Black like night


The aroma of the East you have at home without too much effort. Coffee grinders and coffee makers for every taste and wallet.

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Black like night
Saeco Cups for Espresso Coffee are called demitas. Their difference is small volume (60-70ml) and thick walls
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Saeco Copyright Cups Body Talk, developed by the German artist Eric Andersen
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Saeco lovers of "romantic" cappuccino for decorating foam use special adaptation- Decochok
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Delonghi knife coffee grinders are distinguished by a high producer, simplicity of construction and, accordingly, price, which, as a rule, does not exceed $ 25-30
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The design of the hand-made firing coffee grinder has not changed over the last hundred years. The picture is the Peugeot model, produced from 1879 to 1915.
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For ease of operation, the CG7202 filtration coffee maker (UFESA) is equipped with an indicator of the level of water
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In the coffee makers with large over the volume of flasks, additional heating of the flask applies. Model KF550 B (Braun)
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The laws of harmony are not alien to drip coffee makers, about it eloquently testifies the model Siemens, the design of which was developed in the studio Porsche
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Innova Working Parts of Rozhkov Coffee Museum: A- pallet-kaplesball;
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Innova born with chald;
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Innova and a steam nozzle for whipping milk;
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Innovag- Retractable water tank
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Model Magic Combi (SAECO) is a coffee combine sample. In this device, a fabric coffee maker is supplemented with a built-in neck coffee grinder
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One of the most compact models of the horic coffee makers model CE 7121 ELEGANZA (UFESA)
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Along with separately standing, there are also embedded coffee machines. For MIELE model, a kitchen cabinet 60cm wide with a standard 45cm height niche
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Jura in Swiss production Coffee machines can be used cartridge filters for additional water purification.
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Jura Most coffee machines can work in simultaneous preparation mode 1 or 2 cups
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AEG coffee machines are equipped with a water reservoir (1.8l) and a capacity for 350g coffee beans
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Coffee machine Royal Digital Plus (SAECO) is fully automated: for the preparation of an espresso cup, you just need to press the button

Oriental wisdom says: to determine whether the cook is good, ask him to make coffee. This process, with apparent simplicity, has a mass of hidden from the "uninitiated" subtleties. If they challenged them, instead of the "real" coffee can be a ships-bitter borde, worthy of regulars of the vegetarian dining room "not steal". It is not surprising that the manufacturers of household appliances have now been improved in the development of coffee making devices so that the fragrant drink is always obtained when it is necessary.

Every day, more than a billion people on our planet start the morning meal from a cup of freshly brewed coffee. The reasons for such popularity are the wonderful taste and fragrance of this drink, as well as the notorious "charge of cheerfulness", which is ensured by the substances contained in it. Package "Source Material" Use natural coffee (in beans or ground), soluble coffee, ground coffee mixes with chicarium, barley, vanilla and many other additives. Invented thousands of options for cooking natural coffee (for example, American, latte, cappuccino, Warsaw, in Wensky, in Italian, and even in Japanese). Finally, there are many devices for carrying out this procedure, from primitive coffee maker to the most complex on the design of devices, respectively called coffee machines. They are capable not only grinding and brew coffee, but also add the required amount of foamed milk to it. The main task of all these adaptations is made from the product the maximum amount of useful substances contained in it and "leave overboard" excess ingredients, worsening the taste of the beverage.

You can select several basic coffee cooking technologies. First of all, it is coffee in Arabic (in Turkish). It is boiled in a special coffee pot without a nurse (called Turkish). Even the most "smart" and expensive coffee machine will not cope with this task, so lovers of such a drink will have to master the wisdom of its preparation manually. Dress with coffee powder and cold water slowly heat on low heat (in the original version it is used with hot sand). Another technology is brewing a drink in a coffee pot, like large-grade tea (ground coffee is poured with boiling water and insisted for a couple). The principle of gradual passage of hot water through a layer of coffee powder under normal atmospheric pressure is used by the widespread spread of filtration coffee makers. Finally, in espresso coffee makers, the water passes through the product under significant (up to 15thm) pressure.

