The newest holiday


The new year is, above all, a special mood, which is made up of a thousand little things. And the festive decoration of the house plays in this not the last role.

The newest holiday 14119_1

The newest holiday

The newest holiday
Amscan "House of Flower Fashion Elite Flora" offers its design version of the Winter Garden. However, this option is good for living room!
The newest holiday
East News Before us is the most real "tree-stick". It can be made of bamboo stems, birch branches, etc.
The newest holiday
Synthetic beauty does not have to be green!
The newest holiday
Unusual Christmas tree from Ostrich Feather
The newest holiday
Maximilian Stock / East News Window Design: Funny Cardboard or Plastic Dominations
The newest holiday
Mondadoripress / East News This method knows everything: Paper snowflakes of all sorts of configurations are glued directly on the window (it is also allowed to draw)
The newest holiday
Candle and christmas toys on a stand- New Year's composition!
The newest holiday
Mondadoripress / East News The back of the chair and the staircase railing can be picked up by a festive garland
The newest holiday
New Year's design of the fireplace. Little fire, much joy
The newest holiday
IV Rods, dried fruits, cinnamon sticks, glass icicles, artificial snow - It turns out a wonderful ... chandelier
The newest holiday
East News Under the New Year, almost any item in the form of a pyramid, a cone and a triangle look like a Christmas tree!
The newest holiday
"EUROPE UNODER TRADE" Paper garlands, flappers, confetti refer to the category of the most inexpensive jewelry
The newest holiday
Rama made of metal rods or wire turns into an amazing picture - the original version of the window design
The newest holiday
Chandelier, decorated with christmas bumps, icicles, dried fruits and new year toys. If you decide to independently make a similar composition, then the main problem will be securely and imperceptibly fix all elements of the decor
The newest holiday
Maximilian Stock / East News If the Christmas wreath does not seem to you with the usual decoration, you can replace it with any decorative composition
The newest holiday
Wall-mounted composition from the "Elite Flora". Main element design - metal frame

"I need to prepare for the new year in advance to make this holiday fabulous and unforgettable!" - Optimists will say. Pessimists will add: "And not spoil it finally!" We recognize that both sides in their own way ...

The newest holiday
Mondadoripress / East News Do not forget about gifts! Their decoration is painstaking, but extremely pleasant work. Multicolored braid, paper ribbons and festive Mishura- Everything is useful! It is known that celebrating the New Year really in a new way in our country began by the decree of Peter I from January 1, 1700. (It was connected with the transition to the Julian calendar). The royal decree, among other things, prescribed to arrange the "decoration from the trees and branches of pine, fir and juniper" and "fiery fun", accompanied by shooting from guns and fireworks. Stone pores and led ...

Christmas trees are not a winder!

Buying a New Year tree to the memorable and not such a long-standing time turned into a detective adventure, the outcome of which depended on the enterprise and the resourcefulness of its future owner. Sellers on the insufficiently aesthetic appearance of the "green beauty": "trunk of a curve, and the branches are only on the one hand!" And those, in turn, referred to the imperfection of the world order: "I did such a nature!"

High technologies and lack of deficit relied us from the above problems. Buy a Christmas tree or pine is now not a problem even on the eve of the holiday. And this is not too expensive. True, there is a question of moral order: how to be with environmental protection and careful attitude towards natural resources? Of course, the New Year trees and pine trees grow in special nurseries, their sale is strictly regulated. We do not keep any speech about illegal ways that our readers do not buy anything from poachers and speculators (it harms not only the Russian forest, but also by law).

If you purchased a "live" fir, remember that real troubles are just beginning. The tree must be given to "relax" after long transportation. It is especially not recommended to install it in the room immediately "with frost."

Then you need to choose the method of fastening. Special Cross (Metal, Wooden) or (People's Method) bucket with wet sand-traditional stands for the "Forest Guest". Note that the foundation should not be too easy, otherwise one dexterous jump of your cat will be enough to spoil all the shiny magnificence and, accordingly, your mood. Do not forget about the children who in the rustling of delight will pull the rain threads and periodically arrange the desperate "catch-ups" instead of a genuine dance. In general security, the tree is better to arrange in the corner (dances in this case are canceled, but there will be no reasons for anxiety).

