Sewage network cottage


Sewage network cottage 13885_1

Sewage network cottage
Cottage samotane sewage device
Sewage network cottage
Photo by Dmitry Minkina

To ensure a slope of the horizontal route, floor taps from the risers have as low as possible at the black floor level.

Sewage network cottage
To provide the necessary slope, sewage pipes to remote bathrooms are paved behind the suspended ceiling of the lower floor
Sewage network cottage

To clean the sewage to the risers provide for revisions

Sewage network cottage
UPX on one device located behind the toilet
Sewage network cottage

When using the UPX, it is possible to organize a full-fledged bathroom even on a high distance from the riser.

Sewage network cottage
UPS for drafting from several Santekhpribors does not take much space (Saniplus model from SFA, price - 560)
Sewage network cottage

Installation options UPX in a private house

Sewage network cottage
UPX series Sololift from Grundfos. Price - 400-450
Sewage network cottage

Scheme of UPX with the upper arrangement of the shredder:

1-start device;

2- knife;

3- air valve;

4- receiving basket of chopper;

5- pressure pipe;

6- removable lid;

7- check valve;

8- Corps;

9- electric motor;

10- Pump

Sewage network cottage
Multilift M from Grundfos
Sewage network cottage

The station "can be equipped with both one and two pumps (Multilift M and MD from Grundfos). Price- 2500 and 5000

Sewage network cottage
Complete sewer stations allow you to easily organize drainage from all Santechnibors of the house (installation of the forced sewage Sanicubic from SFA. Price - 1551)
Sewage network cottage

Sewer stations "mounted in the pittal bath can be transported both fecal and clean drains. For the next case, a fecal pump is mounted, in second-drainage (model Drainlift FH / D from Wilo. Price- 2816)

Today, the construction of a country house is not without a device of engineering systems, in particular, sewage systems intended for the removal of household wastewater

Internal sewage

Disposal of wastewater is usually carried out according to the system of pipelines into central sewers, and during its absence, in an individual or collective treatment plant. Outdoor sewer network, or, as it is also called, internal sewage consists, consists of vertical pipelines and risers and connected to them horizontal floor taps, which are directly connected to Santechpribers. Internal sewer, as a rule, make free, samotane: Stocks move along pipes under the action of gravity. Such a system is reliable and does not require electricity consumption.

Pipelines of the internal sewage network are mounted by observing the minimum slopes from 1 to 4 and, if possible, avoiding sharp turns (so, for rotation to 90 use two taps to 45). There are often biases of 2.5, since many firms produce shaped parts with corners, multiple 2.5. For example, the taps have an angle of 87.5 instead of 90. The need to create slopes causes certain difficulties in the arrangement of the bathrooms at a large distance from the risers: horizontal branches from Santechpribors have to be laid or in the specially erected podium, or under the suspended ceiling of the lower floor. Such a solution is often unacceptable due to the significant loss of the height of the ceilings. After all, in order to stretch the pipe from the toilet with a diameter of 110mm and a length of 3-4m in the space between the slab and the suspended structure and the length of 3-4m, it will be necessary to "borrow" at least 20-25 cm ceiling heights. That is why the bathrooms are trying to have breaking near the risers, which significantly reduces the length of horizontal sections, and, accordingly, reduces the height of the pure floor lifting.

To exclude the possibility of penetrating the unpleasant smell from the system of sewage to the room, the santechpribers (siphons) are installed at the site of connecting to it. For the normal functioning of the sewer network (when the hydraulic disentech does not occur, that is, the "pulling" of the water from the siphon, the consequence of which is "return" of an unpleasant odor) it is necessary that there is enough air in the rinking and there is no discharge (after all, part of the air is worn along with water). Provide this in three ways. The first, most common, is that the riser is done ventilated- withdraw its upper part on the roof. The second way is to arrange an uninterrupted riser, but rather large diameter and with a node of cleaning. Most often, so act in one-story houses and with a small number of risers. The third way, while relatively new, is a non-ventilated riser (even in a large house) with an air shutter installed on it, which allows air to freely penetrate inside the pipelines and does not produce gases and smells from the system back to the room. For cleaning risers from blockages, revisions are mounted.

When without technology nowhere

If the bathroom is located in the basement below the release from the house or is located on a high distance from the riser, and the ceiling height cannot be reduced, it is not always possible to organize self-sewer. To solve such problems, compact pumping installations of forced sewage sewage (UPX) are currently used. They are a monoblock that includes all the necessary components: a receiving capacity; Pumping pump equipped with cutting knives for grinding large fractions; Mesh basket for delayed non-grinding items (they can cause the blockage of a discharge pipe having a small diameter); A membrane switch that serves to automatically turn on the pump in case of filling the container. The drainage is carried out through a pipe with an internal diameter of 25 or 32mm, which does not require compulsory compliance with the slopes. This allows you to put it in a screed back and usually it does not necessarily raise the level of clean floor. For the work of the station you need an ordinary euro dress with a grounding.

Installations of forced sewage to the Russian market are supplied by Grundfos (Denmark), Wilo (Germany), DAB (Italy), ESPA (Spain). A wide range of products of this species offers the French company SFA, which is a pioneer in the development of equipment for compulsory sewerage. Today, there are devices for removal of both belligent and fecal wastewater. It is important to note that most of the UEXs are designed to work with runoff temperatures not higher than 40 s, and only a limited number of models can divert hot strokes from washing and dishwashers (limiting temperature 90-95 s).

SFA releases even the UEX built into the toilet. The soak device is not a tank, and the plum is made due to water pressure in the supply pipe of the water pipe (for normal operation of the device, it should be at least 1.7-2 atm).