The listed technologies provide completely different options for the beverage, radically differing in taste. Therefore, the question is which coffee maker is better, incorrect. Someone like cappuccino, and someone can not imagine the morning without a burden, infant coffee from the grandmother's coffee pot.

Zarvari you can be coffee in black ...

Despite countless coffee beverages, varieties of coffee trees, having a serious people's economic importance, only two Arabica and Robust. Since the Arabica during welding gives a soft taste and a thin saturated flavor, all the best grain coffee brands belong to this variety. Robusta is not such an exquisite drink, in pure form having too sharp bitter taste. But robusts have their advantages. Forward turn, high caffeine content and unpretentious cultivation. Therefore, in the manufacture of branded brands of coffee, a mixture of Robusts with Arabica is most often used. Mishell's manufacturing workshop (so-called coffee blends) can use 15-20 varieties of arabics and robusts with different taste qualities (this process resembles the production of blended wines or perfumes). The higher the percentage of robusts, the fact that the drink is stronger. Coffee brands There are many, much more than non-shaped varieties.

Coffee brands, like elite wines, are characterized not only by the "fortress" of the resulting brave, but also a "bouquet" - a peculiar and very complex combination of taste and aroma. The fortress, taste and aroma is influenced by the method of initial processing (fermentation) of grains, conditions for their storage, roasting, grinding, and, of course, cooking drinks. Any violation in the chain of operations leads to a deterioration of the result, this should be remembered not at the last stage, loading the powder into a coffee maker or coffee pot, and much earlier, when buying coffee.

Natural coffee is sold in the form of grains, powder (ground) or compressed and packed in separate tanks from the filter paper "Tablets" (so-called CHALD). Coffee in Challians is intended only for Espresso coffee makers and on Russian, and in the world market is presented in moderate quantity. The advantage of fair-precision packaging and relatively small risk rushing to the fake. The disadvantage is a high price that can be 2-3 times higher than the price of a grain product of similar quality. Among the manufacturers of coffee in Challians, Italian companies Illycaffe, Palombini, Danesi, Saeco can be noted.

There are a wide variety of recipes for cooking drinks based on espresso coffee. These include:

Cappuccino - Double espresso with the addition of foamed hot milk. Served in the volume of 180ml, the milk foam sprinkles with grated chocolate.

Coffee Lungo. It differs from espresso increased water volume. In the portion of Coffee Lungo about 150ml. Served in special high cups.

Latte It is a mixture of espresso coffee with milk (one piece of espresso for three parts of milk). Served in high glasses.

Coffee mocha in Italian - This is a mixture of equal parts of espresso coffee, hot chocolate and milk.

Coffee "Americano - This is a double espresso, poured into a glass with hot water.

Feel yourself Melnik

Grain coffee is offered to buyers fried and green. Roasting - a separate and quite complicated procedure, which is not easy to master on your own "on a piece of paper." Therefore, people are inexperienced to buy already fried grains. For their grinding, manual (mill) and electric (milling and knife) coffee grinders are used. Manual are popular and so on, not only as a kitchen decoration, many sauled coffee lovers prefer to use them. It is believed that a good manual coffee grinder due to the low speed of operation does not heat the grain and the resulting powder (and in this case the heating weakens the aroma of the welded drink). Today in the store you can buy a manual coffee grinder "without excesses" of domestic or Chinese production for $ 9-10. Similar products from Italy and Armenia cost more than $ 20-100. But these are already very high quality devices, with precise adjustment of the thinness of the grinding (the most important characteristic of any coffee grinder) and the working mechanism of stainless steel or cast iron.

However, the low speed of work and the need to apply a physical strength of a significant disadvantage of the handmade coofer, from which the electric drive model is eliminated. There are two types of device-knife and millstones. Forward grinding occurs at the expense of a knife rotating on very high revs. The main advantage of these devices is the simplicity and comparative cheapness (the cheapest Chinese production models cost $ 12-13, while knife coffee grinders, such as the MKM 6003 from Bosch and MC0360 from UFESA, already $ 18-20).

