Territory Comfort


Mattress Market Overview - the latest materials and manufacturing technologies. Recommendations of specialists in the selection of the mattress.

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For partners do not interfere with each other, two single mattresses should be bought for a double bed with a transformation mechanism, and not one common. Treca (France)
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In the Scandinavian countries, it is accepted on the lower main mattress to sharpen extra thin. It is not only comfortable, but also hygienic. As a rule, a thin mattress can be washed. IKEA (Sweden)
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A novelty from Simmons mattress futon futsi is a real find for those whose apartment is made in Japanese style. It is attached for the loop to the base of the pine.
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Recor Bedding has mattresses with different stiffery zones. All time, where the load is stronger, the springs with a larger wire diameter
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The mattress on the legs is already a bed. Treca Obsession Model
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Dual Support System:

The 1-special form of extreme turns contributes to a better grip of the springs among themselves. The surface of the mattress has become more even and elastic;

The 2-middle part of the SENSORY ARM provides a progressive mattress reaction. The degree of its elasticity changes depending on the pressure force;

The 3-free edge of Syner-Flex operates regardless of all springs. It accurately adapts to the peculiarities of the body

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We are collected all types of mattresses that IKEA offers. The bottom is equipped with legs. This is a full-fledged bed. The average is used most often, it is put on the rack of the bed. Upper, optional, will increase comfort and will protect the main mattress from pollution
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The new Duetto technology from Simmons is created to improve the principle of independent springs:

The 1-outer spring reacts to the first touch. It provides soft support where the pressure force is small;

The 2-inner spring begins to act after the external one. It provides a more rigid support where the load is greater;

3-casers are interconnected at three points. Due to this, all springs work simply as a single mechanism.

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In the super-grade model Extra Ferm from Simmons used DUETTO technology
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Magniflex models have one side "Winter", with an upholstery of wool, another "summer", with a hurry of cotton
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SEALY has 120 years of experience in the production of goods for sleep. Significant amounts are invested in technology development.
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Delicatesse mattress from Simmons for those who like to sleep on soft
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The basis of the Aquasan model from LordFlex's is a block of WaterloTex. This synthetic material imitates the qualities of natural latex
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In the mattress Ipolat from Lordflex's used natural latex
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Aquasan model:

1-cotton with antibacterial processing;

2- natural sheep wool;


4- case for block from WaterloTex;

5- Waterlelates;

6-cotton fiber

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Ipolat model:

1- Upholstery of hypoallergenic polyester with antibacterial impregnation;

2- thermoregulic layer;

3-case for a block of latex;

4-block made of natural latex

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Pirelli Bedding

The process of obtaining latex from the tree and turning it into the mattress requires a lot of time, so the price of mattresses consisting exclusively from this material is high

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The Opera model from Pirelli Bedding forms a block of natural latex height 18cm. Uatress seven stiffness zones. Removable case that can be washed. There are "Winter" and "Summer" Party

Competing with each other, manufacturers of mattresses invent all new technologies, introduce advanced know-how, indifferently improves models and materials ... IV and so that we wake up in the morning with vigorous, fresh and full forces.

Territory Comfort
Mattress with independent springs block from Jensen (Norway). For softness, a layer of latexacak is made of a rule, we think about buying a mattress only in two cases. Or when you buy a bed, and with it, that is quite natural, and the mattress. Or if every day we get out of bed without sleeping, yes, moreover, with non-passible pains in the back. IVOT, deciding to acquire a comfortable sleeping place, we turn out to be in front of a serious problem of choice. Specialized sites on the Internet are fascinated by statements that only such products can provide sleeping comfort and air, while remaining healthy. Sellers in stores without knocking explain why they should be bought exclusively their models. Moreover, the most weighty argument is the statement that in front of us is a real orthopedic mattress. Permanent readers of our magazine perfectly know that he is actually. Atota, who became interested in this issue only now, can read a truly fundamental article "Mattress and its metamorphosis". The internal device of mattresses is described in detail, materials that are used for upholstery and packing, IT.D. Ivot passed three years. Let's see what has changed that it appeared during this time.

