Breathe deeply


Review of household ventilator market: types, design of devices, features of operation. Practical recommendations for installation.

Breathe deeply 13911_1

Breathe deeply

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Roto Frank.

Rotoevs mechanical ventilators (a) and Rotoboy (b) for rotary and swivel-folding flaps

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Windows-Matic ventilator is installed on the sash instead of the handle and performs its functions (Maco)
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Subordinate the control of window ventilation processor or climate station, you can create a centralized ventilation system.
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AirBack Remote Control Remote Control

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The chain model from Giesse differs from similar drives D + H slightly large dimensions and shape
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Rack tandem-tandem from Giesse for heavy or very large sash

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Cherical drive from Geze used for vertically installed windows
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RVA with worm-driven on folding windows

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RVA installation option on a swing window

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D + H.

For flaps width more than one and a half meters, as well as in cases where one drive does not provide the required effort, it is permissible to install ventilators in a pair, providing them with a synchronizer of work

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The chain model from D + H is quite compact (the folding chain is conveniently fit inside the housing) and on the background of the window is not so noticeable.
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The rain sensor can be supplemented by any drive window in the rain closes automatically.
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You can manually control the operation of electrical mechanical drives (using keyboard switches) or remotely with the remote control, which is much more convenient
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Control panel 16 drives from D + H
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The wind sensor is another convenient addition to automation of windows - it is precisely the command to close the windows with a sharp wind enhancement
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Rigelair valve for windows with two seal contours

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AirControl aircraft driver from Salamander.

Its product manufacturer provided inserts that reduce noise by 34-42DB

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Air Movement Scheme in window box when installing built-in ventilators of any type

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Comfolip devices (a) and airmatic (b) from TROSAL
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The AERECO supply devices supplies valves regulating air flow depending on the humidity in the room
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Air movement scheme in a typical two-room apartment of the P44 series after installing the supply devices. Air is removed due to the natural hood from the bathroom and kitchen

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This is what the air ventiiler looks like from the room (a) and outside the window (b)
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This snapshot is made in Holland. As you can see, they have the same problems.

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Aeromat 80 (A) and Aeromat 150 (B) from Siegenia-Aubi
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In the Finnish wall valve KIV and its domestic analogue of "KIV", the air flow adjustment is made using a pen on the ledge (it is provided with a scale) or lace

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On the facade the wall valve is Malozameten. From the rain, its air intake hole is covered with a decorative protective lattice of metal or plastic
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VTK wall valve from Systemair with air flow thermostat
Breathe deeply
Valve head board with a plate regulator

Installing new windows is, on the one hand, benefit. They are warmer and street noise miss. Solid side, their small breathability leads to an unacceptable reduction in air exchange in the apartment. So what to do?

Today we continue to talk about the organization of air exchange in an apartment or private house, started in the article

"If there is nothing to breathe in the apartment." Used once we described in detail about the principles of the system of exhaust natural ventilation in a residential building and about measures that must be taken for its normal functioning. But in order for a person to feel in an apartment or house quite comfortable, it is necessary to ensure not only the exhaust of the "spent" air, but also the influx of fresh. According to the current regulatory documentation, with an apartment area less than 20m2 per person, a sufficient norm of the inflow is considered to be 3m3 / h per 1m2 residential area. If the area is greater than 20m2 per person, the value of the inflow should be at least 30m3 / h per living, but the multiplicity of the air exchange per hour (the ratio of the volume of incoming or removed air to the inner room) should not be less than 0.35.

How to organize a natural influx of such a volume of air with new, almost hermetic windows without the use of expensive ventilation technology? The answer is simple: Hanging manually or automatically . The first way is cheap and effective, but tedious. For loser ventilation, every 2 h open a window for several minutes (for this you need at least, constantly at home). Save can install the window to the position of the so-called "winter ventilation". For this, the handle of the rotary-folding flap is installed under 45 upwards. The minus of this path is that there is a big weight loss, the sash is exactly not adjust.

Automatic ventilation - more "advanced" way to ensure natural ventilation of premises. It is realized in two ways. The first is B. Periodic ventilation With the use of devices that open and close the shutters of the window mechanically (using an electric drive), or by command of the controller, or by pressing a special button. These devices are called mechanical ventilation. The second way is based on providing Continuous Fresh Air Flow By using various supply devices (valves) embedded in the window design or mounted in the wall.