The working mechanism at the railway electrocherchant is arranged as well as the coffee grinder with a manual drive. These models are more expensive ($ 30-50), but it is delicately treated with grains and, as a rule, have 2-4 times greater productivity (up to 250g for one grinding). And one more important advantage is the possibility of controlling the fineness of grinding (this option is the MKM 7000 models from Bosch and KM 30 MN from Braun). The amount of substances that move from the powder into water during the cooking process depends on the grinding fineness. If it is too little, coffee will be liquid, if it is too much, together with the useful substances, harmful, spoiling the taste of the beverage will go. Therefore, for each method of making coffee, you need your grinding. Especially rough is used for coffee pots, more thin - for filtration coffee makers. Well, for Coffee in Arabic, it is necessary that the finest grinding is needed, achievable far from all marry coofers; If you prefer this option, check with the seller, whether your chosen device is suitable for the fineness of the grinder. And note that knife coffee grinders are capable of grinding coffee into dust, but at the same time the lion's share of its taste will be lost.

If you need a grid in a strictly defined size, then using a knife coffee grinder, it will have to grind the grains on the eye (or the time of operation with the stopwatch), which is inconvenient. For coffee espresso, only processing is suitable with a pickle coffee grinder (another option is to buy coffee, specially fired for Espresso). In addition, in some milling models (for example, MKM 7000 from Bosch, KMM 30 from Braun) there is a timer, with which the exact amount of grain treated is installed. It is not surprising that connoisseurs of the fragrant drink recommend using milling coffee grinders.

Whose kitel is better cooking?

For the preparation of coffee in Arabic, a jamva is used. It should consist of a material that has good thermal conductivity and high chemical inertia, so most often the jams are made from copper-based alloys (and the most expensive copies of silver). Aluminum dishes in no way is suitable. The capacity of these eastern coffee pots is small, usually 200-300ml. To heal the jams of the Icestari, a hot sand was used, now the stove hill is used more often included on the minimum power. Fans of cooking drink for all rules are theoretically available and coffee makers for coffee in Arabic. They are very simple: the usual pallet with sand, equipped with heating. True, today commercial models with great performance are more common (for example, AK-8-4 from the Greek company Johny). As an option is suitable cooking panel. For example, in the PF9 PF9 41 MSTB PF9 MSTB IX, the Italian company Ariston has a special grill, which can be used to prepare coffee in east. This process requires a skill and greater experience, since all manipulations are made manually, and the availability of the drink is estimated at the appearance of the rising foam (coffee does not have to boil about the quality of water below).

It is much easier to prepare coffee with the help of coffee maker and, moreover, coffee makers. The most primitive coffee pot in its design is the usual "dishes" with a thick bottom and walls of metal. There is also a mass of decorative products from porcelain, glass and faience, which is already poured by a finished drink to feed on the table. The most complex models are equipped with a system of filters, so-called geysers (devices for water circulation through coffee, fastened to the filter) and other improvements. The lines of the most popular "mechanized" coffee maker include piston models like "Franch-Press". There are really built in the press by which the coffee ground is pressed after cooking. Thus, it turns out the maximum number of "pure" beverage with a minimum of insoluble sediment. Such devices are produced by Bodum (Switzerland) and cost $ 20-40.

The simplest (and affordable) coffee makers - filtration (drip type). The water is warm up to the desired temperature (about 90s) water is supplied from above (very slowly, literally dropwise) and passes through ground coffee into a glass flask-coffee pot. The water is not communicated to the boil, so it is impossible to use the "raw" water from under the tap. Adlya Improve the taste qualities of the drink liquid is recommended to be pre-filtered. The market presents many models of household filtration coffee makers. They are published by AEG, Bosch, Braun, Rowenta, Krups, Siemens (Germany), Binatone (China), Moulinex, Tefal (France), Delonghi (Italy), Philips (Holland), Electrolux (Sweden), Ufesa (Spain), Vitek (Austria). Price range - from $ 15 to $ 150; The average cost of the coffee maker of this type is $ 40-60.

