Delighted the garden ...


Some principles of design of gardens from the participants of the International Exhibition in Chelsea 2004.

Delighted the garden ... 13968_1

Delighted the garden ...
Characteristic of Japanese pine gardens in the technique of the bonsai was sheltered on unprecedented areas of the territory. Such a tree can be purchased in special stores, and you can grow by ourselves using the trunk slaughter and twisting, pinching branches
Delighted the garden ...
White, beige and reddish plates can be cut out of stone or cast from colored concrete. A successful platform design completes the moss, landed into large seams, and dumping from small gravel
Delighted the garden ...
Wooden sculptures of mythical forest people will create a mystical, mysterious atmosphere in the garden

Delighted the garden ...

Delighted the garden ...

Delighted the garden ...
Molding gently burgundy, pink, lettuce and yellowish shades form a fancy living carpet with thin color transitions and textures. He perfectly harmonizes with the stone patterns "Garden in the Desert"
Delighted the garden ...
In the sunny season, the composition can be decorated with exotic cacti. At the same time, it is not necessary to forget to bring them under a canopy during the rain and clean the house with the onset of cold

Delighted the garden ...

Delighted the garden ...
Unusual metal "weaving" decorates miniature rectangular reservoirs with a fountain in the form of leaves, complemented by slim iris swamp
Delighted the garden ...
When making a stream, it is better to create a few "steps", having lowered plants off the coast, and higher- at the outer edge
Delighted the garden ...
Modern landscape design allows you to combine at the design of the area in East Chtile, a variety of materials: bamboo and brick, multicolored stone, gravel and metal
Delighted the garden ...
Interestingly combined livestock is composed of oatmeal and juniper Mint Julep
Delighted the garden ...
The fountain motifs are successfully combined with elegant sword-shaped iris leaves.
Delighted the garden ...
The system of inclined chains forms the original water branch-cascade flower bed
Delighted the garden ...
Stone reservoirs, decorated with unusual ornaments - unchanged inhabitants of eastern gardens

Delighted the garden ...

In the summer, we are particularly sharply aware of what ambiguous and complex moods and the appearance of the modern megalpolis can be. It is not surprising that so you want to plunge into a completely different medium-soft, comfortable one. Especially since you can create an appropriate atmosphere for rest in your own possessions. And when choosing motives, use the memories of recent travel or dreams of countries in which you will have to go. Thus, Japanese, Mediterranean, Asian or tropical quotes may appear in nearby landscapes.

Getting Started to implement his plan, the first thing is to evaluate the natural zone chosen to recreate in from the point of view of its climatic conditions, the composition of the soil and the characteristic features of the plant world. It is necessary in order to find the optimal place for the device of such a mini-kindergarten on your site.

And here, in addition to the embodiment of fantasies, there is a practical aspect. For example, a laconic and modern Japanese-style garden will be appropriate to position in the shadow or half zone. But such sites from the northern side of the house or in the shade of economic buildings are sometimes not used because it is difficult to arrange a flower bed here, and a luxurious lawn is also unlikely to succeed. The ideal solution for such a site is the restrained beauty of natural stone in combination with a small reservoir and shadowed plants.

The principles of registration can be borrowed from the work of the participants of the "International Exhibition in Chelsea 2004", for example, the Kazaucia of Ishihara, a designer of Garden "Minamoto". The geometric pattern of rectangles and squares of natural stone is placed on the gravel-sand pillow, and moss landed in the seams between the plates. In the overall picture, you can also include the imitation of the "poured" reservoir. Its base is a fertile soil, the surface of which is mounted with light sand, and the borders are separated by stone and moss. And the inner space of dry "reservoir" successfully revitalizes the greens of the leaves of Iris Siberian.


Delighted the garden ...