Mechanical ventilators

The release of such devices intended for installation both on plastic and wooden and aluminum windows are engaged in companies or accessories (for example, Roto Frank- Germany; Maco-Austria) and window profiles (say, TROSAL), or specializing in the manufacture Different devices of automation (for example, Giessesence, GEZE, HAUTAU, D + H- Germany). Common for these devices is an electric drive, and the difference lies in the principles of action. The sash can open a chain, toothed rack, worm handle card. Tell about such devices in more detail.

Roto Frank. . The German company Roto Frank is widely known for its accessory releases at once 2 devices - Rotoboy and Roto EVS for folding (swivel-folding) sash.

Rotoboy can be mounted on wooden, plastic and wooduminium windows and consists of two parts: the main one in which the drive is located and an additional response. The part with the drive is mounted on the frame, the response part is the sash. When working, the electric drive pushes / retracts the response, opening / covering the sash. You can adjust the value of its opening using the limiting devices available in the window fittings (Rotoboy is supplied with an overload unit, the device will turn off as soon as the sash will reach "until the stop"). The ventilator is equipped with two functions - "fast ventilation" and "auto-venting timer". When "fast ventilating", the sash of the window leans when the corresponding button is pressed, and closes after the pre-programmed time (maximum of 30 minutes). "Automatic ventilation timer" will be thrown into and cover the window to the scheduled time (but not to lock it, as the device is not associated with the accessory of the window). You can enter the opening program for all days of the week, for example, daily at the same time or different times during the week. Food - from batteries or batteries. Price - 165.

ROTO EVS device is more "advanced" compared to Rotoboy. It is equipped with a remote control that allows you to open and close the folding sash by installing it by opening in any desired position. At the same time, Roto EVS does not just open / covers the sash, but also locks it, fully performing the functions of the window handle. Timer's help can be programmed different ventilation intervals with a predetermined angle of folding the sash. If desired, the device is complemented by various automation features, such as rain and wind sensors, which allows you to automatically close the window when changing external weather conditions. It is also compatible with any technique of the smart home system. Power - 220V. Price - 353.

Maco and Trocal . Two similar devices are manufactured by MacO (Windows-Matic) and TROosal (AIRBACK). Both are installed on the window sash instead of the handle and simultaneously perform its functions. And they are compatible with accessories from any manufacturer. You can control the instruments both manually and remotely with the remote. The operation of the instruments in the automatic ventilation mode with the help of the same console. If you provide the devices installed additionally to the processor or connect to the ventilation control system, the system of centralized ventilation according to a specified program will be. A distinctive feature of the Windows-Matic model (Maco) is built-in rain and wind sensors (mounted on the outflow from the outside). They will give the command to cover the window when changing weather conditions, regardless of which mode (individual or group), the device works. Power supply for both devices- 24V. The price of AirBack - from 250, with computer "addicts" - from 500. Windows-Matic will be somewhat more expensive - from 600.

Geze . Now about more serious and powerful ventilators. The models of the RWA Series of the German company GEZE are very interesting. These are electromechanical devices on worm gear that can not only open / close the sash, but also reliably lock it in one or more points. Mounted on a frame on a special console that allows the conductor housing to deviate from the window plane. You can use such a ventilator on swing and folding windows, with opening both inside and outward, but installed only vertically (deviation 5) - for obliquely or horizontally standing windows (attic, roof lamps. IT.) This device does not fit. For very large sash, it is permissible to use 2 instruments, the work of which (so that the sash is not thrown) will control the synchronizer purchased separately. RWA ventilators can be equipped with an electric drive both at 220 and 24V. To open the sash for the purpose of airport, those and others are suitable, but 24V drives are used in smoke removal systems.

By purchasing ventilators from GeZe, it should be borne in mind that they are sold to sets for a certain type of installation, for example, to install on a swing sash to the right for opening inside. Kits and marked according to: RWA 100E- to open the folding windows inside, RWA 105E- to open the folding windows to the outside, RWA 110E- for swing windows. Universal sets do not happen. The estimated cost of a 220V device for a private consumer can reach 450 excluding installation. 24V drive will cost about 500, plus another 500. The drive without the locking function of the sash will cost approximately 15% cheaper.

