Miniature Universe


Bonsai - the art of creating vegetable miniatures. History of origin, styles, conditions of proper care, as well as various meaning of the term.

Miniature Universe 13916_1

Miniature Universe
Photo by D.Contstantinova
Miniature Universe
Photo by D.Contstantinova
Miniature Universe

Bonsai is the embodiment of beauty and wisdom of nature in one tree

Miniature Universe

Picture of the trunk and branches, according to the canons, must be well visible

Miniature Universe

Wire overlay is usually early in spring

Miniature Universe
Photo by D.Contstantinova

Bonsai of herbal

Miniature Universe
Photo M.romakina

Young pine. "Minor"

Miniature Universe
Photo by D.Contstantinova

In winter, deciduous bonsai demonstrate the beauty of nude branches

Miniature Universe
Photo by D.Contstantinova

In the east, the ability to grow coniferous miniatures is considered the top of the skills of the bonsaiist

Miniature Universe
Photo by A.Dustenkova

Juniper in the style of "Dead Wood". An example of the so-called avant-garde direction

Miniature Universe
Photo by D.Contstantinova

Bonsai is attractive for Europeans with its appearance, and for the Japanese is a whole philosophy

Miniature Universe
Photo by D.Contstantinova

Curved trunks and branches reflect the dramatic fate of trees life in nature

Miniature Universe
Photo M.romakina

The direction of growth of the branches of the juniper is set by the wire

Miniature Universe
Photo by D.Contstantinova

Bonsai symbolizes youth (during flowering), maturity (fruction) and old age (naked trunk in winter)

Miniature Universe
Photo M.romakina

Similar preponsions can be bought in stores

Miniature Universe
Photo by A.Dustenkova

Spruce Canadian grown in the style of "hugged stone"

Miniature Universe
Photo by D.Contstantinova

Pine as if grows from a huge stone

Miniature Universe
Photo M.romakina

Prepass from Holly, Style - "Polokscad"

Miniature Universe
Photo by A.Dustenkova

The miniature trees up to 10-15 cm highs are usually exhibited on special sheins

Miniature Universe
Mosses in the blue nonradiasis bonsai
Miniature Universe
Photo by A.Dustenkova

Fruits Piracles can hold over a year, in the spring they are adjacent to white flowers

Miniature Universe
Photo by D.Contstantinova

Mids visually "get old" trees

Miniature Universe
Photo by A.Dustenkova

Autumn- Time Bonsai Bonsai Foliage

Miniature Universe
Photo by A.Dustenkova

Grose from Kiparisovikov

Miniature Universe
Photo M.romakina

Maple Dlanoid

Miniature Universe

Stones, water and trees - the main organizing elements of the Japanese landscape

Miniature Universe
Photo by A.Dustenkova

Japanese masters hold trees on the street on racks

Handful of water or tree branch causes

In the imagination of the romance of the mountains and full-breeding rivers.

Water a moment you can survive

The sacraments of countless transformations.

Just like wonders of the wizard.

Ikenobo Sanno. Secret Retreats Bonsai literally translated from Japanese means "plant in a blue". It is believed that the art of cultivation and the creation of natural miniatures originated about the IV-II centuries. BC. in China. According to one of the legends, "Pan-Sin" - it was so called this art in Chinese, it was especially popular in large, densely inhabited cities, where they treated each block of land.

Bonsai literally translated from Japanese means "plant in a blue". It is believed that the art of cultivation and the creation of natural miniatures originated about the IV-II centuries. BC. in China. According to one of the legends, "Pan-Sin" - it was so called this art in Chinese, it was especially popular in large, densely inhabited cities, where they treated each block of land. Knipping the ability to grow trees in the plates were brought Chinese monks in the Middle Ages, along with Buddhism. It was the first to appear in Veverop already in XXV. The term "bonsai" in colloquial speech is used in various values. So called the tree themselves, and the agrotechnik of their cultivation, and the art of creating plant miniatures. This word does not inclined and has no multiple number. Bonsai cultivation masters are called bonsaiists.

However, not every plant planted in a flame can be called bonsai. There are rather strict canons governing everything that belongs to this art: the form of the plant and the proportion of its parts, the correspondence of the plant and the container, the techniques of demonstration, the combination of species in the composition IT.D. Allowances these canons are especially strict, in China and other eastern countries are freely. Miniature trees can be compared with sculpture, only alive and growing. The tweened, perfect bonsai have even their names (for example, the "Flying of the Dragon in the Clouds").

