The kingdom of herbs and lian


An elegant garden from different varieties of lian and coniferous plants, located near the Turaida Latvian Castle.

The kingdom of herbs and lian 13962_1

The kingdom of herbs and lian

The kingdom of herbs and lian
Fields, silky-silver or yellowish fruits of certain types of Clematis are preserved until spring
The kingdom of herbs and lian
The drive zone is decorated with wooden trellis, seized by Clematis and the girl grapes, and "Wailed" border from shadowish perennials
The kingdom of herbs and lian
Correct care for maiden grapes implies watering at least once a week and soil looser so that moisture remains in it and the air access to the roots has been maintained
The kingdom of herbs and lian
The lush composition of ferns and juniper Cossack continues the main theme of the color gamut of this garden based on the overflows of the shades of green
The kingdom of herbs and lian
Juicy dark greenery of evergreen coniferous plants shall be laid in a light spot of gypsophila with a buggy and gray tone of a crucible track
The kingdom of herbs and lian
Curly plants can be interesting not only in summer. In this time of the year, the garden will revive the grieving graphics of twisted tree-like Lian Virgin grapes
The kingdom of herbs and lian
Fancy glass lamps will help build accurate light accents and give the garden individual appearance
The kingdom of herbs and lian
Small-colorful Clematis is disposed of environmental conditions, easily multiply seeds. Fiber fiber blossoms they are especially beautiful and very fragrant
The kingdom of herbs and lian
An herbaceous path is decorated with a floral border and a stone terrace - on it plants placed in pots
The kingdom of herbs and lian
With the help of a variety of coniferous plants it is easy to set the structure of any garden, fill it with the game forms and volumes

The kingdom of herbs and lian

The kingdom of herbs and lian
The edge of the reservoir, decorated with a tree, forms a bench, the outlines of which are repeated in the dotted line of paving from stone slabs. Luxury water lilies attached a luxurious water lilies

This Latvian garden, located near Turayda, appeared from the amazing combination of the tender love of the owner to Clematis and an incredibly comfortable organization of space. The main role is played by green color here, and fancy theatrical scenery, and the Parks of Mediterranean villas resemble the graceful landings.

The kingdom of herbs and lian
The lianas of the girl grapes and clematis of small-beds, fixing on the mesh frame, create a pleasant shadow and protect the walls and roof of the house from excessive vigorous, the main "acting faces" of this garden, who give him a kind of color, are numerous species and varieties of small-bedroom clematis and their "close relatives "-CNAZhikov. Such plants are attractive to gardeners due to their agrotechnical characteristics of blossoms for almost entire warm-time season, frost resistance, relative unpretentiousness. Asseta they are loved by many for amazingly gentle small flowers, like a colorful cloud covering green shoots and brushes. The removal and research of Clematis devotes their free time the owner and the author of this amazing garden. The best results of his work can be found in the International List-Directory, published by the Royal Society of Great Britain, and in the book "Clematis in the Garden published it.

The kingdom of herbs and lian
Clematis, landed at a distance of 30-50cm from the walls, will help to "hide" economic buildings and to love and grow and grow Clematis worth not only for the sake of aesthetic effect. After all, these elegant lianas help solve many purely planning and functional tasks. Like other curly plants, they add plasticity to every space, the originally scattered elements, horizontal and vertical plans, smoothed sharp corners and rigid lines. They visually soften their foliage perception of large stone or wooden surfaces, whether it is a wall of the house, garage, economic buildings or fence. Aisputing wooden, plastic or metal chopers of a wide variety of shapes and patterns in combination with curly clematis, you can create spectacular green structures that will decorate the summer kitchen, a recreation corner or a playground.


The kingdom of herbs and lian

1. Fruit trees

2. Fruit shrubs

3. Clematis

4. Pond

5. Flowers in pots

6. Garden

7. Hozblok.

8. Trelliers with Clematis

9. Arbor with a canopy

10. Sculpture

11. Lawn

12. Thuya

13. Decorative shrub

14. Shadowish plants

15. Wooden designs for Lian

16. Entry for the car

17. Dom

18. Terrace

19. Shrub and Clematis

The kingdom of herbs and lian
The curved lawn line is closely adjacent to the low-spirited border from the Flox of the Shilovoid and Waiting Juniper. The spectacular vertical of the composition is set by the "column" juniper Virginsky-like reception was chosen for the design of the access zone and in this case. The transparent architecture of the choler, gracefully hanging climbs of clematis and the girl grapes, soft shady and rustling of foliage give this corner a little Mediterranean appearance, and at the same time they hide the "technical side" of the site. Additional volume form borders from shadowish perennials at the foothold. Also, with the help of Clematis, a recreation area with a large focus-fireplace was also decorated. Its roof and the walls are completely covered with thin lianas, so the entrance has been made like a mysterious green cave, inside of which coolness and twilight reign.

Yes, and a small house, also seized with elegant Lianam, reminds the green mountain of its round outlines. The framework for climbing shoots is made of fishing nets, their kapron threads forming 2020cm cells are ideal for these purposes. There are inserts from the maiden grapes, which with the help of its tenacious mustache can climb almost any vertical surfaces. The same liana curly ones create additional protection against sunlight and humidity, thus making it easier to care for the walls of the walls. They are especially relevant in the midst of a hot sunny summer affected by the shadow and coolness.