You can control the drive as manually (three-block switch) and software, for example, using a climate station (it is able to control drives and 24, and 220V).

D + H. . No less interesting for a private consumer Two more devices offered by D + H: Ventic Chain Drive and ZA Ratchers.

Ventic. Weight drive compactness (dimensions - 4353041mm) and elegant design are combined with a long service life (10,000 opening / closing operations). Standard strength 22kg, length opening - from 250 to 350mm. For cases where these values ​​are not enough, the drive of the series of chains is proposed (and therefore the value of its extension) varies up to 1000 mm. It and other drives are mainly equipped with a 24V electric motor (0,5A), but there are models operating from 220V. All are equipped with an electronic device forced stopping and an overload sensor. The chain of high strength steel is made so as to bend only in one direction, this allows it to be compactly placed in the device housing. In the "straightened" position, it behaves almost as a solid steel rail and is able to transmit the load to 50kg. Accordingly, the engine power varies also. As a result, the company offers chain drives capable of developing an effort from 22 to 60kg, but importantly, the increase in power does not cause an increase in their overall dimensions. Always, when the width of the sash exceeds 1.5m or requires such an effort when opening / closing, with which one mechanism is not able to cope (the sash has too large weight), the devices can be installed in the tandem. To do this, the manufacturer provided them in advance with their work synchronization controllers. Powerful drives are also proposed in double execution (two in one case). Window opening speed - 10mm / s. The presence of a large number of embodiments of the brackets makes it possible to use chain drives with any design of windows (folding, swivel, rotate), as well as hatches and mansard windows.

The ZA model is distinguished by sacchability of work, significant power (devices are able to develop a force from 32 to 150kg) and high reliability of operation. In this case, the drive can perform the function not only opening / closing, but also lifting / lowering the sash. As in the range of chain models, there are devices that run from 24V, as well as from the 220V network. All of them can be remotely controlled. Rake from 82 to 1000 mm long is made of brass or special steel. The drive is offered in two versions - with a rail hidden in a metal casing, and without it. The ZA is able to be installed on the design of different types: windows (any opening option), mansard windows, anti-aircraft lights, and it is possible to mount it both on the frame and on the sash. For large masses, a tandem mechanism is proposed. The synchronous operation of several devices installed on one sash, in them, as in chain modifications, a special synchronizer controller is embedded. The distribution drive itself is somewhat larger than the chain (rake - not a chain, it does not develop in the case), in addition, it is installed, in contrast to the chain, perpendicular to the window, so it is recommended to use it mainly for windows located at high height.

The price of chain drives ranges from 180 to 720, wheels - from 200 to 340. Kmemunism may need: type mount (14-18), 24V power supply (from 50 to 80), on / off button (24-5), receiver Radio signal (58) and control panel (up to 16 windows - 95). The control unit of the system of the ventilation will cost 80-350.

The Italian company Giesse offers its own robes and chain models. If the rush drives of this manufacturer externally do not differ much from D + H products, then the chains differ quite highly, their body is not elongated along the window, but rectangular, which makes them more noticeable. But the ventilators from Giesse cheaper are cheaper: chain models - from 115, rubber, from 130 to 270. The control unit 24 of devices will cost 480, the battery for the uninterruptible power supply system - 110. Rain sensor- 78, wind - 33.

Embedded valves

This group offers devices installed in the opening of the window block between the sash and the frame. Releases their profile manufacturers: Kbe, Trocal, Salamander, Kmerling (all Germany) IDR. Such valves may be similar, but each company adapts them to the profile produced it.

Valves provide a continuous air flow. The eight principle of operation of the devices of this group is the pressure difference outside and inside the building (P) arising from the wind or due to the work of natural exhaust ventilation. Conditionally valves can be divided into 3 types: embedded directly into the window profiles, overhead and cut into the wall.

Rigelair. . Immediately, three firms are TROCAL, KBE and Kmerling- offer for windows from a small width profile without medium sealing device called Rigelair. This is a rectangular plastic box without a lid and without one long face. Mounted using self-tapping screws on the frame, occupying the position between it and the sash in the upper zone of the window. The missing long edge is replaced with a swinging two-point flap (one petal covers the air clearance of the box with a large pressure, the other serves as a counterweight forcing the first petal to deviate, forming a constantly open clearance). Posted literature This device is also called the pen. Swinging on a hinge pero suspension and is an adjusting device of the device. The installation of the installation is removed by a piece of sealing of the internal circuit (on the sash) opposite the valve located on the frame, and the other one is mounted in its place, designed to prevent the air movement bypassing Rigelair.