Vaechnic Bonsai can develop very many plant species. Among them are not only trees, but also shrubs, herbs and even aquatic plants. The most popular are the most durable trees. There are no miniaturization of very few species, mostly plants with very large leaves. Classic Bonsai involves the height of the tree from 30-40cm to 1m, but there are completely tiny thumbnails with a height of 1.5-2 to 10-15 cm.

Nationality and canons

Bonsai originated in China, and all the neighboring countries of Vietnam, Korea, Thailand, Japan, - adopting it art, refracted him in accordance with their geographical and cultural conditions. The greatest distribution in the world was the Japanese bonsai, the most canonized from all. Vyagon tradition exist very strict laws of formation of the plant itself, as well as the selection of the container and table. Own all European miniature trees are variations on the theme of Japanese styles Bonsai. For Europeans, a tree grown in the Bonsai technique attracts primarily with its external appearance, age. Uyapon and Chinese masters attitude towards him deeper, it is a way of self-expression, philosophical comprehension of the world.

Each plant, according to classic Japanese canons, must meet several basic requirements. First, have a common triangular crown form. The corners of the triangle symbolize three unity - the sky, the earth and the link binder, the tree. Secondly, branches should be placed by tiers, very clearly designated. Thirdly, each tier is not solid thickets from branches and leaves, but separate formed zones, within which foliage is especially thick. Unacceptable are crossed branches in trees. What is interesting, the whole aesthetics of bonsai is due to the biology of plants. The triangular shape of the crown is necessary in order for the upper parts of it not shaded the lower. Branches are placed by tiers to ensure ventilation and access to all parts of the plant of the desired amount of light. Thickening from a biological point of view is a microclimate zone with the necessary humidity.

The container (toss) must be combined with a plant in shape, size, texture and color. You see the depth of the container with the vertical barrel is equal to the diameter of the barrel, and the length (or diameter for round) is approximately equal to the width of the crown. For young plants with smooth circuits, a round or oval container is selected, and for powerful old trees, rectangular. Conifer breeds are grown in dark brown tanks. Bright blooming, deciduous, on the contrary, in color. As a rule, these vessels are painted in various shades of yellow, cream and blue. Most ceramic containers are less likely there are plates cut from solid stone. The most valuable are antique Chinese containers found, as a rule, on sunken ships. Flat plane is preferable to deep, plants in them seem more stable, such a form contributes to the formation of a flat root system of bonsai, facilitates the roots aeration. Inland pots grow moisture-boring species (for example, Mirt) or copies with hanging and semi-lining forms.

Most tables (about 90%) designed to demonstrate bonsai are made from Santan (Pterokarpus Santalinus). Its bright orange wood with time darkens brown. There are also tables from the ebony tree, quince of Chinese, grapes, pears. What a massive bonsai, the more impressive there should be a table for him. Elegant young trees have on visual lungs, "air" tables with low legs. High models are suitable for inclined and falling plants (styles of cascade and half-cup). If the bonsai has the fancy curved barrel, it is better to choose a carved table made from the root part of the tree or imitating it. Herbs are placed on flat wooden plates made of end spells.

Valid dreams from a laconic Japanese, Chinese bonsai more fried and less canonized. Here do not impose so many requirements for the shape of the barrel and crown. The plates and tables are loaded with a variety of decorative elements and painted in bright colors, whereas in Japan these items are very restrained. Wkitai even exist schools that promote the minimum human intervention in the development of plant miniatures. There is also an excessive "tricky" - trees give the form of hieroglyphs or animals, such as dragons.

In the Vietnamese tradition, the style of "plant on the rock" is popular: the roots of the tree are having a stone and immediately fall into the water, so there is no soil in the container. Ikaytai, and Vietnamese bonsai can be complemented by fishermen figures with fishing rods, clay houses, single-legged herons, cranes, statue of Buddha, which are placed in a container, right next to the tree. Vympnomic version such decoration is extremely rare.

Suiseks are considered close to bonsai ("Sui" - water, "skeus" - stone) and Bonkey ("plants on the stone"). Suisekes are symbolic images of various landscapes with two main elements and water. This may be dropped from the mountain stream or lake in the mountains. Moreover, water is natural or replaced by dry sand, but it is generally absent, only implied.

Compositions of Bonkei in the Chinese and Vietnamese tradition are a rag of rocks, plants, figures of animals and people, tiny houses. Uyapon residents of Bonquei concisely- single composition from elm or beaks on stone IDR.

