So as not to borrow


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So that the stitches do not bother

So that the stitches do not bother

So that the stitches do not bother
The track leading to the house is posted by polygonal sawn plates of different sizes. The cost of laying such a coating will be $ 35 / m2

So that the stitches do not bother

So that the stitches do not bother
Multicolored paving bricks can form not only straight, but also rounded pathways. This allows you to create various complex drawings and compositions.
So that the stitches do not bother
In the secondary tracks, the slices of the tumor can be laid at some distance from each other, and the gaps between them are filled with fine gravel or fertile mixture. This power method is ideal for winding tracks.
So that the stitches do not bother
The covering of granite pavers is steadily resistant to impact and vibration, it is not afraid of water and sharp temperature drops $ 53 / m2 coatings)
So that the stitches do not bother
On a white marble crumb, plates made of natural stone. Light ribbon wonderfully shaves the greens of plants
So that the stitches do not bother
Laming, beautiful material for inexpensive and durable coatings. The track can be made both monochrome and mosaic
So that the stitches do not bother
Walkway-flooring from larch. This tree is distinguished by strength, moisture resistance, unique wood pattern. Stop "garden parquet" should be on a small, up to 15 cm, rubbed "pillow". The cost of one section of the "parquet" from the larch is 159 rubles.

In the difficult craft of the tracks of the tracks, there are a lot of wisdom, so you need to carefully weighed, whether to take all the work on ourselves. In love, it is worth listening to the advice of professionals

How do tracks start?

Of course, from the project, the landscape architect will say to which the network of tracks and paths helps organize the space of the site. Wet will support builders, since it is important to plan their work in advance. "For" will vote and a reasonable owner, providing for a gasket under the canvas drainage, plumbing and other engineering systems. True, no, no Yes, and you will hear: the paths you need to protruding first, and then it is nervous. Please provide specialists, but still it is better to "protruding" them on paper. This will make tracks more functional, improve the appearance of the site, take into account all the ideas available. Millimetting and pencil in the hands easier to respond to the following questions.

How many tracks do you need?

The number of tracks to the site is a non-permanent: over time, some may disappear, other, on the contrary, appear. But in any case, there must be several. According to experts, paving zones, including tracks, as a rule, occupy 15-20% of the territory adjacent to the house. Judge for yourself. If the cottage is located in the depths of the site, do not do without a front track, and quite wide, from 120 cm. Often it takes on the entry function, and then its width should be at least 2.5 m. In general, the main "highways" should not be done too narrow (usually 80-120cm). Avot Width is secondary, in particular workers, tracks may be minimal (from 40cm). Naturally, it is better to pave them as short as possible, that is, a direct route. For the rest, options are possible: winding, looping, with turns ...

What lines prefer?

So that the stitches do not bother

What do the tracks wear?

Materials used for paving, great set: cobblestone and paving, gravel and crushed stone, pebbles and plane, brick and paving slabs, asphalt and concrete, wood and crushed bark ... You will refer to three main criteria: style, functionality, quality.

If your garden is resolved in natural style, preference should be given to natural materials, for example, the untreated stone, oak dies, cross-shutters. By the way, on the last "Chelsea show" boarded lines were especially popular. The investigative English gardens will be appropriate by the paths covered with turf or small gravel. For the Mediterranean style, colored pebbles are characterized in cement, for East-indulged stones and sprinkle from pebbles.

Square of view of functionality for the front tracks is best suited for a flat stone, for example, a plate, painted enough (5050cm) slices. If you decide to use paving slabs, pick up the colors and pattern of laying so as to avoid monotony. Work tracks require increased strength, therefore, concrete, asphalt, paving slabs are usually used for their device. The walking path can be made from anything, just to walk it is convenient, and for the tracks near the playground, soft coatings are needed, crushed bark or grass.

The main components of high-quality paving - durability, ease of operation, the aesthetic properties of the coating. Let's try to analyze the most popular materials based on these criteria.

