Split System Evolution


Modern split systems: device devices, features of operation, new products from foreign manufacturers, prices.

Split System Evolution 13956_1

Split System Evolution

Split System Evolution
The external unit of the air conditioner O2 SHOWER from Panasonic takes air from the street, increases the concentration of the oxygen contained in it to 30%, after which the prepared air supplied on the flexible hose
Split System Evolution
Split System Evolution

Architect G. Astaryan

Air Conditioning Plasma Aero from Fujitsu General is equipped with a plasma filter and an adsorption regenerated filter that provide high air purification efficiency

Split System Evolution

Thanks to the built-in ionizer, the split system satures the air in the room with negative ions, creating a feeling of freshness

Split System Evolution

The plasma filter effectively cleans the air from fine dust, ticks, wool and other particles and odors

Split System Evolution
Mitsubishi Electric- inventor filter "against aging"
Split System Evolution

Pollutants present in the atmosphere of any modern apartment are a great set. There are "harmfulness", the size of which is only 0.0001 μm, while at the same time larger particles may well be in diameter 100 microns and more

Split System Evolution
Filters built into the indoor block Plasma Aero from Fujitsu General:

A- adsorption regenerable filter (the manufacturer calls its light-consuming deodorizing filter);

B - plasma filter;

V- Air filter

The entire volume of air, driven into one or another moment of time through the inner block of the split-system, is processed only in the air filter, cleansing the flow from large particles. Through the filters of other types in one pass, as a rule, only part of the air treated

Split System Evolution
The Nocria model from Fujitsu General is used a system for automatic cleaning of air net filters. Intelligent dust assembled in dust collectors, which you need to manually empty only once a year!
Split System Evolution
Built-in air conditioner air conditioner Daiseikai from Toshiba can produce an average of 10,000 negatively charged ions per 1 cm3 air-conditioned room
Split System Evolution
Normal conditioner
Split System Evolution
Mixed inverter.

For the first time, air conditioners with inverter control compressor proposed on the market in 1980-1981. Toshiba. The new technique was in demand, its production masted dozens of companies. Today, one of the widest ranges of working capacity in its class has air conditioners with a mixed digital inverter, the leadership in the production of which holds all the same Toshiba

Split System Evolution

When cooling

Split System Evolution

When heated.

Split-systems manufactured by Sharp, Daikin and other companies provide a uniform distribution of temperature fields and the absence of drafts in the air-conditioned room

Split System Evolution
The split-system of Exclusive from Daikin provides a flow in the conditioned room to 28m3 / h freshly prepared air, can change temperature and humidity in the room.
Split System Evolution
The energy efficiency of the split system is easy to determine by the iconic symbol on the package or on the factory spin
Split System Evolution
"Skvirel" Architects E. Climushkina, Yu. Kazan

Nocria's wall-ceiling air conditioners from Fujitsu General is equipped with a self-cleaning filter, ionization system and ultra-violet cleaning

Split System Evolution
Exclusive model from Daikin is no longer just a split system, but a real climatic complex!
Split System Evolution

In the metropolis of Duchot Nesterpim and sometimes dangerous. But, of course, and there are effective and effective ways to protect. If there are some amount (from a few hundred to several thousand dollars), you can, for example, to equip a paradise in your own apartment, equipping one of the rooms of the modern wall split system. The ion will create a microclimate in the room, in its characteristics as close as possible to the beneficial climate of the sea coast.

What where When?

About how the traditional wall split-system looks like, today every little old advanced schoolboy knows today. The device consists of two blocks (if you want the boxes). ONE-PUBLIC, heavy and noisy- hanging outside the apartment, usually under the window, or mounted on an unlocked loggia, away from the eye of the neighbors and thieves. The second block-elegant, nonsense (as the Europeans love) or, on the contrary, bright, saturated with flashing lamps and indicators (such prefer to see air conditioning in Korea and China), is fixed on the wall of the room. From the inner block to an external, "living" outside the apartment, through a hole in the wizard wall, communications, wires. The bunch of inter-block communications for beauty is cleaned into the box or (if the air conditioner put the apartment at the stage of capital repairs, when the walls are not yet covered with decorative trim) are lit into the wall. To control the wall split system, the remote control is used, almost the same as the TV.