Miniature Universe

Toconoma - This is a rectangular niche in a wall of about one and a half meters wide, painted, as a rule, in a nonsense monotonous color, for example creamy. The external design of the toconom is very concise and unobtrusive, it can be a decorative frame using a bamboo barrel or an inadequate tree beams. At the bottom of the niches, the mat is spilled, the plant itself is exhibited on the table. In addition to bonsai, there may be 2-3 concomitant subjects in the toconom, designed to speak with respect to it or emphasize the time of year. The accompanying elements are usually an additional plant (shrub or bonsai of herbs), as well as a picture or scroll on the wall. The picture, as a rule, is performed in silk painting technique, stories - landscapes: sunrise, dragonflies ... The decorative scroll is very simple: it is only a few hieroglyphs of the brush of the famous calligraph, in which the great meaning of the philosophical spontaneum or poetic string is concluded.


All bonsai should impress the natural plant growing in the wild natural conditions. The trunk of a tree, punching from the stone, first bends, repeating his shape, and only choosing to the light, go straight up. Aesley was destined to be born on an open rock, the direction of growth would be given by the prevailing winds in this area. It is based on various natural forms of growing trees "styles were developed. Each of them draws his own, unlike the rest. Vyagon tradition is known more than 10 styles for single bonsai and several group landings. Some styles are easier in creating, such as, for example, an informal vertical, fan or town by the wind, other harder is a conservative style mast or dead wood. One bonsai can satisfy the requirements of several styles at once.

Bonsai- art "dramatic". Impacting nature, the artist chooses trees to copy, which in natural conditions passed through many heavy tests. What drama can plant wave? It may be born in unsuitable conditions - on a rock where the soil is extremely scarce and lack moisture. Perhaps his gazed animals, the bark was damaged, the trunk of something else. Andor, most likely, could not be able to avoid constant winds, snow, thunderstorms and hail - element oppress and breaks even the most resistant copies. The shoots of the plant, which passed all these tests, cannot be even, the trunk is necessarily twisted, the interstices are small. Particularly valuable are bonsai, which were found in nature. But even the appearance of the plant, which developed at home, is in full delivery and comfort, must be as dramatic as possible. Therefore, the trunk and branches are specially twisted with the help of wire or delay, the bark is removed in some places or is artificially elevated.

Selection of plants

As bonsai can grow very many species - coniferous and deciduous trees, herbs. However, the newcomer is better not to start with "complex" and capricious rocks, such as pines or fir, which for some reason are very popular with beginners. It will be necessary at least 5-6 years of experience in the care of unpretentious plants (ficus or knitting) so that communication with more arrogant proven is successful. In the East, the ability to grow coniferous is considered the riding the skill of the bonsaiist.

Beginner fans of indoor bonsai are encouraged to choose the species that the wintering is not needed - in the conditions of an ordinary urban apartment, it is not easy to organize it. Unpretentious Murraya - Shadowish plant with a very interesting texture of the bark of bright shades, fragrant white flowers and edible bright red fruits. True, she has its own minuses: Murai's leaves are rather large and even in miniature is rarely less than 4 cm, which for perfect bonsai too much. You can also advise to purchase Gîte circuit who has a needle in shape very much reminds of willow leaves, mellite Fikuses (eg, Ficus dwinged ). By the way, all these species that are universally grown in the technique of bonsai and in Western Europe are almost not found in Japan. Beginning bonsauist can be recommended to acquire Grenade (do not be scared, if in the fall he suddenly drops the leaves), Vsem Chinese (if it is constantly kept in the room, then the old foliage falls after the appearance of a new and the tree turns into evergreen), Chinese juniper (True, you should not buy big and expensive specimens, it is better to start with little cuttings or with seedlings), Maple three-part, Malpigia, Carmona, Psdidium, Bamboo or olive.

If you do not sit down the landing seeds and a long expectation of the result, buy bonsai ready or semi-ready (the so-called premonst) in specialized stores or in garden markets. Preview is an adult room plant (from 2-3 years or more), but not yet formed, after buying it cut and transplanted into a flat vessel. The most favorable season for this is spring, for some species - autumn. The cost of such a plant is from 500-800 to several thousand rubles. An expensive copy should be purchased only if you have the opportunity at any time to obtain a specialist consultation or sufficient experience of growing bonsai. When buying a plant, pay attention to the development of the root system, the form and external advantages of the bonsai (or a magnificent crown and a strong trunk of premonies), a healthy plant plant as a whole. Consideration of the first year, grow your future bonsai as the most ordinary tree, do not rush to start the process of forming a masterpiece. During this time, the plant will have time to adapt to your conditions, and to get used to a new tenant and get better to know his "habits".

