Everything goes according to plan


Everything goes according to plan 13877_1

The planning of the country house is the task with many unknowns. The area of ​​the site, the financial capabilities of the owners, the composition of the family, of the aggregate of all these factors and the architectural solution of the cottage is developing.

Everything goes according to plan

Obviously, the first question to be solved is the size and form of the future mansion. The most common option is a compact house, close to the proportions to the golden section (the smaller side relates to the greater the same as the large side to the sum of these side - approximately 0.62). This form is most convenient for home membership. Derived from it are G-and P-shaped buildings, which are erected in the event that there is a need to attribute, for example, a garage or pool away from residential space. Then the wing is distinguished for these purposes, and thus the house is shaped on the main unit, and a block playing a secondary role. Plus, this kind of planning is to form a small courtyard-patio, and minus is that the volume of construction increases to the detriment of the area area.

At the proper level

Everything goes according to plan

Another important factor affecting the cottage layout is the number of levels. As a rule, a country house consists of several floors. Of course, the "one-storey" is relatively simple in construction, economical and comfortable, but still for our region are notepins. For several reasons. First, in order to "squeeze" into a one-story building the required number of residential rooms, utility and technical premises, the architect has to maximize the area of ​​the base, of course, due to the useful area of ​​the site. We should not forget about the substantial costs for the foundation. The roof area also increases that it does not best affect its value. In addition, the zoning of the indoor space of the house will be a very difficult task. The fact is that in one-story building, as in the urban apartment, natural lighting should be provided in residential premises. Therefore, all rooms need to be "tied" to the outer walls. The so-called dark zone remains in the center, where sunlight does not penetrate. It is diverted under the corridors, utility rooms IT.D. The most acceptable option is a home-studio, where the total space is divided into areas by partitions or low, not getting to the ceiling by walls.

Protecting cases Country house has two residential levels. This makes it possible to reduce the foundation area by 30-40% (compared to the "one-storey", designed for the same number of rooms) and get at least four additional rooms. Usually, a two-storey cottage includes attic (if the height of the roof is allowed) or the ground floor. Buildings from three levels are rarely found. As the experience of country construction showed, it is not very convenient - tenants just get tired of running around the stairs.

Petukhova Elena, Architect:

"Practice shows that the more we are trying to face, the worse it turns out. The bicycle does not invent here, the schemes have long been developed, absolutely logical and vital. After all, there is essentially planning is built like a computer algorithm: there is a list of rooms between which there should be a relationship : kitchen-dining room, bedroom, dressing room. These ligaments are clear and comfortable, and there is no need to turn them away from the legs. Snowless person will not become a dining room for the pool, but to equip the kitchen next to the garage. In fact, everything is dictated by feasibility and way Human life outside the city. "

Floor plan

After the questions with the shape and the floor of the "house in the village" are solved, it comes a turn of the planning of the premises. A division of two zones should be provided in a country house: residential and economic. Forward, respectively, residential rooms are included in the bridge, laundry, bathrooms, boiler IDR.

Let's start with the ground floor. Hospital, in the middle lane of Russia he is not popular. In many regions of our country, in particular, in the suburbs, the groundwater is too close to the surface of the Earth, which makes developers to abandon the semi-oat from the fear of its flooding. Household owners are trying to place all the technical and utility rooms on the first floor, condemning themselves to the unpleasant hum of the heating boiler and the ventilation system. The wake with the fact that the "water-house" is deprived of serious grounds: modern waterproofing materials are quite reliable to protect the basement from excess moisture. Yes, and the cost of construction works in the event of an erection of the base will increase not as much as it seems at first glance, the costs of the foundation will increase by only 10-15%. But the useful area (and rather significant) formed as a result can be used not only for installing various equipment, but also to arrange the pool, saunas, gym.

If the base level can somehow perform auxiliary functions, then the first floor is the face of the house, a kind of parade zone. Here is the living room, the most spacious and beautiful room having the highest ceiling height, panoramic windows. Next to it, it is preferably a dining room, a kitchen, as well as a guest bathroom. The second floor is entirely designated for private resting rooms, bedrooms, master bathroom, sometimes a study room.