In order to indoor the street air in winter, managed to warm up, the inlet for it is not done opposite the box, but at a considerable distance from it. To do this, part of the seal of an external circuit in the lower zone of the window (on both sides) is removed or replaced with decorative. Removal (replaced) can also be sealing at the bottom of the window - in this case, the resulting slot is covered by the rain with a special visor. Entering the air intake, the air rises up between the frame and sash and, heating about them, heads into the room through the valve box. The longer the path done, the warmer the flow and less noise penetrating with it. With a small pressure difference between the street and the apartment (p = 10pa), one Rigelair device can skip 5-6m3 air per hour. Manufacturers recommend installed in the window not one valve, but two, which allows you to increase the inflow. It is better to use devices with counterweights of different severity so that each "slammed" with its wind pressure. But keep in mind that even at the moment when Rigelair "slams", the air intake is stopped not completely - the room continues to penetrate about 3m3 air per hour. The index of reducing the transport noise in the open state is 30DB. Price, about 15, plus a wizard call if the device is mounted on the installed window.

Aircontrol . A very similar to the Rigelair device AIRCONTROL offers Salamander. The main differences is three. First, the box consists of two parts (option "two in one", but the influx is the same 5m3 / h). Secondly, the pen here is one-olepaesty and not installed instead of the side wall, and inside the box. Thirdly, most importantly, the firm has provided its brainchild of noise insulating inserts (2 connected to the rectangle box from a material resembling porous rubber). This made it possible to increase the noise insulation index to 34-42DB (depends on the type of glass package). Price, about 8.

Since the device of the device type Rigelair in wide profiles with three seal contours is simply impossible (interferes with the average seal), profile manufacturers offer different options, so for example, its imitation in the window design. For example, TROSAL produces 2 such devices: Comfolip and Airmatic.

Comfolip. . The outdoor seal is removed from the bottom and partly from the side of the sash (it remains only at a distance of 200mm from the vertex on the sides). At the place of remote seal, a gap is a width of about 0.2 mm for air inlet. The average seal throughout the top area of ​​the window is replaced by a special Comfolip profile, having a petal. This petal is designed to perform the same functions as the swinging feather in the Rigelair device, "slam" with a strong impact impulse. In order for the air to pass through Comfolip, its length is divided into three parts. The first third (right and left) oval holes of 420mm with a step of 15 mm are cut down. The centerful third of the gums do not make. But it is in this zone that is removed or changes to the decorative internal seal. A results of the air in the window runs about the same way as when installing the Rigelair box.

Airmatic. . This is also a box with a tongue, but much more compact than Rigelair. The presence of three contours of the seals is provided for practically the same improvements as in the previous version. The only difference is the sealing of the average circuit in the upper zone of the window is not entirely removed, but partially closer to the sides, and there are two airmatic boxes in its place they are simply snapped into the grooves of the seal.

The undoubted convenience of listed devices is that their installation does not contribute to the window design of irreversible changes, if you didn't like their work, it is possible to return all seals to the place.

For the "Finnish" windows with an additional sash with a single glass, which is made in front of the leaf with a double-glazed glass, also have ventilators. For example, Ventec from Domus (Finland) consisting of two valves. The first- launches the air into the space between the sash (equipped with a filter), and the second passes into the room. Adjustable manual (valve). Price - 74.


Such models on our market are mainly supplied by two well-known Western firms: Aereco (France) and Siegenia-Aubi (Germany).

The distinctive feature of Aereco products is the so-called hygroregulated valve. Pagboard sensor uses strips of material quickly and efficiently responding to the change in indoor air humidity. The sensor leads to the movement of the bar, with the deviation of which increases or decreases the lumen in the air channel of the device (the higher the humidity, the more the valve opens and, accordingly, more than fresh air is available). Air flow can be closed manually by turning a special lever on the instrument housing, for example, if a storm played outside the window. The device from Aereco is mounted in the upper zone of the window and consists of two parts: the outer (the so-called visor) - is installed on the frame profile (in the windows from the PVC-below the steel liner) and the inner (two and there is a hygromobility) - attached from the inside on the sash (Vaults from PVC-above steel liner). To organize air passage in the profile, frame and sash, slotted holes are formed. Both parts of the device are attached to the window profile by self-pressing, for sealing the compound is processed around the perimeter of silicone.

