Heated by cold


There are household heat pumps to change the heating boilers: the principles of their work, sources of scattered heat, the dignity of installations, manufacturers.

Heated by cold 13779_1

Heated by cold

The heat pumps go to replace the heating boilers, because they use an inexhaustible source of heat heat, absorbed ground, water and air. They are compact, simple in the strapping, and during operation, only periodic testing and inspection is required. Need only in several kilowatts of electricity

Heated by cold
Heated by cold
"Heat Sewervice"

Outdoor blocks of thermal water pumps type "Air-water": HP40 with a power of 20 kW from G-Mar (A) and Optima1300, generating 13kW, from IVT (b). Heating water with a capacitor inside the house bound

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Modern TN models are equipped with economical, low noise, reliable compressors like SCROLL

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One of the first domestic models of household tn-atnu-15
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23 kVT of gifting heat using ground probes with a depth of about 38m supplies HRN unit from Climaveneta
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Stiebel Eltron.
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"Workaholics" from Ochsner: Golf-Maxi uses heat and water heat (A); Europa 122LHK utilizes the heat of exhaust air (b)

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The heat exchangers of the evaporator and the capacitor in the first models of heat pumps were performed from copper tubes using soldering
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The Robust45 (Thermia) model uses the collected heat almost loss with a subculer and develops the power of 45kW. Specled cooling blocks in the summer can replace the multi-split system
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Many TN models are equipped with flowing electric water heater
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TNSO2-20 Works on an environmentally friendly CO2 refrigerant

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Four such TN from Climaveneta, select heat in soil and exhaust air ventilation system. They provide a 5-storey hot water supply
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TN are often connected to a boiler and heat accumulator-icy Baku

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Directly from the deep well to the house (through the floor with the help of heat and waterproofing clutch) at the construction stage of the box introduced a vertical collector headband, collecting scattered heat soil
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Pipelines input and output circuits of the pump are thoroughly isolated to reduce heat loss
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"Ground construction"

The wells (diameter up to 165mm) under the soil probe are placed near the house, taking into account the possibility of the entrance of the drill unit. To artesian water do not reach

Heated by cold
"Heat Sewervice"

Planning the landscape of the site, decided to cover the collector to cover high embankment

Heated by cold
"Ground construction"

Horizontal collectors are sometimes performed in the form of a spiral with a diameter of about 1m, with increments of 0.3-0.7 m and laid in the ditches to 12.5 m

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Entry of the vertical manifold in the well without a casing

Heated by cold
"Heat Sewervice"

Models of the GreenLine series from IVT are built according to the modular principle and are easily rebuilt to work with water or antifreeze

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Models of the Vitocal series (Viessmann) are produced three types:

"Soil-water", "water-water", "air-water"; covers a number of power up to 106kW; Managed using weather-dependent C60 regulator

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The WPC installation (Stiebel Eltron) "feeds" with the heat of the Earth and works for three: besides the usual charges of heating at home and the preparation of hot water, can switch to water cooling mode in fan coils or radiators, while working, thus, as a multizone air conditioning system,
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Among the Thermia aggregates, the Diplomat series is designed to provide heat and cold in different ways to select heat from the ground and water or air (with the AER block), and in conjunction with the passive cooling unit - create coolness in the house

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WPF-SOL (STIEBEL ELTRON) for a couple with solar water heaters "prepares" 150l hot water in the boiler and reserves 600l in the SBK tank
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Noisy outer blocks of TN Air-Water placed aside from the house. Claimers pave them in Earth

Our greatlers will see heating boilers only in the museum, and not at home. Instead, thermal pumps will work. But what it is, while we do not even know most builders, not to mention the population.

Halyava, sir!

According to forecasts of the World Energy Committee (Mirk), by 2020. In developed countries of the world, heat supply will be carried out using heat pumps (TN). These devices have been successfully operating in every quarter of the century in everyday life both in America and in Europe, their number is calculated tens of millions. Moreover, in many cities, hundreds of large structures with power are working, like the average value of the CHP. But in this case, we will talk about home appliances.

Unas These aggregates are just beginning to enter into practice. They are little known even in the builders environment, and consumers are content with only all sorts of rumors. The most common two are: what is the toy for the rich rich and that so simply does not happen, because everything is very good.

Heat pump - This is a refrigerator in which heat from a low temperature medium is transmitted to the heat carrier with a high temperature due to the cost of energy to convert the machine's working fluid.

