Throne place of the XXI century


Armchair: Features of the framework of framework, materials for "filling", upholstery options, modifications. Who produces and how much does it cost?

Throne place of the XXI century 13906_1

Throne place of the XXI century
"Nick Factory"
Throne place of the XXI century
Soft and cozy folding chair Vedette released Rival this year. Side parts of the seat and backs are fixed in different positions. Legs made of metal
Throne place of the XXI century
"Jumanji" from Albert Shtein is a modern version of the rocking chairs, not only shake, but also turns around its axis. Pouf can be used individually, for example in a bedroom or hallway
Throne place of the XXI century
Cheerful chair in bright red tissue upholstery ISKU
Throne place of the XXI century
Throne place of the XXI century
In "Chicago" from MBEL Zeit massage rollers are adjustable depending on the growth of the user, so the chair is ideal for people of any complex
Throne place of the XXI century
Freling specializes in working with leather, which can be any color
Throne place of the XXI century
"Jacqueline" produced by "Allegro-Classic" lush forms. Additional softness and volume of this model gives a synthetic fluff
Throne place of the XXI century
The compact chair "Screwst", released IKEA, can be put in the living room, lobby or bedroom. A large drawing of the upholstery copies motifs, popular in the 60s.
Throne place of the XXI century
The chair and Puf UCLA from Pushe are packed with a variety of polystyrene balls and resemble huge children's toys. When a person sits down, the seat slightly remembered under the weight of his body
Throne place of the XXI century
To turn the chair with the Click-Clya mechanism in a full-fledged bed, you will also need a pouf, otherwise it will be too short. Anderssen.
Throne place of the XXI century
Uno Chair from Albert Shtein is not only extravagant, but also convenient. When sitting clogs on the back, she slightly deflects back, allowing you to relax with comfort
Throne place of the XXI century
Before buying upholstered furniture in light upholstery, ask if it is easy to care for her. "Lilberg" from IKEA is clean in purity. Uan Removable Case, which is erased in a typewriter
Throne place of the XXI century
The streamlined forms, bright colors, models from the BEAUTY CO PASSIO series from "Europlast" Unusual appearance
Throne place of the XXI century
"Diana" from Albert Shtein
Throne place of the XXI century
Chair-bed "Accord-70" production of "Nickname factory" with the mechanism of transformation "Accordion". Upper cover removable. With intensive operation, it allows long to save furniture in good condition
Throne place of the XXI century
Beauty Co Passio- Series of upholstered furniture on a steel frame with filling from elastic molded polyurethane foam

from "Europlast"


Throne place of the XXI century
Depending on the selected program, the massage session on a special chair will help relax or, on the contrary, to cheer up. Polaris)
Throne place of the XXI century
In addition to the STRESSLESS mechanism, since 1991 Ekornes models are equipped with a PLUS system that provides the correct position of the back and the lower back in any tilt of the back
Throne place of the XXI century
In the appearance of the Trest-Ultra models, the design features of the 60s are guessed. last century
Throne place of the XXI century
Aviator - advertiser from the assortment "shop" - has three fixed positions: normal, for viewing TV and Relax
Throne place of the XXI century
The chair "Poang" IKEA releases from 1977. Despite the solid experience, the model looks modern
Throne place of the XXI century
Chair-bed "Odyssey" made of Anderssen
Throne place of the XXI century
The chair "Poiro" was created by designers "Trust Ultra". Book or oak wood frame. Tissue upholstery

The first chair was invented by the ancient Egyptians, and it happened many centuries ago. It is richly decorated, with a high back, comfortable armrests and a soft pillow on a comfortable and beauty and beauty, it could well argue with many of its fellows created in the XXIV. But only one person was allowed to sit on such a swoused chair, and it was Pharaoh.

Successful Success

Throne place of the XXI century
Model "Dream Island" Production of Anderssencend to enjoy comfort, these days do not need to be neither a prince nor Padishah. But the troubled problem occurs. The richest choice, a variety of shapes, colors, sizes. How to choose your personal "throne"? The one that faithfully will serve for many years, constantly glad its owner. Before going to search for a suitable instance, it is worth stocking of certain knowledge. Forward turn, you should find out that the chair can be inside, that is, from which its frame and packing is made. After all, it is from the "filling", not only the convenience, but also the durability of the model depends. Manufacturers tend to provide a guarantee of 2 years on the furniture itself and 3 years on transformation mechanisms if they are. But the high-quality product will last, of course, much longer.