Filtration coffee makers differ from each other by power consumption. The more powerful the device, the more intense it is heated in it and, accordingly, the preparation of coffee is carried out. However, you should not forget that with an increase in the speed of the process, the filth of the resulting beverage is reduced, water passes through the powder too fast. Therefore, in large and powerful filtration equipment for the preparation of strong coffee, more source products use more source products, which, you agree, not economically. To reduce the consumption of coffee and increasing the cost-effectiveness in some models (TKA 3010 from Bosch, Aromaselect KF 155 from Braun, TC 40203 from Siemens, CG 7267 Futura from UFESA) Using the fortress - depending on the specified number of cups decreases or increases the intensity of heating and feed water.

Filtering coffee makers differ in the volume of water tank. It depends on how much the beverage is in one cycle of the instrument. Uniamea of ​​spacious coffee makers This volume is 0.2 liters (CM 203 models from Binatone, VT-1503 Sweet Pair from Vitek). Such models are designed to prepare two cups of coffee. Much distribution received coffee makers with a coffee pot of 0.8-1.2 liters, able to prepare at once 10-15 cups. Usually such models (AromaPassion KF 550 from Braun, 121 Aromacafe from Krups, Cafe City from Tefal) are additionally equipped with heated stove, which allows you to save coffee in the flask hot. The same targets can be used the thermoses (as, for example, in the CAFE OLE CO 200 model from AEG), in which the drink remains hot for a few hours after cooking.

An important detail of each filtration coffee maker, of course, is a filter. It can be disposable or reusable. The material for disposable filters is paper, and reusable are made from nylon. The cost of a set of 100 paper filters- $ 3-4, and a nylon filter, designed for 150-200 coffee rods, will cost $ 5-6. About $ 10 are the so-called "golden" filters (in fact it is the same nylon, but coated from titanium nitride), but also serve 2-3 times longer. As a whole, the use of paper filters will cost a little more expensive, but such filters are much more convenient, they are removed and thrown together with coffee grounds, and reusable it is necessary to rinse with water after each use.

Among the additional devices that increase the ease of operation of the filtration coffee maker, it is worth noting the rotary tank to install the filters (it makes it easier to replace the filters, filling the tank with coffee powder), as well as a removable water container (if necessary is easily clean). In addition, the indicator of the level of the water level may be very useful (there is a CG 7270 Futura models from UFESA, TKA 3010 from Bosch) - it is easier to determine how much coffee is required to fall asleep into the coffee maker. The most "advanced" models, for example F1804F10 from Krups and CO 200 from AEG, can be equipped with a built-in clock and a programmable timer, which will allow you to cook "early" coffee in exactly the appointed hour (for this coffee maker in the evening "charging" with water and powder, and with Timer is set to power on). Also, filtration coffee makers can be equipped with a protective shutdown system after several hours of operation and a filter that reduces water rigidity (AROMAPASSION KF 550 model from Braun).

Filtering coffee makers are characterized by low-cost and reliability in operation, but, unfortunately, the drink is not perfect to taste with their help. Now, the time is far from everyone likes the morning "burning with the Turks." Therefore, the most demanding coffee lovers, if necessary, to prepare it quickly and comfortably give preference to espresso coffee makers.

Espresso coffee makers

At the beginning of the 20th century, Luigi Betzer found out that the drink is particularly tasty, if we pass hot water through the coffee powder under pressure. As a result of numerous experiments, several constructive types of devices were created for the larger speed of the espresso coffee makers (in modern models a full cycle of coffee preparation, from grinding grains to the "last drop", occupies 30-40 seconds). Between themselves, these coffee makers differ, first of all, the level of automation, as well as the presence or absence of a pump, "responsible" for water pressure.

The simplest espresso coffee makers do not have a built-in pump. Pressure created during the formation of steam during boiling water is used. Steam plays the role of piston, which pushes water through the filter with ground coffee. Such devices cost a little more expensive than filtration coffee makers (on sale you can find models worth $ 45-50, for example CM 200x from Binatone), but they have their drawbacks. This, first of all, is small in volume (maximum 0.5 l) is not a removable water tank, which is difficult to wash. In addition, in such coffee makers, the working pair does not exceed 3.5-4 bar, which is not quite enough for espresso coffee.

More advanced models have a working pressure of 15 bar, and it is achieved by the use of the built-in pump. It is at such a pressure of ground coffee into the solution that the maximum amount of flavoring substances passes. The cost of the instruments of this row - from $ 80 to $ 500, on average- $ 200-300.

