With heat with heat, clean ferry


Review of the household steam cleaners market: vapor properties, steam supply principles and applied to this nozzle, dignity and disadvantages of instruments.

With heat with heat, clean ferry 13787_1

With heat with heat, clean ferry

Using steam, cleaning without detergents can be cleaned. Few some of the owners like to wear rubber gloves, inhale the aromas of "chemistry". In addition, the remains of chemicals can remain on the subjects and damage to health

With heat with heat, clean ferry

Steam cleaner "pistol type" vaporettino. Such models are distinguished by small size, but, as a rule, are not intended for large-scale cleaning of premises.

With heat with heat, clean ferry

Manual steam cleaner VL0710.

With heat with heat, clean ferry

In some models of the control button (switch and regulator of the steam feed) are made on the handle- do not have to bend once again

With heat with heat, clean ferry

Steam cleaner SC952 and a set of nozzles for cleaning various types of surfaces

With heat with heat, clean ferry

With the help of steam cleaners you can smooth out and refresh the fabric

With heat with heat, clean ferry

A large radius of action is achieved at the expense of the hose and handle - the longer, the better

With heat with heat, clean ferry

Depending on the type of surface treated, nozzles of different design are used. The total number of such nozzles can be calculated by dozens

With heat with heat, clean ferry

Hot steam helps maintain cleanliness even in the most hard-toached places

With heat with heat, clean ferry

The more nozzles, the most universal technique. However, large and powerful steam cleaners require both space for "permanent parking". Yes, and time to prepare for work, they need more

With heat with heat, clean ferry
What kind of material the boiler was made, Krcher experts recommend pouring into it only distilled water
With heat with heat, clean ferry

Water vapor safe for allergies

With heat with heat, clean ferry

The handle from the heat insulating material will protect hands from the burn

Most often, the word "pairs" is associated with us with a bath or with engines in ancient steam locomotives and steamers. However, it would be a mistake to think that the functions of steam today are limited exclusively to the steam room. Visually proof - domestic steam cleaners.

Not so long ago, the extensive "Park" of the household appliances used to maintain purity and order in the house was supplemented with new instruments of steam cleaners (sometimes they are also called steam generators). The name speaks for itself: these devices are capable of producing steam by heating water in a special reservoir and with the help of special nozzles to apply to a contaminated surface as a jet. The ferry can be very effectively cleaning a variety of materials, its property is important to moisturize and soften the dirt particles, penetrating into imperceptible clearances between them. Singing such a jet can be eliminated by the most persistent, "tight" silent pieces of dirt, and without the use of chemicals. In addition, couples quite effectively destroy pathogenic microorganisms. Using a steam cleaner, you can produce local disinfection of plumbing, furniture, refrigerant IT.D. Of course, not all materials are recommended to be processed. Yes, and by itself, couples are unsafe, everyone knows about it, who at least once walked. So in our article it will be discussed not only about the models of steam cleaners presented in the market, but also about the rules of circulation.

Entertaining physics

A friendly couple familiar to all of us is not as simple as it seems at first glance. In fact, this is a mixture of air and water, located immediately in two aggregate states, gaseous and liquid. The latter component is formed from the smallest droplets, which are visually perceived as a couple. The number of these drops determines the properties of steam. If there are few of them or almost no (most of the water is in a gaseous state), the steam is called dry (actually any heated air is so "ferry", since it contains some amount of gaseous water). In turn, wet steam includes a lot of water in the form of the smallest drop (like aerosol).

The properties of dry and wet steam differ significantly. Dry steam is able to penetrate deep into the cloth, warming it and not moisturizing. That is why it is widely used with the moisther processing of tissues and products from them - in parodil machines, irons, ferryoinenecs IT.D. Wet steam is better wetting the treated surface and is more often used in steam cleaners, which are used to handle contaminants.

In addition to humidity, the important characteristics of the steam are its temperature and pressure at which the vaporization occurs. According to the laws of physics, the temperature and pressure of the parameters are interrelated (see table).

The record steam cleansors are used steam heated to a temperature of 130-140 s. Its pressure is 2.6-3.5 atm. The higher these indicators, the better the bactericidal properties of the steam and the cleansing abilities of the device.

Water vapor pressure at temperatures above 100 s *

Temperature, C. Pressure steam, atm
105. 1,193
110. 1,415
120. 1,962
130. 2,671
140. 3,575
150. 4,742.
160. 6,120
180. 9,929
200. 15,380
* - P. I. Voskresensky. Laboratory technique. - M.: Goshimzdat, 1962

Austria has all his boots ...

Household steam cleaners are arranged as follows. Couple "preparing" under pressure in a durable vessel, which is called a steam boiler. Its container in different models ranges from 0.25 to 2l. Than the boiler is the volume, the longer the steam cleaner works without a "refueling", but also time for heating it is required. There are aluminum alloy boilers and steel. It is believed that aluminum is better, since they, by virtue of the smaller heat capacity of the material, are heated faster. However, their main advantage is the other thing to stick to the walls worse, and it is easier to be removed from them. Steel boilers "overgrow" from the inside scolding faster, but they are cheaper.

Water heating is performed using a tan spiral, which is mounted in the walls of the container. Steam cleaner heaters are characterized by power consumption and water heating time before moving the device into operational readiness. Depending on the model, the power of the heater can be 1300-2300W, and the heating time is on average 3-6 minutes.