The frame is responsible for the reliability of the structure, it is made of metal or wood materials and plywood. The most expensive models use strong hard-rigid breeds and oaks. But coniferous pine and fir are going much more often. Avota presence of chipboard is undesirable. To distinguish the furniture in which the frame is made of chipboard, it is possible by weight - it is heavy.

"Stuffing", as a rule, multi-layered, each layer provides a certain effect, from which, in general, our sensations depend. The spring unit gives elevated comfort, but its presence is optional. Artificial filling materials are more common. The palm of the championship among them was obtained polyurethane - foamon (block elastic polyurethane) and PPU (cold forming polyurethane foam). The timing of their service depends on the density. The recommended density of the first is for seats 35-45kg / m3, for the back from 25 kg / m3. At a lesser density, the product will soon begin to deform. There are different stamps of foam rubber with various indicators of softness and elasticity, but they are often combined (among all the HR-high-elastic foam rubber is highlighted, it is considered optimal in terms of comfort and durability). Fluffy furniture fillers are placed between the flap of foam rubber and the upholstery. This is a synthepec, duraphil, britfil, periothek, and sometimes bird fluffs and feathers sometimes. If their layer is large enough, the model will be soft.

However, the convenience of such furniture depends not only from the "filling", but also from the geometry of the model. The same comfort is the concept of subjective. People of different growth and the complex are not always suitable for the same chairs. Some love to sit in them, drowning, as if in a fluff period, another needed more rigid, toning landing. Therefore, when buying, do not forget to test the tests, be sure to try to sit on the "throne in your favorite."

Chairs, like the rest of the upholstered furniture, may have a removable case or be upholstered what is called, "tight." Case, like clothes, remove to wrap or cast into dry cleaning. Moreover, you can order several "costumes" - summer and winter, festive and everyday. Covel furniture is practical, but the design is more monotony compared to the lodge.

Upholstery chairs, important and fascinating theme. Details about upholstery tissues, read a separate review in the article "Upholstery Materials". It is important to remember that the chair that you see in the store or the cabin, when replacing the fabric it will look completely different. The uphols you choose either will emphasize the style, or completely change it. Consultants can offer up to 500 options, showing any samples of materials. Moreover, Russian-made furniture "dresses" in the skin and fabric from around the world. The cost of the upholstery can be up to 60% of the price of the product. Seying outfits for chairs from textiles of woven and nonwoven flock, velor, jacquard, shenill, tapestry. Microfiber has proven well, which externally resembles suede, but at the same time resistant to abrasion and pollution. Skin and natural, both artificial and natural. Artificial is more suitable for office. Avot stopping on a natural, it is important to remember that it happens very different in quality. When billet, the skin is cut into two layers. Upper, front-quality, but, accordingly, more and more expensive. The bottom is worse, it is formed together with the meter using various synthetic impregnations. Or then with the help of stamping drawing, imitating natural.

Mostly. It is important that the chair is commensurate with the room in which it is worth it. For small rooms, buy compact models. Vggazines come across both giants (up to 120 cm wide, a depth of about 100 cm, alive approximately 100 cm) and "comrades" with much more modest dimensions. For example, with indicators 606575cm. Intermediate options set. But, choosing, remember that, in addition to real size, there is visual. Models with open legs and not plump, but, on the contrary, quite thin armrests and backs seem lighter.

Now that the theory is mastered, turn to practice. Let's see which models offer manufacturers, as well as tell about different modifications of the chairs. Immediately make a reservation that it will be about the products of the middle and slightly above the average price level. The cost of the chair in the most expensive leather upholstery will not exceed $ 1400 in our review.


Throne place of the XXI century
The Flex rocking chair from ISKunek models, in the modern day that does not occur to doubt, appeared for a very long time. For example, the chair "pondge" ($ 120-280- depending on the upholstery) with a frame of nudo-dowel plywood was created for IKEA (Sweden) by the Japanese designer Nobur Nakamura back in 1977. It turned out so successful, so typically Scandinavian, which is successfully produced still. But such "long-livers" is not limited to. It is no secret that the remake genre conquered not only the film industry, but also designs as furniture and clothing. One hundred percent hits, who first conquered the public decades of years ago, "reprinted" with huge circulations.