All of the above-listed espresso coffee makers in the design of the coffee recriminator belong to the devices of the horn type. They are equipped with a characteristic "horn" - a filter holder, made in the form of a truncated cone with a hole at the bottom. The horn is filled with ground coffee and is installed in a special connector on the instrument housing. Water is passed through the cone with powder, and after the brewing it is cleaned from the residues of the coffee grounds. Rozhkovy coffee makers allow you to get a high quality drink. Their only disadvantage is the same need of "handmade" to fall asleep powder and cleaning capacity. The amount of manual labor decreases significantly when using natural tablet coffee. Extremely models, such as FNB341 from Krups and EC 650 from Delonghi, the insert for chalp is included, for other models it has to be purchased separately, and in many other cases it is not possible to use it (ES 180 from Rowenta, F8804210 from Krups) .

Rozhkovy coffee makers differ in performance (many cafes and bars are equipped with high performance devices), as well as the design of heating elements and horn filters. For example, in the EA 100 (AEG) model, the CREMA-PLUS-SIEVE filter can be used, thanks to which there is a particularly dense foam-cream on the surface of the espresso cooked coffee. Auto devices SAECO has a special valve, locking the horn. The valve opens under pressure at least 15 bar, so that in the entire volume of the horn filled with ground coffee, the same operating pressure is maintained (that is why such valves are used in most high-class coffee machms). Writers without a valve, the working fluid pressure at the outlet decreases, and in the region of the outlet of the coffee is extracted not so effectively.

From additional devices that can be equipped with horned coffee makers makes sense to mention the device for making very popular cappuccino coffee. Home Highlight Beverage Cappuccino-dense cap of foamed milk. It is made either manual steam nozzle (in Saeko models, it is called Panarello), or by automatic cappuccinator. Most people do not use manual cappuccinor due to these difficulties. Savectatic compensation is less, but it increases the cost of the coffee maker about $ 40. Interestingly, professional bartenders prefer a manual steam nozzle, which provides them with maximum freedom for creativity. For example, it becomes possible to create "artistic" whipped hats of dairy foam (this is also a kind of art).

Many coffee makers are capable of producing not only cappuccino, but also the most common boiling water. Sometimes this feature is useful, for example, for brewing tea, mixtures of fast preparation or healing herbal infusion. To obtain boiling water, steam nozzle (manual or automatic), intended for foaming milk.

Another device that is included in the design of the coffee maker cost from $ 250 is the stand for heating cups. According to the rules of use of espresso, the finished drink is supposed to be poured only in heated dishes so that it does not cool down as long as possible (which is why massive thick-walled cups are used for the "right" coffee, and not paper cups).

The most "advanced" horn coffee makers are equipped with built-in millstallophemol. The price of such devices (they are sometimes called coffee combines) reaches $ 500-700.

Among the most famous brands of Arabica, you can mention the Yemen's "Moko", Nicaraguan MaragogiPe, Jamaican Blue Mountain, Ethiopian Harar Yirgacheffe, Indonesian Kopi Luwak from Sumatra Island (Coffee variety Kopi Luwak is officially considered the most expensive in the world due to a rather exotic method of fermentation of grains when passing through gastrointestinal - Cywester-animal tract of the wipers family). And the most common (but not the best) is Brazilian Arabica "Santos".

From espresso to cappuccino, from coffee maker to coffee machine

Coffee machines are the top of technical perfection among the coffee makers. This is partially or fully automated devices (the brewing of coffee is made by pressing one button), allowing not only to minimize manual work, but also change the beverage cooking settings in the widest range. Household coffee machines differ from professional and semi-professional smaller productivity - first of all, due to small containers for coffee and water, bunkers for waste and tanks for droplets. The cost of this technique is $ 500-2500. Basic manufacturers of SAECO (Italy), manufacturing Saeco, Gaggia, Spidem, and manufacturing center in Switzerland, collaborating with companies such as AEG, Bosch, Jura, Krups, Siemens.