Natural stone (sandstone, slate, boot, slatnik IDR), perhaps most fully meets these requirements. Such paving will last not one decade even with significant loads. Yes, and it looks fine, since the stone itself prompts extraordinary color solutions, and the chaotic drawing of the masonry seems to come up with nature itself. It is worth such a path is not too expensive: for example, 1m2 tumor will cost 350-900 rubles, and its sand laying will require about 750-900 rubles. For 1m2. The exclusive coating is fashionable now mosaic from color pebbles, will be several times more expensive. By the way, other wealthy owners, imitating the decor of luxury Italian villas, make the front tracks from polished granite or marble. But in rainy weather or wilderness they become slippery like a rink. Other from the injuries will not save even the electrical heating system resembling a warm floor.

Paving tile. Categories of slippery coatings are also ceramic, as well as sidewalk tiles made by vibration. Vibropressed tile, somewhat losing cast by mechanical parameters, from this disadvantage is delighted. Paving tile is quite durable and convenient material in the work. The same variety of configuration and color options are allowed to achieve the necessary decorative effect. Paving slabs will cost, from 200 to 370 rubles. / M2, depending on the shape, color and thickness. The cost of laying does not exceed 400-700 rubles / m2.

When working with paving slabs of large size (3030cm and more) between the products it is better to leave the gaps up to 5 cm wide, closeing them with a cement-sandy mixture or soil. This will not give the coating to explode under the influence of negative temperatures.

So that the stitches do not bother
The driveway is made of decorative concrete imitating a blocking Concrete. The tracks of the concrete track are practical and durable. To build a track at one reception, you will have to make flashes along its entire length. Using a special formwork, know that it is possible to move it to the next site only a few days after a set of concrete strength. By the way, with the help of such a formwork create a stone or tile imitation. A boring concrete canvas can decorate pebbles, indulged in him immediately after filling. A variety of color gamut will ensure the use of colored concrete or special varnishes and paints that also protect the material from abrasion.

Brick. Nada beautifully looks on the tracks laid out bricks. The most durable road clinker, but in principle anyone is suitable, with the exception of silicate. Brick put on a rib or plafhmy. It is clear that the last option will significantly reduce the consumption of the material. The drawing can be different: "Christmas tree", bandaged or perpendicular rows, "Braided".

So that the stitches do not bother
The use of pebbles of different types allows you to lay out such a platform. The cost of the lake pebble is $ 130 / m2, river - from $ 190 / m2 Bulk materials (Gravel, crushed stone, brick crumb, crushed bark, etc.) - the easiest coating option, but it is calculated for a small load. Over time, the tracks lose clear outlines, blur with water, overgrow the grass, and therefore they should be recalled periodically. However, all this can be avoided using modern geosynthetic materials. Thus, the geotextile, which lifted the base of the track, will save the coating from weeds, and modular lawn grids with a cellular structure of the ECOFICS type will ensure the stability of its surface layer and will increase the stroke resistance.

Wood. The boardwalk was a fashionable, beautiful, but, alas, a short-dealing coating: even impregnated with an antiseptic bars, to which the boards are based on, in a few years they will begin to rot. The same problems, unfortunately, arise from the tracks laid down round solids. Of course, you can use an oak or larch, but this option will not be affected by many.

Grass. With all its attractiveness, green paths do not stand criticism. The load on them should be minimal - otherwise they quickly "trap". Walking the track by the turret of the soil-resistant silent of the soil grains, you will extend your life, but not for a long time. Material type "ENKAMAT" is capable of solving the problem - volume, 1.5-2 cm thick, matte polyamide threads, thermally bonded. Empty inside mats are filled with small gravel and fertile soil with lawn grass seeds. Developing, they will firmly link the material with the soil. On such a green path, you can not only walk, but also carry loads on a wheelbarrow, without fear to pull out the grass and sell a kola.

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