Bonsai styles for trees with one barrel

Miniature Universe

1. Chokkan (Tkkkan) - Formal vertical, or mast, style. This is a miniature copy of those trees that are growing in nature under favorable conditions, getting water, food and light in weakness. The only style with an almost perfect straight trunk. The barrel is directed vertically upwards, as it grows in diameter, and its lower third is completely devoid of branches. The upper branches are very thickly covered with foliage, they are shorter and thinner. Usually this style is used for zelkva, ate, larch, cedar, cryptomeria.

Miniature Universe

2. Shakan (Xianic) - inclined, prone style. The tree trunk is slightly bent and slightly deviate from the vertical, as if because the plant lived on the slope of the mountains or "escaped" from a deep shadow. The lowest branch is directed towards the opposite tilt of the tree, the equilibrium remains so. Style is suitable for most plants as coniferous (pines, thui, juniper, sequoia IDR), and deciduous (maple, birch, oak IDR.).

Miniature Universe

3. Moyogi (MOGI) - Informal vertical style, or curved trunk. This is one of the main styles, and by the number of images, perhaps the most numerous. If the Japanese makes it difficult to choose a bonsai style, Moyogi is usually used. It differs from other things that its samples can be absolutely not similar to each other. The trunk has an irregular, curved shape, and the bends can be several, and the bottom is usually expressed most brightly. Closer to the top of these "waves" become softer, and the top of the tree is accurately over its base. Use this style for almost all types of trees, but especially often for pine, oak, maple, juniper.

Miniature Universe

4. ISHITSUKI (Isitsuki) - "Hugged stone", "clutched in the rock." Bonsai of this style seem to grow out of stone and in his depths are all the necessary food and water. In fact, in the stone there are grooves filled with land. Suitable for trees with a strong root system, pines, maples, rhododendrons.

Miniature Universe

5. Fukinagashi (Fukinagasi) - Literally with the Japanese "checkbox", tilted by the wind. The tree (usually coniferous) as if curved from a strong gust of the wind: the trunk and branches grow in one direction, and where the wind "blows", the branches.

Miniature Universe

6. Hokidachi (Hokidati) - Faure, or mockery. The barrel is strictly vertical, but not too long, naked, without branches in its lower part. The branches diverge from the top point of the trunk evenly in all directions, as if the fan was spread. Croon symmetric, spherical shape and very dense. Due to the set of thin branches, the tree has an attractive view even without foliage. Just this style is almost perfectly expressed in Zeikova (Zelkva). Suitable for Zelkva, Elm, Maple and Grab.

Miniature Universe

7. Kengai (Kengai) - Cascade. The prototype of this style was the trees, forced to fight for their existence on rocky terraces, - they are bent under the hail of falling stones, under the mass of snow, due to lack of light or under their own severity. Branching begins at the bottom of the trunk. The trunk itself, rushing up, unexpectedly "falls", "flows" to the side, dropping below the base of the container. So that the plant looks well, it is placed on a high stand or on the edge of the table. Suitable for pine, juniper, kizilnik, rhododendron, plums, willow, ivy, azalea, because they are often observed in them in natural conditions. Not recommended for trees with strong, poorly rush trunks.

Miniature Universe

8. Hankengai (Hankengai) - Polokscad. The barrel is not so much as in the cascade, it is usually not lowered below the base of the rig. The small branch of the tops is directed toward the opposite tilt of the tree, so the composition looks stable. Suitable for all types of trees, with the exception of strong, poorly bent.

Miniature Universe

9. Sharimiki (Cayarimics) - Style "Dead Wood". Suitable for conifers. Holders, grown on the mountain slopes, separate parts of the barrel are not covered with the bark and shoveled by the Sun. Some branches can even be completely dry. Thus, these sections of dead wood are created artificially, by cutting certain bark fragments, followed by bleaching the stem. This is a very complex style.

Miniature Universe

10. Neagari (Nagari) - "protruding roots". All the attention of the viewer focuses on beautiful and powerful roots, protruding around the trunk and, as if lifting all the tree, - it seems to stand on stilts. Style is good for plants that form air roots, such as various types of ficus (dull, fine-grade, mellular).

