Permanent travel opportunity


Staircase and corridor as connecting elements of the main points of the apartment. Their history, types, evolution.

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Architect L. Luckina

Photo by D.Minkina

The classic example of the corridor-front. Mirror doors of a wardrobe coupe visually increase the space, and the striped walls "raise" the ceiling

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Architects S.Pisarskaya, V. Lebedeva

Photo V.Nepledov

Marshamic staircase made of wood. Double "relief" of the design is achieved due to the natural color of wood and openwork forged balasine

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The authors of the project W. Allbergs, V. Balod

Photo M.Stepanov

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Scheme 1: Single Staircase
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Scheme 2: Two-Master Staircase
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Architect D.Davydov

Photo by A. Babaev

The staircase at the parodes leading to the mezzanine solves the triple task: it is a zoning element, justifies the decrease in the ceiling, connects two levels. Top level is more decorative, it is perceived easily, naturally and ironically

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Architect I. Firs.

Photo E.Lichina

Rare beauty round staircase. Elegant drawing is thoroughly supported by the calculation of structures and selection of material

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Scheme 3: Round staircase
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Scheme 4: Screw staircase
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Architectural Studio Manipulazione Internazionale

Photo V.Nepledov

Corridor - Exhibition Gallery for small items laid in rhythm rows

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Architect U.Srenbergs.

Photo K. Manko

The marching staircase descending into the spacious hall is unusually highlighted. Stained-glass risers contrast with the coming dark wood and practically invisible

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Architect A.Appsenikes.

Photo M.Stepanov

Light wooden stages are shaded by a dark textured wall and contrast-blond walls and ceilings. Free space under the stairs is rationally used

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Architect K.Abik

Photo K. Manko

Plastic round staircase causes association with the style of AR Nouveau, which is achieved by an unusual pattern of fence and railings cut from metal

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Scheme 5: Staircase "Duck Step"
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Construction "Stroy design plus"

Photo E.Lichina

A small round staircase is emphasized by the massive, is redundantly decorated with natural stone. She seems to be paroding the idea of ​​the stairs, connecting the rude laying and the "open" tree. Good-natured "Bath Kitch", neatly inscribed in the interior and convenient in operation

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Scheme 6: Staircase with a turn (the intermediate platform is replaced by running steps)
Permanent travel opportunity
Construction "Stroy design plus"

Photo E.Lichina

As if deliberately careless, the staircase is actually carefully calculated and built. The curvilinear outlines of the projected, carrying the rusty of akin to unusual window bindings

The approximate trajectory of the usual movement in the apartment, ranging from the threshold, connects the following points: hallway, bathroom, kitchen, living room. In the case, if the interior is a single space, the dots "lie in a box", and getting into the goal is guaranteed. Sdvum's amendments - without vertical stairs. Igoricized the corridor.

Terraces and pyramids

It is believed that the staircase was invented thanks to mountain goats. Watching the efficiency of their promotion up, the man smoothly switched from the ramp (donkey road) to the stepped design.

The principle of the staircase used the ancient Sumerians. The rhythm of the rising planes did not simply associate different levels, but also became an independent architectural form with a powerful sacral value. The famous Sumerian zikcurats (sanctuary) were built in the II millennium Don.E. And they represented stepped structures where each step terrace was painted in its color (mainly black, red, white). The uppermost and was, in fact, the housing of God. At about the same time, the "Heavenly Road" appeared in China - a staircase leading to Mount Taishan and consisting of six thousand steps.

Early Egyptian pyramids operating the same idea appeared for two centuries later. For example, it is worth remembering the well-known Joster pyramid. Similar pyramids were erected in Mexico, in ancient Babylon. The steps of these impressive structures could exceed human growth and were made to become the gods that with the help of the pyramids were to descend from the sky and climb back.

The ancient Greeks followed the same covenants, decorating their majestic temples with steps height into human growth (duplicated by ordinary stages).

Internal stairs in residential buildings were modest and inexpressive. They performed a purely utility function and did not differ much from ordinary attached. The Middle Ages enriched a typological series of stairs with screw construction (single and steam room). Scaffolding and cathedrals, screw stairs were placed inside the towers. The steps of these structures were attached to the core column and outdoor walls. Extreme cases (for example, in the Council in Reims), the outside of the stage was relied on special pillars.

Pompous XVIIV. He gave rise to a whole "Pleiad" of luxury stairs, decorated with such a diligence that they sometimes began to rich in the eyes. That is why the Embassy Staircase in Versailles was demolished, built by Frank d'Orby for the "Sun King". Lossy in the same XVIIV. According to the project of Rastrelli, the famous front staircase of the Winter Palace was built. It has been preserved so far in the form in which it was originally designed.

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Architect D. Fedorov

Photo M.Stepanov

Blonde walls, active backlight, the unusual form of the ceiling "saturate" the corridor of the air-insisarly outstanding work of the Art of the Art of Nouveau can be called the staircase in the mansion of Ryabushinsky. The frozen marble wave of the handrail makes it to the legs of the incoming stage, running up.

