My favorite apartment


Housing insurance is relevant to this day. Let's talk about insurance policies and cases for which compensation was made or not made.

My favorite apartment 13827_1

My favorite apartment

My favorite apartment

My favorite apartment

My favorite apartment

My favorite apartment
The insured event in this apartment came as a result of water penetration from the outside of the building, which was destroyed brickwork. "Consent" paid to the insured 53 thousand rubles.

My favorite apartment

My favorite apartment

My favorite apartment
My favorite apartment
The cause of the bay of the apartment was recognized by illegal redevelopment in the apartment located above. The result was burst the stretch ceiling in the corridor, the room and in the kitchen (A), the interior doors (b) swell
My favorite apartment
Apartment floor below was filled with water from the burst

Does your apartment and things in it are located? A positive answer is now obvious to many inhabitants of our country. AB developed countries would have sounded strangely such a question: in Europe and the United States, any movable and immovable property is insured, which has a market price, and often necessarily.

In 2004 Our magazine addressed the topic of housing insurance twice. In the article "Away, anxiety!" There was a speech about objects and subjects of insurance, insurance risks and cases, sums and prizes, a dictionary of terms was brought. In the article "The most responsible tenants" we talked about the feasibility and nuances of civil liability insurance during reorganization and redevelopment, as well as during the operation of housing.

Today we will describe in more detail about the insurance of apartments: We classify insurance programs of different companies, solve, from what risks should be insured by this or that property, we learn how the cost of the policy and the tariff applied, and also consider the insured cases that have been carried out or not Payments were made.

Dmitry Maslov, Head of the Property Insurance Center, Vice-President of Rosgosstrakh Company:

"Threats for apartments and things that are in it can be the most diverse: theft, flooding, fire. Vulnerable to any property, regardless of its functional purpose. If we talk about the insurance of domestic property, then here the most common risk is theft, and if about insuring internal Water damage finishes or as a result of a fire. Insureders often underestimate insurance of their civil liability to third parties. If this risk is included in the contract, then, the client minimizes its financial responsibility to neighbors (for example, in the case of an unexpected water supply breakthrough Pipes). "

Sergey Stepanov, Head of the Department of Property Insurance Company "Consent":

"Its real estate want to protect both apartment owners in new buildings and tenants of old houses. But each apartment has its own risks. Residents of new buildings are especially important to insure a constructive (apartment from full death), that is, the walls directly. After all, the house will still settle. Other The tenants make repair, often without observing the rules and removing the walls. As a result, cracks and other damage is possible. Equally important and civil liability insurance of the apartment owner, which in many companies included in the standard apartment insurance program. Housing owners in old houses, where strong Water supply and wiring system worn, it is worth paying attention to the risks of the bay and fire. In addition, the owner should be known as the size of the insurance factor, and the choice of risks depend mainly on the state of the house in which the apartment is made for insurance. Very The conditions for its operation are important: the owner lives in it or it gives up, there is Li fire and security alarm IT.D. If you move to the house, which has already been built six years ago and there are no dangerous objects next to it, such as construction or airfield, then you may not insure the constructive (walls), but to insure only the finish. But, in our experience, any of the risks are likely. "

Artem Spark, Head of the Property Insurance Department of Individuals of the company ROSNO:

"Currently growing demand for insurance apartments. Owners want to protect their immovable property and movable property, as well as civil liability from possible troubles. A person who has decided to insure his property usually chooses a package, including insurance as the most relevant risk-fire, bay, Foreign actions of third parties and risks causing some smile, such as the fall of aircraft and natural disasters. Avteda should be remembered by the fall of the Ruslan cargo aircraft and still fresh in memory of tragic events in Southeast Asia. "

Commercial insurance programs

In different companies, they have unequal names, but in essence many programs are similar. Let's try to analyze the proposals of insurers. All insurance programs (or, as professionals say, insurance products) can be divided into two main groups. First classic, second-express products. Their fundamental difference consists in the degree of individualization: about the same as incomprehensible among themselves, say, the author's and serial furniture or the painter canvas and the poster.