Collection of springs

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Tentation mattress with continuous weaving springs block from sealynapomy that there are two types of spring mattresses: with continuous weaving springs (this is when all of them are interconnected) and with an independent springs block. In the second case, each spring is isolated, placed in a separate moto case. The quality of the mattresses of the first type largely depends on the shape and stiffness of the springs themselves, as well as the density of their placement on 1m2. To increase the elasticity of these models, the manufacturers began to use polyurethane foam inserts between the ranks of the springs. Mattresses with similar inserts are recommended for people with weight from 100kg or for those who prefer to sleep on hard. There are in the assortment of Russian firms "Atlas Limited" and "Toris" (Series Optima), cost- $ 150-475 (200200cm).

Territory Comfort
In the Mattress of High Support, California, Sealy specialists used their latest Dual Support System's Dual Support System for American Sealy, known for its advanced developments, offered a new spring shape. This company introduced the Dual Support System dual support system, which is used in two series of mattresses - Virginia and California. The tight cylindrical spring along the ends (on top and bottom) welded the tapered springs of variable stiffness. This design responds to an increase in pressure to increase rigidity. The springs provide progressive support for the human body, that is, in different ways are adjusted to different parts by weight. The special form of extreme turns provides the best grip of the elements among themselves, so the surface of the mattress now has become more even and elastic.

The same, according to specialists, among spring mattresses, only models with an independent springs can be recognized by orthopedic. This means that only they allow the spine of a lying person to remain straight, not subject to curvature. Mattresses with continuous weaving springs are not. The technology of their manufacture, as they say now belongs to the past, although so far is widely used in economy class products. The fact is that all the springs in these mattresses are enclosed with each other. When a person falls, the so-called hammock effect is formed: one spring pulls the other. In addition, in the process of operation, the bed begins to creak. Especially inconvenient similar mattresses for two: if one of the lying moves, fluctuations from its movements are transmitted throughout the mattress, which prevents the partner. So, if you strive to spend a small amount of money, it is better to stay at the non-reformal version.

Three colors

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This year, IKEA introduced a new, advanced model series of mattresses. We present both spring and flavored models worth from $ 20 to $ 550 (depending on the size, design and materials). You can also purchase a spring mattress on a wooden frame ($ 130-600). If you fasten the legs to it, it turns out a full-fledged bed. This option prefers the Scandinavians themselves. To make it easier to navigate the buyer, the upholstery of three different colors are produced: dark gray, gray and white. The better upholstery, the higher the price.

Mattles with an independent springs block are located in separate covers made of nonwoven canvas. The compression of each of them occurs independently of the neighboring, so the mattress is irrevocated under different parts of the body. Such a design is considered promising and as a result year from year to be improved.

Territory Comfort
Mattresses from Portoflex (Italy) with a continuous weaving springs block. Jacquard Upholstery with antibacterial processing SanitizedCax The rule, just a few leaders manufacturers deal with the development and development of new technologies. Over time, their innovations are adopted by others. So, the French company Simmons (by the way, it is its founder in the distant 1870s. Created the first spring mattress) recently introduced a new type of spring called Duetto. It consists of two springs inserted into each other. With the first contact of the human body, external, providing a soft contact. Then the inner spring comes into operation, creating a more rigid support. Moreover, a differentiated support for different parts of the body is ensured: both springs work only where the pressure on them is greater. Duetto used in Passion, Constellation and Fascination models. The prices of them are quite high- $ 1185-1606 with the amount of 79189cm and $ 2970-3850 at 199199cm. Special attention to such products should draw pairs with a large weight difference, as the springs are able to adapt individually under each.

A similar effect is achieved by springs with the stiffness variable performed using SENSOFT technology (Delicatesse mattress). Their upper part is made flexible, it reacts to the slightest pressure. Lower, on the contrary, more rigid and provides elastic support.

