Shower panels


Overview of the Shower Panel Market: Design Features, Mounting Principles, Design, Care, Prices and Manufacturers.

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Shower panels
Corner option of Panel from Hansgrohe (Pharo)
Shower panels
TEUCO shower panel is equipped with a shelf for trifles
Shower panels
The body of the 193-194 model from TEUCO is made of colored translucent glass.
Shower panels
Shower panels

Panels are equipped with nozzles

Shower panels
Shower panels

Nozzles and nozzles can be rotated by changing the direction of the jet

Shower panels
Shower panel combined with Bathroom - Find Jacuzzi
Shower panels
The main concern for designers creating shower panels is comfort. Model from Hafro: You can take a shower not only standing, but also sitting

Shower panels

Shower panels
The original SHOWERARC system from Hansgrohe (Pharo) can be fastened not only frontal on the wall, but also in the corner

Shower panels

Shower panels
TEUCO models are equipped with nozzles, hand shower and shelf for accessories

Most recently, we told about shower nozzles. Logical continuation Theme-shower panels, or, as they are called, showers racks.

Useful, nice and beautiful!

It is believed that residents of Northern Europe love to take a bath, and southerners, especially Italians, prefer shower. However, it is rather a matter of taste and habits, rather than the impact of national mentality or climatic features. In any case, it also uses success.

It must be said that the shower cabins "as a class" have not yet sufficiently fit in a typical bathroom. It is not only in their cost, although for most this factor becomes decisive, but also in size. Of course, you can abandon the bath, then there will be enough space for the cabin. But still the strength of traditions wins the fashion, so it becomes necessary in the shower more compact and at the same time universal, which has a healthy massage effect. An ideal option is a shower panel that can be installed even in a small bathroom (namely, such a majority).

By appointment, this device is not only utilitarian, but also recreational and decorative. Experts say that the latter factor often determines everything. There was a case when the buyer wished to buy a panel ... without embedded injectors, just for beauty! However, the main advantage of the shower panel remains a comprehensive wellness effect, created just massage nozzles. The so-called circular shower, in which the jet of water mixed with air, gently massage the whole body, from the nape to the feet, is extremely useful. He relaxes the tired muscles, relieves the tension, reduces painful sensations in osteochondrosis IT.D.

Installation of panels

One of the necessary conditions for mounting the shower rack is a sufficient water pressure in the water supply (it should not be lowered below 2ATM). Difficulties with the installation of a conventional panel, without hydromassage nozzles, as a rule, does not occur. We would not recommend our own work on our own, since in the event of a breakdown due to improper installation, the manufacturer and the seller remove all the warranty obligations. Typically, the installation is made after the main construction and finishing works, on the tile or mosaic. Water eyeliner to the installation site should be performed in advance. Manufacturers offer both ordinary wall-mounted and angular models equipped with all necessary fastening fittings. In love, there are no "special contraindications" for installation of shower panels.

Device of the shower panel

The body of the shower panel is performed from plastic (acrylic) or aluminum alloy. The other material has a sufficient degree of strength and resistance to moisture. The housing of some models is made of glass-colored transparent or matte. More often glass is used as a finish, combining with metal or plastic.

The equipment of the panel consists, as a rule, from the shower nozzle on the flexible hose, the built-in top shower, massage nozzles (from two to eight), the mixer (normal or thermostat) and the mode switch that is mechanically or electronic (sensory). Complies the most expensive models, in addition, the built-in backlight (most often LEDs or halogen lamps), electronic control panel, and sometimes the seat.

Shower panels
Oval Taron Panel from Grohe is made of tempered colored glass
Shower panels
Interesting model from GROHE, the design of which, as it were, combines the panel and rack
Shower panels
The IDEAL Standard panel, in addition to traditional attributes, is equipped with a shelf for accessories and a mirror.

Our magazine wrote our magazine recently (article "Good Head: Choose a shower nozzle"). The built-in top shower is, in fact, the same canoe, with which you can massage your head and shoulders. The hydromassage nozzles are embedded directly in the panel, but they can be rotated by changing, thus, the direction of the jet. The thermostat maintains a certain temperature of the water in the upper and manual souls, as well as in all nozzles, so no additional adjustment is required. The mode switch in the average price level models ($ 150-1000) is usually mechanical, the sensory control is used in more expensive products (for an electronic console operating through a transformer, not more than 12V, therefore, should not be fear of electric shock).

