Long live Chil-Out!


Redevelopment of the apartment with a total area of ​​114 m2 in a new monolithic house - a magical place to restore energy spent the day.

Long live Chil-Out! 13782_1

Long live Chil-Out!
The unusual system of racks and beams creates a space volumetric and multifaceted, separated by semicircle Erker and highlighted by the "Arctic oak" floor
Long live Chil-Out!
A contrasting color combination of finishing materials shall applies an unexpected composition from mirror planes. They double the reflections of "superimposed" on them lamps
Long live Chil-Out!
Chil-out and home cinema make up an exciting spatial game. Their composition wakes fantasy and makes it completely forget about boring weekdays
Long live Chil-Out!
This picture creates the present "VIP-space". To pass by impossible
Long live Chil-Out!
In the times of antiquity, when the beauty of life was particularly able to feel particularly able to feel, there were beds for day rest on which they did not sleep, namely, they were confused, talking and taking disassemble. Ancient Greeks and Romans could envy such a podium
Long live Chil-Out!
Sitting at the dinner table, you can simultaneously be the viewer of the home theater. Hence the composition of the living room looks like a part of the courtyard
Long live Chil-Out!
The red P-shaped portal gives the functional room of the kitchen of an elegant solemnity. The refrigerator is intentionally hidden from the field of view of the included wall
Long live Chil-Out!
A round umbrella-lamp makes a duet with an airfield line of the window. The ceiling is made of plasterboard on metal frames and is decorated with imitating knitting needles with wooden slats made by wood masters. Driving with painting-batik and picturesque textiles He asks a tart East image
Long live Chil-Out!
Low bed in niche looks very cozy
Long live Chil-Out!
Refusal of purchased furniture in this case is absolutely justified. Much more organic looks a massive base under the sink, decorated with the same tile as the walls
Long live Chil-Out!
For a guest bathroom picked up a very compact countertop and shell from Alteya (Italy)
Long live Chil-Out!
Bath cabin turns swimming in a comfortable and isolated process. The folding door protects the floors from splashes. The absence of exotic souvenirs fill the elemental ornament of finishing tiles and the color decision as a whole, resembling the interiors of North Africa
Long live Chil-Out!
Plan before reorganization
Long live Chil-Out!
Plan after reorganization

Already hardly I do

Exhausted, until overnight,

And suddenly-wicin flowers!

Matsushi bass

For young spouses, this apartment has become the magic place where they restore the energy spent in the turmoil of the metropolitan Budy. From a concrete box in a standard multi-storey building, it has become a comfortable dwelling for passionate travelers, hospitable hosts and subtle connoisseurs of the beauty of the surrounding world.

Long live Chil-Out!
"The hall for overseas guests. // ink fraud ... // White plums in bloom" (Ca Buson). Expressive lines and wide planes model the memorable spaces of the very beginning, customers marked several points, focusing on which architects designed a non-standard interior. First, the owners of apartment-bank employees who spend a lot of time at work. The house for them is, above all, a place for a full-fledged rest, the ability to completely change the situation, together or in the company of guests, but most importantly - in the conditions of comfort and unobtrusive aesthetic environment. In addition, as it turned out, the owners of passionate travelers, and their tourist routes run through many countries of the world, from Australia to Southeast Asia. From their wanders, they bring interesting ethnic souvenirs, which identified some features of the interior design.

At the same time, the owners of the apartment did not seem to be limited to a rigid framework of some particular stylistry. The main features of the future housing were to be cleanliness, lightness, freedom from the jet of things plus cozy places for secluded rest and reception of guests. In addition, the spouses decided to highlight the baby's room in advance. The situation is most often in the place of the future child, the temporary office is arranged. But in this case, everything determined the desire not to bring an office atmosphere to the house. "If it is very necessary, with business papers you can conveniently get a job on the sofa," the young customers said. The result was decided to organize a free-purpose room, which will be easily reduced at any time.

Interestingly, for its projects, the architects of BL studios are invented and designing non-standard furniture and lamps. After all, these items, as a rule, are most brightly characterized by the interior. Their sketches in color and material were provided to customers before starting work.

The apartment in a new monolithic house, of course, was required to align the walls, gender and ceiling. It should be noted that the thickness of the floor materials in different parts of the dwelling is not the same, since the screed was done for each room individually. As a result, the floors across the apartment turned out perfectly smooth. The walls were re-plastered, leveled and covered with paint Beckers (Sweden). Although the ceilings were not perfect, the authors decided to leave the maximum height, which is only possible. They were completely trimmed with plasterboard, only the windows left the gaps of 5cm under the depth of the guides for the curtains (this reception is also used in the living room, and in the rooms of the private zone - textiles turned out to be as being recessed in the ceiling).