The process of making coffee in the coffee machines looks like this. I will enter the car built in a milling coffee grinder, which carries out an automatic grinding of a certain amount of grains. The powder immediately presses into the tablet, its preliminary wetting is made (it is not provided in all models), then properly the cookt, and then the tablet is ejected. If necessary, with the help of a steam nozzle is made by dairy foam cappuccino. All automatically. No need to grind nor cook nor beat. Plus time saving (the entire espresso coffee cooking cycle lasts 20-25 seconds).

Coffee machines vary according to the degree of automation. Increased Italian-made devices (they are sometimes called semiautomatics) The brewing of coffee happens "on the finger": the process will continue until you hold the button, the machine will "pour and pour" coffee (at least a half-liter). Alternatively, there is a regulator volume of the filled cup, and in even more advanced, pre-fixed settings for your favorite container (usually 3 installation options). Such machines first need to configure. It is done very simple. You take a cup of the desired size, install it in the coffee machine and press the preset button. The device begins to fill in a cup with water. As soon as the cup is filled to the desired volume, the button is released and the machine "remembers" the size of the cup.

In addition to the volume of the cup, in the best models of Saeco, Gaggia, Spidem, Aeg, Bosch, Jura, Siemens, Miele, you can adjust the degree of grinding, the amount of grinding coffee (for example, in AEG, Bosch, Jura, Siemens machines, from 5 to 16g for a portion, And in Miele machines, SaeCo - from 6 to 12g), water temperature (from 88 to 92-95c). All these parameters affect not only the fortress, but also on the bouquet of drink. Even in expensive coffee machines, the temperature of the coffee is set and the preliminary wetting of the tablet is envisaged (such as the system P.B.A.S. AEG, Bosch, Jura, Siemens system). Extracting devices (let's say, Royal Digital Plus from Saeco) can be adjusted between pre-wetting tablets and actually cooking beverage.

This technique is quite expensive (at least $ 700-800). The price is affected by the presence of a bearing of cups, cappuccinizer, an indicator of coffee presence in a grain container, an automatic washing system, a base design (it can be both fixed and rotating- convenient for car care in cases if behind is, for example , water tank).

In addition to separate coffee machines, there are embedded. The number includes the PE8036 (AEG) models CVA 620-2 and CVA 620 ALU (Miele). To accommodate these devices, a kitchen cabinet with a width of 60cm with a standard 44 cm height niche is required. Increased such devices do not differ from their "elite" congor. Another case is a memorable design, providing a fashionable combination of stainless steel with glass and black plastic.

Among other high-end machines, the Royal Digital Plus (SAECO) and Impressa F90 (Jura) can be noted. Our inroal Digital Plus impresses the resource of the work - more than 50,000 servings (if you drink 5 cups of coffee daily, the device must stop more than 27 years old!). Impressa F90 was applied with a technical novelty, one thermoblock instead of two, as it was in most other elite devices. During the brewing of coffee, one thermoblock usually serves to prepare cappuccino and heating cups, and the second is for other types of coffee. After whipping milk in the thermoblock, steam is formed under excess pressure, and this steam must be poured (dropping 30-40 seconds, rearrange the cups with milk and water tanks, as well as produce other manipulations). The use of one thermoblock reduces cappuccino cooking time, since pairs do not have to wag it manually - the process is automatically. In another thermoblock, the dimensions of the machine decrease (on professional devices, the number of thermoblocks does not affect so fundamentally). Other useful functions in the Impressa F90 model, the system of replaceable cappuccino cooking (similar features include other manufacturers, such as Cappuccinocontrol at Bosch in the TCA 6701 model "Benvenuto B60", AEG in CF400, CF300 models) and backlight of the cups.

In addition, the set of functions may include an automatic counter of cooked coffee portions (than the machine "professional", the more detailed information it is capable of reporting). In fairness it should be noted that, although at home, knowledge of the exact number of prepared servings will interest only the jealous spouse, the counter of the cups is able to prevent the occurrence of the deadline for cleaning and maintenance of the device. Among other functions are automatic determination of contamination of the ground coffee compartment. The machine simply counts the number of operating cycles (usually 250) from the moment of last maintenance. As soon as the number of cycles exceeds the specified, light bulb will light up, which signal that the mechanism requires cleaning. Mildrels Gaggia, Saeco, SPIDEM coffee compartment is manually processed (tassel), and in AEG, Bosch, Jura, Siemens- automatically, with use when washing special tablets (we advise you to buy them in advance).

