Eloqueous sishin


Continuation of a series of publications about the history of the design of residential premises: the center of attention "The largest room" is a dining room.

Eloqueous sishin 14039_1

Eloqueous sishin
Architects I.Yansone, K.Avostins

Photo M.Stepanov

Eloqueous sishin
The author of the project K.Abik

Photo K. Manko

Cold, a narrow dining room has to taste unexpected dishes in the style of "Fusion" with an unusual serving or concise Japanese "masterpieces"

Eloqueous sishin
Project and construction of Lapponia House

Photo M.Stepanov

Sitting in the living room and looking into a cozy dining area with a traditional buffet, I want to reread Chekhov stories, lay a white tablecloth and put a samovar

Eloqueous sishin
Architect M. Pavlichuk

Photo Garshblovsky

This dining room is exquisite empty and Gulko. The view is not distracted by unnecessary decorations and furniture.

Eloqueous sishin
Photo E.Lichina

Cute traditional dining room, in which so appropriate and tasty "Author's" baking and tea with jam

Eloqueous sishin
Architect U.Srenbergs.

Photo K. Manko

One movement can be divided by a living room and a dining area, changing the rice to guests with an implicit communication on the pleasure of the meal and good wine. The possibility of a return motion - having a psychological move

Eloqueous sishin
Architects T.demin, D. Golodok

Photo M.Stepanov

The author of the project managed to create a "Gothic mood" and in this dining room, avoiding direct quoting and changes in decorativeness

Eloqueous sishin
Designer S. Marova

Photo M.Stepanov

Cabinet. In such a dining room, it is good to eat tasty, but economically in time. And then rush to manuscripts

Eloqueous sishin
Architect K. Balyan.

Photo V.Nepledov

Dining room is real, or decorative. And even more so conditionally intended. But the heat of the homemade hearth is achieved by contrasting the white wall and bright red "brickwork"

Like a bench, table, window

With a huge silver moon ...

A. Akhmatova

Forgetting the sacred postulate "When I am deaf and Him", we thus return to the stormy past, when the meal was accompanied not only by the videos, but also conversations, singing. Russian feots are usually complemented by even spectacular "pop" numbers that were supposed to improve digestion. Avot that Pushkin wrote: "Our ancestors could not soon. NOT MOVE THE CIRCUE OF BUKS, SILVER BOHES ..." We are the same and then you break the two sacred commandments of behavior at the table, "do not distract" and "do not hurry." Get distracted and rushing ...

The largest room

Eloqueous sishin
The author of the project R. Krusopop

Photo K. Manko

Always unexpected mixing of styles and spaces creates some oddities. Chairs - ampur, Country stools, Chinese kettle. The dining area on the verge of "mixing feelings" and stylistic failed in the XVII. Dining rooms in Russia were called table chambers. They could have been to huddled houses that differ in color, size and location. The largest named the Large Dining Room and was considered the main premises. Before that, in the XVIV., The dining room was called the meal, and it was something mean between the reception and the feast room. Forward half XVIIIV. The word "dining room" became archaeism, since it came to replace the Code of Definition "Hall". Now in this room sat down solemn meals. For everyday fences, just rooms served, or chambers. Now, in France, the table could be covered even in front. And only from the 1770s. "All apartments have a room intended for meals."

The dining room most often was located in the corner of the house and illuminated by windows from two sides. Quclock XVIIIV. It is already moving closer to the center of the building. This room is elongated along the main facade and generously flooded with daylight (along with rectangular there are also round and oval canteens). At the same time, her depth is small. Floors are always associated, and not parquet, as in the hall.

Already in the XIX. The canteens are expelled from the front illuminated range and arise among the residential rooms located along the yard facade. The illumination is now not so important, but the convenience of communication with the kitchen and removal from the reception premises are on the fore. Shifting 1839-1841gg. So it says: "The dining room should be able to be removed from the front rooms due to the smell of the kushan. In the dining room, it is useful to arrange fireplaces in the dining room."

The Russian Dining Chamber and the Hall on the European Master differ greatly. Rodinitis them one - size and dominant position

Golitsyn's house on Volkhonka (1760). Floor plan

Eloqueous sishin

In the red corner of the chamber were filled with shops and a table, and an expensive dishes were stood in the wall niche. In the middle of the arch hung a mica lantern

House Sapozhnikova (70-80-Russia. XVIIV.)

