How to build food with your own hands


We tell what kind of construct is to choose where to arrange and how to build temporary housing in the country site yourself.

How to build food with your own hands 1413_1

How to build food with your own hands

Building cottage or house can be delayed for a long time. At this time, it is necessary to equip a temporary refuge, where you can relax, change clothes, if necessary to spend the night. It will not be superfluous to store tools and materials. Masters advise to put a small temporary housing. You can rent a mobile trailer, buy it or build food with your own hands. We will figure it out how to perform the last task.

All about independent construction of cabins

Varieties of structures

Choosing a place under construction

List of essential building materials

Step-by-step instruction

- Building foundation

- Build a frame

- We are wearing the structure

Varieties of temporary designs

Under temporary accommodation, a small building of 3x6 m or so is erected. If it is planned to use it in the cold season, be sure to build construction. Warming will not be superfluous and relatively warm autumn and spring months. Often, the hosts are planning to build households as a utility room with a subsequent alteration of it under a bath, summer kitchen or even a guest house. Therefore, build from high-quality materials, with good finishes and possible summing up communications.

Many design options. Most often put a frame structure. The basis is made of wooden bars or metal elements. In the second case, the construction is stronger, it can be transported to another place. Cover with clapboard, boards, OSB plates, siding.

You can build a house of shields or sandwich panels. They are easy to assemble, but have to buy components, which increases the price of the project. If you do not plan to further re-equip the trailer, you can choose the simplest and budgetary materials: Faneur or any suitable lumber. True, they will precastly preserve, after a short time you will need to repair.

Before construction, the house is planning its layout. Most often two solutions are used: "Wagon" and "Spaschonka". In the first case, the entrance is made in the side wall. The internal space is not divided, extremely rarely put the partition. The second option is more convenient and used more often. Locked in the center. The middle part of the structure is separated from two sides by internal partitions. It turns out a tambour at the entrance, from which the doors lead in two rooms. Their appointment is different: a warehouse and a place of recreation, a kitchen and a bedroom. Sometimes in one of the blocks there are a bathroom and a shower room. Then it is necessary to bring engineering communications that if desired, you can do.

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Rules for choosing a place to build

Construction of cabins on the site begin with selection of space. This is an important point, since if the structure is planned stationary, its location should be convenient for future use. When choosing several factors is taken into account.

  • Temporary building placed near the entrance to the courtyard. Here it will not interfere with construction work, it will be easier to collect and subsequently disassemble.
  • The stationary structure, which is planned to be reworked in a summer kitchen or a guest house, put close to the place where the house will be erected. It is desirable to be able to summarize engineering communications.
  • The structure, which will later become a bath, are elevated with compliance with fire safety requirements. It is best to build it in some distance from the house, but with mandatory sealway and water.

Well, if the place is flat, so that less has to spend strength to prepare the site.

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Required building materials

After selecting the type of construction and layout, you need to build household drawings with your own hands, prepare a list of building materials. We will analyze what will be required for a framework of wood. This is an inexpensive and practical option.

  • For the basis of the strapping beams or racks take the timing of 100x50 mm. If insulation is planned, the heat insulator is required. Then you will need racks with a large cross section. 50x50 mm bars are chosen for streamin and jumpers.
  • Lagges on the floor, as well as rafters under the overlap are made of edged boards with a cross section of 50x100 mm. The roofing crate is collected from the board 25x100 mm.
  • Under the trim inside and outside, you can take a wooden lining, it is preferably class A. Other solutions are possible. For example, wood plates inside and siding or professional owl outside.
  • A pinned board is suitable for the floor with a thickness of at least 30 mm.
  • Mineral wool is usually used as insulation. To operate the room in winter conditions, it will be necessary to lay a layer with a thickness of at least 10 cm. For autumn-spring use, a layer of 5 cm can be insulated with other insulators, for example, foam.
  • For the roof choose Ondulin, a professionalist or erectifer.
  • Small concrete blocks or full-length brick will be needed for the foundation.

In addition, you will need hydro and windproof, it is better to take a film membrane, door and window blocks, a metal corner, fasteners. The whole lumber before work is processed by an antiseptic and antipyarem to protect against water and flame.

