Bed outfits


The bed should serve as an interior decoration in the free day: Consider what are relevant materials, colors and shapes painted.

Bed outfits 13770_1

Bed outfits
Mondadoripress /

East News.

The coarse texture of the felt corresponds to the stylistry of country

Bed outfits

Democratic option for youth

Bed outfits

Bilateral bedspread - Method Change the appearance of the bedroom

Bed outfits
Where will the favorite cashmere bedtop spend? On the stylized moon next to the bed
Bed outfits

Rich colors in textile decoration again in fashion

Bed outfits
Yves Delorme

Artfully stitched, from expensive fabrics covered can be a real work of art and used as a wedding dowry

Bed outfits
Bed outfits

Stripped and with a chess pattern made of natural materials are traditionally considered a male breakfast decoration option. Although it is rather myth. Just such a drawing choose prudent spouses for them

Bed outfits

Bed outfits
"Ideal interior"

Tactile sensations, as you know, occupy an important place in our lives. Especially in the cold season. Due to the high technologies of the covers of artificial fur at first glance, indistinguishable minks, sheep and calf skins

Bed outfits

An example of using complementary

Partner Fabrics in Bedroom

Bed outfits
Mondadoripress /

East News.

Cold bedroom geometry is revived by multi-colored bedspread

Bed outfits
Creation Baumann.

Natural fabrics and bright, juicy colors will make a bed and a sultry summer cozy and comfortable

Bed outfits

Tapestry canvas apply for classic bedroom decor

Bed outfits

Red color tuples to brick and burgundy beloved shades ar Deco

Bed outfits

Designer Bureau Archiproject.

Covered to order sews taking into account the features of the bed

It's no secret that we spend a third of life in a dream. Wei happy watches do not care what our sleeping place looks like. Main and convenience. Are you not sleeping? How to decorate the bed?

Let's start with the fact that the bed is an item that attracts attention to the bedroom first. In France's palaces, for example, the main premises were considered the royal fever with a front bed: reclining on it, the king took visitors. Yes, to this day, the bed in this country is more than the furniture, and bedding, including bedspreads, are quite comparable to the objects of the cult.

Turns are difficult to talk about a single direction that dominates in the interiors. Each era left us its precious experience in the design of premises, including, naturally, and decorating bedrooms. Therefore, many historical styles are popular today. Conditionally, they can be classic, but with the reservation that any of them has its own decor nuances, including in textiles.

KRYMERA, COWS A LA Louis XIV can be made of dark red or dark green velvet or silk, ornaments are alternated with heraldic motifs, decorated with golden braid and brushes. Eastern bedspreads are affected by a violent pattern, embroidery, appliqué, bright colors, as they testify to the status of their owner. You can contrast such temperament a modest bedroom of adherents of minimalism. It is distinguished by restrained finish, low rectangular beds and simple bedspreads made of natural matte fabrics, practically not having decor. Compromise pre-bedroom coziness fans. Here you can detect beautiful bedspreads, pillows, even gentle and cavity, but it is difficult to highlight a certain stylus line.

In love, before proceeding with the selection of bedspreads for the bed, it is worth thinking about what kind of decor corresponds to the interior, does not contradict the lifestyle of the owners of the house and how, in your opinion, a cleaned bed should look like. We, for our part, will try to consider different options for its design.

Texture and color

The covering is a significant part of the interior. It is, of course, it should be combined with other elements of the decoration of the room in color and texture, so that a single harmonious ensemble arises (of course, if this is this task).

If we talk about a color decision, then it makes sense to take into account some nuances. Let's say, for a small bedroom it is better to choose a bed with a tone floor and walls so that the bed does not look too massive. Shiny tissues of cold colors It is advisable to avoid, otherwise the shade of the parade will appear, and not a soft relaxing atmosphere. If in the room from time to time it is cool, it is better to purchase a covered warm tone-peach, pink, yellow. The bedroom on the north will decorate the golden bedspread, providing the owners a pleasant feeling of falling on the bed of the rays of the sun. Good tender or neutral shades based on cream and beige. Coloring the bedroom will add fabrics with a large expressive ornament: a floral pattern, vegetable motifs, plot sketches.

Full freedom of choice

As the bedroom is perhaps the most special and individual room in the house, materials for its decoration can be much more refined than, for example, for the living room. It is better if textiles initially enters the integer's intention, and the bed model is thought out simultaneously with the design of the bedspread. Note that it is completely able to emphasize the specific style of furniture or become the dominant stain to which the remaining elements of textile decoration will be "tied". Punching decor for the covered usually use ruffles, folds, coupons, cords, festones around the edges, champs, lightning, buttons, buttons, bows and subzor. The latter, by the way, today are especially popular and no longer remind of "Babushkin Bed". The sizes can be attached to the log frame or be a natural continuation of the sheet. For the sake of imparting a product of greater decorativeness, the same fabric is usually used for it as for the bedspread.

Bed outfits

A dense ornament from large colors makes covered with the center of the interior composition and echoes the pattern on the porters. Use a rich pattern is necessary to carefully - this is a very active element of the decoration of the house.

Bed outfits
Design Studio "Europe"

Photo E.Lichina

Punching Decor for the covered usually use ruffles, folds, coupons, festones around the edges

Bed outfits
Bright brakes-bedspreads tramasmas in the Mediterranean style make house elegant and unique

In general, it is quite difficult to talk about any fashion trends in decoration covered, it's more about the style directions. Nevertheless, Collection 2005. Etro (Italy) with its brightness and wealth of the pattern is fundamentally different from last year, made in pastel golden-green tones. Models from silk of turquoise, salad, lemon, scarlet, cherry, purple shades with ornaments "ethno", geometric pattern, "animal" are decorated with embroidery, fringe, rhinestones, overhead parts, velor and fur. Especially good such beds in combination with painted furniture and items of a pronounced folk nature.