The main task, to solve the split system, and a few decades ago (namely, in 1961), is, of course, cooling air indoors. After a short period of time, models were developed that can heal the air in the house in the off-season until heating is working, brushing it from dust and smells. In the form of the split system and reached this day. However, in the past few years, the appearance of this equipment began to change.

The leading climatic "laboratories" of the world today lead work on the improvement of wall split systems at once in several directions. The most important of them is the endowment of air conditioners with new air processing features (ideally converting the air conditioner into a climatic center), reduced energy consumption and improving the environmental safety of equipment. The opening of our days has become devices that can carry out deep air purification, as well as ionizing it, change its gas composition, as well as moisturize. Hospitality, with confidence to talk about the effectiveness of new split systems, it will be possible only a year later, after the start of their operation (while some have not yet arrived on the market). But if you still want to experiment with the new technique, do not refuse yourself in this pleasure! The main thing when buying an air conditioner is not to enter into a conflict with common sense and do not forget about the main purpose of the wall split system, namely, quickly and without noise cool or heat the air. Activeness of the protection of equipment from improper operation, about its adaptation to climate and other well-covered features of this kind of technology.

Not cold one

As a result of human vital activity, the air purity in the room always changes, and far from the better. One of the most simple ways to improve air quality is its filtering. That is why the most actively developing direction of improving wall split systems is the improvement of their filters. For a change (or in addition), traditional air nets, as well as passive electrostatic and coal filters today came new, more modern air purifiers. Thanks to the diligence of foreign air conditioners, some types of new fine cleaning filters are already familiar to the Russians.

Air conditioners equipped with passive electrostatic catechin coating filters, which, bye, not only absorb small dust particles and tobacco smoke, but also capture and deactivate viruses and bacteria, for the first time introduced Panasonic (Japan) on the Russian market. After a short time, the catechin filters were also applied in the climate technique of Samsung (South Korea), Sanyo (Japan) IDR. The Catechin substance obtained from green tea leaves has been used since ancient times to combat viruses, bacteria and other pathogenic microorganisms. Today, scientists have found out the mechanism of its action. In order to attach a healthy cell, most viruses use special spikes, and Catechin envelops the pathogenic organisms, depriving them of this ability. In addition to Catechin coating, there are other examples of using natural mechanisms. So, for example, the air conditioning Plasma Aero from General (Japan) cleans and ionizes the air through which it is not guessing. A double filter protecting from bacteria is treated with a substance obtained from the Japanese Wasabi Krenabi known to its bactericidal properties.

Poblogas of companies such as Daikin, Toshiba, Panasonic, Mitsubishi Heavy (Japan), LG (South Korea), Carrier (USA), Tadiran (Israel), Ballu (China), not the first year apply adsorption regenerated filters created by Using titanium dioxide. They are called zeolitic or photocatalytic. The possibilities of the zeolitic filter are the same as in the usual coal, both effectively absorb smells. But, in contrast to the coal, the photocatalytic filter does not need to be replaced every 2-4 months, it is capable of regeneration. The faithful element with TiO2 is sufficient to hold under the right sunlight for 4-5 hours, after which it almost completely restores its initial properties. The principle of filter regeneration is based on the ability of titanium dioxide (TiO2) split pollutant organic substances under the influence of UV rays on carbon oxides, water and other safe connections. In this case, titanium dioxide is not consumed, and acts as a catalyst.