Meanwhile, abroad, TN applies to pull at home, cook hot water, cool or dry the air in the rooms, ventilate the room. "Yes, why break into the open door?" - Ask you. - There are excellent boilers, boilers, air conditioners, dehumidifiers who perform this work! ". Yes there is. But such devices need a whole set, and here one installation can do everything or almost all the same, but cheaper. The heat pump uses heat, scattered in the environment: in the ground, water, air. (His specialists are called low-precious warmth.) No wonder in the USA, Japan, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, Finland, such installations are introduced simply by high-speed rates. Avted the inhabitants of these nonsense countries are able to consider and in vain they are not scattered.

Having spent 1 kW of electricity in the pump drive, it is possible to obtain 3, 4, and often 5-6kW thermal energy. She looks like a miracle, with him, as it turns out, we are familiar for a long time.

In fact, tn is a slightly converted refrigerator. Even outwardly, in size and shape, TN is amazingly similar to its relative. Only in the refrigerator, almost no felt heat products are eventually stand out as a rather hot air flow, departing from the tubular panel of the condenser ("radiator" on the rear wall). Therefore, if from our kitchen assistant to pull out the evaporation chamber (with pipes) and bury into the ground, we will get a heat pump that will heat the room with warm air. AESLI The refrigerator condenser is washed with water, it is heated, can be used in heating radiators or in the bathroom.

TN regularly benefit from 1830g. But the first boom of their popularity came only for the years of destroyed after the Second World War, when fuels in European countries were disastrously lacked. Turns to the exhaustion of world oil reserves gave an impetus to a new burst of interest in these devices. Inspcess Such cars are gaining popularity due to many advantages.

Economy . TN uses energy that entered into it is more efficient than any boilers burning fuel. The magnitude of the efficiency of him has a lot more units. To avoid the "confusion of the minds", the economy of the work of different models of TN specialists are compared according to a special amount of heat transformation (), among other names in booklets there are coefficients of transformation of heat, power, temperature conversion. It shows the ratio of the resulting heat to the energy spent. KRYMERA, = 3.5 means that, by summing up 1kW, we get 3,5kW thermal power, that is, 2,5kvt Nature offers us free.

Wasting 60-75% of the health needs of the TN house provides for free. The numbers are so fascinating that it involuntarily comes to mind saying about free cheese. Indeed, the initial costs for the pump and the installation of the heat collection system are quite tangible and amount to $ 300-1200 per 1 kW of the required heating power. But investments will pay off for 4-9 years only at the expense of saved fuel and electricity. With the current level of energy prices, TN for efficiency is inferior only by gas boilers, but they have noticeably won in liquid and electric. They serve 15-20 years before the overhaul. For example, due to the increase in prices for all types of fuel, their leadership is provided.

Annual heating costs 1m2 area houses with different systems

Type of heat generator heating system Heat combustion fuel Annual demand Energy price The cost of the energy carrier, rub. Costs for the house with an area of ​​300m2, rub.
A gas boiler 10.1 kWh / m3 19.9m3 1,109rub. / M3 22,1 6630.
Liquid fuel boiler 10.2 kWh / l 20.2l. 13.3 rub. / L 268.7 80610.
Electric boiler - 191.5 kWh. 1,13rub. / KWh 216,4. 64920.
Heat pump - 67 kWh. 1,13rub. / KWh 75.7 22713.
Note. Departures adopted: heat loss houses - 60W / m2; Consumption for hot water - 10% of heating costs; The duration of the system of the system in the year - 2900h; The heat pump saves 65% of electricity

Ubiquitous application . The source of scattered heat can be detected in any corner of the planet. The Earth and the air will be found on the most abandoned site, away from gas highways and power lines, everywhere this unit will develop for themselves "food" to smoothly fuck your home, independent of weather popsicles, diesel suppliers or gas pressure drop in the network. Even the absence of the desired 2-3kW electrical power is not a hindrance. Diesel or gasoline engines are used to drive the compressor in some models. In stock conditions, when in 100 km from Moscow, it is not always possible to connect to the gas network, such possibilities are difficult to overestimate.

Ecology . TN will not only save money, but also will save the health of the inhabitants of the house and their heirs. The unit does not burn fuel, it means that harmful oxides of type CO, CO2, NOX, SO2, PBO2 are not formed. Therefore, there are no traces of sulfur, nitrous, phosphoric acids and benzene compounds around the house on the basis. Yes, and for the planet, applying tn. After all, by and large at the CHP, fuel consumption for electricity production is reduced. The applicable freons do not contain chlorocarbons and ozone-safe.

