EVERYTHING - by the needs


Power supply of a private house. Energy specialists give answers to the most "hot" questions.

EVERYTHING - by the needs 14141_1

How to get the necessary electrical power for a modern cottage? What instances should we appeal to issue all the required documentation? What can and should be done in order for the required amount of electricity unhindered into the house? We give answers to these difficult issues with the help of energy specialists.

How are people who want to build a house are usually starting? From the choice of the place of future residence. It is clear, I want to have a rest, and the river, and the field. Many make the purchase of a land plot, guided by emotions. And only then faced with the problem of communications. It turns out that the local electricity supplier is able to allocate the allowed power, sufficient except for the illumination of the country house, but not a modern country cottage. Problems arise due to the fact that future developers do not imagine legislation, standards, building standards and rules and often reason "according to the concepts": they say, "electrician is not a prosecutor, you can always agree with him." The disappointment of the owners is themost More mistakes in this direction are committed, because each of them turns into significant costs.

Gordiyev Knot Power Supply

EVERYTHING - by the needs
Pillar Transformers today are the optimal power supply path to several cottages when connecting to main networks. They are "hardy" and require minimal service before purchasing a plot and the construction of a new home should be found out if engineering communications are in the nearest district. Electrical networks are here in the first place, because without electricity will not build a house, do not punish water and you do not read the book.

This complex question is given a simple answer if you took care of you and built a cottage settlement with the necessary engineering support. In addition to modern settlements, the substation with one or two power transformers of the calculated power, for example, 630 kva, is set to the administration or developers, for example 630 kva, to convert 6-10kV voltage to 220-380V. Such a technical solution allows to provide up to 50 cottages ranging from 250 to 400m2 to 30-50kW power.

Most buys sites or "in the field" or in long organized communities, villages, garden partnerships, etc. Slow or in the Central Reference OJSC (for example, Mosenergo), you can ask your jurisdiction in whose jurisdiction. What a municipal or district network organization operates in your region. The boss (director) or chief engineer of this organization owns information fully, so you should contact them (on reception days and hours) and find out the possibility of connecting to the power grid and the level of available capacity and evaluate financial costs. More precisely, specialists in the production and technical departments (PTO) of district or municipal networks will be able to advocate you. It is they who directly prepare pure texts of technical conditions.

There are several scenarios of electricity to cottage:

  • The ideal-available "settlement" (conditional) network with a voltage to 0.4kW is in good condition and allows you to connect to it to it up to 30 kW power from the nearest support.
  • The average power grid is, but the power of the substation is exhausted, and it works at the limit of the opportunity. The quality of electricity is low-voltage in days and peak hours does not reach 220V, and your home is likely to stand not first from the substation. More than 3kW for lighting and working the TV will not be allocated, and if they give, you will have to change the wires to others, with a large cross section.
  • A rare neighbor recently built a substation in which there is a transformer for 250 kVA, and you will be happy to connect with pleasure.
  • The worst to the nearest substation is more than a kilometer, and the low-voltage power line from it is inefficiently on the "end" will be insufficient voltage. As a rule, the only way out of the current situation is expensive construction of its own substation.
In the first case, consider what you're lucky and boldly buy a plot or build a house by starting the procedure for issuing documents to property. Complete cases (average and worst) should be thoughtfully thinking to talk to the above people, to evaluate (in a column) possible costs (about them below) and only then decide on the purchase and construction. Edooer if you are the hero of the last scenario, ask, in whose ownership of a neighbor's substation, district or municipal networks. If the owner is a neighbor, the operation and repair of the feeding branch, he holds at his own expense under the contract with a local or third-party organization. Then the counter is located at the substation. Consequently, the neighbor has the right to dictate its conditions, take money from you and in the future can cut off your wires at the time of suddenly happening the breathtaking. Make conclusions.

From our point of view, it is better if the property is in the hands of municipalities or distribution networks (the latter is quite rare due to the complexity of legal design). They can conclude a contract with you directly, without a neighbor's clearing house. "Networks" conduct preventive maintenance, repair, and no one except them will have the right to get closer to the transformer booth, even if it is on someone else (for example, your) territory.