Miniature Universe

11. Ikadabuki (Ikadabuki) - "fallen tree". This is a patched any natural element, but also on a lot of capable trunk, a half-footed land and giving many young shoots. Suitable for all types of trees.

Miniature Universe

12. Bunjingi (Bundsing) - "Literary" style. This term does not reflect the aesthetics of the style, but rather the history of its occurrence. Without the time of Bonsai became very popular among China's creative intelligentsia, which created a special style of bonsai for himself. Bunjingi can be formed much faster than classical forms and is estimated not by canonical criteria. The trunk of the tree is long, thin and elegant, the branches begin in its upper third. It is the form of the trunk that the focus is on, therefore foliage is not enough, the crown is unacmous. It is light, air and looks like painted illustration of ancient Japanese books.

Bonsai formation

For competent formation of bonsai, it is necessary to learn as much as possible about the specific form of the plant, which you have acquired: where it lives in natural conditions, what is its biological features - growth rate, attitude to water, light, soil, temperature, air humidity. Form not only the trunk and branches of Bonsai, but also the roots. This is usually done when transplanting plants. Leave several main roots that radially diverge from the barrel. The protruding roots make a church more "adults", their form depends on the selected style. Part of the soil in the container is usually covered with moss, but at normal room conditions, low temperatures and high humidity are required to grow its complex.

The cultivation of the tree in a limited amount of soil already contributes to its decrease in the amount, slowing its growth, miniaturization.

For the direction of growth, the branches use several techniques: wire overlause, pulling out of goods or tapping to roots. The wire is better to use copper, plastic, well annealed, can be tinted in the color of the crust. Its diameter should be approximately 1/3 of the thickness of the branch or trunk. We only apply a wire in one direction - from the trunk to branches, at an angle of 45. The best time for the work - early spring, before the start of the kidney dissolution, or before the winter peace, then the plant has the greatest flexibility. Depending on the growth rate of bonsai, the wire is superimposed for the period from the one-month to one and a half years. If you have never come across the implementation of such work, practice on branches and twigs brought from the forest.

The foliage of any bonsai should be shallow, dense, saturated color. The streets of the decrease in the size of the leaves are achieved by removing the sheet plate from early June to the beginning of August. Leaves are removed completely, leaving only a piece of the pet. After some time after trimming, the plant again seals, will survive the "second spring". This method is used only for healthy plants and are not used for flowering, fruit and coniferous.


The main activities for the care of vegetable miniature-neat watering, timely feeding, haircut 2-3 times a year and periodic transplants - once a few years. When forming and leaving the bonsai need a whole set of tools: a secateur, curved tubing for trimming branches, wires of different diameter, scissors for fine work, hooks for rapid roots, preparations for whitening wood (if you form bonsai in the style of "Dead Wood") IT .P. The size of the tools depends on the size of the tree.

After irrigation, the soil must be completely moistened, the next irrigation is carried out after drying it. Water water is recommended to pre-defeat for several hours, and if it contains a lot of salt, filter. Water the bonsai of water room temperature, in no case do not cold-tropic plants from this may die. Bonsai containers must have large drainage holes (1.5-0 cm diameter) and small legs. The container is usually put in the pallet, the air layer between the bottom of the container and the surface of the pallet is obligatory, so that the excess water flowed from the container. Plants are recommended to keep away from heating devices and drafts.

For many species (especially subtropical and mitt, olives, pomegranate, rosemary IDR., As well as the middle strip trees), the winter of rest when the growing season slows down and the plant is sleeping. WTO Time Bonsai should be kept at temperatures from a light minus to + 10-15 (depending on the type) protected from wind and direct sun rays in a heated greenhouse, on a glazed loggia, a balcony or even in the garage. True, dark premises like a garage is suitable only for hardwood, coniferous plants and in winter need light. Watering during wintering is very moderate. The duration of the rest period depends on the specific species. It is believed that for the pine of ordinary forest, it is necessary about 150 days with negative temperatures. If you deprive a tree of such a wintering, then in 2-3 years it will die. Stripping, on the contrary, the winter peace period is very short-term, 1.5-2 months at a temperature of + 5-10 ° C.

The period of deep peace is very important, the beneficial development of the plant in the next season depends on it. To prepare a bonsai to wintering, do not spend the trim after the middle of August. At first, not use the fertilizer-rich fertilizer rich, and in September, feed your pet fertilizer with a high content of calcium and phosphorus, it contributes to greater frost resistance. The remaining-winter winter period, non-wintering species (mainly it is from the tropics) will need additional highlighting phytolampa.

