5 most frequent problems with the refrigerator (and how to solve them yourself)


Get rid of the allest snow, remove the cause of an unpleasant odor or noise - we find ways to solve annoying problems with the refrigerator.

5 most frequent problems with the refrigerator (and how to solve them yourself) 13893_1

Talked about solving popular problems with the refrigerator in video

1 Also Snow

In the main chamber

In the main chamber of the refrigerator, ice on the rear wall is formed due to increased humidity. Make sure you close the door tightly. It is possible that it opens itself due to the fact that it is put on it improperly laid inside the products. Another reason - you keep a lot of food. Because of this, warm air cannot be mixed with cold, condensate is formed. Try not to score the refrigerator too tight.

Please note: if your refrigerator has a compartment for collecting lifting water, then periodically appearing and disappearing snow is normal. This means that your technique is equipped with a drip defrost system, so it's easy to pour out the accumulated water in time.

It is also important to make sure that the drainage hole for which water flows is not clogged. It is located at the bottom of the rear wall of the refrigerator. It often falls pieces of products, because of them the water flows not in the collection compartment, but on the bottom of the refrigerator. There it freezes and turns into snow. Therefore, the drainage hole needs to be cleaned. Use a cotton wand or an old toothbrush.

Plus, the refrigerator should stand smoothly. Incorrect tilt, even small, can make the water flock incorrectly. Because of this, it will not fall into the drain hole.

In the freezer

Ensure that the freezer door is tightly closed and you left in the freezer free space for air circulation. If the snow layer is still growing, check which mode is displayed. No need to keep it on the meaning of the "deep freezing" if you did not put fresh food there. For normal operation, enough "Storage" mode.

5 most frequent problems with the refrigerator (and how to solve them yourself) 13893_2

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2 Unpleasant smell

Two main reasons for poor smell in the refrigerator - dampness and improper storage of products. Dampness occurs due to the erroneously set mode and the accumulated water in the downstream of the refrigerator. Do all the products, disconnect and wash the refrigerator, let it dry and turn it on again. Stop correct modes and make up products. Expired and causing doubts throw out. The rest decompose on hermetically closing packets and containers and sign the expiration date.

5 most frequent problems with the refrigerator (and how to solve them yourself) 13893_4

3 Water on the walls

Most often, water drops appear on the walls due to improperly set temperature. In the refrigerator there is an evaporator - the device on the rear wall of the refrigerator, it flows the cooling gas. If the temperature in the air temperature is higher than the temperature of the evaporator itself, then condensate will be formed on the inner surface of the refrigerator.

Take the temperature colder. To do this, find the regulator. In most models, it is mechanical and made in the form of a circle. The numbers on it indicate the capacity of work or degrees. The most frequent parameters:

  • 0 - refrigerator disabled;
  • 1 - the refrigerator is cooled minimally;
  • 7 - The refrigerator works at full power.

If it is difficult to define each time the values, simply remember that the knob is always rotated clockwise. And the further you turn it from the initial position, the colder will be. Try to set the device to the average value. If the water does not disappear, turn the regulator to the right to another division.

5 most frequent problems with the refrigerator (and how to solve them yourself) 13893_5

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4 Noise

The refrigerator can knock, buzz and click for various reasons. But not always to solve this problem, you need to call the masters. Try to first execute several actions.

  • Make sure it stands on a flat surface. If the kitchen did not align the floor, you can buy a coach for the refrigerator.
  • Check internal content. Rady can come into contact with each other pan.
  • Look, whether transport bolts were removed. They are attached to the compressor and noisy when it works.
  • Check if the ice is on the fan. He can noise for this reason.

5 most frequent problems with the refrigerator (and how to solve them yourself) 13893_7

5 Disorder and fast spheres

Many suffer from the fact that the storage system is not established in their refrigerator. Because of this, he looks untidy, it is difficult to find the right products and notice spoiled.

Try to start glass containers to accommodate ready-made food. They can be signed by the date of preparation by the marker. Plus, they will take less space than pans and skillers. Keep cheeses, oils, sauces and drinks on the door - this is the warmest place in the refrigerator. The bottom of the Fruit and Vegetables boxes should lay out antibacterial absorbent napkins - they will not give products to rot from the accumulated water. Meat and fish are better stored at the bottom of the camera - there is colder than everything. You can also start plastic baskets for small products so that they occupy less space.

5 most frequent problems with the refrigerator (and how to solve them yourself) 13893_8

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