Electricity throughout the country produces and supplies a monopolist RAO UES. Encouraged regions of his interests represent such joint-stock companies as Mosenergo, OJSC Lenenergo and many others. They are engaged in the generation and delivery of heat and electricity to consumers. Electricity branches of joint-stock branches, housing and communal services are responsible for power supply and direct work with the consumer or the municipal unitary or incorporate enterprises (for example, MUP "Odintsovo towering, JSC" Royal Electricity "). Municipal networks provide power supply to district centers, many cities and even population settlements from ten to several hundred thousand people and, often surrounding rural settlements. Municipal electroplating entities are not subject to joint-stock companies RAO UES. They lead the heads of districts, settlement administrations, as well as the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services (in the Private Code of MO) and the governors of the regions.

Consider the structure of the main electricity supplier in your region on the example of Mosenergo. OJSC maintains electricity through 14 power grids, within which 45 district power grids are allocated. Moreover, if the municipal networks themselves charge tariff money, Mosenergo does this through its energy sales division, which, in turn, has its own network (non-electrical) urban and regional branches.

Electric grid branches: Moscow cable (ISS), Southern, Western and other networks are responsible for the power supply of Moscow on the power lines (LPP) with a voltage above 10kV (ISK- to 10KV, too) and the region in all levels from 0.4 (380 / 220V) -10kv to 35-220kv. Mosenergo produces almost all electricity that is consumed by Moscow and the Moscow region. It belongs to the feeding centers (PC) - the substation 35-110KV / 6-10KV and the supply LPP 35-110KV / 6-10KV. The books are connected to both Mosenergo distribution networks and municipal organizations.

Today, due to the high rates of household and industrial construction, there has been a shortage of electrical power in the whole region, overloaded or the drying of the PC occurred. Therefore, OAO has to take measures to limit consumption or the construction of new capacities, depending on the financial capabilities that are determined by the electricity tariffs.

For us, simple consumers, it is due to the need to obtain permission to the requested power at its owner Mosenergo through the branch. Even if the local network operates the municipal organization, it does not dispose of electrical energy, and only gives the technical specifications for connecting your home to distribution networks.

Hard way of owner

Becoming (being) a full owner of a plot and real estate, you can proceed to the official procedure for obtaining an energy supply of your existing or future at home. Unofficial paths, namely theft of electricity or oral agreements with neighbors, we do not consider.

The path from the preparation of the package of documents to the inclusion of the electrical installation of the house is divided (consolidated) into several stages:

  • Power allocation and issuance of electrical scope of technical specifications for connection;
  • Design of electrical installation of the house with a design and construction organization license;
  • coordination of the project with the owners of the Earth (substation), communications, energy supplying organization and in the statenergoneadzor;
  • The implementation of work on the project by you by the electrical institution with the relevant licenses and work experience. It can be asked about it in a power supply organization;
  • testing and drawing up an "act of acceptance" by the inspector of the department of the State Energy Support;
  • Electric meter sealing, signing the power supply contract with energy sales and the power supply of the house.

EVERYTHING - by the needs

Legal norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (the latest changes on January 10, March 26, 2003) Part Two. Section IV. Separate types of commitments. Chapter 30. Purchase and sale. Paragraph 6. Power supply, articles 539-547.

According to Articles 539-540. Power supply contract. Under the energy supply contract, the energy supply organization (energy sales) undertakes to submit to the Subscriber (you) through an attached network of electricity, and the consumer pay for accepted energy, comply with the consumption regime provided for by the contract and ensure the safety of the operation of electrical networks, the maintenance of equipment. Thus, in the law, your responsibility for the electrical installation of the house, the personal network and the substation is prescribed. A civil person agreement (domestic consumption) begins its effect since the first actual inclusion of the Subscriber.

Under Article 541. The amount of energy. A power supplying organization is obliged to file energy through the network in the amount provided for by the power supply contract, and in compliance with the flow regime agreed by the parties. Moreover, the "household" consumer has the right to use this energy in the amount you need. That is, it can be cutting all electricity in the house in order not to exceed the specified power, and can sit in the dark. If the power supply is not enough under the contract, you have the right to make a claim to the power grid, first in the form of a complaint, and then in court.