Fujitsu General (Japan), Toshiba, LG is not the first year air conditioners with so-called plasma filters on our market (they are still referred to as active electrostatic). These filters are more efficient than passive electrostatic, since microscopic pollutants and dust, homemade ticks, pollen and pet wool, preventing, thus, allergic reactions and asthma attacks are travded. As they do, they cope with various unpleasant odors. The principle of the plasma filter is based on the ionization of high-voltage-driven air conditioning (4800V), followed by precipitation of harmful particles and the destruction of the part of the organic using the catalyst filter installed at the output. This system not only allows you to very effectively clean the air, but does not require the replacement of filter elements. The active filter must be cleaned by a vacuum cleaner approximately 2 times a year.

Of course, work on improving the properties of filter materials does not stop today. Among the novelties should be noted, for example, the "filter tandem" of Daiseikai Split systems from Toshiba. The drying of the Daiseikai air conditioner includes a plasma filter that cleans the air indoor from dust, bacteria, viruses and other contaminants (it was used in the models of past years), and in addition to it - long-term (service life - 5 years) zeolitic-plus filter, which Carries out additional cleaning of air conditioning from odors and chemicals. Fibers from which a zeolitic-plus filter is made, allow it to work in wet rooms. Achetoba Restore the properties of a closed device, it is enough to wash it in soapy water, rinse and suck in the sun for 3-6 hours. According to manufacturers, the Daiseikai cleaning system based on plasma and zeolite-plus filters can save air from pollution in a 21m2 room in just 30 minutes (conventional air conditioning with passive electrostatic and coal filters would need from 3 to 8 hours of operation).

LG this year supplemented the Plasma filtering system a new recently developed nanocular filter. Coal particles in it have the size of only 200-500 nanometers, while nano is one billion part. Such a structure of the granules is applied in a deodorizing coal filter for the first time.

In the spring of 2004 Mitsubishi Electric (Japan) began the delivery of new models of the YV household series air conditioners with an antioxidant filter. It neutralizes free radicals, which are generally accepted today the theories of aging, the perpetrators of irreversible changes accumulating in the human body over the years. The active substance used in the antioxidant filter belongs to the flavonoid group. It restores free radicals to chemically inactive compounds. The secession of the filter is not consumed, but only speeds up the chemical reaction of recovery, that is, acts as a catalyst. The active substance molecules of the antioxidant filter are embedded in ceramic fibers, which, in turn, are depressed into a polypropylene grid. According to the manufacturer, such a film manufacturing technology guarantees its durability. As it is contaminated, it can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner and wash in water.

The new air filter from the company Mitsubishi Electric is full-size. That is, the processing is exposed to the entire amount of air passing through the internal unit of the air conditioner. Tests have shown that when using an antioxidant filter, the concentration of bacteria in the air decreases 100,000 times, and viruses are 200 times.

Filters about which you can ... forget

Of course, cleaning filtering is routine. It is unlikely that someone hunting once again turn on the vacuum cleaner, breed the dirt in the bathroom, sticking the device under the water stream. However, neglected hygiene not worth-contaminated filters often become the cause of a significant deterioration in the quality of the air supplied to the air, and also lead to a violation of the parameters of the refrigeration machine and an increase in electricity consumption.

For particularly lazy and forgetful users, there is noocria air conditioning from Fujitsu GeneralLAL, which provides a system of automatic cleaning of mesh air filters. Sales of this model began last year. After the set intervals, the air conditioner itself clears his filters from the dust accumulated on them and resets it into special dust collectors using the brushes provided for this. All the maintenance of the wall split system comes down to emptying its dust collectors at a periodicity of approximately 1 time per year.

Ions and vitamins

Along with the improvement of filters, the manufacturers of climate technicians seek to teach air conditioners to endow air healthy particles.

It is known that the saturation of the space with negatively charged ions contributes to healthy metabolism, the removal of the voltage, the refreshment of the body and the increase in intellectual abilities (however, the regulatory documentation on this account is a slightly appropriate SNiP does not give clear recommendations). Moreover, the high concentration of negatively charged ions contributes to the disappearance of mosquitoes and mosquitoes, prevents the reproduction of insects such as termites and cockroaches, prolongs the lives of freshly cut flowers and has a number of other beneficial properties. At the same time, the air indoors is filled with a freshness - akin to the one that is felt in the coniferous forest or near the waterfall.