In general, the coffee machines are very clean and can cart, if, for example, a container for coffee waste or in a droplet tank (kaplesloblery) has accumulated too much water. In addition, some devices need to be brushed from scale. This process passes in the automatic mode - the cleaning solution is poured into the machine, and it is for 30-40 minutes "stalls the throat", and then "spits" the solution (here is again not to do without substitute water and other handmade containers). The more water is rich in impurities, the more often you have to wash the car. AEG, BOSCH, JURA, SIEMENS applies the cartridge to protect against scale - it is not necessary to clean them, but it is necessary to regularly change the cartridges.

A characteristic feature of modern coffee machine-well-thought-out design. Take, for example, model Dream from the Spanish company Innova. This device is produced in several colors options and is able to fit into different stylish kitchen interiors. Well, if your kitchen is withstanding in the style of High Tech, Metallic's color Dream will further emphasize the rigor of lines and minimalism forms.

Electronic coffee makers have a large set of functions and are not always easy to operate. Cerage, with the Russification of their displays the situation is still no matter. Those few models that are alike Latin, but "speak Russian" is TCA 6301 "Benvenuto B30" (Bosch), TK 68001 (Siemens). Alpurning devices will be offered to choose from 7 or 8 languages, but the Russian will not be among them. Therefore, it is good when the service support system is included. If the owner of the coffee maker subscribed to the subscription service, the wizard will not only fulfill all the setup and service work, but also announced when to click on which buttons. However, the rusification of the coffee machines remained to wait a long-term Russian-speaking model from Jura is expected in the third quarter of this year.

Go to water procedures

Coffee is 98% consists of water, and its taste largely depends on its quality. For the preparation of the beverage is used non-fastened and non-rigid water. Aesley take into account that in the cooking process it is not communicated to a boil, it becomes clear that the initial fluid should be maximally purified from the microbes. Water from the tap for coffee is not suitable. It is best to use or bottled water, or purified on special household filters, providing its proper "drinking" quality.

Rigid chlorinated water and formed in the process of making coffee screaming affects its taste. Some models of filtration coffee makers, such as the BRAUN series, are equipped with filters that delay chlorine and prevent the appearance of a limescale. Hp devices can use conventional water from under the tap.

To preserve the exquisite taste and aroma, ready-made coffee is poured into the appropriate dishes. Plastic cups are considered unconditional moving. For Espresso and Arabic coffee, small cups of demitas with a capacity of approximately 60g are used. Cups for cappuccino - wide and shallow, with a capacity of up to 180g. All the dishes should be prehered, since, cooling, coffee gradually loses the taste and aroma.

How to evaluate "Labor abilities" coffee makers and coffee machines-espresso? An indirect, but very important sign of the quality of their work (besides taste) is a foam-cream formed on the surface of espresso coffee. It arises due to organic fats, weak-soluble in water extracted from coffee beans under normal atmospheric pressure. The foam must completely close the surface of the coffee, be dense in appearance and have a pleasant "tiger" shade. However, the dark foam indicates a stronger roasting grains, as they say, an amateur. Anyway, the espresso without a foam-cream cannot be fully reckoned. Milk foam Cappuccino coffee must also be tight enough to "hold" on the surface of a spoonful of sugar sand.

And yet the main quality indicator of the coffee maker is, of course, prepared by it. It is possible to estimate it only to taste, and here comments are superfluous. The only opportunity is not to be mistaken in the choice of coffee machines, it is clearly imagined, what should be the real taste of good coffee. Perhaps for this, it is worth walking around the coffee shops or, as an option, visit the demonstrations of coffee machines and tasting coffee, which are held in large supermarkets (manufacturers of high-class equipment, are interested in showing the goods face).

The editors thanks the company "M.Video", "Soyuzagrokomplekt", Proxima and representative offices of AEG companies, Bosch, Braun, Miele, Siemens, Ufesa for help preparing material.

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