The needles of the fir, installed on the cross, will soon begin drying, turn yellow and crumble. If you are the owner of a dense loop carpet, this surprise will be extremely unpleasant for you. Output two. The first is not torturing the poor tree (the famous anecdote about the Christmas tree on March 8 is clear only to the Russians). The second is not to use a crossed, but a notorious bucket with wet sand (then all electrical garlands should be placed higher). There is, however, the third way is perhaps the best ...

And not only green!

Artificial ate, sometimes completely indistinguishable from the real (only a mustache do not smell!), Durable entered our use. Benefits from such an acquisition. First, we are not destroyed by a living tree. Secondly, plastic needles do not appear and do not require any concerns. Thirdly, for several years, we are revealed from additional costs. However, there is, as they say, and individual flaws. It turns out that some cheap plastic spruses are toxic. It is impossible to determine visually, but, alas, the low price often indicates that this fact. Again, it is not always possible to find a truly beautiful copy for an acceptable price, although honest manufacturers sometimes indicate ... The exact number of branches on the trunk.

Synthetic Christmas trees are brought to us, not from Lapland, as it could be assumed, and most often from the friendly China.

The elementary classification of models "by growth" is not always effective, since the value of the material (plastic is also different), and the appearance. We will give average prices for good quality products. Small Christmas trees (30-40cm) without jewelry cost 100-200rub. Slight more (60cm) - 500-700 rub. One-year memers- $ 30-50, "classic" (180cm) - $ 100 and higher. It is not suicato, but if you consider that this thing is bought not for one day, it is quite acceptable.

Models with LEDs are now very popular. Long needles are glow and overflow with all the colors of the rainbow - the effect is simply magical! Such models are much more expensive: 80cm- $ 30-40, 150cm- $ 100 and above, 180cm- $ 150 and higher. But electrical garlands do not need them.

There is, by the way, completely "ready-made", already dressed up trees, we recommend them to people are too busy, business and pragmatically tuned. All the rest is enough to show fantasy and patience - they will definitely be rewarded!

New Year's ... Palma

It turns out that spruce is not always and not everywhere was considered a traditional New Year tree. At different times, it was replaced by the branches of palm trees and olives, as well as the beech, apple tree IT.P. In the XVIIV residents began to dress up the Christmas tree: they were suspended to the ceiling (naturally, for these purposes they chose a small tree) and decorated with all sorts of sweets to the joy of burgher kids. Custom got enough quickly in Europe. And he came to Russia only in the middle of the XIX century. And it turned out to be so love that even the socialist revolution could not fight his charm. After a short ban, the Christmas tree again appeared in all their brilliance. And an alien expression is even stranged for hearing: "The main tree of the country".

Christmas trees, christmas trees, belties, etc.

Artificial Christmas trees, according to designers decorators and florists, can be made from almost any girlfriend: out of sticks, twigs, ventilation and birch rods, linen cord, ostrich feathers, fabrics, paper, beads, bamboo, rhinestones, wires, bumps .. . The main thing is that your beauty resembles a pyramid or cone. Everything else is a fantasy and ... skill. We have to admit that even the simplest, at first glance, products require professional skills. Therefore, the charming low Christmas tree woven from the harness and decorated with beads can cost $ 150, and the wonderful beauty of the pyramid from the gilded twigs is over $ 300. For the author's work will have to pay in any case, but the result will be impressive.

Now she is elegant!

The decoration of the Christmas tree is the process of responsible, surprisingly beautiful and, as a rule, causing enthusiasm for the whole family. Solemnly get the box with old toys and ... By the way, if you want to replenish your collection, you will have to do eternal and not too nice selection: cheap plastic (from 10 rubles / pcs.) Or fabulous beauty glass (from 60 rubles / PC.). Import toys on average cost $ 2-2.5. If your plans enters entirely to replace the decoration of the Christmas tree, it can pour out a round sum. After all, even tinsel costs from $ 5 to $ 50!