All air conditioners with an active electrostatic (plasma) filter, in addition to air purification, provide its ionization. For example, when working at the NOCRIA General model, the concentration of negatively charged ions in the air may reach up to 40000 in 1 cm3 (for example: near the waterfall, according to various sources, they are contained in an amount of from 10,000 to 50000 per 1 cm3). Universities without plasma filter use needle generators of negative ions. Say, in 2003. In the Russian market, air conditioners have appeared with negative ion generators from Electra (Israel), Haier (China), Panasonic, Samsung, this year, such generators began to be issued by other manufacturers. Pryasmacluster ion generator is quite interesting, which are equipped with new models of AE-XP split systems from Sharp (Japan). Its tasks include air purification and maintaining the balance of negative and positive ions.

Another major climate equipment manufacturer - Daewoo Electronics Corporation (South Korea) this year released air conditioners of the "Clae" series, capable of protecting their owners from ... avitaminosis. While working, new devices, in addition to cooled or heated air, supply rooms with particles of vitamin C, which helps to improve the condition of the human skin and makes the air cleaner and useful. The creators of the air conditioner claim that the installation of a fine suspension of vitamins is directly absorbed by the pores of the skin. At the same time, the "set of different antibacterial substances" contained in the particles (quoting) is able to destroy the malicious microbes in indoor air. The novelty is able to "back-up" the room to 50m2. I am not supplied to the country yet.

Shining of snow-covered mountains

In hospitals, especially in infectious offices and operating rooms, as well as in polyclinics, kindergartens and other children's and health facilities, ultraviolet is often used to disinfect air. Radiation in the visible part of the UV spectrum helps well for the prevention of cough, the treatment of rickets and some other diseases. Of course, such a simple in implementation and at the same time unusual function could not not be taken by the manufacturers of split systems.

For example, Fujitsu General's specialists have provided a two-wave ultraviolet lamp in the wall split-systems of the NOCRIA series. It is a gas-discharge light source. During the air conditioner, the lamp operates in mode, in which the wavelength of the emitted light is 254 nm. Air in the air conditioner pumps through the UV-irradiated zone. At the same time, according to the company's specialists, ultraviolet affects microorganisms, mold bacteria and viruses. The result is a powerful disinfectant and deodorizing effect. In addition, after turning off the air conditioner and the closing of the blinds automatically turns on the disinfection mode and deodoration of the internal space of the device itself. Weight mode The length of the light wave radiated by the lamp is 185 nm, and ozone is produced, which affects the inner surfaces of the air conditioner. Thus, the inner block of the wall split system is protected from reproduction in it of mold fungus and other harmful microorganisms, it is prevented by the appearance of unpleasant odors and emissions of bacteria to the room.

Another air conditioner with an ultraviolet disinfection system this year brought to the market Hitachi (Japan). PM RAS-07 CH4 and RAS-09 CH4 used UV Air Cleaner air filter. Two light-emitting lamps emit ultraviolet rays to filters, deactivating bacteria caught by them, microbes, viruses, mold, fungi, microorganisms.

Oxygen? Come!

For the normal well-being of a person being in the premises, it is necessary that the oxygen concentration in the air does not fall below 21%. Hospital, in modern apartments, the oxygen content often does not significantly reach the norm (decreased to 18% and even smaller indicators). As a result, the quality of recreation is worse, the recovery time after emotional stresses increases, physical indispensable, for example, the pulse is studied, the frequency of respiration increases, headaches arise, the person becomes inattentive.