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Step-by-step instructions for the construction of cabins do it yourself

We will analyze the construction process on the example of a frame design with a wooden basis, covered with clapboard. We offer detailed instructions.

1. Installation of foundation

Start with clearing the site under the structure. Clean the shrub and trees, irrigate the stumps, bring stones, if necessary. The calculated territory is aligned, so that there is no irregularities and significant differences of heights. After that, the site is planned under the foundation. Beton or brick columns are used as support. Their quantity depends on the carriage area.

If its width is less than or equal to 250 cm, the supports put in each angle and under partitions. For designs without partitions, the support blocks are set in 150-200 cm. For houses 300 cm wide and the intermediate beam is mounted. For her, also need support elements. They put in three rows parallel to each other.

With the foundation marked under the foundation, the layer of turf is removed, thoroughly tram the surface. Stip it with geotextiles, overclocking the scuba and sand pouring out, once again tamper. You can do otherwise and prepare a place for each support. In this case, the pits of 250-300 mm depth of 250-300 mm are reaping. They fall asleep rubbed, thoroughly tram. Such a crumbntine pillow will be a good base for the reference element.

It remains to set blocks. Start with corners. The displayed elements are aligned by level. Their upper edges must be in one horizontal plane. Long boards are laid on the corner parts or stretch cords. These are benchmarks for installing the rest of the columns. They put them and once again check the horizontal. Finished supports must be protected from moisture. They are deceived by bituminous insulation or two layers of rubberoid or similar material are placed.

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2. Mounting Karcasa

Start with the installation of the strapping. This is a bar from a bar that stacked on supports. For its assembly, the bars are roasted in dragged, fold and fix with studs for strength. Then lags are stacked. Stacking step - 50 cm. After it starts to mount racks from the bar. In the recommendations, how to build households with your own hands, you can find two versions of the supporting structure.

In the first it is welded from metal square pipes. It turns out a durable and durable system, but its price will be significantly higher. You can do otherwise and fold the frame from the bar. All racks exhibit strictly vertically relative to the strapping, temporarily fixing the backups. Check the vertical, after which it is finally fixed, reinforcing metal corners. They put wooden drives, they will strengthen the design.

Racks are set in increments of about 1 m. You can navigate the lags and set items opposite them. Be sure to expose racks in window and doorways. For windows, horizontally directed jumpers are immediately set. Later here will put window boxes. Similarly come with opening under the door.

Waterproofing is stacked on the lags. It will protect the base from moisture and rotting. Thermal insulator is stacked on top. It is best to take foam or other slab insulator. It is trimmed so that it is with small resistance tightly in between lags. If the construction is not operated in winter, you can do without it. Sewing insulated floor boards.

Getting started to arrange the roof. Most often it is a single slope with a slight bias. On the top edge of the bars, the binding of the tree is stacked, it rafters on it. This will be the basis for the crate to which the roofing pie is stacked. The finished crate put vaporizolation. This is a membrane or film. It is placed on the mustache, fasten the scotch so that no holes are left.

It is desirable to lay the insulation layer. It can be minvat, foam, similar to them. Ward thermal insulator It is advisable to protect with an additional film layer from moisture. When wetping, cotton loses its properties. Plywood feels over the waterproofing over the waterproofing. It contains roofing. Usually it is inexpensive: ondulin, slate or modern varieties of rubberoid, professional owl.

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3. Cracking carcass

Racks are trimmed with sawn timber, such as clapboard or plastic siding. Where there will be window boxes, put the mortgages. It is laid across the racks board, which will rely on the frame. Finish the external walls of the walls. If you need to warm the country's dacha, do it also with your own hands. From the inside laid any rolled or slab insulation. Fix it to the walls in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer.

It remains to persuade the structure from the inside. You can use wooden lining. It is fixed over the heaters on the walls. For the ceiling, it will also fit. At the end of the work they put door and window blocks. If necessary, the partitions are installed, the tree is covered with any paint material. Apply engineering communications if it was planned. Construction completed.

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Step-by-step instructions, how to make food with your own hands, is quite simple. If desired, a beginner master will cope with the construction. It is important to choose the right place and type of construction. If a stationary structure is assumed, which will subsequently rebuild, choose high-quality materials. Stoves from wood slabs will last long.

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