When using the UEX, you will have to follow some simple rules: do not throw paper, cigarette pins, personal hygiene, plastic bags that can cause an electric motor encounter and as a result of its emergency stop. Assue is a queue, it will entail the overflow of the supply pipelines, and possibly the flooding of the room. Experts recommend periodic inspection (1-2 times a year) internal installation cavity and, if necessary, remove accumulated deposits and pollution. When inspection, you should definitely turn off the sewer station from the power supply network. Today, however, there are already models capable of, according to the manufacturer, "polling" almost everything that falls in them. But checking such installations for strength using the toilet as a garbage bucket, it is better not worth it.

Pipes for internal sewage

The most suitable for laying internal sewer networks are polypropylene tubes. Compared to widespread pipes made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) products from polypropylene racks to high temperatures (up to +95 c) and the effects of most solvents. True, they are a bit more expensive. Polypropylene pipes for sewage systems and fittings to them are issued by Valsir (Italy), Wavin (Denmark), Russian enterprises "Stroypolymer", "Synikon", "Politek" IDR. Cost 1 M tubes with an outer diameter of 40mm is about 1, with a diameter of 110mm- 2-3. For fittings it is necessary to pay from 0.5 to 6.5.

Outdoor sewage

Having passed on the internal sewage pipes, the estones are sent to the release of the house, followed by an outdoor network. If possible, it, like internal, design samoton, starting at home and ending with the sewer pumping station of sewage treatment plants. The diameter of the pipes of local sewage is usually 110mm, intra-quantum - 160-225mm and more. For the external sewage device, pipes from various materials are used: cast iron, polymers, as well as asbestos-cement. Polymer materials are used in individual construction. They produce many manufacturers, such as Wavin (Denmark), Marley (Germany). Cost 1 M tubes with a diameter of 110mm- from 5 to 8.

Sewage network cottage
Sewage network cottage
Sewage network cottage
1. The Wilo Drain TC 80 Drainage Pump of Wilo is designed to pump a large volume of fecal, household and industrial drainage, containing fibrous inclusions and solid particles up to 50-54mm, from houses, land plots, individual or local treatment facilities. Price - 1800.

2. Submersible Pump Drain Cop from ESPA with a grinding mechanism. Price - 840.

3. The pump from the DW series from EBARA is made of stainless steel and has a double seal of the shaft in the oil bath, which ensures the long service life of the model. Price - 410.

If it is impossible to ensure the bias for self-intelligent drainage, pressure branch can be applied in separate areas. For example, the house is located in the nizin, and the village sewer branch takes place above the release from the house, and even at some distance. In this case, the receiving well is arranged for collecting and pumping the effluent in the beginning of the pressure branch, in which the pumping pump is mounted. As a rule, special fecal pumps are used to pump outlaws from wells. The basis of such equipment is an electric motor equipped with an impeller with conventional or cutting blades. The latter grind large and fibrous inclusions, which makes it possible without worrying about the formation of blockages, to apply for discharge pipes of the pipes of smaller diameter and, of course, reduces the cost of the route. The electric motor is installed on the body of the working chamber where the impeller is located. All parts of the pump, including the housing, are performed only from corrosion-resistant materials: cast iron (AP-G from Grunfos, MC from Pedrollo, Italy), stainless steel and even composites (Drain TS A from Wilo). Usually, for operation in automatic mode, the pumps are equipped with a float switch or liquid level sensor, which, when the wastewater reaches a certain level in the receiving well, includes a pump, as well as the check valve.

Sewage network cottage
Sewage network cottage
4. The lower part of the DRAIN TP from Wilo is made of a composite that is not subject to corrosion. Price - 850.

5. Sewer pumps for pumping of household wastecasts SEG Grinder (Grundfos) with SmartTrim system, which allows you to adjust the cleaning wheels over the entire service life of the device. Price, from 1000.

The outlet nozzle of the pump can have both threaded and flange compound. Threaded, as a rule, equipped with low power devices, while the diameter of the thread does not exceed 2 ''. The flange compound has powerful aggregates, usually with a diameter of the outlet from DN 50. The main parameters of the pump are the performance measured in cubic meters per hour, and the pressure calculated in meters. The pressure shows which maximum height pump can be submitted. By the way, the patching of effluents horizontally also requires approximately 1 m pressure on every 10-12m tracks. The succeed of this can be calculated, the pump with which pressure is necessary. The equipment performance is chosen by relying on the number of santeh devices and the intensity of their use. Usually in the passport of the pump shows the dependence of the pressure from performance. It is necessary to choose a pump with a capacity of 2-3 times greater than the maximum hourly flow of wastewater (it is determined by calculating or by nomogram).

Complete sewer installations

Sewage network cottage
The scheme of the location of various UPX in the basement of the private house: 1- Compact installation for the removal of wastewater from the toilet; 2- "mini-sewage

Equipment "To remove the" clean "of the effluent from the shower, bath, mini-laundry IT.P. Equipment An alternative to the pump mounted in the receiving well may become a complete sewer pumping unit located in the basement of the house. It comes in full factory configuration and It requires minimal costs when installing and operating. The equipment consists of a tank with a volume of from 50 to 400l or more preferably made of impact-resistant polyethylene; pumping pump with an impeller equipped with conventional or cutting blades, and a control unit. The reservoir has a connected pipe with a nominal diameter. less than 100mm and exhaust pipe with a diameter of 80mm. To increase productivity, such installations are not equipped with one, but two pumps that can work alternately or with high load jointly. The presence of a large capacity tank allows you to cope with the volleary discharge of wastewater (for example, when the peak hours Simultane NGOs take a bath several users), and also provides the ability to use sanitary pribers in the "gentle" mode when the power is disconnected.

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