Where is warm, there and good


House (158 m2) from a warmed bar. The construction of the construction is based on the principle of combination in the wall structures of the tree and polyurethane foam.

Where is warm, there and good 13780_1

Where is warm, there and good

Where is warm, there and good
The profile of the pledged shape provides a reliable and hermetic connection of BRUSEV

Where is warm, there and good

Where is warm, there and good
Decor houses - the work of the hosts of the hosts. In the middle of the living room "Rustic" fireplace
Where is warm, there and good
To make compounds of maximum tightness in the groove between the bars, the polyethyleneethylene-new belt insulation is stacked and fixed by the stapler
Where is warm, there and good
Wall bars are planted on steel threaded studs that increase as the walls are erected. After laying the last crown, the bars are attracted to each other with nuts
Where is warm, there and good
The low-profiled belt foundation and the base plate of the house are molded in a milking formwork from the concrete cooked. The height of the foundation from the base is 600mm. Such foundation is withstanding the load at least 200kg / m2
Where is warm, there and good
In order to avoid purging the walls of the slabs, insulating polyethylene-new gaskets, the bars are tightened with studs
Where is warm, there and good
Overlapping beams are bars glued from horizontally laid lamellae. Their strength is sufficient to overlap the openings up to 10m long, withsting the weight of the furniture and people
Where is warm, there and good
The beams are fixed on the walls and stuffed with steel corners and lining, which are fixed with self-draws
Where is warm, there and good
Roof farms are designed to operate in a cold attic. They are easier than in warm attic because the insulation is not attached to them
Where is warm, there and good
Before starting the installation, rafters across the perimeter of the walls are made uniform tightening of nuts on threaded studs. Protruding zerl rods spill
Where is warm, there and good
The ceiling overlap is mounted and insulated after the protection of the house from the rain. Before laying the tiles of Braas, the house defended the temporary roof from the frontier
Where is warm, there and good
Equipment of the well-electric pump, an expansion tank, protective automatics- mounted in a gluned metal metal caisson
Where is warm, there and good
The main layout of metal-polymer pipes and electrical cables in protective PVC sleeves is made on the stove under the floor of the first floor and in the ceiling overlap
Where is warm, there and good
After completion of roofing and installing the water-feling system, windows, doors, wooden porch are installed, the facades are separated
Where is warm, there and good
The concrete base of the house is facing the front tile of "under the bold stone", which is planting on the glue "Unix +". Finishing works are manufactured at a positive temperature and in dry weather
Where is warm, there and good
Electric liner to rosettes and switches is made in cable channels
Where is warm, there and good
Metal-polymer lining pipes to sanitary pribments are fixed with metal clamps
Where is warm, there and good
A collector of heating system and metering devices are mounted in the distribution cabinet
Where is warm, there and good
Boiler room is used as an engineering room for servicing two houses: guest and master. Ergonomic layout of Viessmann boilers facilitates their operation
Where is warm, there and good
In the vitocell boiler, water heats up for two houses. The membrane tank provides constant pressure in the system.
Where is warm, there and good
The facade finish is made in several techniques. After the impregnation of the walls with firebike and protective composition and intermediate grinding on them, the finish paint coating of cream color is applied with brush
Where is warm, there and good
Wooden swing windows outside are decorated with platbands that hide compensation gaps and seal seams. The tightness of the windows is ensured by the installation accuracy
Where is warm, there and good
Floor plan

Wood house-building technology is constantly being improved. One of the modern solutions is combining in the wall structures of the tree and insulation. Our report is devoted to the construction process and the external features of the building from a bar, insulated polyurethane foam. Energy efficient walls make it possible to significantly reduce wood consumption, facilitate the structure.

Bicycle invention benefits

Where is warm, there and good
House assembly is carried out simultaneously throughout the perimeter of the building with two and three workers. Lifting mechanisms do not apply. Building materials are not stored. They are brought strictly according to the schedule and immediately go to delirium it would be that the developers of wall structures from the tree can offer? Insulation, sawdust, wood chips, mineral wool, cellulose, polystyrene foam, foamed polyethylene- builders are placed in boardy, brusade, log frames and wooden panels are already at least one hundred years. Such a way to increase the resistance of walls and heat transfer overlays is effective, reliable and therefore recognized worldwide. Nevertheless, fresh solutions are accepted in this area of ​​construction engineering.