Universality . TN has a property of reversibility (reversibility). He "can" take the heat from the air at home, cooling it. In summer, excessive energy is sometimes discharged "for storage" back to the ground, from where they will again take the winter. Or this warmth you can warm the pool. But such operations are only specially adapted models (for example, IVT-Twin from IVT, Sweden).

Safety . These aggregates are practically explosive and fireproof. No fuel, no open fire, dangerous gases or mixtures. You just have nothing to explode here, it is impossible to tear or choose. No detail is heated to temperatures capable of inflamming flammable materials. The aggregate stops do not lead to its breakdowns or freezing of liquids. Dullness, TN is dangerous no more than the refrigerator.

Principle of action of TN.

Household thermal pump native brother of the home refrigerator. Wobi is evaporator, compressor, condenser and throttling device. The cycle of work at the refrigerator and the pump is absolutely the same, only the settings are distinguished.

Freon is selected so as to boil even at a minus temperature. Therefore, even when completely cold water is driven by a pump through the evaporator channels, the liquid freon evaporates. Next, steam is drawn into the compressor, where it is compressed. In this case, its temperature is greatly increased (up to 90-100 ° C). Then hot and compressed freon is sent to the heat exchanger of the capacitor cooled or air. On cold surfaces, steam condenses, turning into a liquid, and its heat is transmitted to the cooling medium. Water is used in the heating system or hot water supply, and Freon, now liquid again, is sent to the throttling valve, passing through which it loses pressure and temperature, and then returns again to the evaporator. Everything. The cycle completed and will automatically repeat while the compressor works.

The described scheme of work refers to the units of the so-called parokompression cycle. In addition to these machines, absorption, thermoelectric, ejector pumps also exist. Included installations are used mainly by parokompression machines.

On two fronts

The success of the use of TN primarily depends on how you will decide to draw low-temperature warmth, in the second - on the method of heating your home (water or air). The fact is that the unit works as a transshipment base between two thermal circuits: one heating, at the entrance (on the side of the evaporator) and another, heating, at the output (condenser). By type of heat carrier in the input and output circuits, pumps are divided into six types: "soil-water", "water-water", "air-water", "soil-air", "water-air", "air-air".

Natural conditions still apply only the first three and the last. Air heating is good, although it has its advantages and, for example, in the US is the most common. But for all types, a number of features are characterized that it is useful to remember when choosing a model. Firstly, the heat pump justifies itself only in a well-insulated building, that is, with heat loss not more than 60W / m2. The warmer house, the more benefit. As you understand, to fuck the street, collecting roots on it, - the lesson is stupid. Secondly, the greater the difference in the temperature of the coolants in the input and output circuits, the less the heat transformation coefficient (), that is, less electricity savings. So these devices work, regardless of their type. Therefore, it is more advantageous to connect an aggregate to low-temperature heating systems. First of all, it means heating from water floors or warm air, since in these cases the heat carrier for medical requirements should not be hot 35c. Avtus The more hot water car prepares for the output circuit (for radiators or soul), the smaller power (up to 15%) it develops and the more consumes electricity (up to 12%). Thirdly, to achieve greater benefits, the operation of the TN in a pair with an additional heat generator is practiced (in such cases they say about the use of the bivalent heating scheme).

TN device diagram:

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1-contour of the supply of low-temperature heat;

2- evaporator;

3- compressor;

4- condenser;

5- contour of the supply of high temperature heat;

6- throttle valve

The thing with large heat lines to put a high power pump (more than 30 kW) is unprofitable. He is cumbersome, and will work in the full force of just an overhang. After all, the number of really cold days does not exceed 10-15% of the duration of the heating season. Therefore, often the power of TN is prescribed to 70-80% of the calculated heating. It will cover all the needs of the house warm until the outdoor temperature drops below a certain estimated level (the temperature of the biwanity), for example minus 5-10s. Ato moment in the work turns on the second heat generator. There are different options for using it. Most often, such an assistant is a small electric heater, but you can also put a liquid fuel boiler. The choice of the best option is the task of a specialist.

