26DB.

To reduce the noise level, the outer blocks of split-systems are equipped with rotary or scroll-compressors (they are mounted on rubber vibration and placed in the "shell" from noise insulation), low-noise fans, airflow guides and other raisins.

Studio air conditioning (example)

An example of a low-noise air conditioning system may become a functioning year-round climate installation of a small recording studio located in the ground floor of a private cottage. Requirements for noise from the air conditioning system in this case were put forward pretty hard: no more than 20 db.

The climate installation of the studio, implemented by the specialists of the Aeroproph company, was created on the basis of CARRIER FB4B036 / 33YCC036 channel system with options for year-round use of technology. This allows you to apply a climatic installation for heating at a temperature on the street from -34.5 to + 18c and for cooling in the range from -28 to + 45c, all year round providing comfortable conditions for people staying in the studio (22-24C).

The outdoor unit is installed on the street, and internal-in-technical room, adjacent to the studio, on rubber vibration insulators that prevent the distribution to the studio and in the house of structural noise. The connection of the interior block with the studio room is carried out by means of heat-and-and-insulated ducts from the fuscations and flexible channels of Sonodec GLX from DEC, their diameter is 315mm. To reduce the noise penetrating the studio through the air ducts, two groups of SYSTEMAIR were used: the first inlet and at the outlet of the indoor unit, the second to the holes in the entrance of the air ducts into the studio.

The air exchange indoor is built according to the "top-up" scheme: the air distribution devices are installed in the tail ceiling. From the indoor unit, the cooled (heated) stream is supplied through the SINUS-A intake diffusers produced by SYSTEMAIR. They provide a large volume of fresh air that is mixed with air Premises with minimal noise. Recycling air fence in air conditioning is carried out through exhaust ventilation grilles SINUS-A.

In addition to cooling (heating), air in the studio, the split system also provides its ventilation. Fresh air from the street along a heat-proof air duct with a built-in silencer is fed to the internal unit, which is mixed with the recycling flow returning from the studio. In case of insufficient air mixture, the electrocalorefer installed at the inlet unit automatically turns on. Excess air (in the volume of inflow) are removed from the studio along the heat-and-fluid air duct into the cottage venti.

For ease of temperature control (ranging from 18 to 30 ° C) on the studio wall, a multifunction programmable control panel of the split-system with a self-diagnostic function of CARRIER was mounted.

Costs for the climatic installation of a private recording studio

Designation Name Units. change Number of Price, $ Amount, $
FB4B036. Internal block of channel air conditioner Cold / Heat 10.3 / 10,5kW, 220V / 1 F / 50Hz PC. one 765. 765.
38YCC036. Outer block of channel air conditioner, Freon R22 PC. one 1510. 1510.
- Programmable control panel PC. one 197. 197.
- Low-tempered kit * set one 845. 845.
- Electro-calorifer 8 kW PC. one 145. 145.
P504-8083s. Filter-desiccant PC. one 37. 37.
Kaals0101LLs. Solenoid valve PC. one 74. 74.
- Diffuser Patch Sinus-A PC. four 120. 480.
- Exhaust Sinus-A ventilation grille PC. four 120. 480.
- Noiseless PC. 6. 223. 1338.
- Other equipment and consumables (isolated flexible inserts, freon route, isolation IT.D.) set one 2125. 2125.
- Mounting work - one 1100. 1100.
- Design work - one 380. 380.
- Running, commissioning - one 299. 299.
TOTAL 9775.
* - allows you to work the channel air conditioner in cooling mode to -280c.

The kit includes: a block of low-temperature starting, a thermostat of the evaporator frost, Motor Master, TRV

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