Inacontal, attic, located in the purity of the attic, with the minimum height of the walls of 1.5m. Mansard can occupy both the entire area of ​​the building and its part. It should be noted that with two residential levels of practical need in the attic, in fact, no. But in some cases, there is a bedroom of the hosts of the house or a seating area with a home cinema, a billiard room of IT.P.

Dance from ... Stairs

As in the old days, the hub was built from the stove, and the layout of the modern cottage is often repelled from the stairs. It is it that determines in many respects how the first and second levels of the house will be solved and what will be attached to the attic.

So, the staircase can be in the center of the construction, more precisely, its first floor. In this case, becoming predominantly part of the living room, the design turns into an original designer object, which serves as an artistic dominant premises. Such a layout assumes the presence of a double space, which is why it is advisable to finish the ladder with an open gallery or a balcony.

Related to the periphery, for example, to a wall adjacent to the garage, the staircase is just one of the planning modules. This is a communication unit connecting the premises vertically. The need for designer research disappears, and most often the staircase is a simple two-time design with overtakers.

Kuzmina Valentina, architect of the personal creative workshop of EXI LLC:

"I think no unshakable rules, norms and restrictions on the country house plan currently do not exist. Modern materials and equipment will help solve the most complex architectural task. So, the attic windows or windows embedded in the roof successfully cope with the problem of insolation, and Special pumps allow you to locate the bathroom or kitchen on any distance from the main sewer riser. The designer can embody even very bold fantasies of the customer, nothing is constant of creative freedom. much more difficult and interesting, in my opinion, is the task of incorporating a house in the landscape. for The cottage needs to competently choose a place based on the geodesy of the site, correctly orient the building on the sides of the world, to combine its exterior with the surrounding territory IT. IT.P.

Family affairs

When planning a cottage, it is necessary to take into account the individual features of the family. Will the house be used for permanent residence or as a summer cottage, how many people will live in it, how often the owners attend guests, is it in the family of serving IT.D. IT.P.- Only knowing the answers to these questions, it will be possible to properly zonate space. A simple example: Someone from households gets up with the first rays of the sun, and someone, on the contrary, loves to sleep longer. Consequently, for the maximum comfort of living, the bedroom should be counted accordingly to the sides of the light. According to the tastes and personal preferences of the inhabitants of the house, the utility rooms are organized: possibly the hostess, the owner of the rich wardrobe, will require a separate room for him or the head of the family-connoisseur of expensive wines will wish to have a specially equipped cellar.

Of course, it is simply impossible to fully satisfy the requests of all family members, it is important to arrange priorities. At the same time, controversial situations are usually allowed by organizing additional premises. The required number of rooms is customary to count on the formula: N + 1, where N is the number of people permanently residing in the house. But we should not forget that the circumstances are constantly changing the children, grandchildren appear, and with the time of premises in the house may not be enough. So if there is such an opportunity, it is better to have something "about the stock".

Domaratskaya Tatyana, Designer Design Studio "Art Recon":

"Getting Started by the planning of a country house, we first take into account the individual features of its owners. Here are the little things, everything is important. What is the family of wealth, will people live in the cottage constantly or hitting, whether the servants work in the house should be so Or otherwise reflected in the architecture of the construction. It is very important to know the tastes and features of the nature of the owners. It is possible and even need to retreat from the generally accepted rules. So, for example, it is believed that the bedroom is it possible to be small. But often a person, tired of the taste of urban apartments, Intentionally places the bedroom in the most spacious room, trying to put a minimal set of furniture there. Of course, we try to dissuade the Customer from obviously unsuccessful decisions, because our main goal is to make a house as comfortable for living for a specific family. "

Unwritten rules

Of course, approaches to the planning of the house are many, but there are a number of universal rules that should be followed in any case.

So, you need to strive to maximally reduce the number of hallways and corridors. It is possible, and sometimes it is desirable to perform several functions with one room: say, the veranda is an entrance hall, or a bedroom-diceut. This measure will allow you to highlight more space under residential rooms.