The opportunity to fully use the advantages of heat pumps today we have. Hatting is hardly a third of the world manufacturers of TN supply their products to us, their dealers are ready to mount the equipment at any point of the country. The case is for small, for the desire of Russians to get out and take warmth from under the feet.

On the market you can meet the thermal pumps of IVT, Mecmaster, Thermia (all-Sweden), Ochsner (Austria), Vaillant, Viessmann, Stiebel Eltron (all Germany), Climaveneta (Italy), Carrier, AERTEC (usa), PZP KOMPLET, G-MAR (Both). In addition, in the offseason, we have long been used air conditioners and chillers with a heating mode from such well-known manufacturers of refrigeration equipment, like Hitachi, Daikin (Boundary), Carrier, York (both - USA), Clivet (Italy) Idr. Domestic producers of household TN are still small (the change of owners and the profile of enterprises is affected). Among them - "EKIP", "NPF Triton", RZP, "Energy". Products are simple design, but reliable and cheaper imported. The same developers are looking for solutions that are more suitable for Russian conditions. Thus, the model of the AVTN-28G ("NPF Triton") heats the water in the heating system to 70c, and this is at good efficiency (= 3.3). Such results are not allowed. The company "EKIP" has created a pump of TNO2-20, working on carbon dioxide (CO2) - an environmentally friendly refrigerant, which allows you to heat the water before the record 85c = 3.28.

A wide range of TN models with a capacity of 2 to 130kW can satisfy any inhabitants of both small cottages and large mansions. It is only necessary not to make a mistake with the choice of installation type.

Installations "Soil-Water"

Soil is perhaps the most universal source of scattered heat. It accumulates solar energy and heated all year round from the earth's core. At the same time, he is always "under the legs" and is able to give heat, regardless of the weather. After all, at a depth of 5-7m, the temperature is almost constant throughout the year. For the middle strip of Russia, it is 5-8C. These are very suitable conditions for working TN. Moreover, in the upper layers of the earth, the minimum temperature is achieved on the parties later the peak of frosts is the need for intensive heating to this time decreases. In general, the soil is quite reliably delivered calories. The required energy is assembled by the heat exchanger, blown into the ground, and accumulates in the carrier, which then the pump is supplied to the evaporator TN and returns back to the new portion of heat. Inclusive of such an energy carrier use non-freezing environmentally friendly fluid (it is also called "brine" or antifreeze). It can be a thirty-percent aqueous solution of ethylene glycol or propylene glycol.

There is another heat collection scheme when instead of the "brine" in the circuit circulates freon, which turns into steam directly in the pipes of the heatbornel. So it can work, for example, the ANTU-10 pump (RZP) or GOLF-GMDW (OCHSNER). But although this scheme increases efficiency, its operation is complex. Today the most popular systems with "brine". Two types of heat exchangers are used: the soil collector and the soil probe. Both are performed from polyethylene pipes with a diameter of 25, 32 or 40mm (the more - the better the selection of heat, but also more expensive system).

Ground collector (horizontal) It is a long tube horizontally laid under the soil layer. The main advantage is universality and simplicity of installation. Found a free square groove and lay down. The lack of a large required area under the collector-25-50m2 per 1 kW of power (and the site can only be used under the lawn or annual flowers). There are different schemes for laying pipes: loop, snake, zigzag, flat and screw spirals of different forms of IT.P. The choice is determined by the thermal conductivity of the soil and geometry of the site. Heat production capacity is greater on moistened loam and less on dry sandy areas. Actual 1M2 surface of the soil can provide "supply" 10-35W power. The length of the pipe in one loop, with solid, without connectors, strive to limit (not more than 600m), otherwise the energy consumption on the circulation pump significantly increases. If you need a high power, the loops make several.

Prices are a feature that causes a lot of trouble builders. It turns out that the temperature of the soil layer around the pipes gradually decreases, and the higher the higher the performance of TN. It can descend below zero, and an array is even wrapped. Therefore, the main concern for the builders of the heatborne is to make it for reasonable money so that the soil managed to recruit the "heat alone" over the summer and continued to supply energy to prepare hot water. There are no uniform rules here, because the soils and climatic conditions are zoned. Thus, in the suburbs, the company "TN-service" has been successfully practicing the laying of pipes just below the depth of the freezer (1.5 m) with a step calculated from the condition 2. M tubes on 1m2 heated area of ​​the house. Avot near St. Petersburg Specialists from the Teplérvis plunge the pipes only 1,2m, which is above the depth of the freezing, and in 1m increments. In the spring, when heat reserves are dried, the upper layer of the earth is heated faster than the energy of the sun and melt waters. Izhevsk firm "Ekoservis" uses a step 0.6m and a depth of 1.5m. On the contrary, experts from the Belgorod Organization "Ground Construction" abandoned the ground collectors due to their smaller efficiency compared to ground probes or air-water pumps.