Classical insurance provides an individual approach to the client and its property: inspection of the insurance area by the company's representative, assessing the value of the property by an independent expert, the choice of several particularly relevant insurance risks, drawing up detailed inventory of insurance objects, the possibility of making changes to the contract during the term of insurance, etc. This complex Services, of course, roads, but also designed for enough secured policyholders who perceive attentive attitude towards themselves as proper and are ready to pay money for it.

On the contrary, express insurance differs relative low cost. The same design takes at a minimum of time. Extreme cases even optionally attend the office of the insurance company, the finished policy will give you to work or home. The small size of the insurance premium and the lack of inspection and property assessment procedures are explained by the standard essence of this type of insurance: all customers are applied the same approach. Now, these insurance products (usually integrated) are really most convenient, and the insurance risk involved in them are common.

The size of the insurance premium depends on the set of different factors. Anappralis - on the value of the insured property and the magnitude of the tariff applied, established under this object of insurance in a particular company. The cost of the policy is calculated as a work of the Insurance amount (a representative of the company in classical insurance or the client declared by the Customer himself when buying an express policy) and the insurance factor.

So, classical insurance programs provide for the possibility of choosing an insurance object. For apartments, this is the housing itself (that is, its structural elements), its finishing and movable property located inside.

Constructive ("Box") . This object of insurance is especially relevant for apartment owners with wooden / mixed overlaps, as well as gasified houses. With a serious fire, it fures, as a rule, not one floor, and in the explosion of household gas there is a complete destruction of the building. This risk is needed and in new buildings, since each structure is usually required for a year, or even for several years on the shrinkage, etc. Bearing elements of apartments due to these natural processes or the fault of unscrupulous builders may suffer. The standard risk set for the structural elements of the apartment usually looks about the way as in the company "ROSNO" (the program "Megapolis"):


Gas explosion;

lightning strike;

Falling aircraft.

Complete insurance coverage in this company includes such risks (in addition to the listed):

unlawful actions of third parties (including careless actions of third parties);

bay (liquid);


The insured value of the design is determined on the basis of the market value of the apartment depending on the location, IT.P. Upon the occurrence of the insured event, the owner of the apartment should be able to acquire a similar apartment. The cost of the policy, or rather, the insurance rates for the basic and complete insurance coverage, of course, differ. For example, in this case, they make up 0.15 and 0.25% of the sum insured.

Finish . Each normal person loves his dwelling and as much as the means tries to take care of him. We put the soul in the decoration of walls, gender and ceiling, buy a new plumber, change windows and doors, glass balconies. All that we have done in the apartment falls into the concept of "finishing" (in many companies, the object of insurance is called- "Finishing and equipment").

Whatever happens with the housing, the finish always suffers, and therefore we will need to invest in repairs again. You can only get an adequate refund on the insurance event only if initially, at the stage of registration of the contract, the quality and cost of finishing in the apartment were correctly evaluated by the representative of the insurer or an independent expert (which, accordingly, was reflected in the amount of the insurance amount and the cost of the policy). This is what division system in the category of interior decorations is used in practice by the specialists of the company ROSGOSSTRAKH: standard, improved and euro-felling. The apparent, in turn, is divided into an improved Eurostandard, Eurostandard and a simplified Eurostandard. Often, the finish is insured not by itself, but along with a constructive or driven property. Risks, relevant when insuring the finish, are about the same that when insuring the "box" of the apartment: a fire, bay, an explosion of gas IT.P.

Movable property . Choosing this object of insurance, it is necessary to understand that things and objects included in the inventory (and it is an integral part of the insurance contract), are insured only within this room. The corresponding point in the contract is indicated by the exact address of the apartment, it is usually called the "Insurance Territory" and speaks of this. The most relevant risks for movable property - various crimes. For example, in a typical agreement concluded with clients in the company "SPASSKY GATE", the following two types of insurance risks are legally accurately described: theft (includes theft with hacking, robbery and robbery) and unlawful actions of third parties (hooliganism).

Reimbursement upon the occurrence of the insurance event in these risks of the Company is paid only on the basis of documents on the initiation of criminal case by the competent authorities on this fact or refusal to initiate a criminal case.