Experts paid attention to the properties of polyurethane foam to form durable and durable structures when combined with other materials. A visual illustration of this is insulated polyurethane foam steel pipes with outdoor insulation from polyethylene - their service life is at least 50 years. The same principle is based on the design of the insulated polyurethane foam timber (Bruus PPU), the patent for which was obtained by the company "777Diko". This building material has the strength characteristics of the glued profiled timber, but surpasses it in such properties as heat transfer resistance and heat capacity. Improved indicators Bruus PPU is ensured by the joint action of wood and polyurethane foam, as well as a reliable fixed compound of bars in patented technology.

5cm thick polyurethane foam, having a thermal conductivity of 0.03-0.045W / (m2c) [for comparison: this figure is 1.33, the brick is 0.7W / (M2C), it holds the heat just like a brick wall 1m thickness or mineral wool plate thick 15cm. The PPU bar has good environmental and hygienic properties, does not interfere with the air exchange, not cracking, is subject to the minimum shrink (limit of its strength in compression - 4,6 mp). By the amount of work, the house raised from it is cheaper than buildings from a rounded log or glued bar. For example, a house of 158m2 from a PPU bar of 150180mm without engineering communications under the Tiles BRAAS in 2005. Customer costs about $ 78,000.

In fact, the PPU bar is a hard frame of profiled wood filled with foam insulation with a transverse wooden inserts, which are uniform along its entire length. The ratio of the total thickness of the facial layers of wood to the thickness of the heat insulating layer on average is 1: 5. The wall thickness of the timber and insulation is calculated in relation to the region in which the house is built, as well as taking into account the functional purpose of the walls. This building material is usually made to order. For carrier walls, the timber is made thicker, for interior partitions - relatively thin and less insulated. Wasil that the walls of the upper floors are experiencing smaller loads, the thickness of the facial layers of the bar for subsequent floors is reduced.

Calculation of the thickness of the layers of the PPU timber during the construction of the same residential building in various climatic zones is made from considerations that the temperature in the premises should be 21c.

The wall element is also known for nomotable housekeeping, the outer layers of which are made of plywood or chipboard, and the inner layer is polyurethane foam. Different manufacturers are also attempts to manufacture the PPU timber with thinner outer walls, but this material has obvious disadvantages: a small area of ​​contact of the surfaces of neighboring elements and fragile fixation. As a result, there is a significant shrinkage of wall structures in the vertical direction and a leakage connection in the seams.

Where is warm, there and good

The outer and inner walls of the PPU timber are performed from the multilayer glued wood (spruce and pine). Options for gluing walls of two lamellas or manufacture of full-scale boards are possible. The outdoor side of Bruusyev, in coordination with the customer, can be made figure (rounded, inclined, wave-like IT.P.). Wooden parts are kept in drying

Where is warm, there and good

The chamber until the moisture is reduced to 10-12%. Then, with the help of polyurethane glue, "locking" (Germany), bulk frameworks are made of them (A, B). After that, the workpiece enroll in the workshop, where the extrusion machine fills the cavity foam polyurethane foam. Thoroughly, the insulation forms a dry mass of the specified volume,

Where is warm, there and good

firmly attached to the walls. Next, the blanks are processed by the same technology as the glued profiled bar. They drive through a planer, after which the upper edges receive profile protrusions, in shape corresponding to the grooves selected in the bars below. The walls are separated on the machine with cleanliness that does not require subsequent grinding. Nodes I.

Where is warm, there and good

Refrigerated to the future house are killed on the appropriate equipment in the production premises of the plant (B). Finished products are packaged for transportation to the object with long transport (g). The delivery of the bars to the customer with the decorative coating already applied at the factory is not excluded.

Creation characteristics of the main thermophysical parameters for various building materials (according to "777 D and K")

Characteristic Glued profiled bar Bar PPU Effective brick Insulated foam concrete
Coefficient of heat transfer U *,W / (m2c) 0.86 0.26. 0.48. 0.43
Heat capacity **, kWh / m2 0.046 with TSR = 1C 2.07 1,8. 0.88.
* - The smaller the heat transfer coefficient U, the more heat savings. According to European standards, the value of U must be no more than 0.5. If this condition is not performed, additional insulation of the wall is necessary;

** - The heat capability is the greater, the higher the surface density (kg / m2) of the structure and the temperature difference between the wall and air. The age of the day the wall accumulates heat and gives it in the evening and at night through the air coolant. In winter, during the period of heating, the walls are accumulated heat, and when it is turned off, it is warm in the air. The data in the table is shown for winter conditions in the Moscow region.