It is advisable to take a separate room under the kitchen (minimum 8-12m2), without combining it, as it often happens, with the living room. No matter how perfect modern household appliances, kitchen smells associated with cooking, not avoid. The acre is hardly the guests and the hosts of the house will feel comfortable, chatting under the sounds of a working coffee grinder or dishwasher. The kitchen is better to arrange the outer wall, because it needs to provide good natural lighting, and as close as possible to the entrance to the house. Conveniently, if the kitchen is nearby area and bathrooms.

The living room, as mentioned above, is the front room of the house. But its task not only to impress guests. Here the family spends his free time and is going at the dinner table. Therefore, the room should be spacious (17-24m2) and light. It will be reasonable to divide the space into several zones: for recreation, feasts, conversations at the fireplace IT.D.

As for the children's zone, as a rule, one common room for sleep (the minimum bedroom area for two school-age children is 10-12m2), and another - for games and recreation. However, according to some specialists, this is not a completely practical decision. Even if the children are same-sex and get along well with each other, they stand a little increasingly, and everyone will have their own interests, their friends, and live together will not be so comfortable. Perhaps it is better to initially identify children in different premises.

The bedroom should not be done too spacious, for a country house, it is quite 12-14m2, because the main thing here is the comfort and a sense of security. A large space will be more correct to divide the zones, designating the dressing room, the Bouir and the actual bedroom.

The forever, where, as planned, four or more people will live, it is recommended to equip at least two bathrooms, one at one floor. If the bathroom is combined, then it should highlight the bath and shower zone and the toilet directly. In addition, if the area allows you to determine the place for the washing machine. Minimum bathroom area - 4m2, toilet room - 1,2m2.

Since life outside the city assumes that the maximum of time people spend outdoons in the fresh air, it will be useful to organize an open terrace or a glazed veranda. If the inhabitants of the cottage prefer to dine on the veranda, it is convenient to make it out of the kitchen, if this space is designed rather for recreation, it is logical to provide the door to the veranda from the living room.

Invitation, we note that the draft country house must be responsible not only to functional, but also aesthetic requirements. Do not overload it with unnecessary details and decorations. It is desirable that the shape of the arches, openings, enclosing structures are not too diverse, it will violate the integrity of the composition. Inconale, the cottage should be proportional to the area of ​​the site.

Minimum area of ​​premises in residential buildings

Number of rooms one 2. 3. four five 6.
Number of people living in the house 1-2 2-3. 3-4 4-6 6-7 8 or more
Total area (minimum), m2 44. 60. 76. 89. 106. 116.
Living room, m2. eighteen sixteen eighteen twenty twenty 22.
Bedrooms, m2:
1st - 12 12 fourteen fourteen fourteen
2nd - - 10 10 12 10
3rd - - - eight eight 10
4th - - - - eight eight
5th - - - - - eight
Living area, m2 eighteen 28. 40. 52. 62. 72.
Kitchen, m2. eight 10 10 10 12 12
Hall and corridor, m2 11,4. 14.7 14.7 15.7 eighteen eighteen
Pantry, m2. one 1.5 1.5 1.5 2. 2.
Bathroom, m2 four four four four four four
Bathroom, m2. 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2
Economic premises, m2 - - four four 6. 6.
Utility rooms, m2 26. 32. 36. 37. 44. 44.
Veranda (20% of the total area), m2 8.8. 12 15,2 17.8. 21. 23,2
Balcony (15% of the total area), m2 6.6 nine 10 10 10 10

All in the garden!

Everything goes according to plan

The kitchen needs natural light, which you need to remember when planning a country house. It is also desirable to provide its connection with the site. The glass door, leading directly to the garden, visually increases the area of ​​the kitchen space and turns any meal in the picnic. Doing the same way out of the kitchen directly in the residential premises are not recommended, they must be divided by a corridor or tambour.

Everything goes according to plan


1. Hallway

2. Dining room

3. Kitchen

4. Living room

5. Bedroom

6. Children's

7. Garage

8. Bathroom

Non-standard solution

Everything goes according to plan

Usually, the home of the M-shaped form is asked when the need arises to arrange household premises (such as kitchen, home laundry, boiler IDR.) Away from the residential area. But each rule has its exceptions. In addition to the premises listed, in the small wing of the building, the Hospital of the Hospital is also attributed to the building. Asvicious link between the flaghel and the house itself became a spacious hall.