Sacco armchair, the name of which is translated as a "bag", was invented for the famous Italian company Zanotta in 1968. The lack of a frame. The case is simply naked with many small polystyrene balls. Externally, such a piece of furniture reminds a huge children's toy. When a person sits down, he is helpfully remembered, repeating the outline of the body. Another advantage of the model is ease. If necessary, the chair is easily transferred from the room to the room. The remake of such a wonderful in all respects "bag" was noticed at Albert Shtein ("Bamboo"), at the "Furniture Factory on March 8" (called "Baobab"), as well as PUSHE (GRUSHA) (All- Russia). The Vasserine company Isku (Finland), he appears as Teddy, and Urfin Juss (Russia) produces a number of frameless chairs ("Mahar", "Moth"). Their bright covers are packed with a mixture of foam crumbs and foam balls. PUSHE, besides the GRUSHA model, has the UCLA model (cost, depending on the upholstery - $ 140-450) with successful, well-balanced proportions. It is completed more tight and keeps the form at the expense of this. Upholstery or leather or fabric, inside polystyrene oil.

In addition to models, copying originals, there are those that are created "based on". Designers are looking for inspiration in the iconic things for their time. Often transmit external appearance, although sometimes only the overall mood. For example, the trend of recent years have become the sixties of the twentieth century. They attract their sincere optimism, captivated with bright colors and catchy emotional forms. Spectacular chairs, as if the "charged" positive energy of this thickest decade, has a Russian factory "Trust Ultra". The technology of their production is as follows: the weld metal frame of the back, the seat or armrests are placed in a special mold, and then poured with a mixture of high density polyurethane foam components. Finished cast parts are tightened with natural or artificial leather, microwelirom or material under suede, and then they are connected to each other. The cost of these chairs is about $ 600, the best of all they look in the monophonic upholstery of a bright open color. The Avot "Screw" from IKEA ($ 120), on the contrary, wins in "clothes" with a large multi-colored pattern, borrowed from the same sixties.

It happens that one day the form found is flawlessly accurate. Then she, as if the winged phrase, forever remains in the design language. This happened, for example, with Egg and SWAN chairs, which came up with the famous Danish architect and designer Arne Jacobsen. The echoes of his creations are clearly felt in some models of CLUB 8 (Denmark). Victorian fireplace chairman, another veteran, however, with a much richer biography. This is a "armchair with wings" (called so for the easily recognizable configuration of the high back), the British themselves are affordably called Grandfather, that is, "grandfather". It has long been conquered different countries. We can easily find it and our manufacturers. Vasserin "Factory Chairs" (Russia) is "Richard" (about $ 200), at the "Furniture Furniture Furniture March 8" - "Lord".

Individual approach

Throne place of the XXI century
"Cameo" "Factory Nickname" looks good when different tissato is chosen for the seats and backs and the backs are chosen in our time? Sofas with a light hand of modern designers have now become real multifunctional complexes, they are equipped with all sorts of fixtures - from the built-in bars to minibaries. The chairs have not yet caught up with their fellow, but here, as they say, the question of time. Although "advanced" copies are already seen. Stroke "Lubi" (about $ 200) from IKEA armrests consisting of two-piece-soft and rigid (plastic), flexing, become miniature tables, for which you can put, for example, a glass of drink. AV armrests of the Stressless Sphinx model from Ekornes (Norway) are provided by a small secret place, just for the television console. Now he is always at hand and will not be lost. The chair of this company can also be equipped with two species of tables that are attached to the armrest. The one that is smaller, is designed for different little things - cups with coffee, books. The second is for a laptop. Working in such an armchair is very nice. When the table is not needed, it can be diverted.

Among modern developments, we will especially single out the chair with a memorable expressive appearance. Each of them has a vivid character. Buyers appreciate them, above all, individuality, uniqueness. These are almost all the models of the Albert Shtein factory, which appeared as the Italian line of the Holding Furniture Furniture Factory. Puttingly, its highlight. The chair "Diana" attracts the backrest unusual asymmetrical outlines. Uno devoid of armrests, he has an elastic energetic shape, and the back, spring, may slightly deviate back. Prices- $ 300-600 and $ 1000-1200, depending on the upholstery. The "Factory Nickname" would especially highlight the "stalker" with an extravagant long back and curly wooden legs. Attack "Focus" and "Premier". These chairs are particularly interested looking at the upholstery, two contrast fabrics are used.