Of course, movable property insure not only from possible criminal actions, but also from many other risks: fires, bays, natural disasters, mechanical damage, etc., as well as on a complete risk package. You can never predict what will happen to our apartment and things in the future.

Comprehensive Flats Insurance Policy (Express Insurance) . It is easy to arrange them, but they are inexpensive. Usually the entire apartment becomes immediately an insurance object: its constructive, finishing, movable property. Often, the fourth civil liability in the operation of housing is also often added to these three points. You can choose the appropriate option based on the estimated value of your property and meaning the outcome cost of the insurance policy. Moreover, the latter will be lower than in classical insurance (actually, in the relative cheapness itself and is the main advantage of any integrated insurance product). Savings can reach up to 50-70%.

Of course, a riskset and maximum insurance amount for each insurance object are limited. But the range of options in any case is quite wide. For example, the policy of "RGS-Express Apartment" of Rosgosstrakh company although it belongs to the genus "fast" products, nevertheless provides for the possibility of choosing from 11 fixed and more than 3,300 (!) Combined insurance options. Yipri this insurance is drawn up in a few minutes, without a written statement of the client, without inspecting the insurance object and without the preparation of internal finishing and domestic property. And, let's say, the Alfasiti Universal program of Alfactor's company includes a set of insurance risks, quite comparable in composition with a complete risk package in classical insurance.

Basic Factory Insurance Tariffs

(in% of the sum insured)

Insurance Object / Company Apartment without decoration (construct. Elements) Finish Movable property
Rosgosstrakh From 0.18 * From 0.4 * From 0.5 *
"AlfaStrakhovanie" 0.135-0.25 ** / 0.2 *** 0.6 *** 0.25-0.4 **** / 0.85 ***
"ROSNO" 0.15-0.25 0.4-0.6 0.55-0.75
"Standard Reserve" 0.22-0.54 0.37-1.25 0.3-1,66.
SPASSKY Gate 0.2-0.45 0.9-1,4 0.8-2.0
"Consent" 0.2-0.35 0.4-0.9 0.4-0.9
"MAX" 0.38-0.75 0.2-0.78 0.2-0.9
* - Rosgosstrakh company has a developed network of offices; The maximum values ​​of insurance tariffs in different regions are distinguished;

** - together with decoration in comprehensive insurance programs;

*** - in classical insurance programs;

**** - In comprehensive insurance programs

The size of the insurance premium (contribution) depends on the plurality of different factors. Anappralis - on the value of the insured property and the magnitude of the tariff applied, established under this object of insurance in a particular company. The cost of the policy is calculated as a work of the Insurance amount (a representative of the company in classical insurance or the client declared by the Customer himself when buying an express policy) and the insurance factor. Aon, in turn, is determined depending on a number of circumstances under which insurance is carried out. According to Artem's spark, the head of the property insurance department of individuals of the company "ROSNO", when calculating each tariff, lower and increasing coefficients are used (that is, the tariff is multiplied by this magnitude). Each company develops its methodology for determining insurance tariffs, as a result of which the latter can vary by 5-10% to the side of the decrease (fire alarm, lattices on the windows, a metal door, an agreement with the Ministry of Internal Affairs IT.) or in the direction of magnification (wooden floors, Gas, year of construction, the presence of a sauna of IT.P.).

Preferential insurance

Moscow residents are better than other citizens of our country are familiar with the topic of today's material. Agested from 1996. There is a preferential insurance program of apartments, not too burdensome for the wallets of citizens and at the same time quite simple for understanding. The municipalities of Moscow and several insurance companies, including Spasskit Gates and Max, participate together.

"Many Muscovites simply forget that they have the opportunity to insure their accommodation at a preferential rate. It is just necessary to pay the monthly insurance premium, noting the option" Total with regard to insurance "in a single payment document. The size of the insurance premium during the insurance of the apartment on preferential terms from January 1 2005 Amounts of choice - 60 or 90 kopecks with 1M2 total area monthly, "says Victor Belyakov, Head of the Department of Property Insurance Department of Max. - In the first case, the estimated insurance cost (that is, the maximum amount of payments for complete death) of residential The rooms are 13500rub., in the second - 17000rub. For 1m2 total area. " Insurance fee can be paid not only monthly, but once a year. In this case, its value is 7.2-10.8 rub. For 1m2, and man receives a personal insurance policy.