However, it is not worth worrying because of this. First, this season is fashionable to decorate the Christmas tree with bows (imagine no balls, only bows!). Secondly, experts do not advise generally to abuse decorations, especially if they are too motley and bright. In addition, if you wondered to follow the fashion and make something extraordinary, remember: it is customary to combine toys of two (no more) colors. The front option is white and gold, bright and energetic red with silver, refined white with blue ... But stylistic delights will never replace the real home coat and heat. Therefore, a Christmas tree decorated with a simple paper garland, glued with the hands of a child, will seem to you the millet hundred and other shiny, but too "cold" beauties.

Another indispensable attribute of the church-electric garlands, they are "lights". The cheapest option for today is 50 multicolored light bulbs for 50 rubles. The harder the design and longer garland, the one, respectively, above and the cost. Special problems of garlands never cause- Manufacturers think about everything, from safety equipment to special effects. Those that burn constantly quickly overheat, therefore, "flashers" and "running lights" are considered the optimal option. More expensive, but it is much more spectacular. In general, all sorts of lights for the new year are required, and they can decorate not only the Christmas tree (but we will say about it below).

Magic room

And now I look around: not fairies, no wizards, nor even the omnipresent Wunderkinda Harry Potter. No for the Christmas tree of a suitable atmosphere!

Interior decoration to the new year is not a mandatory event. But we will not forget that every holiday is, first of all, a special mood, which consists of thousands of little things. So do not refer to lack of time and money - in our power to arrange a small joy. This window is disposed of windows, doors, walls, floor, ceiling, lamps, furniture, fireplace, all that is in the house. Our main tool is fantasy.

So, let's start with the hallway. The door is usually decorated with a Christmas wreath (the custom is not quite Russian, but already received in our areas a lot of distribution). Alternatively, they are usually selected from a holly green bush with bright red berries. Such a wreath can also be purchased from us, but only in specialized floral stores. And it will be from $ 80. Very often use conventional fir branches, rowan (our version of Holly), dry flowers, etc. dried fruits, cinnamon sticks or vanilla, dry flowers are woven with a thin wire in fir and yawn sprigs, rolled into the ring. It remains to consume a festive ribbon wreath - and he is ready! Of course, there are artificial Christmas wreaths (150-200rub. And above), but, frankly, the comparison with the products from the natural material will not be in favor of imitation. We will also add that Christmas wreaths can also be decorated with a closet, window, mirror, just put them on the table or bedside table.

Another option to decorate the door is any decorative composition on the New Year's theme (it can be consolidated with conventional "velcro").

In the living room, where it is usually worth the "Beautiful Christmas tree", you should remember the style of unity and the choice of color. All decor elements must be supplemented in the total colors. Very cozy and at the same time, a combination of warm shades of ocher and gold looks like a festive. The room acquires the appearance of a fabulous pag, always bulged out. If the design of the chandelier allows, it is decorated with cinnamon sticks suspended on threads, dried fruits, artificial snow IT.P. True, if the ceilings in the house are not too high, it is better to abandon any hanging parts and set the lamp with artificial gilded branches (about $ 10) or, although it is not the best option, Mishur and ribbons.

Mishur, ribbons, all kinds of garlands (worth one garland, depending on the type, ranges from 20 rubles. Up to $ 20) You can poured the mirror frame, eaves, platform, even the backs of the chairs (the last solution is not too convenient to sit too much).

A wonderful option for the decorative wire frames suspended to the eaves. Their design is anyone - from angels who flush in gold branches (up to $ 300!), To plastic snowflakes and fir branches (from 100 rubles, even if you make them with your own hands). The same frameworks are used for the decoration of the walls, but in this case it is necessary to solve the fastening problem, for at least 2 nails driven into the wall are necessary. It is quite possible to use the same decor elements as in the living room, there are no special recommendations on this.