1. Natural stone sites

2. Imitation of the reservoir (sand)

3. Waterfall (stone, moss)

4. "Islands" with compositions from plants and stones

5. Decorative reservoir

6. Wall

Delighted the garden ...
The natural shape of the water bodies laid down on the edge of a large smooth stone will look good in conjunction with perennial seds, a narrow host, Iris of Bolotnaya and various fern-based compositions using pines in the Bonsai technique will be stones and mosses. They visually reconcile a thin twist trunk and a small crown with a stone platform plane. Here you can plant shadow-lily lily and extricient forest, whose thin "fountain-shaped" leaves will repeat the vegetable motive of the dry "reservoir". Large dark green leaves of the bubbler of the gentle "dithermeon" with a bright purple substrate will be added to the necessary coloring accents in a restrained palette of such angle. And of course, it is impossible to forget numerous ferns with a surprisingly diverse form of foliage: Adiantum (Adiantum pedatum), a panel (Dryopteris), Chistois Asian (Osmunda Asiatica) - they are simply indispensable when creating a shady garden.

However, not only mysterious and concise oriental gardens harmoniously will come in in our territories. You can continue your imaginary travel on the climatic zones of the world. For example, contacting the Tropical Forests of New Zealand- Even they can be successfully recreated on any section of the middle strip. To do this, it is worth noticeing to the same member of the exhibition in Chelsea. Already one of his name is "100% of the present New Zealand," says about unusually luxurious plants, the kingdom of juicy green foliage and lian crashing in the trunks of trees. In the warmth of the plant, the plants reaches exaggerated, at our northern view, sizes, and the abundance of water and high humidity provide a graceful environment for their development.

Delighted the garden ...

1. Pond

2. Decorative "stream" in the form of a wooden dragon sculpture

3. Sculptural images of "forest people"

4. Patched playground

5. "Tropical Forest"

6. System of waterfalls

Covering the goal to beat a small fragment from the life of tropics or subtropics, you must carefully select plants that could illustrate your design. Moreover, most of them will not differ particularly lush or bright colors. But at the same time, it is worth paying attention to the plants of a large size and unusual shape, with a bright, saturated color of the leaves, for example, on PelTIFylum thyroid. Large leaves of this exotic perennial (up to 50 cm in diameter) resemble shields-umbrellas on thick stiffs up to 90 cm long. The plant feels well in a fellow near deciduous trees and is ideal for tropical sketch. The unpaired leaves of the gray or walnut of the Manchurian, which in our latitudes reach 70 cm, will help to recreate the exotic appearance of the rainforest. The role of Lian will be successfully played by Clematis Melko-Clematics or, say, the princes (for these curly plants it is necessary to arrange supports from a fishing line or wire). We must not forget about the soil perennials - geranium and rofing, after a while, some time will fill out free areas of the soil and create the effect of "natural saturation". By the way, a small secret that will help "increase" the plants of your tropical garden, - active feeding of nitrogen-containing fertilizers.

Delighted the garden ...

1. "Island" with a metal bench

2. Bamboo track

3. Color carpet from succulents (Molden)

4. Potted plants (cacti, succulents)

5. Loch narrow (sea buckthorn)

6. Gravel

In such a garden, the presence of a reservoir or a system of cascades and streams is completely natural. Do not do here and without a variety of fern-traditional inhabitants of New Zealand forests (for our zone, for example, adianatums, shields, pureness asian) and other moisture-loving plants like simplocarpus (in the spring it is especially beautiful, since it forms a wine-red "bedspread") or Ariaria three-lines.

Selecting a suitable garden "quote" for the site, it is worth paying attention not only to the shaded corners, which in terms of breeding plants are considered the most inconvenient. Solve the problem of too lighted places, where the bright sun burns the lawn grass and even the brightest flowers seem to be faded and lifeless, will help appeal to the "deserted", or "dry", the garden. His images are typing associations with landscapes of Asia, Spain and Mexico. The main thing in his design is the proprietary structure, which will be filled with sun-albeit plants. And still permeable soil, initially sandy or modified using an intense drainage layer.

Delighted the garden ...

1. Pond

2. Fountains in the form of leaves

3. Sweeping from Gravel

4. Decorative cereals and finely flowering plants

5. Dwarf trees of hardwood

6. Coniferous shrubs

As the main material for the coating of the soil here is best to use multi-colored large gravel, brown stones or a large mulch of a pine tree combined with a variety of succulents (for example, we are common in our climatic zone).