Wall parameters from the PPU timber for different latitudes (PPU-70mm thickness)

Parameter City
Moscow Krasnodar Oymyakon
The number of days per year at a temperature not higher than 8c 214. 149. 286.
The average annual temperature, with -3,1 +2. -24.3
Calculated heat transfer resistance R, M2S / W 3,21 2.39 5,92
The actual value of R for the PPU bar, m2c / W 3,86. Similarly Similarly
Calculated layer thickness of PPU, mm 56.6 38.6 116.
Total thickness of facial layers from wood, mm 1st floor: 100 + 100,

2nd and above: 38 + 38

Similarly Similarly

Justified savings are also desirable and everywhere

The author of these lines was observed for the construction of a house from a bar of PU 158m2 from the moment of booking the foundation and before the jilts. The possibility for comparison was, because at the same site, a building from a glued timber was built. The wealthy customer allowed himself an experiment: a guest house, he chose to build from a bar of PPU, and for his own dwelling chose glued bar of Finnish production. The foundation of the building from the glued bar with the ground floor was built much longer than a low-profiled belt foundation and the base plate of the house of the PU meat, due to which the assembly work at the facility began later, when the autumn rains were gaining. When you start the bookmark of the walls of the master's house intended for guests, the construction was already headed under the roof. The building from the glued bar was completed only by the spring, and the decoration was transferred to the summer, while the Customer's family had already lived in the house from Brous in the winter. According to the owner's reviews, the house is dry and warm, it is comfortable, children and old people do not hurt.

However, about everything in order. As usual, the process began with earthworks. Construction machinery for this did not need, except for the drilling machine, with which experts easily entered the water at a depth of 25m. The ledge of the well and the pump with automation was placed in the caisson blunted into the ground. At a distance of 30m from it, on the opposite side of the future building, the septic tank "Osina" was trembled and made an eyelid to the house of PVC pipes. The exercise of the septica can be judged by two sewering hatches, the covers of which are installed flush with the ground. Then they started the ruin of trenches, the mating of the reinforcement, the casting of the walls of the foundation and the base plate of the house. There is nothing new to add to the construction of buildings from the logs and the bar of the preceding publications about the construction of buildings here. The process was repeated almost in detail, after the only exception: concrete was prepared in place, in a small concrete mixer with an electric drive. The source of electricity served as a diesel generator SDMO (France), lighting lamps were also fed. So in the design of the foundation there was no breaks, work for the week was carried out in three shifts.

While concrete froze, building materials were delivered to the construction site. The mass of the PPU timber is an average of 30 (!) Kg, so the crane for unloading the workers did not need. The first wagon was unloaded within an hour. All assembly works were made by technology card. The numbered bars were collected in the manner specified in the document, practically the same way as which was done at the construction site of the house from Brous. The discrepancy was to build technology.

Votchchychi from the full-scale glued bars, which are connected by the brazers, are tightened with screws or are not tightened at all, the bars of the PPU sat on the long threaded studs, which are drilled through holes in their place. The studs were put at the ends of the mating bars and at all their length in a step of 2.5m. If the lanes was lacked, they were increasing with connecting threaded couplings. As soon as the walls reached the required height of 2.7 m, metal lining worked on the studs, the edges of which are based on the walls of the bars, and the nuts screwed over the wrappers. The lining evenly presses the bars around the perimeter of the walls, providing a uniform shrinkage. The tightening of the nuts produced several times as the installation of rafting farms and overlaps was installed. Then the ends of the spills were spilled with hacksaw.

Installation of walls was carried out by three workers simultaneously in different parts of the building. The small mass of the bars PPU 150180mm allowed them to install them alone. A splitting compound along the entire bar was laid a strip of interventional insulation-foamed polyethylene with a thickness of 5mm. This material makes the connection absolutely sealed. There is an option of installing bars without interventory insulation. To do this, on the lamellas of polyurethane foam on the machine, an increased (5mm) protrusion is performed, which when laying the bars is crimped.