The stairs include the stairs Antonio Gaudi. The most dizzy of this is a screw staircase in the Sagrada Cathedral Surname. No less striking wooden staircase in Batlo's house. After the first two steps, it literally screwed into the sky.

In Russia, still in the XVIIIV. All residential premises in rich houses were located on the second floor (the first floor was used as a warehouse). The seabed entrance was led by an outer staircase. All this volume, adjacent to the residential building, was called the front porch and was a covered marching staircase. She rose cool up, fended by parapets, "creeping" arches, decorated with carvings and a variety of decorative elements. Staircases overlapped with a tent arch. By duration of stops and the number of household meetings, it was possible to judge the degree of respect for the host to the guest. The inner stairs in the wooden house were not suitable, including for reasons of fire safety. The outdoor design was, as it is called a successful analogue of "unseasonable staircase". In addition, the sweesters most often overlapped with crops. The device of the stairs, tearing the arch, would be extremely unsuccessfully technologically. In addition, the hermetic hoist turned out to be more reliable storage. In-house internal stairs were sometimes made in the thickness of the wall (the design of the arch was not disturbed). On each floor, the staircase separated from the adjacent room by an iron door (again fire safety).

KXIX. In rich houses, external staircases as a means of internet communication communicate are replaced by internal parade. The front staircase was made bright and quite common. Far was wide steps and spacious sites, often with two parallel marches at the top. On the sides, it was crossed by a metal or wooden balustrade from figure balasine.

There were also service stairs that were much already and cooler front. In addition, they were much worse covered. Service stairs often had grooved steps located fan. Sometimes there were also screw structures among service. Fences most often were deprived of any decorations.

The number of service stairs inside the house sometimes could reach an impressive digit-up to a tent. The absence of corridors (not invented) was affected. Sometimes some groups of rooms turned out to be so isolated that they could only get into them on the inner stairs.

His steps

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Architect S. Trojabov

Photo by A. Babaev

Corridor as a monument to the best of corridors. Released from furniture. Painted white. Suitable for all free spirit and unscrewed broadcasters formed from two components: platforms and staircase march. The march is a stepped structural element based on two sites and connecting them among themselves. Beams, located under steps, are called Kosomers, and the sidewars. Steps can also be attached to the hospitals (special bolts mounted in the wall). Such a staircase, as it roars in the air, because the attachments are not visible. Stair fences are called railings. In the form of the stairs are divided into straight, with rotation, round and screws.

Let's start with statistics. The staircase should:

promote a convenient and safe movement from a level to level;

combine the calculated design and correctly selected materials corresponding to the loads on its structural elements; stylistically and composite to respond to the architecture of the building (interior of the room); provide the necessary width of marches for bilateral movement (in private houses-unilateral);

Having a width of the sticking is not less than 30cm, and the height of the riser is not more than 17-19 cm (except for the palm and folding, for periodic use).

The ladder is customized by the ladder in the front, in the corridor, the hall or on the veranda. If the size of the house is so modest, which is not possible to do this, it can be arranged in the living room. However, the more traditional placement of the staircase allows you to make it canopy and comfortable. In addition, the microclimate of the living room is not disturbed and the heat loss does not occur. You do not only need to forget that the minimum size of the marching staircase is 70cm, and the maximum-130 cm (with two carriers). The distance between the two marches (or between the ceiling and march) should be at least 2m. The number of stages in marching minimum 3, maximum 18. For constant rhythm and the most comfortable movement on the stairs, its slope should be 27 (and should not exceed 45). You can not install the staircase at once outside the door (the distance between the door and the staircase must be at least 1M). It is important to know the depth of the step of the stairs - the ratio of the height and width of the stage (optimally 16-25 cm).

Comment . Listed information you still do not have enough to calculate and build a staircase. Therefore, I strongly advise you to refer to professionals or choose a ready-made option.

The staircase in the living room requires itself very close attention, care in the choice of design, materials and finishes. She can decorate or hopelessly spoil the most press room of your home.

When planning the interior of the living room, it is necessary to take into account that the approach to the inner stairs should be free from the objects of the situation and the structural elements of the building. The temptation is located in the living room, the screw staircase is great because it is compact and aesthetically attractive. Let me make some clarifications. It is believed that the minimum diameter of the screw staircase is 100cm, but the practice shows that it is not worth doing this size less than 130 cm. The design is relatively simple in the assembly. Ktem tube serving the central carrier support, through the intervals in 150-200mm console fastening clinoid shapes. The riser may not be. A wide embossing is joined by the fence or racks railing. The spiral staircase is not very convenient for frequent use, and, moreover, more than one person cannot move along it. This design is complex for the elderly and disabled. Therefore, the staircase of this type is best to have as an additional.

Permanent travel opportunity
Architectural Bureau AVOTITP UN PARTNERI

Photo M.Stepanov

A properly highlighted staircase is conveniently and safely used in the evening and night time. Sockeell decided to establish a staircase in the corner of the room, the optimal design with a rotation of 90 and an intermediate platform or running steps. In the inner section of rotation, the width of the stage should not be less than 100mm.

Light stairs leading to attic or attic may be stationary or transformable. They are also steeper the main and in some cases do not have a railing. Stages are based on the theettes or boosters.