Suggested by the company 2 devices (EMM and EN) have the same characteristics: at p = 10pa, the maximum air flow to 35m3 / h is provided; Minimum inflow (with manually closed valve) - 3m3 / h. There is only the difference in the noise insulation index: EMM- to 37DB, it is 48DB. The price is about 40 for the device itself, plus about 40 for its installation. The installation of the valve is possible both in the manufacture of the window and on the already existing window from any material: wood, PVC, aluminum.

Siegenia-Aubi offers a range of window supply devices. Thus, Aeromat 80 (the height of the 80mm case) and the Aeromat 100 (the height of the body is 100mm) are embedded horizontally or vertically into the translucent part of the window block with an adjoint glass and a frame or an improbate profile. Aeromat 150 (the height of the 150mm body) is embedded horizontally or vertically directly into the window frame. The air falls into the device from the street through the holes in the outer part, after which it passes through the resonant sound absorber, individual for each model, and enters the room through the ventilation grille. To prevent atmospheric moisture from entering the device, they are equipped with protective visors. The internal grille can open and close manually by means of the lever on the instrument housing (the lever can be lengthened by a bar for 600-1000mm). The working length of each of the listed devices varies from 200 to 3000mm (manufactured under the order). Provided heat transfer resistance (RO) - from 0.53 to 0.6 m2C / W. Air flow at p = 10pa and a length of 1200 mm - from 26 to 70m3 / h. Cost - from 100 per 1m length.

Installation of ventilators is usually carried out in the manufacture of the window. When retrofitting such a device, a glass window will have to be changed, and this is not cheap.

The Belgian Renson company offers its own conductor THR-90/24 for operation in Russian conditions. It is designed to install in the top of the sash with a double-glazed glass of 24mm thick. Provides noise reduction to 32DB in a closed state and up to 22 DB in the open. Bandwidth - 159m3 / h on 1M length of the ventilator. But it is immediately warful that you can only purchase a product from Renson only under the order.

The technological process of installing the conductor from Aereco in the plastic window:

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1- Exactly in the middle of the sash on the clips is installed by steel template "conductor". The upward zone of the sash and the frame temporarily removal seals in order not to damage them when mounting

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2- on the template in the sash windows are formed 2 slots holes. To perform the operation, a special service and 2 people are needed - one holds a drill with a cutter, the second ensures its translational movement.

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3- Strictly opposite the holes in the sash milling holes in the windows frame

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4- To seal the joints between the parts of the ventilation and the window designs, silicone sealant is used. It is applied to the installation of details on the self-tapping screw

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5- Everything is ready. Seals are returned to the place. From the beginning to the end of the installation, approximately one and a half hours

Wall valves

Here manufacturers are significantly more, not only foreign (already mentioned Aereco and Siegenia-Aubi, as well as SYSTEMAIR and FRESH - both Sweden, Onninen- Finland), but also domestic companies (for example, "engineering equipment").

In general, the "wall", the trimming valve consists of a channel (pipe with a diameter of 80, 100, 130 or 160 mm), protective air intake lattice (mounted on the side of the street), the so-called head (mounted on the side of the room) with the air flow controlling the device and the air filter. The channel, as a rule, is a plastic set (this makes it easy to customize it to the wall of any thickness) or a one-piece pipe (the standard length of 100cm is a trumpet simply cuts up to the required size), inserted into a pre-drilled (more precisely, the drilled) hole. In order to prevent the cold flow from the plastic channel to the inner surface of the wall and the latter freezing, the channel is insulated from the inside (model "KIV" of the company "Engineering equipment") or outside (models of the FRESH RTL series). Internal insulation has its advantages and cons. Plus, let's say, in the fact that the insulation is also a noise absorber. The dust minus in the channel is more difficult to remove (you need at least a vacuum cleaner). Unruit insulation (executed, as a rule, with the help of "foam") other advantages and disadvantages. The dignity of the smooth canal is easier to clean. Disadvantageless noise absorption and difficult channel setting into a hole drilled in the wall.