Design is important

We have already said that the buyer often attracts a spectacular appearance of the shower panel. Therefore, it is not surprising that manufacturers are trying to make as much variety in the design of their models. First of all, experiment with the body shape. The traditional rectangular panel is only one of the varieties, and perhaps no longer the most popular. Figure models, sometimes curved, and sometimes even the anthropomorphic, look, of course, much more interesting. However, the cost of copyright design always exceeds the average level ($ 1000 or more). The color of the finishes is also extremely important, sometimes it makes sense to think in advance, picking up a decorative tile or mosaic for lining of the walls. Some companies offer models, the surface of which mimics the texture and texture of natural stone, precious metals IT.P.

Care of shower panels

It is easy to care for the shower panels: it is enough to wipe the housing and accessories with a soft sponge, without applying abrasives or means containing alkali. It is quite suitable for all liquids offered for cleaning plastic, as well as chrome and glass surfaces (depending on which case is made of the case). Scratches, the appearance of which on the acrylic surface is almost inevitable, can be removed using special polishing agents (when buying a model should be clarified which agent recommends a manufacturer's company). Cleaning nozzles from the notorious lime-plated plaque is also not difficult: it is enough to spend the palm on silicone tubes to remove solid particles from them.

Another question is that ordinary filters are usually not able to save water from excess calcium salts, which eventually settle on the mixer cartridge and create serious problems. Experts advise the analysis of water that flows in your water supply, and, already on the basis of the results, select a special water treatment system, with the ability to reduce its stiffness.

Shower panels
Moonlight Panel from Hansgrohe (Pharo) with built-in LED backlit
Shower panels

Manual shower combined with a stationary watering plant

Shower panels
Hansgrohe (Pharo)

The streamlined form is popular in the design of panels

Models and prices

Manufacture of shower panels is considered an extremely promising direction, and the Russian market in this case is no exception. Hospital, the number of domestic companies engaged in the manufacture of such products are minimal. Competitively competitive in the quality and design of the product of the Russian company DOCTOR JET. The retail value of the shower panels produced by it is in the range of $ 300-700. Two types of configuration are provided: the panel with a built-in mixer and a multi-position shower stationary watering can (model GRECALE, SCIROCCO), or on the unit (Unico), as well as with a hydromassage system (6 nozzles), built-in mixer and multi-position shower and On the bar (Unico). The production has been established on Italian technology and on the basis of the Italian components, but the products itself can already be considered a domestic product.

Note that the Italians make sense to learn and reasonable pricing policy. It is enough democratic at cost (you can purchase a shower panel within 500) products of such factories as Hafro, Il Giglio, Glass. Now, the most expensive models of TEUCO and Jacuzzi work in Italy. The cost of panels from this category is 1000-1500. Another amazing, because, in addition to the author's design and the high-profile name of the manufacturer, pay for excellent specifications of the model. For example, the 191-192 panels from TEUCO, in addition to the traditional set of nozzles, are equipped with a built-in foot massage system.

An interesting option offers Sirius (South Korea): the shower panels are equipped with a built-in filter that converts rigid water into a soft and cleansing from heavy metals. The cost of such models - from 430 to 1200. The "classic of the genre" still remains the shower panels from companies Grohe and Hansgrohe (Germany). Among the novelties are extremely bold design and design model ShoweraRC from Hansgrohe (Pharo) and Lift2 the same company. The feature of the second panel is that its height can be changed, for which it is enough to pull for a special handle. Really classical according to proportions and shape can be considered a peculiar best-selling oval model from Taron glass (GROHE).

It is quite acceptable to the cost of shower panels from HPPE - from 800 to 1300. The design in these models is combined with high quality and functionality. From 1300 to 3,500 and there are more sowing panels of companies such as Duscholux and Ideal Standard (Oba Germany).

It is possible to contact the most cheap products (100-500) to Firms Apollo, Wisdom, Nautico, Walter, producing their products in Hong Kong, again on Italian technology and in Italian equipment. Moreover, even quite acceptable at the cost of the model are equipped with seats and built-in backlight. The trend is encouraging: perhaps soon for the benefit, beauty and pleasure, taken together, will have to pay not so expensive. However, agree that the existing prices are arranged.

The editorial board thanks Konzept, Metta-Group, Doctor Jet, "Nexklusive", "Old Man Hottabych", "Tanit" for help in preparing the material.

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