Article 542. Energy quality. According to the items of this article, the quality of the supplied electricity, at least the voltage and frequency of the current, must comply with the requirements established by state standards, rules or stipulated power supply contract.

In case of violation of the quality of the quality of the electrical supplying organization, you have the right to refuse to pay such an energy. It is enough to simply carry out measurements in the presence of witnesses, and better notaries, and fix the fact of low voltage. However, then you are not entitled to use the energy released in violation of the conditions of quality. Otherwise, the power supply organization may require reimbursement of the value that the subscriber is unreasonably saved due to its use (paragraph 2, article 1105 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), that is, you still have to pay for electricity, but less.

But you also have the right to violate the energy-supplying organization of conditions about the quality of energy to encourage its responsibility under Article 547 of the Civil Code, according to which, in case of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under the contract, the party who violated the contract is obliged to refund the real damage caused by this (article 15, paragraph 2). If energy as a result of regulating consumption modes allowed a break in energy to subscriber, they are responsible for this in the presence of guilt. That is, for shutdown during natural disasters, hurricanes, you will not pay for a fallen branch. It turns out that the liability article has two sides. First of your hand: an energy-saving organization will pay for the proven fact of damage to your property-burned TV or refrigerator. Moreover, it is obliged to ensure the proper technical condition of the supplying power grid and electricity meter. The second side refers to the consumer who violated the contract, since Article 543 regulates the obligations of the buyer for the maintenance and operation of networks, devices and equipment. Vwashi Responsibilities include:

ensuring the technical condition of the electrical installation of the cottage, its own network or substation;

compliance with the established mode of energy consumption;

Immediate notification of an energy supply organization about accidents, fires, malfunctions of energy metering devices and other incidents.

From this it follows that you are directly responsible for changing the electrical installation of the house, connecting new (more powerful) devices not specified in the project, malfunction of the equipment, which, as a rule, leads to the overflow of electricity - removal of greater power from the network owned by a power supply organization, What was spelled out in the contract. Overload and spoil transformer, triggering of limiters, low voltage in the network (complaints of neighbors in the instance), the arrival of electricians to eliminate the faults - all the options for real damage will have to pay you if they prove in court. In essence, the 543 article allows you to fight "hooligans" that make a 3-kW electrical installation project at 400m2, and "sucking" all 15 kW, which is why they suffer from them with them with a common power grid neighbors. In addition, the Energonadzor Inspector can order a power supply organization to turn off you for changes in electrical installation, leading to unsatisfactory work of the entire village network.

Finally, Article 545 states that the Subscriber has the right to transfer energy, adopted by it from the Electrical Synchtering Organization, to another person only with its consent. In other words, if the state of the networks allows or you built your own substation, you can make a branch to the neighborhood with the resolution of the power grid. However, the "quiet" connection to the neighbor is prohibited.

Power allocation

Before designing, you need to get a technical task for connecting the electrical installation of the house to the network. The future consumer, he is the developer, should clearly imagine exactly which electrical apparatus (boiler, warm floors, the synthetia system, water heating devices, pumps, household appliances) will consume energy in the house, what should be the power of the electrical installation for normal support. In the afternoon, it will relieve it from the need to make changes to the project or reconstruction of the electrical installation.

Letter and documents. The technical task is drawn up in the form of a letter addressed to the chief engineer of this power supply organization (or an official representing municipal networks, as an option of the Director) with a request to issue technical specifications for connecting a certain power with an indication of the power supply category of the house.

The letter must be accompanied by the guidelines. This is a situational plan for the location of your site and houses on the ground, certificate for the right to own this land plot with a permit for the construction of a house, coordinated with many organizations. Signatures of representatives of Gorgaja, Rostelecom, Vodokanal and the power grid themselves, indicating whether or absence near or on the territory of your site of communications of these companies. The video name these visas should be with you after the design of real estate and the construction project, approved from the chief architect. But due to the fact that there is a deplorable experience when the rural administration has highlighted (now it has taken away from it) the land, despite the so-called burden of this site, in some electrical grids, consider it necessary to clarify this issue. Otherwise, already at the stage of signing the project, worship of work (for example, on laying cable), it turns out that you work nearby from gas highways, and according to the standards there should be a significant distance from them. The most difficult practice is in city building. Here, underground, the maximum number of communications of the most diverse purpose is laid. The aernergirls only then can give the technical specifications for connecting electrical power when the documents are decorated as it should be.