The inner head is made of impact-resistant plastic. Adjustable air supply valve-petal. Its petals can open (KIV valve) or "diaphragm" channel lumen, as in the camera (RTL valve). Air flow control is carried out manually, with the help of a pen on the ledge (KIV conductor from Onninen) or the rotation of the "plate" of the inner head (VTK model from SystemAir). The KIV and KIV devices for convenience are equipped with a cord, pulling for which you can adjust the air flow, as well as the minimum ventilation mode (to activate it, you need to remove special plugs from the flap), which is necessary, for example, in the event of a long lack of people indoors. The Swedish company Systemair equipped the headpoint of his VTK supply device by automatics regulating the amount of supply air depending on the temperature on the street (operating in the range from -5 to + 10c). When the lower limit is reached, the automation "slaves" the valve, when the upper limit is exceeded, fully opens. But in any case, the consumer remains the possibility of manual adjustment. Supplies with three diameters of the channel - 80, 100, 160 mm and with a capacity of 20 to 200 m3 / h). The automatic thermostatic device equipped the headpoint of the RTL valve and Fresh.

The air filter in all models is a ring of porous synthetic easily washing material. It is installed inside the ledge close to the outlet holes.

Aereco has provided its own version of the wall instrument with a hygroregulated device similar to that used in the designs of the EMM and EHA valves described above. Noise absorption in open state - from 21 to 52DB, depending on the modification of the device (increase this indicator, for example, the so-called acoustic pillows, installed inside the channel and in the outer visor).

Prices for "wall" valves are quite risen - from 75 to 165 for the device itself (naturally, domestic producers products are somewhat cheaper than that of foreign) plus from 50 to 100 for the installation (the cost of the installation varies depending on the design of the outer wall and diameter drilled hole). Siegenia-Aubi offers the different Aeroflat device that listed above, designed to install horizontally under the windowsill. It has a small height of 56mm, a length of 502mm and a variable 602mm width (using a saw blade can be reduced to 382mm), which allows you to adapt the device under the specific width of the window sill. Providing the influx of fresh air 40m3 / h, Aeroflat has noise insulation index 28 dB. The price is from 90 per piece. Naturally, such a device must be installed before installing the window.

Where to install?

It is recommended to have any supply devices only in residential premises, but not where the smells (kitchens, bathrooms, smoking rooms) are highlighted. This rule is observed that, first, prevent the smells of smells around the apartment, and secondly, not to reduce the efficiency of the air exchange in the home (for example, a kitchen exhaust riser will pull out of the volume of the apartment smoothly so less than air as you run into the kitchen through Valve in its window). If there are no uniform recommendations to install the window supply devices (they are regulated by the design of the instruments), then for valves mounted in the wall, such recommendations exist. Experts advise the instruments near the window, at the height and distance from the opening, allowing you to easily reach the outdoor grille of the valve from the window. With such an installation, the valve, firstly, falls into the zone of action of the heating radiator, which is under the window, and, secondly, is not visible behind the curtain. There is another option - mount the valve for or above the central heating radiator. In this case, the air entering the apartment will immediately warm up.

Did we tell all?

So, we have discussed ways to organize the natural inflow of air and its movement in an apartment with an outflow into a natural exhaust ventilation system. That is, ways to restore the natural air exchange in the dwelling broken during the "renovation". It is worth noting that all device discussed in this review have one common drawback they do not heat up that in winter it can lead to some discomfort. Aesley did not want to endure the slightest discomfort? And what if the existing natural extract is not able to ensure the normal flow of the air exchange process? What to do in the case when the streets are so ridden (windows overlook the lively highway) that it is simply impossible to take it like that and run in the apartment? There are devices to help in such cases. We will certainly tell them in one of the following numbers. In general, the continuation should be.

The editors thanks the company "DAN VER-ER", "T.B.", "High Tech-House", Aereco, Siegenia-Aubi, Systemair, Salamander, Roto Frank, Profine, Trootal, Kbe, Kmerling, Baltim, Geze, Onninen, "Engineering Equipment", "Polislavia", "Petrodomus", "Blagovest" for help in preparing publication.

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