Another innovation mattresses with an independent unit, including zones of different rigidity. To the center, where the load is especially large, the springs of the reinforced wire, from which they are made, has a larger diameter. At the edges, where the head and legs are resting, springs, on the contrary, thinner and softer. Another distribution of zone-longitudinal is possible. One side of the mattress, intended for a hard man, tough, and the other, for easier, softer. This decision is recommended if the difference in the weight of partners is large and one of them is heavier than 90kg. Models with such a device have Toris in the Grand series (200200cm, $ 700-2400). The Upelorusskaya firm Vegas presents only one such product No. 15 (140190cm, about $ 1000). Similar technology is used in models with the Correct Comfort system from Sealy (80190cm, about $ 1350; 180190cm, about $ 3200). As an additional option "Balance" is offered for all Recor Bedding spring mattresses (Russia-Belgium) without exception, increasing the initial cost of the product by about 30%.

I am a single remark. Previously, some manufacturers produced spring mattresses with removable covers - it was thought that it was more hygienic. When contaminated, the case was recommended to be wrapped up or in a dry cleaning. But removable covers often sat down. Now they almost completely refused. The same internal layers of the mattress are optimally stretched; Removing or putting on the case, we break this tension and worsen the initial properties of the product. In order for the mattress to remain clean, they advise you to put an extra bed on it on the rubber band.

Not only for astronauts

In an effort to provide us with maximum comfort, manufacturers actively use advanced technology. For example, now you can find the so-called new generation mattresses. They are made using innovative material with the effect of high-density-elastic polyurethane foam. It was developed by NASA in the 1970s and possesses unique properties: able to respond to weight and heat of the human body. Initially, the material was made by the seats of astronauts to reduce the pressure during overloads.

Mattresses "Toris":

Territory Comfort
1. "Chameleon" - the mattress of medium stiffness. It consists of layers of latex, stream and coconut.

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2. "Relax" - the mattress of a new generation. Foundation - latex foam. On top of a viscoelastic polyurethane foam with shape memory. Suitable for a transformed base.

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3. Used the "Negub" on top of the independent sprocket block there is a layer from a viscoelastic polyurethane foam with a form memory. Height 20cm. Standard upholstery made from Jacquard by the type "Winter-Summer".

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4. Mixed "Mix" alternate soft layers of natural latex and hard-coconut fiber.

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5. Feature of the "Fortune" model with a high level of comfort, non-dependent springs with a density of 500 pcs / m2.

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6. Mattress "Egoist" is intended for lovers in comfort. On 1m2 he has 1000 independent springs. Judging side by layer of soft and at the same time elastic latex

The layer of viscoelastic polyurethane foam is used both in spring and in blackout-free models. When you lie down, the mattress seems strong enough and elastic. Perceiving heat, its surface becomes softer and slightly remembered under a lying person, repeating the shape of his body. After a person gets up, the mattress is gradually returning to the initial look. Such mattresses, in addition to orthopedic, have anti-cluster properties, since they allow minimizing body pressure to the surface, repeating everything, even the most minor bends.

Territory Comfort

Many medium and high cost mattresses are equipped with air vents that contribute to free circulation of air inside the design. Nevertheless, opinions about the wonderful material are diverged. Some believe that this improvement is only a tribute to fashion, another attempt to attract the paddle to unusual news of the buyer. Others foreshadow to him a successful future. After all, this material is able to adapt to the individual parameters of each person, providing ideal conditions for sleep. In love, before purchasing an unusual mattress, it is necessary to try, since the feelings from it are unusual and the reaction can be different. The interlayer from the viscoelastic polyurethane foam with the effect of memory is in the models of Relax and NEGUS company "Toris" (200200cm, about $ 1100), from Magniflex in the Mattress Bi-Memory (180200, approximately $ 1100), at IKEA in Sultan Forestad models (160200cm , about $ 270) and Sultan Hagalid (180200cm, $ 365). There are mattresses, half-made from a viscoelastic polyurethane foam (its layer with a thickness of 7cm lies on the same layer of foam rubber). The Danish company TEMPUR offers them, promising not just comfort, but unprecedented pleasure. The cost of the 200200cm model is about $ 1700. Is the same, these products are quite peculiar, they should also, before making a purchase, experience. The fact is that, perceiving the warmth of a person, such a mattress slightly sends under it, as a result of which the lying turns out to be in a small cozy recess. However, to change the posture or at least just turning, you will have to make a slight effort. Conducting "tests", remember when you lie on the mattress, you should not feel any discomfort. Aesley you think about the mattress, feel it under it, it means that he does not fit you.