Eloqueous sishin

The "Hall" of Anfilalo contacted the cabinet and the passage of the Chamber. It was the largest and most bright room, the windows of which went to the main facade

At the beginning of the XIX. The dining room is located next to the hallway (front), illuminated by two and three windows and has three doors connecting it from the front, access to the courtyard and cuisine. Sometimes the canteen adjoined the buffet, which was sometimes the breakfast between the hall and dining room, for the convenience of serving in both rooms.

In small houses, the dining room was not satisfied. She served as a hall, which was very characteristic of that time. Yes, and for our too. The dining room in a separate form meets most often in country houses and strongly resembles a strongly crushed veranda.

Portrait of the hostess

Dining room eloquently talks about you as a cook and boss. If you love the guests, it must certainly be spacious, the front and to have a set of mobile elements (folding tables, chairs, serving tables and a variety of stands). And, accordingly, do not do without a large amount of dishes and convenient containers for storage (cabinets, slides, showcases). In addition, it is necessary (and should!) Provide a "displacement zone" to disperse guests, serving the table, dishes shifts and the like manipulation.

But if your dining room is small and ascetic, no one exempts it from the necessary minimum items. At least, the table and chairs should be there. Another thing, if you are an adherent of the idea of ​​the kitchen-dining room. But it will be discussed later.

The decoration of the dining room is to a light country, a conditional emergency or eclectics with a hint on the Scandinavian style. This is generally recognized by moderately conservative premises. His style, as psychologists assure, depends on the age of the hostess and its family traditions. Film young creatures whose age has not exceeded 30, minimalism. Add to this gentle love for Japanese cuisine, and you will get a completely predictable picture in the appropriate spirit. Landless young creatures of the same age, loving tasty cook and knowing a lot in traditional Russian cuisine (pies yes pyshki), tend to country or eclectics with a pronounced Russian tint (napkins, towels). Forever young ladies are most often conservative. Widow is overlooked in the ocean of stylistic features, they are given to the same country or an ampir. Ampire is somewhat calm them somewhat, because it clearly orients in search of all the bronze or gold-plated. A shining buffet with a parade kitchenware, a white tablecloth and chairs with bent backs folded into an indoor eye picture. This style is good because all additional items and colors are quite predictable and easily find out. In addition, it is traditional and close to Russian mentality.

Men relate to the dining room indifferent. They almost do not take part in this part of the housing. High-source interior This type of room is absent. There is some averaged space that includes a kitchen, living room, dining room, bedroom and sometimes bathroom. The boundaries in this conglomerate are very conventional and designated by the owner. Single gedonist's refuge and epicurean with short culinary talents.

Children do not love the dining room at all, because she ships them in hand and legs. It is much more pleasant to build an improvised table in your room and feel like an organizer of my own pyr.

Make yourself delicious

The dining room must delight the eyes and help improve the appetite, it should be clean and friend. White color is flawless and universal. It is combined with yellow, white and red metal, with a dark or light tree. He shall or emphasize. But, actively introducing white color, you need to take care that it is easy to operate. Simply put, white surfaces should easily wash, emit or clean.

Eloqueous sishin
Designer P. Fedorov

Photo P. Lebedeva

On the walls of this dining room, the scenes of primitive hunt were played. And if in support of the image to add the smell of the game, firing on a spit, it is not difficult to imagine happiness and appetite of those who gathered at the table. Bright colors in the dining room also look great. It is not worth only to use the "chemical" shades or colors of the cold gamut, as they give the food "non-baggage" shade. It is proved that the best color-red digestion. Shades of therapy watermelon, strawberries, tomatoes or apples are your allies in the struggle for a good household appetite and guests. In the second place is yellow, on the third green. But it is not necessary to keep the "intensity" of colors at the maximum level. Bright utensils, napkins, decorative dishes on the wall, bright (but small) ornament on a tablecloth is quite a sufficient set for those who do not want to "a little Mexico." A large and juicy pattern, as well as excess sharp color accents on the walls distracting sitting at the table. Sometimes so much that it resembles a simple no appetite. Now, the time is a bright, but the saturated color of the walls makes the dining room joyful and attractive. Twice to dinner do not have to call.