Relying on the foundation of floor overlapping beams (40120mm) were recorded using steel corners and dowels. Black floor boards laid the cranial bars attached to beams. Between two layers of pergamine on the surface, a rolled mineral wool insulation URSA (Finland) is 100mm thick. Clean floors are made of 35mm thick from the t-shuttered board. Their case, they were simply covered with a layer of high-quality linoleum. In the same place where the floor finish is required, the boards are attracted to each other, their ends are screwed to the beams of the floor with screws, after which they are polished and lacquered.

Low on the bars of the walls of the ending beams of the ceiling overlap (100150mm) secured with steel corners and screws. In advance, ground ceiling boards put perpendicular to beams, the cranial bars nailed to them. The number of insulation in the ceiling overlap depends on whether the attic will be warm or cold. The customer did not want to organize the attic, therefore, in this case, the overlapping was insulated with two layers of mineral wool insulation with a thickness of 150mm with vapor barriating from pergamine from below. On the attic made only draft floors, on top of which there were ladders for the movement of people.

Wooden roof farms gathered on Earth from elements of factory manufacture (made from 40150mm board), on durable ropes, tightened up and put on the last crown manually. Among the farms joined the shellboards and attached to the base with steel corners and screws. The customer wished to cover the roof of the natural tiled BRAAS (Germany). The counterclaim under it was knocked on the technology recommended by the manufacturer. Punching paosity was used in parchment. This material, although morally and outdated, is quite popular in construction due to its cheapness. On the same cold attic, where people do not live, there is no need to use more expensive materials. The chimneys of the boilers brought through the wall, and the ventilation and sewer risers are roof through the corporate roofing penetrations.

After the roofing is completed, the frontones of the clapboard (12mm) were laid and installed waterproof systems. Around the house made a concrete breakdown width in 1m. The base of the building was tiled with a facade tile imitating a natural stone. At the site of the temporary porch, the permanent, with a wooden staircase and a canopy. Located under the horse's house installed window and door blocks. The technology of their installation takes into account the slight shrinkage of the walls, so the window and door boxs strengthened on the sliding elements that are part of the grooves on the ends of the BRUSEV. Windows and doors in this case are wooden, domestic production. Double window blocks are well preserved heat, modern fittings allows you to open the frames in the horizontal and vertical direction. The fillety canvas of interior doors 40mm thick were painted in the elected color. The walls of the house from the inside and outside were treated with fire-protected composition "Sezheng Optimal" ("Sezhengskaya NLL", Russia), after which the Special Staining Technology (Zowosan Coating System) was applied to a brush with a two-component paintwork coating of Zobel (Germany) with an intermediate machine grinding.

At the floor of the flooring of overlaps in the house began a laying of engineering communications. Entering pipes and cables carried out through a single opening in a concrete plate for the convenience of subsequent maintenance. The wiring to radiators and to the plumbing devices was made by the Oventrop (Germany) metal plate in the floor overlap. The electrical wiring to the lamps was performed in metal sleeves in the ceiling overlap. The eyeliner to sockets and switches were carried out in an open way in cable channels.

At the request of the customer in the technical premises of the house for guests equipped the boiler room, from which the other, master house heels. For reasons of fire safety, wooden walls of the boiler room were tested by Knauf (Russia) plasterboard attached to a movable frame of metal profiles. It was installed fairly powerful (two to 18 kW) steel gas boilers Vitola 100 (Viessmann, Germany) with a capacitive water heater (boiler) VitocellH300 with a capacity of 350l. Gas was held on a plot in advance. Also in the boiler room collected equipment for water treatment and water purification.

You can live modestly, but beautiful and tasteful

Although the guest house was conceived as an auxiliary structure, it has everything for the life of a separate family: entrance tambour, hall, kitchen-living room, two bedrooms, bathroom, veranda, garage, boiler room. Hospital, at the initial stage of arrangement of a lot of interest in terms of design, he did not imagine. Therefore, the construction company proposed to put a visit to another house from Bruus PPU, for two years used by a young family as a summer cottage.

Located in the village of Village, on the shore of a big pond, it looks good in the environment of the fruit garden. The building itself is smaller, but with the attic. No boiler room. The house is heated by four electrical convectors Siemens (Germany) with a total power of 4kW. Nevertheless, at a temperature of -25c, it is warm, as in an urban apartment. The fireplace is arranged, which in winter is used as another heating device.