The problem of "oxygen starvation" of modern apartments is usually solved by organizing an organization independent of the air conditioning system of mechanical ventilation. However, there are also other, complementing ventilation methods of corrective effect on the gas composition of air implemented, for example, using split systems equipped with oxygen generators. This technique was released to the market of Daewoo Electronics and Haier. New 2004 Became air conditioned O2 Shower from Panasonic. The external block of this device takes the street air and passes through the built-in membrane, which allows oxygen molecules to pass through itself 2.5 times faster than nitrogen molecules (in fact, this is oxygen sieve!). Due to the election permeability of the membrane, the oxygen concentration in the selected air portion reaches 30%. Then this oxygen-enriched portion with a vacuum pump is supplied through the tube to the internal unit and further indoor.

It is characteristic that the membrane is made of a special film and does not have holes, so that particles of dust, bacteria and other harmful elements cannot penetrate the room. The oxygen supply function in the O2 SHOWER air conditioner from Panasonic can be used autonomously or together with cooling or heating functions. It is enough to press the oxygen supply button on the remote control, and the indicator mounted on the front panel of the indoor unit will be activated on activation of the oxygen generation process. Current regret, the company does not report data on the volume of oxygen supplied.

A set of additional equipment for organizing the air-conditioned wall split system of fresh air is now offered today and Electra- to the new WNG Premium wall split-systems line.

Split System Evolution

Using a plasma discharge, the ion generator splits the H2O water molecules contained in the air into the positive ions H + (hydrogen) and negative O-2 ions (oxygen). The obtained ions apply around the room. Interacting with water molecules, they form ion clusters. Issue all, these clusters are found in the room and transportable viruses, bacteria, mold fungi, pollen, the excrement of dust mites and other harmful impurities (for example, nitrogen oxide contained in cigarette smoke, ammonia odor of pets and unpleasant odors from the kitchen and From the bathroom). Clusters of ions surround these microorganisms and substances, transforming into active hydroxyl radicals on-. The latter seek to transform into water, exciting hydrogen ion H + from the molecules of microorganisms and harmful substances. Thus, the microorganisms portable by air and pollutants are deactivated to form harmless compounds.

Exclusive Exclusive.

Daikin Corporation This year, as far as we can judge, again turned out to be "ahead of the rest of the world." At least, from all the air-conditioned brands on the market only it combined in the new wall invertor climatic split-system Exclusive full cycle of air treatment indoors: heating or cooling, moisturizing or drainage, purification, oxygen enrichment, saturation of negatively charged ions and vitamination. Emphadowed even the processing of the air environment using ultrasonic waves. According to employees of the company, this combination of functions provides the highest comfort: the room is filled with clean and fresh air with comfortable parameters of temperature and humidity. When using the device, even a certain therapeutic effect is observed: the humidity optimization prevents cough, dry skin and increases the durability of the body to viruses and bacteria. The positive impact on the nervous system is achieved through the built-in generator, which ionizes the air and radiates ultrasonic waves, creating the sensation from users as if they were transferred to their favorite corners of wildlife. So it becomes clear why in 2003 Exclusive system was awarded an annual prize of the Japanese Federation of Industrial Design (JIDPO) "For the best modern technical solution" Good Design Award.

Votychychi from the overwhelming majority of other wall split systems, the EXCLUSIVE air conditioner provides a supply ventilation. The fan unit is prepared by air-supplied air - up to 28m3 / h. The stream is pre-cleaned from particles up to 0.01 μm in size, it is heated in cold weather using the built-in electrothene, moisturized at the expense of moisture from the street (rotary adsorber is used). The prepared atmospheric air enters the room from the outer block on a flexible reinforced air duct.

The relative humidity of air can be given by analogy with a temperature that is supported by the heating and cooling modes of the inverter air conditioner. Enough by pressing the corresponding key, set the humidity indicator ranging from 30 to 60%. The automatic selection of air conditioning itself will determine the most comfortable ratio of temperature and humidity in the room depending on the weather parameters on the street. So, in winter, it can moisturize air, and at low temperature in the room he will have to combine this process with intense heating. The device is intense, the device is dried or moisturized air - depending on the unstable values ​​of temperature and humidity on the street. In summer, the air conditioner can dry air and, with an increase in temperature outside the window, it will need to combine this process with intensive cooling. The maximum capacity of air humidification in the performance of a 5 kW device is about 600 ml / h. Thus, there is less difference in the magnitude of the humidity of the air and indoors, the process of moisturizing in short.