On a general background, the BEAUTY CO Passio series is allocated, released by EuroPlast. It includes sofas, leisure chairs, puffs, executives chairs, soft modules. Instead of the names of the model are equipped with numbers (for example, 03, 06, 10). The soft elements of furniture are made of EFIU (elastic molded polyurethane foam), which is used for car chairs (where comfort and durability is vital). The frame is made of steel. Undelves 02, 08 and 10 smoothed biomorphic forms, and model 16, on the contrary, is emphasized by geometric. The prices of the armchair fluctuate significantly from $ 200 to $ 1000.

Under hypnosis

As such a traditional and many favorite object of furniture, like a rocking chair, is unknown. Historians report only what happened in England at the beginning of the XVIII. It was then that the unknown craftsman took and attached to ordinary, on four legs, a chair of the station. Apparently, he borrowed an idea from a children's cradle. The invention was estimated. It quickly passed, having received the name Rocker or Rocking Chair (from the verb to Rock). It is curious that the British at that time gave a novel of Rocker to those speakers, who were hopeless to his audience with his speech. And, indeed, the rocking chair invariably has a calming, almost hypnotic impact. Smooth movements back and back are relaxing and packed. Hospital, so useful in the age of nervous overload, the thing has practically left everybody. Although at the same time did not cease to wonder the designers. True, their development (sometimes very funny) often remain at the stage of prototypes or are issued by small circulations.

Is the same "lovers to run" are not forgotten by manufacturers. Istiving about $ 140, you can buy woven from IV rods of the rocking chairs of Russian production or for $ 28 to buy an Emmaab chair in IKEA. A bright green or dark blue cloth seat is stretched on its thin steel frame. The basis of such models is rounded. They work on the same principle as "in the good old days." But there are inventions and a fresher where swing occurs due to the spring built into the leg. ISKU is a series of Flex, which was arranged in this way. It includes three types of chairs. It is noteworthy that the rigidity of the mechanism of swinging these models can be adjusted by selecting the amplitude suitable for itself. In this case, the chair automatically returns to its original position when a person gets up. The factory "shop" (Russia) produces "Yalta". The removable cover almost takes out to the floor, the leg is hidden, and the massive chair is completely unexpectedly turning out to be unstable, like a sea wave. We add that the rocking chair can act in the original, sharply trendy appearance. Provided Albert Shtein is "Jumanji." The model is not only swinging, but also turns around its axis.

According to the full program

Voltage, stress, overload - for a full-fledged recreation requires a special chair. They came up with him not accustomed to neglect the considerations of the comfort of Americans. The chair is called "advertiser" - from the English verb to recline, which means "to lean back", "Lying, lounging." It is equipped with a transformation mechanism and has three positions. The first is the usual chair that can rotate, swing or fixed motionless (depending on the configuration). At the second position raised the footboard- Conveniently watching TV. A warm person can take a horizontal position, as the back is leaving back. Zero Wal-type advertisers can be installed directly at the wall. They laid forward. The transformer chair is activated in several ways - both the weight of a person and a handle. Or it can be electrified and managed from the console: I looked at the TV, it was bored and returned to the blue screen again. Judging by the number of proposals from various manufacturers, fans of this type of rest among us a lot. Adleners are presented in the Kler's assortment (Germany) in the A17, Isku (Rocco) program, IKEA (Niboda, Mureng), Finn Fani (Ozzy) and Russian firms "TsECH" (RUSSO-BALT models, Texas , Aviator), "InSTroymebel" ("Magdalena"), Freling ("Siena"). The cost of chairs is from $ 400.

Another relaxation option offers Ekornes. B1971. She patented a stressless smooth adjustment system, which can also be equipped with chairs, and sofas. Stressless armchair reacts to changing the position of the body of a sitting person and reasonably changes the backrest and the seat position. And you do not have to press on the handles or levers. It is enough just to customize the system under your weight, and the neck with the lower back always get the right support. It is noteworthy that the same chair is produced in two or three versions that differ only in size. Buyer can always choose suitable. Models are equipped with soft aspirations (they are used as a footrest or as an additional seat).