Festive illumination

Fire, according to ancient reference, drives evil spirits, therefore, in almost all countries of the world, the New Year is greeted with bright illumination. Home can be limited to traditional electric garlands and candles. Without a doubt, the present romantic mood in the house can only create candles. Note, it is not necessary to buy expensive gel and flavored (200-500rub.). The choice is now so great that you are unwilling to think: and not to come up with anything of yours, not so pompous? Simple candles in aluminum cups (5-10 rubles) or flat multicolored curly candles (from 10 rubles) turn into magic lamps, if they are placed in a transparent bowl or in glasses filled with water. There are several colored pebbles or shells, this is quite enough.

Conventional paraffin candles on a decorative stand are festive. We strongly recommend combining candles with Christmas wreaths, fir branches and arrange any suspended compositions with them. Alas, candles are not only beautiful, but also dangerous. Metal, ceramic or glass stands will not only save furniture from wax spots, but also will serve as a good warranty of fire safety. Once again, we note: "waterfowl" candles are the most beautiful and safe.

Liquid, solid and ... spherical

Our short review dedicated to the decoration of the interior on New Year's holidays would be incomplete if we were not remembered about one extremely fashionable way now the decor's way. Balloons do not apply to the number of traditionally New Year attributes, but why not? Immediately alleged: There are many companies dealing with holidays by balloons, but in most cases they do not take small orders. For example, you can decorate the room with flying balls at the rate of $ 200 per 50m2 (we give an average price). Do you need 14m2? We will have to solve the problem independently, since the company will most likely be unprofitable to cooperate with you. But there are wholesale bases, where 100 balls of 10 inches are 100-150 rubles.? Yes, but they usually do not work with private customers. Therefore, you, at best, will acquire on the market, with a tangible markup. Then you need a pump (about 500 rubles). Aesley you certainly want the balls to fly, then the balloon with helium, to buy which you can on the same wholesale database, but there you can not sell this very balloon.

It turns out a vicious circle, or rather, the curve, and she will lead back to the firm where you will be offered: 50m2- $ 200. It is still not to consider this blatant injustice. At least because the design of the ball is not such a lightweight and simple lesson, as it seems. Employees of these firm companies say that sometimes to the blood erasing their fingers, "winding" festive garlands and making funny compositions from curly balls. However, we will not be about sad. If your plans do not include a device of something ambitious, you will be quite able to do and on your own. Remember only that the balls are three main species: "Pastel" (colored matte), "neon" (with a luminescent effect) and "metallic" (with a metal sampling) or "fooled" (made not from latex, and from foil). The size is measured in inches and directly affects the price.

For those who, without losing enthusiasm, will contact the specialists, we give several examples of the value of different interior design options:

Girlands from 5 '' balls in 4 balls; 1 bill. M (40-42pc.) Pasting about $ 7.5.

Garlands from balls 9 '' in 4 balls; 1 pm (28-30pcs.) Patty about $ 5.4.

Garlands from 12 '' balls in 4 balls; 1 pm (24-26pcs.) Patch about $ 5.2.

Helium chain in 1 ball; 1 pm (4-5pc.) - from $ 1.5.

Figures from the balls (from 1m height) - from $ 35.

Wall panel; 1m2 (72-200sht.) - $ 14-40.

And a lot of joy!

Paper garlands (from 30 rubles), flappers (from 20 rubles), carnival masks and paper hats (from 40 rubles), confetti (from 20 rub.) - Perhaps the cheapest decor elements with which there are no hassle and problems. Meanwhile, joy they will give children no less than expensive decorations. Ubenka has its own logic, so the braccan can attract it more than any stylish and fashionable accessory. After all, with expensive things especially and do not play ...

However, we recognize the original: good and the more. The main thing is that the mood is festive, what we want from the soul!

The editors thanks the company "House of Flower Fashion Elite Flora", "Shartek", "Blue Star", "Europe Uno Trejd" for help in preparing the material.

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