Circle of potential insurers from 2005 Even more expanded. Now the right to insure his apartment on a preferential program, not registered at the address of this living space. Associated by the apartment owned by the city and transferred to the use under the contract of sale with installments of payment, for example, on the conditions of the city program "Young family-affordable housing"; apartments transferred by the city for rent organizations and enterprises. In addition, objects Insurance has become residential premises located in houses with physical wear Over 60%.

Such a low cost of the insurance policy (it is only 30-45 rubles. Inspired by an apartment with an area of ​​50m2) is established thanks to the subsidies of the metropolitan authorities. However, the risk set from which housing is insured is also limited. Insurance coverage is provided in the event of an accident internal drain, water supply, heating and sewage systems; fire; Gas explosion; water penetration as a result of legitimate actions to eliminate fire; Strong wind, hurricane, tornadow, squall IT.P. When destroying the insured apartment or recognizing it unsuitable for living, another housing is provided. The amount of compensation for losses on a preferential program is small. The money paid allows you to pay only the standard costs of repairing damaged housing.

When concluding an insurance contract, it is necessary to specify all related conditions (it is precisely the "insurance conditions" that is usually called the relevant chapter). This will help not only correctly determine the tariff, but also to prevent disagreement if the need to pay insurance compensation. For example, if you decide to save on the cost of the policy and did not inform the insurer that the overlaps in your wooden house (and this is not uncommon in the "Stalinist" houses), and your apartment has completely burned out a fire, the company may refuse to recognize the fact of complete death object and, as a result, do not pay the maximum amount of compensation. Insurers will argue their decision by the fact that on wooden floors, the fire extends faster than on concrete, and will be absolutely right.

Companion "Standard-reserve" lowering coefficients are used in the presence of security systems, lattices on windows, metal doors, and an increase in the apartment in the house built until 1980, with a gas network, wooden floors or walls, as well as Apartments for rent.

System of discounts have also been developed for companies. They are often provided with preferential categories of citizens and regular customers in prolongation of contracts and the absence of insurance indemnity payments for one or several years of insurance, owners of other policies of the same company IT.P. Extreme companies provide discounts and for new customers. The maximum decrease from the base tariff, taking into account discounts, can be 40%.

Payment of compensation

"... when it comes to an insured event, serious people are entering the game - lawyers and experts. Stability, competence and a reasonable approach is something that is distinguished by good companies. If we work, focusing only that neither in What not to give compensation, the client will leave us. The astrakhels must be confident that their interests will be protected, "the insurers say.

The insured case is the moment of truth for both the insurance company and for its client. The most important thing is that the insurer must know, which has decided to receive compensation for his losses, - all his words must be confirmed documented. No matter what a trifle case has occurred in his apartment, you need to testify in the relevant instances the fact of what happened. At the bay, you should contact the ZEK, Dez IT.P. and get an appropriate act, when igniting, do not try to extinguish yourself, but be sure to cause a fire calculation and then get a written confirmation of what happened, with a natural discoversion, to obtain a certificate from the meteorological station (about whether the wind speed exceeded 20m / s), with theft Or robbery, apply for the police, and then get a document on exciting or not exciting on this fact of the criminal case.

Sometimes customers are too much waiting for their insurers. Wet is often to blame the insurance companies themselves, which lure people, promising paradise. "You just buy a policy, and if we pay you all," say insurance agents and pirachics. When it comes to an insured event, serious people are entering the game - lawyers and experts. Their main task is to minimize payments made by the company. But, on the other hand, they are also important not to overdo it. "In any insurance company, lawyers are working, which, naturally, are interested in full and adequate examination of the insured event, says the spokesman for one of the largest insurance companies. - If controversial moments arise, independent experts are attracted. No insurance company works on the principle. "We go through the blade of a knife." Stability, competence and a reasonable approach is something that is distinguished by good companies. If we are working, focusing only that you will not give any compensation, the client will leave us. The astrachians must be confident in The fact that their interests will be protected. "

Including we want to bring two examples illustrating the procedure for solving the issue of the payment of insurance compensation. The first insured event is settled after several after the loss. The second, although I also took a lot of time and nerves at the housewife of apartments and experts department of insurance payments, is able to be the culprit of what lawyers happened to the culprit, but everyone else is satisfied with life.