Steam is fed to the processed surfaces with all sorts of nozzles. They have the most different design, it depends on the cleaning object. There are nozzles for floors or windows, nozzles for processing slots (for example, between tiles), chrome details of plumbing or car, hard-to-reach places under the rim of IT toilet bowls. Among the "exotic" it is worth mentioning, for example, nozzles-bags for the sauna, popular in Italy (and so far not received distribution in Russia). A more relevant device with a round brushed pair (Krcher, Germany) is a so-called rotary steam nozzle, which increases the cleansing action of the steam and, as it is not better suited for the processing of joints, corners and other hard-to-reach areas. Some models are completed with steam iron (SC 1201 from Krcher; DampFmax from Merlin, Germany; Geo Vap Pro from G3 Ferrari; Ecopro 3300 Plus from Polti, Italy) and even vacuum cleaners (Mondial VAP from POLTI). More detailed guidelines for the use of nozzles are shown in the table.

A large radius of action is achieved and due to a long handle. For example, in the DampFmax model from the Merlin "region of reach" is almost 9.5 m. Yes, and the time to prepare for work they need more.

Recommendations for the use of nozzles

(Provided by Krcher)

Object cleaning Used accessories Notes
Gardina Steam iron Process the ferry in the vertical direction, from top to bottom
Wooden countertops Napkin Moisten the ferry napkin and wipe the surface
Stone floors Floor nozzle, napkin Remove all remnants of cleaning agents before steamed
Leatherette Manual nozzle, napkin Let die before re-clean
Lacked surfaces Manual nozzle, napkin Do not allow long exposure to the same place
Furniture Napkin Moisten the ferry napkin and wipe the surface
Floor tiles Floor nozzle, napkin Pre-remove from the floor remnants of cleaning agents
Window Washing nozzle, napkin, manual nozzle can be applied Pre-slightly treat the entire surface of the ferry to avoid the emergence of temperature stresses
Polymer countertops Manual Nappet. Do not send couples on the cocked edges
Plants Pistol sprayer Handle a jet steam from a pistol from a distance of 20-30cm
Plumbing fittings Spot nozzle with brush nozzle Lime deposits sprinkle with vinegar and give it to act 5 minutes
Plum Powerful nozzle and napkin Isolate with a napkin in order to avoid splashing and cleaning powerful steam jet
Glasses, mirrors Washing nozzle, napkin, manual nozzle can be applied Pre-remove remnants of cleaning products
Chrome details Spot nozzle with brush nozzle After cleaning, polish the napkin

Ase steambones

One of the main advantages of steam cleaners is the possibility of cleaning surfaces without the use of chemicals.

The sizes of the described devices include the cost of preparation for the preparation of water to boil. Depending on the model, it leaves from 15-20 seconds to 8-10 minutes. Which is more than the volume of water tank, the more time you need. Compact models with small tanks (VL0710, UFESA, Spain; SC952, Krcher) are designed for operational cleaning, but they are not worse for solving the "global" tasks for the capital cleaning of premises (and the "Park" of the nozzles are not so extensive). On the contrary, powerful and multifunction steam cleaners, capable of working without a break of 40-50 minutes, they warm up longer and uncomfortable for quick and local applications.

To somehow cut the time spent on the preparatory operations, use the heated fluid. Saving time will be noticeable for large amounts of work, when it takes several times "recharge" steam cleaner with water. You can pour an incomplete tank before starting work, it will also accelerate the heating. Avot to try to overly fill the tank with water should not be. The fact is that some hostesses pour him up to the very edges in order not to take a break in work on an additional "recharging". In this case, the case of the steam initially turns out too wet, which leads to a strong wetting of the cleaning object.

Comparative characteristics of steam cleaners

Manufacturer Krcher. Polti. G3Ferrari. Ufesa.
Model SC 952. SC 1002. SC 1201. SC 1702. Genie. Vaporettino. 1701. VL 0710
Heater Power, W 1600. 1300. 1500. 2300. 1500. 1000. 2350. 1200.
Volume of flooded water, l 0.25. 0.8. 1,6 2.0 2.5 0,3. 3.0. 0.4.
Maximum pressure, bar There is no data 2.5 3,2 4.0 5.0 There is no data 4.0 2.0
Heating time, min 0.25. 7. 6. four There is no data There is no data 5.0 0.33
Working time with full water refueling, min There is no data There is no data There is no data There is no data Up to 180. There is no data Up to 180. fifteen
Mass, kg. 1,7 2.8. 5.0 7.0 There is no data 0.9 10 2.0
Steam consumption regulator on the handle (P), housing (K) - R R P + K. P + K. TO P + K. -
Price, 76. 148. There is no data 445. There is no data There is no data 390. 35.

Steam cleaners are used to handle most materials, but, of course, not all. They, in particular, can not clean the waxed parquet and soft plastic. Very carefully to handle velor, products from genuine leather, "delicate" fabrics. Therefore, acquiring new things, including furniture items, must be clarified whether it is possible to brush them with such equipment.

Using a steam cleaner, you must remember about your own security. The steam boiler lid is equipped with a fuse that blocks its opening when steam inside the boiler is under pressure. To ensure safe operation, steam boilers are equipped with excess pressure valves and fuses (as a last resort, water will turn out, but the boiler will not explode). Also, some models can be equipped with the lack of water in the boiler.

As they say, technology technique, but you cannot forget about caution. The owners of steam cleaners must strictly follow the rules of their operation. The jet from this device cannot be directed to people, pets, plants and devices with electrical components (for example, inside microwave ovens). It is not worth it, in particular, try to remove stains from clothes, put on people (for example, trying "quickly" passed by the floor of the jacket). Of course, a steam cleaner must not be given to children under any circumstances. Even fully serviceable, this device in the process of work is very heated, so you need to handle it carefully.

The editors thanks the representative offices of Krcher, Ufesa, the company "Pure House and Company", "Application" for help in the preparation of material.

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