Once a few years, Bonsai must be transplanted into a larger capacity (about 2 cm larger in diameter and a little deeper than the previous one). Containers usually acquire immediately as a whole set - they are made in a single style and fit into each other, like matryoshkam. Signs of the urgent need to transplant can be roots that appeared from drainage holes or absolutely filling the flame. Young bonsai age for a maximum of 3-4 years is usually transplanted annually, more adult plants - once every 3-4 years, and the trees that have reached several decades, even more than 10-15 years. The most appropriate time for this procedure is spring, when the plants begins active vegetation. Hebules from warm tropics of such periods per year can be several, and they are all equally good for transplantation.

Bonsai styles for multi-land

Miniature Universe

1. Sokan (Sokan) - Dual trunk. Two barrels growing from one base, not the same in height and volume. Uyaponians symbolize the Father and Son. "Father" is the one that thicker and above, his crown should not overlap and obscure the crown of the Son. Suitable for spruce, pine, birch, sequoia, elm, juniper.

Miniature Universe

2. Sankan (Sinkan) - Triple trunk. Three trunks, symbolizing father, mother and son grow from one root.

Miniature Universe

3. Gokan. - Five stems. Five plants planted nearby. Their roots will go off with time, and the trees will become inseparable.

Miniature Universe

4. KABUDACHI (Kabudati, or Kabudchi) - Sprut. Several trunks grow from one base. The trunks and branches are clearly visible and do not form solid thickets. The most suitable plants are mounted, as well as Elm, Grab, Carmona, Seris, Malpiria.

Miniature Universe

5. Yose-UE (SE-UE) - "Grose", or "Forest on Palm". Imitation penetrated by the light of tremble groves. Choose an odd number of plants with small foliage. Institutes from the trees of one species play the forms of the crown, the prospect and rhythm of planting.

Exposition Bonsai

Bonsai is the embodiment of all the beauty and wisdom of nature, the miniature universe. Therefore, each plant should be exhibited strictly individually, and not in connection with others. All attention is paid to him alone. Moreover, each plant has its own period of the greatest decorativeness and attractiveness. So, the pomegranate and azaleas are best put at the time of flowering, the bundle in the fall, when the branches are covered with yellow leaves, the maple is three-year-in-winter, without leaves, to show the extraordinarily beautiful structure of its branches, and maple palmatums - in spring or autumn, when the foliage breaks Red fire.

The alpony of Bonsai is grown on the street, the house also enamen only a few days, for holidays or the arrival of guests (during the exposition, the plant does not water). A special niche-toconomom is built for the demonstration, where there is a table with bonsai. The mini-bonsoids of a height of 10-15 or only 1.5-33 are displayed on the sheins, and each container can stand on its miniature table.

According to classic Japanese canons, each plant has a facial side - during the demonstration, it is addressed to the viewer. Formed bonsai "Face" to determine simple, the trunk, the main plexus of the branches is clearly visible, is very expressively drawn the most dramatic bending. The tree seems to be bowed to the viewer: first, just above the base, the trunk will deflect backwards, and its top will be bent forward-classical welcome posture in the east. The "parade" side is determined at the very beginning of the formation of a miniature tree and all subsequent trimming are carried out, given its location.

Vevecé, where the interiors are rarely decorated with demonstration niches on the Japanese manner and where the cultivation of indoor bonsai is common, the tradition of a circular review is more developed. Therefore, plants have no explicit "face" here. Bonsai can be installed, for example, in the very center of Hall, on a separate table. It is only important that the environment allowed to emphasize the entire sophistication of the miniature tree. The table for the demonstration is extremely simple: a wooden surface, covered with dense cream-colored paper, a mat or a smooth one-photon tablecloth. The viewer's attention should not be distracted by foreign standings or embroidered napkins. The general background is also bright and unobtrusive, white, beige or gray so that the plant's silhouette is drawn as clearly as possible. If several bonsai is exhibited in the room, they must be disselected.

Plants are very sensitive to attention from people and respond to it, sometimes immediately, and sometimes many years later. As experience showed, the cultivation of bonsai is mainly engaged in mature people, with an already formed worldview and established attitude towards life.

The editors thanks the company "Victoria 2001", Alexander Vinyara and President Bonsai Club at the GBS. N.V. Tamar Belousov Tamar Tamar Belousov for help preparing material.

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