The stirrer whispers belongs to one curious variety - the so-called duck step. The adoptions are divided into left and right and fasten in alternating order. They have a trapezoid shape and enter one to another. Thus, the rhythm of the rise in the stairs is given by its own constructive features.

The bearing elements of the internal stairs can be made of wood, metal, concrete, and sticking and risers - from wood, plastic, stone, tiles. The most suitable wood, oak, pine, beech, ash, larch. The adoptions should have a rough surface to prevent slipping (or special rubber linings, plastic, metal, wood).

Lighting the staircase, you can pursue two goals: first convenience and safety, the second is the creation of additional lighting effects. The first goal is achieved relatively easy: it is enough to simply provide a normal level of illumination of the design and approaches to it. To create the same additional effects, first of all, you need to determine if you want to visually connect the staircase with the space of the house or, on the contrary, to separate. At your request, either the staircase is poured with a brighter light with a muted main one, or a light corridor is created with a contrasting dark staircase. Do not forget that in the absence of top light, highlighting the steps at night. Lighting long staircase marches should not be too sharp, so as not to sweat vision.

If it is possible to illuminate the inner staircase with a natural light from the window, it will only add to it expressiveness. You will get the opportunity to admire sunlight on the steps and save on artificial lighting in a bright day of day.

The more about the light: Focus on the warm gamut approximate to the daytime. Carefully rectify to spiritual comfort on your stairs.

Care Corridian

Permanent travel opportunity
Architect I. Firs.

Photo P. Lebedeva

Staircase with overall steps. Spectacular, but uncomfortable peripes of the corridor The means of interroom communications served, as is known, galleries, lobby and tambura. Galleries (from the Italian Galleria indoor passage) could be external or internal, covered and no. The first half of the XVIV. The gallery is called an extensive room with a number of windows in one of the longitudinal walls. As a rule, in such a room there was an artistic collection. Internal tamburas (from the French Tambour-drum) were grouped two or three rooms around them. The door from Tambura (or Seine) led to the passing room, which, in turn, was connected on the other, isolated. Larger rooms went to the lobby. Thus, the structure of the Big House was fractional and extremely confusing.

All time to XVIII. Begins to apply the imshield principle of the message. There could be a few species of the palace type of palace type: linear, circular, g-, p-, e-shaped. Sophisticated Antfila types made it possible to divide the rooms by groups (parade, private, service) and prevent intersection of interroom communications.

Corridors arose only in the second half of the XVIIIV. on residential and office floors. Parade premises were still unfilated. Only in the nineties of the XVIII century, the corridor moved from the discharge of close and dark premises in the discharge of the parade. But despite this, continued to remain narrow and poorly lit. The presence of the corridor made it possible to significantly reduce the number of intermediate stairs.

The corridor evolved in hotels, offices, hospitals in short, wherever it was necessary to equip a number of isolated premises with separate inputs. Natural light penetrated the corridor through partial glazing of the doors of the rooms or through the end windows.

Middle xxv. Turn the corridor into a kind of symbol of a new life. Luxurious apartments and manors with parade anfilads "reproved" in the chains of rooms connected by long and dark corridors. The corridor played the role of collective storeroom, game, living room and became narrow and uncomfortable.

Invoma-communes of the era of constructivism, he acquired hardly a non-dominant role. The same residential cells (about 8m2) were associated with each other long corridors. Corridors united residential premises with laundry, children's gardens, libraries.

The further existence of the corridor was not died. He became more from the front and he took a significant place in the apartments of the party elite. Huge corridors of the preserved nomenclature sanatoriums are affected by their size, stucco in the style of classicism and unchanged red carpet tracks.

But at the end of XX. The corridors began to fight. The idea of ​​a single space with conditional zoning captured the imagination not only architects and decorators, but also customers of apartments and private houses. One of the obsessive ideas - the destruction of the corridor. Extreme cases are really justified. But not in all.

Capacities for draft

With corridors, as already mentioned above, fighting. They are considered a waste of useful space, a remnant of antiquity, hospital pipes and tanks for drafts.

Types of combating it only two. Or total destruction by redevelopment (if possible) or decorative methods in which the first violin plays lighting. You can just pour the corridor with light. Provided that its walls will be painted in light tones, it will literally dissolve in space. We can visually raise the ceiling, refreshing it from several points. If you send light cones down, then the corridor can be turned into a gallery with a wall in the form of arcade.

The mirror at the end of the corridor will visually lengthen it, but turning the and without that small corridor in infinite meaning.

The corridor can be used as an exhibition gallery. Picturesque or graphic miniatures hung through equal intervals and with the corresponding backlight will make it elegant. Walls may be darker.

If your desire to destroy the corridor is steadily and, which is good, feasible, then at least think that the door can be published in the corridor, bathrooms, bedrooms. It is not always justified by their "outcrop."


Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers have been calm and majestically overwhelmed by stair marches and gulco went through long corridors. Amas, leaving the elevator, run into the hall, throw clothes on the hanger and descend on the sofa. Forgetting the stairs. Without taking a corridor.

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