The design of the windows is subject to the same laws. It can be both solemnly removed, and neutral, and intricate. Not only to get involved in the "cheerful" topics from the category of fruit vegetable garlands or geometric ornaments performed by exotic riot. True, the eastern, colonial theme is very relevant even in separately taken window drapery.

Lights in the dining room itself. The luminous focus is sent to the worktop, devices and placed dishes. It should be quite bright, but not cutting eyes. The lamp over the dining table should be hung up higher to do not make people involved in the meal. For funny mobility, you can get a model adjustable in height, and even provide it with a dimmer. Candles look very effectively, but their presence on the table is executed by such obsessive symbolism, which I do not even know how appropriate to recommend them for frequent use. Just in case, I will clarify that the flame should be located either higher or below the eye level of your guests. If you use a serving table, take care of the backlight of the on-one separate lamp or sconce. The backlight of the servants, buffets, slides and showcases will give your eyes to delight from contemplating the beloved parade utensils, figurines or flower arrangement.

Fedorino Happiness

Eloqueous sishin
Architect Y. Burdov

Photo K. Manko

The country house has a separate dining room to create a separate dining room. In this embodiment, it is extremely "few", and the buffet causes memories of Soviet furniture 60-70-kgg., But at the same time it is not filled with crystal dishes and the structure of the dishes need to be washed and stored competently. A noblest storage objective are buffets, sranches and slides. All listed "characters" will look great in the living room. In love, they confidently in themselves what is used to serve the table. Artfully stylized under ancient or colonial style, these items will contribute to the table trendy now "vintage" shade. Abduchi made geometrically neutrally, simply will simply present your "shoe dishes" of guests, without an accent on their own advantages. The location of their location, the amount, depth is due only to the size of the dining room. On the backlight was mentioned above, so I will not repeat.

A large dining room has a large rectangular table. It is good in it and an oval table, especially if it is transformed into a round. Such an instance will contain more guests than rectangular. And sitting behind him, as at the courtyard of King Arthur.

Round table will recommend for a small dining room. Causes are the same. For a large number of guests, you can have simply folding worktop and removable legs (as options - goats) that can be easily dismantled and removed into the storage room. Similar structures were widely used in the Middle Ages.

In the dining room acceptable any number of chairs. Another thing is that the question arises: do they all need to be constantly at the table? Most probably not. Better, if there are no more than six, and the rest can be folding and wait our hour in the utility room.

A small serving table is often needed in order to place a variety of drinks and snacks in case of a buffet. He will also serve you a good service during a big feast, appropriate on his tabletop clean plates, napkins, glasses and devices that can sleep well.

To sparkle

The dining room is obliged to hospitably sparkle. The mistress of sparkling dining room is worthy of respect. Aesti on the face of a happy hostess invariably reigns a satisfied smile, this means that the process of cleaning the dining room is not painful. To achieve this is easy.

First, the floors should be solid, easy to deteriorate and not too light. Secondly, do not warp the carpets. By the current case, you can use rugs, mats or mats from cane or sea grass. But check if they do not slide on the floor surface. Thirdly, upholstered furniture "Dress" in removable covers that can be easily wrapped or handed over to dry cleaning without risk that they deform. Also, chairs with skinding covers and drapery are also described. Fourthly, the walls in the dining room must wash or climb without any problems. At the same time, they may well have a rich texture or pattern, imitating a tree or stone. Fifth, decorating windows, do not forget that heavy fabrics for curtains tend to absorb smells of food. Consider this when choosing. Sixth, correctly and carefully acquire detergents for surfaces.

It is not surprising that these tips are fully suitable for the kitchen. After all, very many boldly unite the kitchen and dining room. Such space is convenient for both the hostess, and for guests, and for households. Table bar counter is suitable for light breakfast and receptions. Openwork table suddenly becomes serving. But the conversation about these metamorphoses deserves a separate article, so they will not long linger on them for a long time.

And the last advice: Try to eat in silence. So solemn. Idiot.

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