Ground probes (vertical collectors) - This is a system of long pipes, descended into a deep well (50-150m). Here you need a penny of land, but expensive drillings are required (from $ 20 for 1 p. M). At the depth, always the same temperature is about 10s, therefore probes are more powerful horizontal collectors. The meter of their length delivers from 30 to 100W thermal power, depending on the soil.

It is known from a dozen different designs of probes, sometimes very unusual (for example, in the form of pipes, closed in the piles of the foundation of the house). But the most applicable are two: pipe in the pipe and U-shaped. On one line "brine" is supplied with a circulating pump down, on the other it is climbing upward to the evaporator. Depth wells assembly always protect the casing, not always in small.

To improve heat transfer and increasing the strength of the probe, the gap between the ground or the casing and the pipes is filled with concrete or concrete. If you need to get greater power, there are several such heatborns. Distances between Nimi 5-7m.

Unfortunate collectors, in addition to high costs, there is another weak point, which does not say anything in branded booklets. As studies conducted by one of the pioneers introduced by TN-Firm "Insolar-Invest", the equilibrium of the heat selection and recovery processes of the "feed" of the soil (around the probe grieves the land) occurs only after 4-5 years of operation. Therefore, the pump in the project must be put up more powerful. How much specialists are able to say.

Avot What can really deliver a lot of trouble, so this is obtained from the Water-visor service permission to drill a deep well under the probe. For the likely frosting of the soil can violate the behavior of aquifer. Therefore, for small cottages, experts from Insolar-Invest are advised to mortgage instead of one deep slightly smaller (25-35m) wells, since they are not required for approval of the official. The idea is verified. The set of eight shortened probes and heat of the heap air was collected for the supply of hot water of the seventeen-storey building in Moscow, the inhabitants of which it costs 45% cheaper than in neighboring houses.

Installation scheme TN type "Soil-Water":

Heated by cold
Stiebel Eltron1-ground probe;

2- tnet;

3- heating system;

4- Network of GVS.

Installations "Water-water"

The heat source may be surface (rivers, lakes) or soil water (wells), as well as discharge water of technological installations. The pumps themselves almost do not differ from those that work with the "brine". But due to the higher heat carrier temperature, the annual efficiency of the use of water-water type devices is highest. It is a pity that this technique is good mainly only for industrial use. Suitable conditions for a private owner are too rare. But if a non-freezing river flows nearby, you can lay a pipe loop with antifreeze to the bottom (troping by cargo) and heated with a practically for nothing. Of course, if the water protection service gives good.

Comprehensible with a bore. Water from it (at the rate of about 0.25m3 / hours per 1kW thermal power) is supplied directly to the evaporator, and merge ... in the second well, removed from the first downstream of water in the underground layer by 15-20m. At the same time, the aquifer should take and remove merge water, otherwise you have a small flood. It is clear that such layers at low depth are not found everywhere, but for artesian wells to get permission from us not easy. Aishche must protect the evaporator from pollution and corrosion. Filming and water analysis are required. If it is too many salts in it, you will have to equip an intermediate heat exchanger, and TN will circulate deaerated water.

Installations "Air-water"

By universality of application in Russian conditions, this type of pumps takes the second place. Isami pumps are cheaper, and pipes (with unchanged earthworks) is not required. The disadvantage is one, but essential: from frosty air will not save a lot of heat. Stable, although with a reduced power, these devices operate up to -15 s, and then you need to turn on another boiler. Extractive models, such as Greenline (IVT), TCLM-KOMPLET (PZP KOMPLET) and DUO (THERMIA), the design of 3 to 12 kW is already built into the design. In addition, the firms work hard to further reduce the operating temperature. Say, the WPL series pumps from Stiebel Eltron work up to -20c, and the HP-40 model from the G-MAR and at -25c.