Owners of apartments often have to deal with the aesthetic problems associated with the engineering solution of the building: the supporting structures, features of the electro-, water and gas supply systems of the premises. The project was not dealt with without similar problems: in the kitchen and near the Erkers there were rareered space of heating. Wörkers sewed them "in flat", but in the kitchen, where the riser is in the center of the wall, it turned out to be impossible. Then right above the dinner table thicked up the wall with the help of drywall and arranged shelves for souvenirs.

The apartment is an elongated rectangle, in the middle of which is the entrance. This interior is in advance divided into common and private halves. The space on the right of the entrance having large aircraft windows, decided to use as a living room. The bathrooms were left in former places. Almost square room, adjacent to the living room, perfect for the kitchen.

To the left of the entrance are private premises, isolated from the rest of the apartment by the door-partition and a small tambour. There are a bedroom, adjacent dressing room, bathroom and future children's bathroom. The desire to get rid of the healing of unnecessary things led to the creation of two wardrobe rooms - the second of them is located directly opposite the entrance to the apartment.

Also from the hallway you can get into the guest bathroom, decorated in muted brown-beige tones. This room is divided into two small adjacent rooms, in one of which placed the washing machine and the cabinet for the storage of household appliances and various trifles. Thus, with the creation of this storage room and wardrobe rooms, the apartment got rid of additional furniture for storing things. It is only a strict hanger on the right of the entrance and a red and orange open rack on the left left. Its cheerful color, reflecting in an unusual "grid" mirrors on the opposite side, filled the hallway with a warm mood.

Entering the apartment, almost immediately detect the isolation of the left, private half, which is closed with sliding doors in the style of Japanese fusumi (sliding partitions) and openness, availability of the right, "parade" zone.

Composite living room solution is quite peculiar. The room consists of several autonomous zones. First of all, it is a podium, chil-out, isolated by a decorative feather-beam design. The podium is located a home theater area with upholstered furniture. With a bright place of the living room, the steering window, a bar stand is arranged. All three zones are disclosed towards the incoming. The unity of such a variekteric interior solutions provides author's furniture, as well as the total color scheme. Two golden square panels with a textured surface play a unifying role. One is located in the home theater zone, as opposite the chil-out. The feather-beam design is also used in the design of the opening of the kitchen.

All three zones are organized in such a way that the owners, and guests have the opportunity or stay autonomously, or maintain communication. On the walls of the chil-out, the works of Japanese charts depicting different times of the year, brought by spouses from traveling. One of them is made on the golden and rough plane of the panel. Each picture is highlighted by neon lamps. The coin of chil-out, the heat of the fireplace has to enjoy the meditative tea ceremony and a leisurely conversation.

Interesting the light solution of the room, emphasizing the zoning of space. Above the sofa and home cinema on a large rectangular current-host bus are a variety of suspended lamps that can be sent beyond the limits of this zone. Bar rack is illuminated with laconic lamps fastened to the ceiling on long suspensions. Podium is equipped with spotlights. They give the design almost a technogenic look.

Long live Chil-Out!

Unusual luck - to cooperate with architects that not only descend the interior, but will come up with furniture for him. Then there can no longer be any speech about approximate hits in the predetermined interior melody, each note of the completed work sounds in unison.

Usually the appearance of podiums is associated with any functional necessity. For example, hide pipes when transferring wet rooms (as a rule, the height of such standard constructions is 15cm). But in this case it was created precisely for recreation, Chil-Out. Therefore, the podium decided to raise more than 30cm. In the middle staged a rectangular "window" -nish, followed by the stones backlit stones. From above, this peculiar niche was closed by a triplex, which can be freely walking, and many soft pillows were scattered around. The site is decorated around the perimeter by the system of vertical racks and horizontal beams, which are framed by the chil-out itself and visually separate it from the rest of the living room. At the edge of the podium it is quite convenient to sit, so there will never arise problems with the placement of a large number of guests at the hosts. All furniture for the living room, a home theater cabinet, a chil-out and a bar rack are made of painted chipboard, lined with natural veneer.

Podium and stand under the equipment- single. It is laid by a metal structure, to which the plasma panel (50kg) is attached from the side of the "soft corner". The same design from the opposite side is built into an electric fireplace. The mouth is cleaned with switching wires and cables. Loading a non-standard height, which allowed the entire space under the plasma panel to give under the technique. Special seats for storage DVDs, niches for audio and video equipment are created. Comfortable "pockets" for storage are provided in the bar.