Look for the benefit where it is!

The second most important direction is to reduce the power consumption of the wall split system and an increase in its environmental friendliness. It must be said that the issue of energy conservation worries foreign buyers of climate technology much more than any other. Moreover, the rationale for the choice of an energy-efficient air conditioner, according to the overseas client, is not only a fairly high cost of electricity, but also the problems of a universal scale, the settlement participation in the solution of which any triggering earthlings should take.

Russians, at the current cost of electricity, and even in conditions of constant uncertainty and under the attack of unresolved problems, economic and universal incentives of foreign buyers may seem non-serious and irrelevant. However, you can still remove real benefit from the acquisition of an energy-efficient air conditioner. Wiring in old residential buildings, especially in those that are located in the historical part of the capital, as a rule, is different, sometimes it turns out to be laid during the times of Goello. Here, every extra kilowatt in the account. The owner of an apartment who wants to "enter" into the energy consumption limits of all the electrical existing on its disposal is usually you have to pay huge money for permission and work on connecting additional electrical power. If you buy energy-efficient household equipment, in particular, air conditioning, it is sometimes possible to do without additional costs.

It must be said that for the sake of energy savings, manufacturers of wall split systems go to a wide variety of triggered, using both their own technical developments and know-how and achieving competing firms. Most of the actions of the companies are aimed at improving the base element of the air conditioner-compressor, improving the control system, as well as to refine the other components.

Thus, the overwhelming majority of manufacturing companies, including Mitsubishi Electric, Daikin, Toshiba, Sharp, Panasonic, today are almost completely refused to use piston compressors and stop their choice on rotary and scroll compressors. These devices are designed taking into account the peculiarities of working with modern freon. The maximum increase in energy efficiency is a whole range of works aimed at minimizing friction losses, pressure losses and losses in the electric motor. In addition to improving energy efficiency, such compressors provide smooth compression of refrigerant vapors. This reduces the load on the electric motor, especially at the time of the start, the system's reliability increases, noises and vibrations disappear.

The mandatory attribute of the energy efficient air conditioner is the compressor inverter control board. It allows you to reduce the power consumption of the device by 5-45%! In addition, the inverter makes it possible to significantly increase the air conditioner resource and reduce the load on the network at the time of the start. The cunning application of the inverter is that it allows in a wide range to smoothly change the frequency of rotation of the compressor shaft. Let's say, forcing the compressor to work on high speed, it makes it possible to quickly cool or heat the air in the room to the desired temperature, and then smoothly reduce the compressor speed so that it supports the specified temperature, without turning off. Validity from a conventional air conditioner, which works short cycles (turned on-cooled or heated air turned off), the inverter split system should not spend a mass of energy to start. In addition, the mode of operation at low power is less energy-intensive. So it turns out the savings. Much attention to the development of the inverter technology is given to companies such as Toshiba, Hitachi, Daikin and Fujitsu GENERAL.

Serious attention is paid to the profiling of the surfaces of heat exchangers, one of which is evaporated in the inner block, and the other condenser - in the external block of the wall split system. The internal surface of the copper tubes of the capacitor, inside which the freon circulates, was glad inside which the freon circulates. Now it is often applied by risks, which provides greater turbulence in liquid freon, and therefore, improves refrigerant heat transfer (LG, CARRIER). The profile of aluminum ribs, tight-based on copper tubes to increase heat transfer, often has protrusions. They allow you to create a greater turbulence of air near the surface of the edge, thereby increasing the efficiency of freon cooling. Due to this, a significant increase in productivity is achieved, with more than justifying a slight increase in the energy intensity of the installation caused by the need to use the fan of greater power.