Everything goes according to plan


1. Hall

2. Cabinet

3. Kitchen

4. Living room

5. Swimming pool

6. Sanusel

Absolute minimum

Everything goes according to plan

Everything goes according to plan

The area of ​​this country house is only 100m2, but despite its modest sizes, it accommodates the entire necessary minimum living space located according to the traditional scheme. So, on the ground floor there is a kitchen, a dining room and a living room, and the second-bedroom and a bathroom. Moreover, the residential space is not divided into either walls or partitions, it is very clearly zoned. The role of delimiters play asymmetrically located windows and the heights of the ceiling heights.
Everything goes according to plan
Ground floor

Ground floor:

1. Hallway

2. Dining room

3. Living room

4. Kitchen

Everything goes according to plan
Second floor
Second floor:

1. Bedroom

2. Bathroom

3. Terrace

Binding vertical

Everything goes according to plan

According to architectural canons, the presence in the house of the Twilight space suggests that the staircase connecting the first and second floor becomes part of it. In this case, it is no longer just a communicative node that links vertical levels, but a completely independent part of the interior, which can be seen on this example. The spiral staircase with overtakers is finished with an open balcony.

Everything goes according to plan


1. Hallway

2. Kitchen

3. Living room

4. Bedroom

5. Sanusel

Which lives under the roof

Everything goes according to plan

Mansard - hardly the most suitable place for children: non-standard windows, two-tie ceiling and indirect angles are able to spur and without that fantasy of her little inhabitant. But anyone, even unusual, in its geometry, the room should be divided into several functional zones. On this example, we see the bedroom, a working area, a gaming and gym.

Everything goes according to plan


1. Children's

2. Cabinet

3. Sanusel

Two halves of the whole

Everything goes according to plan

The houses of the P-shaped form are found in us quite rarely, too many areas take away from the site, and the content of such a mansion is not suiced. But, working with already partially rebuilt buildings, you have to take non-standard solutions. When dealing with two separate houses, the architects conceived to combine them into one. The binder has become a two-story glass double gallery.
Everything goes according to plan
Ground floor

Ground floor:

1. Hallway

2. Living room

3. Dining room

4. Kitchen

5. Guest room

6. Cabinet

7. Sanusel

Everything goes according to plan
Second floor
Second floor:

1. Bedroom

2. Bathroom

3. Wardrobe

4. Hall

5. Cabinet

Under the roof of my house

Everything goes according to plan

Everything goes according to plan

The architectural solutions of the attic space have a wide range. So, the attic can occupy the entire area of ​​the building or an insignificant part of it. Indeed, the attic floor consists of one, quite a small room. This example is also interesting to the fact that there is no inlet door, no tambour or corridor, at least somehow preceding the entrance. A cool staircase leads directly to the room.

"And raise the fireplace in the room ..."

Everything goes according to plan

On the example of this living room you can trace the basic principles of zoning space. Here it is quite clearly divided into the dining room, the recreation area and the fireplace. "Home Forest" in this case is the composite center of the entire premises.
Everything goes according to plan
Ground floor

Ground floor:

1. Hallway

2. Living room

3. Kitchen

4. Dining room

5. Terrace

6. Bedroom

7. Bathroom

8. Wardrobe

9. Sanusel

Everything goes according to plan
Second floor
Second floor:

1. Hall

2. Children's

3. Children's

4. Cabinet

5. Shower

6. Toilet

7. Balcony

swallow's Nest

Everything goes according to plan

The traditional architectural solution of the country house is a double space: there is no part of the inter-storey overlap, and the gallery is organized on the second floor. The three percentage volume implies the presence of the attic with which the whole house is viewed.
Everything goes according to plan
Ground floor

Ground floor:

1. Hallway

2. Living room

3. Dining room

4. Kitchen

5. Cigar

6. Sauna

7. Sanusel

8. Shower

9. Standova

10. Posturochny

11. Garage

12. Terrace

Everything goes according to plan
Second floor
Second floor:

1. Gallery

2. Cabinet

3. Bedroom

4. Wardrobe

5. Bathroom

6. Children's

7. Guest bedroom

8. Sanusel

9. Balcony

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