Kslov, about Fur. Recall that this year designers make a special focus on its contrast with chiffon, silk, battered and lace. This information will be useful to connoisseurs of bed linen made from exquisite thin materials. In addition, the softness of the fur, its muffled glitter, the color depth is effectively combined with polished wood, metal and leather upholstery. Options for fur covered, presented today in the Russian market, many. Thanks to the use of high technologies, artificial fur is now quite difficult to distinguish from natural. An example of an example can be cited from the Italian factory Bugatti (from 300). Several cheaper products with a short pile type "Plush" and a funny fringe from Zoeppritz (Germany, 150).

The classic model of a wooden bed with an intarcium or a carved ornament on the backs will decorate the bedspread with stitch and embroidery. The lace finish successfully complement the bronze products and will help create a specific decorative effect. Inclusive of the example, we want to bring the covers from De Vivo (Italy, from 300). Slim flax, plush, jacquard fabric, silk professional combined with embroidered tulle, lace trim, elegant brushes and all sorts of ribbons. When the wizard, the wizard can take into account the size of your bed. The resulting work of art is quite worth it, be in mind the good old tradition, transfer to inherit or apply as a dowry. Fitted classic veins are performed and quilted satin coat (Ricam Art, Italy). The fine synthetic canvas used, as a rule, as a filler, gives them an additional shade of comfort.

Those who, with the word "tapestry" imagine a disinanted picture in a gilded frame on the wall, dare to assure that this is not the only way to use tapestry canvas. Luxurious bedspreads from a tapestry traditional classic bedroom design. What is easy to make sure to look at the products of Belgian companies Algemine and Metrax. Pictures on the coatings of the original tissues of the time of the kings of Louis XIII, Louis Philipp and Regency. Depending on the ratio of cotton and synthetics, as well as the complexity of the composition, the cost of the product with a size of 250250cm ranges from 300 to 500. The price of the standard coated in size is 260270cm, respectively, above.

A good option for lovers often transform interior-bilateral bedspread. Aego Symbiosis with a blanket is a real find for seeking a relatively inexpensive solution on the principle of "two in one". Such products offers the Spanish Tramasmas company (approximate cost - 100). Punching material for their covered company uses flax and cotton, special additives and persistent paint, which, you see, especially relevant hot summer.

The motley patchwork covers created in the technique of Patchwork, remarkably complement not only the interiors in the country style. Thanks to the latest fashion trends, they will fully fit as a bright decorative spot even for the most restrained modern dwellings. Similar covers are quite difficult to find in the finished form, as a rule, they are made to order. Considering the painstaking manual work, they will cost, despite the external simplicity, is not cheap.

Bed outfits

Thermmostery technology from the Russian manufacturer is a "spike" of ultrasound materials. Change should lie the carpet noticeably darker covered, but not contrasting with it

Bed outfits

Silk cloth stitch threads are made on a special multigid Italian technology. Quilted bedspreads harmony with a wooden headboard and its color "warms" the room, weakly lit by sunlight

Bed outfits
Architectural and Design Bureau Archiproject

The reached bed must comply with the presentation of a worthy lifestyle. "Dress" the bedroom is no less important than to purchase a comfortable bed. To the bedroom looked luxurious, choose a bedspread from silk fabric

Latest strokes

Finished bedspreads usually have a simple rectangular shape and standard size. They can be compared with a free cut dress, which looks good almost on any figure. There are often cases when the bedspreads make up a set with linen. Often, the bedspread is ordered to achieve a harmonious appearance of the room with curtains. Completion of execution to order can be attributed and the ability to take into account with the crop complex elements of bed so that the stitched product is flawlessly "village" on the form. Depending on the size and complexity of the finish, the cost of the work will be 100-300. At the same time, we note that many salons offering cloth for curtains and covered, as well as their manufacture, will not refuse to sew covers from your material or, for example, to "plant" fur for lining.

For those who are going to do this kind of creativity on their own, let yourself give advice: when determining the width of the covers, do not forget to take into account a few centimeters on the thickness of the blanket. CD wine is usually added to several centimeters in order to close the ends of the mattress. To avoid unnecessary trouble, when choosing a fabric, it is better to consider that some companies produce sealed cloths on a sintecloth with a lining. Such models are available in the Taffeta collection of the Spanish factory MONLOR (76). From Russian producers, let's call the company "Qviteks" (G. Pushkino). Twin quilted lining canvas can be enjoyed both from its own materials and from the factory materials. Stitch is offered in two versions. The canvas with thermotypes and threads involves the use of both synthetic and natural materials and is made according to a multi-global technology on the equipment of the Italian firm MES.

Write Miracle: Funny paper ruffle, you carefully get out of the package stunningly beautiful new bedspread! Using the creative method of refilling the bed, close it is not completely, as if casually, leaving in sight of elegant bedding. The composition is complemented by a rolled plaid, as well as various forms and sizes. Decorative pads and dumers, which, according to professionals, does not happen much.

The editorial board thanks LEGE ALTO, AXA, Tramasmas, Frenc Touch, Yves Delorme, IKEA, "Ideal Interior", "Kvalitex", "Antique Textiles", "Tapestry Club", "Interio Furniture" for help in the preparation of material.

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