Domestic doctor

The appearance of another miracle chair we owe Japanese. As you know, a healthy lifestyle plus the automation of a wide variety of useful things - their bitch. If there is no time for sports in sports, this gap at least will partly fill the massage chair. It will eliminate the stressful state, will remove the tension in the muscles, free from pain and backs in the back, will save from insomnia, improve blood circulation and activates metabolic processes. The movements of the rollers embedded in the chair mimic the hands of a massage therapist. Depending on the desired effect (Want to calm down or, on the contrary, to cheer up?), You can choose one of the programs offered. Massage techniques classic- patting, kneading, stroking. Provided and foot massage. The level of intensity is regulated. It works the chair from the electric motor, controlled by the remote control. Recommended session duration - 20 minutes. There are additional options, such as heated foot foot, automatic fatigue determination mode, musical system in headrest, night illumination IT.P. Older people will appreciate the device to get up, which will help them rise.

Immediately disclaim that the massage chair is the pleasure of expensive. However, cheap, low-quality models may instead of use to bring harm. Prices start from $ 2500, the average cost of the chair- $ 3500- 4000. We call the main manufacturers in this area: Matsushita Electric, Sanyo, Family, Hukla (Germany), Polaris (Italy), Keyton (Spain), Takasima (Taiwan) . There are massage chairs and in the assortment of some Russian factories, such as MBEL Zeit. For more information refer to the review published in the article "Dialogue of a chair with a sofa" of our magazine.

You do not want to take a break?

Throne place of the XXI century
In the armrests of the models of Stressless Sphinx from Ekornes, there is a small Tyachiva have already been convinced that the chair is a surprisingly multifaceted, endowed with a lot of different abilities. We will tell another one, very useful. Agree that the guest room in urban apartments is exceptional. If the guest stays for the night, it is likely to be offered a sofa in the office or, at worst, in the living room. But when the sofa-real luxury, non-dissolving due to modest living space, then should help out the chair. More precisely, chair bed. His width is maximized - 100-120cm, the length fluctuates under the same limits. But, turning into a sleeping place, it is lengthened until 190-230cm. To sleep more comfortable, such dual-purpose chairs are equipped with a springs block.

Transformation mechanisms such chairs are usually two types. This is a "click-clack" and "Accordion". For reliability, all designs are made of metal. For the case, the back of the back is descended back, and the emission must be moved to the decomposed chair. It is convenient that it is often equipped with a box for linen. Mathenism "Accordion" is not needed. The chair consists of three parts connected by hinges. Preparing to sleep, you need to pull the seat on yourself, as a result of which the double back, which is a "house", decompose and all parts of the design form a single plane. Typically, the manufacturer releases the models with both one and with another type of transformation. We add that removable covers are desirable for dual-use chairs. In this case, the service life of the upholstery fabric will be longer.

The most wide selection of bedchair at Anderssen. Let's call only some. This is "Odyssey", "Magister Magic", "Night Mirror", "Warm Evening". Cute models fully fit their romantic names. In no less remarkable samples, we will find in the range of other Russian and foreign manufacturers. The "Nickname factory" is "Accord-70" and "Unison-K", from "Allegro-Classics" - "Polonaise". We also note the models 036, 037, 038 in the Papillon collection from Moon, "Julia" factory "Yantar" (all- Russia) and Riku from Isku.

Not a kit

In conclusion, we will focus on another group of chairs, and, we must admit, very extensive. It includes models that are manufactured as an addition to sofas. Of course, it is possible to buy objects included in the kit of upholstered furniture. They are quite organically looking in the interior, and according to the design and design, they copy their older fellow women, often differing only. Most of all in this group of seats, samples are samples of soft, volumetric, impregnable, but completely compact, "sports", taut copies come across. The number of proposals is impressive, but now we will not tell about them in detail. A number of articles have already been devoted to the upholstered furniture in our magazine. So far we call only manufacturers specializing in this area. The price category includes the products of Finnish companies Relax, Finn Fani, Pohjamaan Kaluste, Bo-Box Oy. There are numerous Russian manufacturers on the same field, whose models of the year are becoming more and more interesting. Among them, "Good Style" and firms included in the "Furniture Furniture Factory", Albert Shtein, Anderssen, Urfin Juss), as well as Freling, Rival, Moon, Trust Ultra, "Niva" , Pushe, "Nickname factory", "Allegro-Classic", "Kalinka", "MBEL Zeit", "Amber", "Sumo", "InStrojabel" IDR. As you can see, there are many companies in our market, which means that the chair, which is ideal for you, will certainly be.

The editorial board thanks the company "MBTM", Ekornes, IKEA, furniture factories "Good Style", "Trust-Ultra", "Claim", Albert Shtein, Anderssen, Rival, "Europlast", "Factory Nick", Pushe, "Allegro-Classic »For help in the preparation of material.

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