When it comes to choosing the "air" aggregates, it is useful to take into account two important circumstances, usually silent in articles. First, the value of the rated power in the passport refers to a certain flow of outdoor air. By laying a company she is their own. It may be 0, and 2, and 10, and even 25c. So, on the efficiency, all machines must be compared at the same outdoor temperature. Secondly, with the amplification of Colds TN develops noticeably smaller (sometimes tripled) power, so an additional heater is required.

The scheme of the use of TN "Air-water" and a solar water heater:

Heated by cold

2-heater panels;

3-heat accumulator;

4- boiler

Constructive devices like "air-water" are performed on two layout diagrams: split and mono. For the next case, the installation consists of two blocks connected by communications. One, external, includes a powerful fan and evaporator (mounted on the site near the house). The second, internal, contains a condenser and automation and is installed indoors. The compressor can be located or outside, so as not to noisy in the house, such as in the HP-40 model (G-MAR), or in the inner module, as in TCLM (PZP). Vmonoblocks all elements are collected in a common case and mounted in the house, and with the street are connected by a flexible air duct. They are supplied by most firms, but have limited power - usually 3-16kW. There are monoblocks that allow both outdoor and internal installation, such as WPL (Stiebel Eltron). A new development, a monoblock for outdoor installation with a record low operating temperature (-25c), offers consumers a G-MAR company.

In the last years, due to the deterioration of housing ventilation, due to the widespread use of new hermetic windows with double-glazed windows, TN "Air-water" received additional development. In addition to heating and preparation of hot water, some models "learned" not only to work in ventilation systems, but also use the warmth of the exhaust (deposit) air of the premises. This, for example, Europa and Combi from Ochsner, IVT490 and 495 from IVT, Comfortzone from Mecmaster, Solvik from Thermia.

Displays the work of the pump with connected contours (for example, heating) and we will tell about the features of these contours in a separate article.

Characteristics of thermal pumps for houses area up to 200m2

Manufacturer (number of household models) Model Thermal power, kW Power consumption, kW A type Dimensions (Lenoshirin

Height), mm

Thermia (21) Diplomat 10. 10.0 3.6 Mr., V- in 5966901705. 9020.
Robust 28um 27,1 10.1 Mr., V- in 7658901150. 10790.
Viessmann (30) Vitocall 300-AW116 14.6. 4.6 WHO B. 76012001510. 11200.
Vitocall 300-BW110 10.8. 2,4. Mr. 650600945. 6390.
Ochsner (41) Golf Maxi-Gmsw15 11.0 2,45. Mr. 6506001150. 6195.
Europa 122 LHK. 3.6 0.54. WHO B. 640900695. 3980.
STIEBEL ELTRON (28) WPF 13. 16.8. 3.0. WHO V, Mr. 510680960. 8652.
WPL 18. 11.6. 3,4. WHO B. 78411821116. 10130.
IVT (25) GreenLine E11Plus. 10.7 2,2 In-in, Mr. 6006001770. 7866.
IVT-495TWIN. 4.0 1,4. Mr., V-in, WHO 6156002090. 9080.
PZP KOMPLET (23) TCLM KOMPLET-5.3 5,8. 1,6 WHO B. 8707751710. 8990.
TCMM-15,5 G 15.5 3.6 Mr. 6704481236. 6790.
Mecmaster (12) MEC 6TB. 10.0 3,4. Mr., V- in 600600850. 5300.
HVP 6TB. 8.0 2.8. Mr., V- in 6006001650. 5960.
Climaveneta (7) HRN-0101. 34.0. 11.0 Mr., V- in 650600850. 8500.
Carrier (20) 30 RYH-017B 18.3 9,78. WHO B. 20718701329. 14048.
Aermec (14) NRW-47H. 12.0. 4,4. B-B. 4504501140. 6400.
G-MAR (4) HP 40-065 20.0 5.0 WHO B. 718718945.

(external block)

RZP (3) ANTU-15. 15.0. 5.0 B-B. 9666161590. 4500.
"NPF Triton" (2) AVTN-28G. 17.0 9.0. B-B. 400400600. 8500.
"EKIP" (2) TNU-10 10.0 2.36 B-B. 4004001500. 3000.
Note. Mr.- "Soil-Water"; In-in water-water; WHO V- "Air-water"

The editorial board thanks the company "TN-Service", "Insolar-Invest", "Heat Seloervice", "Termothe Rus", "Elevator-Specstroy", "Ground construction", "Ekoservis", "EKIP", Termosfera and representative offices of the company Viessmann, Stiebel Eltron for help in preparing the material.

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