How the freshness smells: 7 flavors that will add cleanliness of the house


Citrus chamomile and rose - these and other smells can fill the house with purity. But the need for cleaning, at the same time, no one canceled.

How the freshness smells: 7 flavors that will add cleanliness of the house 1385_1

How the freshness smells: 7 flavors that will add cleanliness of the house

Fresh cleaning effects will help aromas. Calculate those that help to get a house with purity literally to the edges is easy. Take care of washing jars, what flavors manufacturer turns on the fragrance? This is usually citrus notes, cotton, herbs or jasmine. True, in a cosmetic fragrance of detergents, they are extremely aggressive, but if used to be dosed, you can achieve a wonderful effect.

1 cytrus

One of the most popular "purity flavors". It is often used in detergents for bathroom and tiles. In addition to the feeling of cleanliness, citruses are charged with energy and cheer. But it is necessary to use them carefully - so that the whole house is not "flooded" with lemon juice, limit the pair of droplets of the essential oil onto a cotton disk or in an air humidifier.

How the freshness smells: 7 flavors that will add cleanliness of the house 1385_3

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2 grass

The aroma of freshly acted grass is associated with a serene summer morning somewhere outside the city. Freshness, relaxation and naturalness - that associations will add house "herbal" flavors and air fresheners.

3 jasmine

Strong, dominant and even a little sharp fragrance of jasmine very often occurs in washing products. As a fragrance for the house, it is also good - thanks to a solid association with just folded linen, it adds an additional feeling of cleanliness to the interior. It is important not to overdo the intensity and add a literally a couple of droplets of essential oil for aromatization. Jasmine is so strong fragrance that even a headache can cause, that is why it is not recommended to use in the bedroom.

How the freshness smells: 7 flavors that will add cleanliness of the house 1385_5

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4 mint.

Cool freshness of the Mojito or a cozy cup of hot mint tea helps to relax, bring thoughts in order. If we are talking about mint as an aroma, it, like a citrus, is healthy refreshing space. Menthol and mint are often used in chewing and toothpaste, perhaps the feeling of cleanliness comes from this association. Be that as it may, to add the interior of freshness, the leaves of mint can be pouring boiling water and put in the room. Or use the essential oil instead.

5 cotton

A gentle weightless cotton fragrance is very delicate, and in the interior rather emphasizes the accompanying smells, without standing out on their background. Cotton smells like clean sheets and crispy towels, an indentioned shirt ... In general, all the fact that in our consciousness is associated with the order and cleanliness in the house.

How the freshness smells: 7 flavors that will add cleanliness of the house 1385_7

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6 Rosa

Often, as a fondot for soap or shampoo use a rose. She has a calm classic fragrance that helps to achieve additional freshness if spreading it in the air. But it is important to choose not too bright, but a more delicate rose, otherwise you can quickly feel the smell in the apartment.

7 Romaista

Almost pharmaceutical sterility gives the interior flavor chamomile. It is not bright, but rather soothing and relaxing like chamomile tea. No wonder chamomile - the most popular flavor for children's hygiene. You can pour the dried flowers with boiling water and leave in the room, or prepare a tincture, which can then be added, say, in an air humidifier. Such aromatization also clean the air in the apartment.

How the freshness smells: 7 flavors that will add cleanliness of the house 1385_9

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Bonus: what will the soda help

The soda itself does not smell. But there is a working way to fill the placement of the aroma of washing and purity - pour into a cup of soda and add a drop of lemon or jasmine essential oil into a drop. In addition to its aromatic properties, the soda absorbs unpleasant odors from the air, so such a freshener will fit perfectly for the bathroom or kitchen.

How the freshness smells: 7 flavors that will add cleanliness of the house 1385_11

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