Caring for health

Simmons has developed a new series of upholstery fabrics. They have a number of useful properties. Ionica Antistatique is matterium with an antistatic effect on which dust does not accumulate. Mattresses with such an upholstery are recommended by people suffering from asthma and other respiratory diseases. Amicor Pure is enriched with antibacterial components that prevent the breeding of allergen insects. Improves the health of people prone to allergies. Coutil Tripto fabric contributes to optimal ventilation and thermoregulation of the body of a sleeping person.

No springs

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Pirelli Bedding

Latex- highly elastic and durable natural material. It clearly repeats the contours of the body and evenly distributes the weight of the lying person. Very well absorbs moisture, and most importantly, "breathe". In addition, natural latex anti-allergy-free mattresses are manufactured based on both natural (latex, coir) and artificial materials, such as WaterloTex. Latex is obtained by foaming rubber-tree juice (GEVE). This elastic and elastic material is able to withstand a large pressure, then restoring its original shape. It does not cause allergies, durable and non-hygroscopic. Mattresses made of latex, we have not yet been known for us, but thanks to our outstanding qualities, have a great future. Many manufacturers are offered: Italian company Pirelli Bedding, German RUF and HUKLA, Swiss Hasena, Russian Toris and SFL, Belarusian Vegas. The main innovations in this area are the appearance of latex models with seven stiffery zones. Due to the perforation, various elasticity is achieved at different points of the mattress, which ensures uniform support of the body of the lying person.

It should be noted that manufacturers seek to meet all possible ideas about comfort. In other words, satisfy the needs and those who love to sleep on the perilka, and those who feel great on a bare board. Combining in different proportions layers of gentle latex and solid coyra (coconut fiber), companies create mattresses for every taste. Ufirma "Toris" is a model MIX, in VEGAS- "Cheese", and in the assortment SFL- "Sandwich". The average value of the model in size is 200200cm about $ 1000.

Among artificial materials, WaterlateEx comes to the shift of the foam rubber. Votchchychi from the too soft and militant predecessor, it has orthopedic properties. Better foam rubber saves the form and longer serves. Waterletes use Magniflex and Lordflex's (Italy). They offer several varieties of mattresses based on it, softening and rigorous. The price is about $ 500.

Tips to buyer

The choice of a certain mattress directly depends on the product of the person who will enjoy them. It should be complete to look at hard models: flawlessly from elastic materials or spring with springs from thick wire, located with a maximum density. It is better to buy thin, either soft spring mattresses without the use of beds, or soft or semi-rigorous extensive models. Most of the products are suitable for people of the average set. When buying a double mattress, it is necessary to focus on the heavier of sleeping. However, ultimately it is worth trusting their own feelings. Throwing out unnecessary impactivity, we advise not just sit on the edges of the mattress, but to lie on it, to smoke, settle in the usual posture. Amediate a double mattress, the same operation should be done together with the partner, it should be convenient to be each.

Inconcluded, it can be said that the goal of all of the above inventions and innovations is one: make a mattress more sensitive to the movements of a lying person, to provide a "individual approach" to different parts of his body, and eventually create the most pleasant and comfortable conditions for sleep.

WHAT should not be considered a mattress, even if the most perfect, panacea from all the troubles, a miraculous medicine, saving from various diseases (and such statements can often be found in advertising prospects). Qualitative, correctly chosen mattress only allow you to wake up in a good mood, rested and cheerful. But this, of course, not a trifle.

The editors are grateful to the companies "Hello! Mattress", "Slipline" and "Toris" for help in the preparation of material.

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