Delighted the garden ...
CAREX BUCHANANII CRAKETS, SIZY OVYAN (Variety ELIJAH BLUE) and ELIMUS Sandy- can be diversified by the lavender caps by narrow-walled and accents of the ROYAL PURPURPURSE, how the garden structure is specified, can be started to fill it with plants. And the choice here is quite diverse, even despite the differences in the climatic conditions of the original and copies. Traditional trees for "arid" landscapes, eucalyptus and olive european - can be successfully replaced by a narrow-walled and sea buckthorn with similar small oblong leaves. Do not do without cereals that give the garden a very special color. It will be great to look, for example, Carex Buchananii Source with reddish leaves, like the scorched sun (in our climate it can only be used as an annual plant), the oatmeal of ELIJAH Blue tender silver-blue and ellium sandy. To overvolt the composition, the lavender panels are added short-circuit (it is necessary to strengthen it for the winter), the Santolines of the cypressoid, in our area of ​​annual, and purple accents from Skumpy (Royal Purpur variety) and Barbaris Tunberg Autropurpurea.

Many agree that the main quality determining the attractiveness of the East for travelers is its multipoint and mystery. Therefore, it is intended to recreate your impressions of him on the site, you can choose one or more of the endless series of impressive images. The latitude of their use in your garden depends on the soil, the conditions of illumination, and simply from the area of ​​the alleged composition. An unusual design of a Japanese-style recreation area helps combine oriental sketches with purely functional tasks. Stylized translucent bamboo panels hide the platform from prying eyes and create a privacy atmosphere. The same goals are the low hedges from the Mint Julep juniper, supplemented by Blue Fox Blue Fials, with Skeletp from Light Gravel. Special color attaches the garden statuette of the Buddha installed in front of a picturesque niche in which the miniature birch is growing useful. The base of the niche has been decorated with ferns and stones that sworn moss.

Delighted the garden ...

1. Water with a fountain in the form of leaves

2. Ruch

3. Figurine Buddha

4. Brick Wall

5. Hedge of bamboo

6. Bereza

7. Live hedge of bunting and juniper

8. Track from plates (natural stone)

9. Sweeping of gravel of light tones

10. Stone bench

Delighted the garden ...

In general, the materials used are very important to create a calm and harmonious atmosphere of a similar garden, which places to reflections in nature. Thus, the motive of the gravel channel continues in the coating of the site itself for the rest, here gray plates are mixed with geometric inserts from light fine gravel. Metal plates define a clear form of alive hedges and picturesque contrast with the free lines of the branches of juniper.

Delighted the garden ...
Walking "Green convolutions" can be made from the usual turf, shot by a thin layer in those secluded corners of your garden, which are hopelessly overgrown with one garden memories of the East can be created on a very small shaded territory surrounded by the walls of any economic buildings. For this, it is, first of all, to draw attention to decorator techniques: paint the wall fragments into bright contrasting colors, choose garden accessories-sculptures, lamps and terracotta caspo, richly covered with intricate ornaments and recreating the mysterious atmosphere of the East. As a dominant of such an internal garden, it is possible to use bizarre-shaped with water. As for the green design of the composition, there will be plants with a large smooth foliage of a saturated color of the host, Lrangess, Badan, especially relevant here. The elected image allows and sufficiently eclectic solutions, for example, orange velvets lined in a copper cupid base of the reservoir, as in the flower bed. Also appropriate bold decorator techniques like the composition from the venge of the forest and different sizes of "green bits", made of a rolled lawn, twisted in the grass inside (the main thing is not to forget about the timely watering of the resulting composition). Of course, such garden experiments are short-lived, but with regular irrigation it will be able to affect your guests for several days.

Delighted the garden ...

1. Decorative canopy above the table and benches

2. Sculptural image of Buddha

3. Water with fountains in the form of dragons

4. Old sad

5. Composition from "Green bits"

6. The system of chains forming a water cascade

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