A bright green lawn is spread in front of the house, decorated along the edges of the spectacular compositions of conifers. The abused brushes of Cossack juniper, rounded hats and spiny hedgehogs were connected, rounded columns of various varieties and, of course, the statutory columns of Virgin juniper (it is also called the "pencil tree"). In addition to conifers, the composition includes low-aluminous sequid, white-silver gypsophila, rhododendrons and juicy raspberry accents of inflorescence Clear.

Plants from the Lian group are indispensable for insulation of zones and sections of a small garden, decorative design of horizontal surfaces of garden buildings, wall protection against destruction under the action of weather conditions, temperature fluctuations, as well as to reduce wind power, noise cleaning, dust air purification. The variety of species and varieties of Clematis, Princehikov and the Great Grape allows you to choose the optimal combinations of plants in the timing of flowering, color of flowers, light conditions. But at the same time, the cultivation of Clematis almost always borders with experimentation, as it is necessary to take into account the individual features of each site and their compliance with the requirements of certain varieties and species. Almost all similar plants multiply seeds, cuttings or glads. Adlya of normal development Lian is needed a device of supports or frame structures with thin pipes, wooden lattices or piping grids, arches, choler. Often, the bushes of Vegeyla, Chubuschik, forzia are also supports. For the winter, shoots are usually cut off (with the exception of the maiden grapes and small-bedroom alpine clematis, blooming early spring). Clematis's scurvy of the screens can be successfully used as a material for shelter to the winter of other plants.

The kingdom of herbs and lian
Through the use of curly plants, the indoor recreation area has natural outlines and resembles a shady runvy garden palette dominates green. He visually combines the elements of the landscape, a house, a seating area, a garden of conifers, household buildings and a mini-nursery. Low-trimmed lawn approaches landings and resembles a thick soft carpet of luxurious emerald color. The shades of green, marsh, brown and silver gives additional dynamics of combinations of various textures of coniferous plants. Next to them, smooth outlines of the sculpture made from local granite are especially gentle. Her author's sculptor Indolis wound, whose works based on mythological and folklore images are decorated with a sculpture park in Turaide. It is interesting that, being surrounded by coniferous shrubs, granite seems warm and soft on touch, such unusual nuances contribute to the perception of stone, wood or other materials of their combination with those or other plants.

The kingdom of herbs and lian
Cascades of Clematis reinforce the dramatic effect of the border between the shadow and the light - the transition from the central part of the garden to the cozy recreation area hide elegant green scenes moreover, an unusually diverse vegetable world provides all means in order to use combinations of various heights, forms, textures and volumes to create bizarre Green abstract sculptures. Moreover, similar green scenery perform not only decorative, but also practical function in the garden performance. They burn the parade zone of the site, in which the role of the scene plays an emerald lawn, and compositions from decorative coniferous crops and sculptures act as means of interesting scenography, from the economic zone. In the last, the usual garden with vegetables and herbs and fruit trees. Active coniferous scenery separate the parade zone from the peculiar "nursery" of small cemets and prince, here, on extensive trellis, and these tender lianas are developing. Jeenno in this part is a peculiar green workshop, where the owner of the garden is engaged in research and the removal of new varieties of their favorite plants.

Types of lian growing in the garden, and their characteristics

Name Height on supports Flowers Flowering time Other features
Alpine Up to 3m 2-6cm in diameter May-June, for three weeks Loose, moisturized, nutrient soil; the sun
Largenetic Up to 3m 4-5cm in diameter May-June, for three weeks Wet, fertile soil; Picks half
Okhotsky Up to 3-4m Up to 8cm in diameter Disgrace in June on the shoots of the previous year Wet fertile soil (the most frost-resistant); Picks half
Siberian Up to 3m 3-4cm long July August Undemanded to soils; penumbra
Clematis Melkocevetkovy
Oriental Up to 4-6m 5-7cm in diameter July August Protected location in the southwestern wall
Tangutsky Up to 3m 3-10cm in diameter July-September. Puts out a half; Protected location in the southwestern wall
White dance. Group of hexapetala Up to 1-1.2m 3-4cm in diameter June August Ties seeds, shoots cut off for the winter
Sea splashes. GerakleiFolia group Up to 3m 3-4cm in diameter Aug. Sept The sun; More southern regions
Juiniana. GerakleiFolia group Up to 3.5-4.5m 3-4cm in diameter August-September (October) It grows well on the north; shoots cut off for winter
Alpine Up to 2.5-3m Up to 5 cm in diameter May-June, on the shoots of the second year, can bloom and on the shoots of the first year Do not cut off for the winter; shadow, half; Requires abundant irrigation
Clematis large-flowered
Group Jacma Up to 2-4m 12-16cm in diameter Flowers on the shoots of this year from June to frost For the winter shoots cut to the soil level
Group of Lanuginosis Up to 2.5-3m Up to 15 cm in diameter Since the beginning of June, on the fees of the second year, and in August, it is repeated, on the shoots of the current year For the winter, shoots are not cut, it is distinguished by mass flowering on the shoots of the previous year
Group of Vitella Up to 3m 8-12cm in diameter Flowers on the shoots of this year from June to frost For winter shoots cut off

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