The chil-out colors of wenge and graphite is contrastingly distinguished against the background of almost white oak parquet floor. But the warm red and brown colors of the tissues of the curtains and pillows, as well as the home theater racks combine everything into one. The colorful theme of the living room continues in the kitchen. At the border of the two rooms, it picks up a bright red portal-frame, at the same time separating and tying them. The red rectangle repeats the abis of the input arch, as if by entering into the surrounding interior in the frame: on the one hand a bright living room appears, on the other, almost black kitchen. Another, transparent and glare frame appears around these peculiar gates. The secret of the effect is that the glasses that attach unusual grace between it and the wall are mounted. The spots of the red manifest themselves in accessories on the shelves of an open rack above the table, and in the bright color of ceramic dishes, specially selected by the owners. The work area of ​​strict and technological cuisine is located along the far room wall: a small room design is built on contrast. Air table and chairs, laconic translucent textiles on the windows, bright facing of workstables come into play with a dark wenge furniture and black floor porrite.

The topic of contrasts can be traced throughout the interior. Two symmetric erker, in the bedroom and in the living room, initially set very harmonious, soft image. It was possible to go for this given and fill the space by rounded shapes. But the authors of the project decided to play opposites, everywhere using clear straight lines. So the counterweight system works, in the conflict of the planes, in the contrast of the selected color solutions. Rounded erkers come into a dialogue with straight beams and pillars, with rectangles of golden cauliflowers. Black floor stoneware in the kitchen contrasts sharply with a bright bright parquet board "Arctic oak" in the living room.

All this gives the space a liveliness and dynamic, despite the calm light gray color of the walls in all rooms. By itself, he could make the interior faceless. Designed by architects and custom-made wooden elements of the interior helped to ensure a combination of design solutions and items of modern life with exotic elements of the decor. Some of them cause quite specific associations from the experts. For example, a portal-frame inside the kitchen arch. The eight of this image-traditional purple-red "Toria" for Japan (P-shaped gates with two crossbars in honor of the goddess of the Sun). True, here only color remained a hint of an ancient tradition.

The influence of cultures of exotic countries on the European (first of all, English) interior and architecture led to the emergence of a whole direction of the interior decor. In the days of the Victorian era (the second half of the XIX.) The inconspicuous number of objects of the situation was imported to Europe. The interiors became eclectic, absorbing the trends of absolutely heterogeneous traditions: Chinese furniture, Indian fabrics, Japanese screen, African sculptures ... This direction is customary to be called colonial.

Today, exotic is again in fashion. Ipri this is much more accessible. However, numerous ethnic components almost inevitably turn the interior into something amorphous. In general, this was possible to avoid thanks to the thoughtful selection of objects and thoroughly embeding them into a general context. It is very easy, built on semi-rigging and associations.

Despite its withdrawal, private half retains the overall style of the apartment as a whole. Thus, the color gamut of the overall zone is repeated in the bedroom design: on the floor lies the "Arctic oak" laminate, the shades of red played in silk beds. Over the bed - brought by hosts from travel batik. On the ceiling, unusual, author's work, the lamp in the form of an umbrella. An neon backlight is hidden, which echoes the lower, dot bedroom, cozy yellow. A spacious dressing room is hidden behind the mirror sliding doors.

Future children's temporarily used as a guest room: a comfortable sofa, a table and armchair, the necessary furniture for the guest staying for the stay. Next to this room, opposite the wardrobe, there is a bathroom of the hosts. Her layout has developed, taking into account the inconvenient location of the risers, they had to hide them. Because of this, the bath moved a little to the side and altered, allocating something like a separate cabin. To create a spatial intrigue in this small room, two mirrors (in the corner, next to the washbasin) attached at an angle of 90 to each other. They repeatedly reflect the unusually bright wall decoration. The tile selected for the facing of the latter relates us to travel theme. Ceramics is covered with hand painted by the pictures of African women (performed by Designer Idarica Gazzoni). In contrast with walls, the floors are posted by one-photon beige tiles. Her bright tone visually expands the space.

Thus, with the help of a number of architectic finds and techniques, a complete holistic interior was lined up, filled with the spirit of travel, delighted from any good stylization. Each of his corner is unobtrusive, at the subconscious level, reminds of the beauty and diversity of the world. African bathroom patterns give a bright, sunny mood - summer is born in the soul. Pictures around Chil-Aut are talking about the purity of the first snow and flowering Sakura. In the current space appears a feeling of freedom and unique joy of being. It is to this feeling that they strove both apartment owners and architects, who managed to create such a picturesque, lightweight and original interior.

The editors thanks the Artplay gallery and the La Maison Coloniale salon for the accessories provided for shooting.

The editors warns that in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the coordination of the conducted reorganization and redevelopment is required.

Long live Chil-Out! 13782_18

Wood works: Vladimir Leonov

Designer Decorator: Tatyana Frang

Architect: Alexey Ershov

Design Studio Head: Vitaly Boldinov

Construction Manager: Vladimir Polyakov

Architect: Natalia Arbelidze

Architect: Victor Rudov

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