The owners themselves were engaged in the design, who have a clear idea of ​​what a country house should be: not very large, but cozy and comfortable. Therefore, in the center of the living-dining room, the fireplace was constructed in the style of "Rustics", opposite which the soft sofa stands in the lady and contemplation. Under hand, the controls of the music center and TV. The queen is enough space for both children's games and a civilized bedding family and for a feast of adults. For holidays in the dining area there is a large table, followed by a dozen invited. Sink, stove, kitchen furniture are compact and with such a calculation so that the owners can cook, continuing to communicate with guests. About the hunting preferences of the head of the family resemble the deer horns on the wall of the dining room and at the entrance.

The borders borders the bedroom of the owners. Wooden marching staircase leads to the second floor. Here are a children's and a small library, in which, if necessary, you can retire with a laptop and work. The waging of the day in the house is always light. Bright "rustic" curtains protect the dwelling from direct sunlight and revitalize a nomudinal, but fulfilled with the soul interior, to be in which it is very convenient and pleasant.

The owners are grateful to the builders and are proud of their small and cute suburban estate.

Enlarged calculation of the cost of work and materials on the construction of a single-storey house area of ​​158m2

Name of works Units. change Number of Price, $ Cost, $
Foundation work
Takes up axes, layout, development and recess m3. 64. eighteen 1152.
Foundation base device, waterproofing m2. 175. eight 1400.
Preparation of concrete mortar in the construction conditions m3. 49. fifteen 735.
Device of the foundations of ribbon reinforced concrete, monolithic w / b plates m3. 49. 60. 2940.
Caution lateral isolation m2. 86. 3. 258.
TOTAL 6490.
Applied materials on the section
Cement, sand set - - 1290.
Crushed stone granitis m3. 22. 28. 616.
Bituminous polymer mastic, hydrohotelloisol m2. 86. 2.8. 240.8.
Armature, knitting wire, sawn timber, etc. set one 360. 360.
TOTAL 2510.
Walls, partitions, coatings
Installation and dismantling of scaffolding m2. 120. 3,4. 408.
Cabinet of walls from a bar PPU m3. 48. 95. 4560.
Heated walls for chopped walls m2. 158. 12 1896.
Device board coatings m2. 158. 10 1580.
Surface coverage with varnishes, impregnation m2. 690. four 2760.
TOTAL 11200.
Applied materials on the section
Bar PPU, "Teplon", screed, trimming set - - 23460.
Poland boards m2. 158. 7. 1106.
Sawn timber m3. nine 120. 1080.
Protective Forms (Russia), Lucky, Impregnation (Germany) set - - 350.
Fasteners and other materials set - - 240.
TOTAL 26240.
Roofing device
Installation of the rafter design m2. 248. nine 2232.
The device of the calane vaporizolation m2. 248. 3. 744.
Tile Coating Device m2. 248. eight 1440.
Enderbutting of eaves, soles, device of frontones m2. 39. 12 468.
TOTAL 4880.
Applied materials on the section
Cement-sand tile Braas m2. 248. 29. 7192.
Sawn timber m3. nine 120. 1080.
Pergamine m2. 248. 0.4. 99.
TOTAL 8370.
Warm outline
Insulation of coatings and overlaps insulation m2. 406. 2. 812.
Filling opening windows and door blocks m2. 28. 35. 980.
TOTAL 1790.
Applied materials on the section
Mineral Wat Ursa. m2. 406. 3. 1218.
Wooden window blocks m2. 12 72. 864.
Door blocks PC. eight - 940.
TOTAL 3020.
Engineering systems
Autonomous Water Supply Device (Well) set - - 2200.
Installation of the sewer system (septic) set - - 3400.
Electric installation work set - - 4200.
Plumbing work set - - 3140.
TOTAL 12940.
Applied materials on the section
SPEETTING "OSIN" set one - 6300.
Gas boiler Viessmann. set 2. - 3800.
Water treatment system set one - 690.
Plumbing and electrical equipment set one - 3900.
TOTAL 14690.
Total cost of work 37300
Total cost of materials 54800.
TOTAL 92100.

The editors thanks the company "777 D and Co." for organizing photography and for help in preparing the material.

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