Here is the first example. The complexity was to establish the reason for the occurrence of the insured event. The plot "Standard-reserve" addressed the insured and reported that the bay occurred in his apartment. The loss from it was, according to its calculation, $ 10,000. The apartment is located in Moscow, insured $ 200,000 ($ 100,000 finish, $ 100,000 furniture). The expert went to inspect the place of the event and found that the plumbing pipe was burst into the apartment as a result of pressure on it. Perhaps this happened due to improper installation of the pipe when the plumbing equipment is replaced by the insured itself. But in the apartment floor above at the same time repaired. There is a chance that the pipe has been mechanically exposed (pressure) and this was the cause of its breakthrough. The expert was inclined to belong that it was the second event that led to the occurrence of an insured event. Supported an additional expertise, which showed that the client was the right and the reason for the insured event was the mechanical impact. The company paid the investigator to the required amount.

The second case is also quite life-affirming. We told us in the Alfactory insurance payment department. Bay (water supply systems accident) occur more often than other insurance events. At the same time, not only the room, where the pipe broke through, but also apartments located below, sometimes even in the neighboring entrance.

The owner of the insured in the company of housing appealed to payments. During the replacement of the battery in the apartment floor above the workers damaged the riser with hot water, as a result of which the living room of the policyholder was filled. New wallpapers moved away from the walls, divorces appeared on the ceiling. After obtaining the Act of the Commission of the HOA (partnership of owners of the housing), AlfaStrakhovanie paid 29 thousand rubles to the insured. Three weeks later, the insured company turned to the company with a new statement: flooded the corridor and bedroom. The guilty were all the same workers. They did the redevelopment, which resulted in a cold water pipe. Negotiations with the owner of an apartment floor above have not led to anything. He vinyl in all workers who, by the way, there were no documents confirming their qualifications. The neighbor himself did not receive permission to redecessing. The second act about the bay Chairman of the HOA issues refused, referring to the fact that it does not want to spoil relations with the tenants of his house. On the recommendation of the insurance company, the Client appealed to the Moszhilospect of his area, which conducted an operational verification. Vitoga illegal redevelopment in the upper apartment was suspended, and the Chairman of the HOA received a formidable prescription and issued an act compiled by the Commission in all form. Alfastrakhovanie company made a calculation and paid another 18 thousand rubles, and then sent to the owner of the top apartment claim to compensation for damage.

The one-bedroom apartment is insured at $ 80,000.

Total area - 60m2

Cost of property


Kitchen- $ 3000

Living room- $ 2500.

Bedroom- $ 2100.

Total $ 7600.


TV LG- $ 1000

TV Panasonic- $ 300

Music center LG- $ 300

DVD player- $ 400

Total $ 2000.

Total value of property- $ 9600

Finishing cost

Parquet floor- $ 1,500

Walls, ceiling- $ 15000

Total $ 16,500

1. Calculation of the cost of insurance policy of structural elements of the apartment from external influences for a period of one year:

$ 80000 0.2% = $ 160;

$ 80000 0.35% = $ 280,

where $ 800,000 is the market value of the apartment; 0.2 and 0.35 are minimum and maximum tariff rates (which depend on insurance conditions).

2. Calculation of the value of the insurance policy of the interior decoration of the apartment and the movable property located in it for a complete risk package for a period of one year:

$ 16,500 + $ 9600 = $ 26,100;

$ 26,100 0.4% = $ 104;

$ 26,100 0.9% = $ 235,

where $ 16,500 is the cost of finishing the apartment, $ 9600- the cost of movable property; 0.4 and 0.9- minimum and maximum tariff rates.

The calculation was provided by Sergey Stepanov, the head of the Department of Property Insurance Department of the Company.

The editors thanks Rosgosstrakh, AlfaStrakhovanie, "Rosno", "Consent", "Standard-Reserve", "Spasskit Gate", "Max" for help in the preparation of material.

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