The manufacturers producers today use computer profiling of the blades today, sometimes even using aircraft technology (Sharp, Panasonic, Carrier IDR). This allows you to achieve a significant increase in productivity and reduce the frequency of rotation of the fan while maintaining compact overall dimensions, significantly reduce the noise level, in particular, its low-frequency component.

However, to understand which air conditioning is energy-efficient, and which is not, it is not possible to deeply in the subtlety of the technical device presented in the market.

The European Commission in order to inform customers about the economy and environmental safety of the equipment recommended the classification of air conditioning in terms of energy consumption. OSNE Classification - Energy Indicator, which is a ratio of cooling performance (BTU / H) to the power supply (WATT). According to the recommendations of the European Commission, 7 classes of energy saving are allocated: A, B, C, D, E, F, G. The most advanced air conditioning-class A (heer is greater than 3.2). The power consumption class of the device is indicated on the package and the factory shield with the appropriate letter and color.

High EEP values ​​today managed to achieve different manufacturers of air conditioners. However, for the sake of justice it should be noted that the class A on the EEC scale corresponds not all, but only some, as a rule, the least powerful models of split systems. Most of the members of model ranks for energy efficiency do not go beyond classes in, with and lower.

On the threshold of breakthrough

The cornerstone of the climate system of the EXCLUSIVE climate system from Daikin is the supply of pure fresh air with a fixed humidity (we recall that comfortable moisture values ​​are in the range from 40 to 60%). The device is equipped with humidity sensors and air temperature, both on the street and indoors, and the main-programmed humidifier. In the last, the idea of ​​"take the necessary atmosphere" is originally developing. The fan unit has posted a rotating cassette from a porous material that is constantly influxed by outdoor air. The cassette absorbs moisture out of it and serves as a kind of water reservoir. When the team is activated to moisturize the air in the room, a small flow of street air is heated and sent to this cassette and further, on a flexible air duct, to the room. Due to the increased temperature, the flow absorbs more moisture from the cassette than was initially contained. Thus, the humidifier acts as a pump on the pumping of water and is capable, figuratively speaking, pick up moisture at the air of the desert and irrigate it an oasis.

As much as you need to transfer moisture, "solves" the microprocessor. It defines the speed of rotation of the cassette, the heating temperature and the volume of the outdoor air supplied depending on the actual and required indicators. If part of the street air that gave moisture with a magazine, warm and send to the inner block, then it is mixed with the air of the room, cooled in the usual way, and will strengthen the drain effect. Thanks to this, the device is able to carry out the "Comfortable drying" mode. After all, increased humidity is perceived as a stuff. It is unpleasant, and with sick lungs is even harmful. But if the relative humidity is reduced without a change in temperature, the sensation of the stot will disappear. It means that this mode allows in the heat not so much cool the air indoors and at the same time maintain the comfort of the microclimate. Azodino and save, because cooling for each next degree is more expensive by 10%.

The temperature and humidity parameters changed in a certain range and the direction of the air flow make it possible to realize the "rose noise" mode, in which a person has comfortable sensations from the sea breeze. Some other things, but also pleasant sensations appear when using the "Living Nature" regime. In this case, using the ionizer and the ultrasonic oscillation generator, the optimal concentration of aeroions in the air and sound waves, resembling the atmosphere on the coast of the stream, the extracts of the Forest IT.P. Both modes stabilize the work of the nervous system. New sensations give rise and the "air vitaminization" mode. The moistened air flow can be sent to a special filter, impregnated with a vitamin C by a vitamin C. The carrier particles are dissolved and passed into a weighted state. Vitamin C, getting on the skin, makes it smoother and elastic, and in the final one!

The editorial board thanks for the information provided by LG, Samsung, Panasonic, Daichi, Association of Japanese Air Conditioners and the representative office of Ahi Carrier.

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