In the course, the letter is considered in the production and technical department (PTO) of the district or municipal network. A less time is usually not done, because the flow is very large. For example: Over the past year, only in the Moscow region connected 500 subscriber (private) substations, not counting thousand low-voltage attachments of individuals. Almost the delay can be caused by long calculations, clarifications of the cost of the connection service for the attachment of the requested power, because everywhere in the Russian Federation, with the exception of Moscow and the Moscow region, this company is paid.

Will you give or not? At the stage of the technical task, the power grid is officially entitled (before that only conversations were conducted) or allocate the connection point, or give specific recommendations in the form of specifications that need to be done to solve the problem. Water Cases Aerial or Low Voltage Cable Line (0.4kV) reaches to the nearest substation (or column), the power of which is already distributed between users connected to it. Alturally, it is possible to solve the issue by redistributing power at the expense of other objects, where it is not fully spent (for example, the hosts rarely appear in the nearest houses). "According to Science", energy specialists have such a concept as the electricity demand coefficient. Without going into details, let's say that this factor reflects how much power is used. For example, a country village is built on 100 houses, in 20 of which someone will constantly be. It is obvious that they will not need the power required for 100 houses, therefore, a more modest transformer is installed on 250 kVA, and sometimes 160 kVA.

It happens that on specifications it is necessary to replace the existing wires on the wires with a large cross section (more electricity will be able to bring you to you). But if there is no backup power on the substation, the only output remains: change the transformer to more powerful. It is paid by the newly connected subscriber. Attachment: the cost of a domestic lowering transformer with a capacity of 160 kVa-60-80 thousand rubles. Installation, commissioning and launching work, as a rule, take over the mains, which then exploit new techniques.

In other words, no one will allocate the required electricity in advance, it simply may not be. It is typical of old country cooperatives and settlements, where even existing capacities are not able to cover modern needs. Westerns Peak, when all the neighbors seemed to conspite, include lawn mowers, pumps, electric kettles, tiles and the more heating devices, the voltage in the network drops from the required 220V to 180V.

It turns out that the normal functioning of the technique is impossible. Agree with comrades in misfortune and "thread" to buy an additional lowering transformer and the stretch of new wires of larger cross section is unrealistic. Therefore, financial cargo falls on the shoulders of the newly under construction of the members of the cooperative (garden partnership), the aforementioned newly connected network subscribers. One of the staff editorial staff told a touching story about how in the power supply organization he was given a written permission to connect to the network with the condition that it will buy 7 km of a certain brand of a total value of about $ 1,000. Moreover, to verbally explanation of the head of the local energy session (urban type village), this wire was supposed to provide additional power for the entire country village, including the house of our employee. It turns out that no one guarantees a personal supply of high-quality electricity, although in general the situation is improved at its expense.

Specialist comments . Such stories can tell many who have come across the "arbitrariness" of the power grids who are trying to solve the problems of replacement and purchase of the main equipment, while depreciations are included in the electricity tariffs. We asked the situation to comment Mosenergo Gennady Vladimirovich Kuznetsova.

"First, seven kilometers of wire, at first glance, overestimated requirements, since stretching the wires, designed to voltage up to 0.4kv further than 700-800 meters from the substation meaninglessly, the voltage at the end will not be. Even if he had changed all The network is four wires, it would be 2.5 kilometers.

Secondly, if the requirements of the electric grid branch of JSC will seem excessive, should be applied to the General Directorate of Mosenergo. Conditionally speaking, always worth contacting the superior organization and talk about your problem. Moreover, it can be asked to technically justify the requirements or pay a third-party project organization, which will make a calculation, will make measurements at points and show that the energy sector specialists are not right or vice versa.

Thirdly, the arbitrariness of calling this approach is not worth it. In such a way, we are essentially going to meet the consumer. Of course, from his point of view, it would be more correct if we built or reconstructed power for him themselves, and then in the long term they took our rates at the expense of tariffs. Thus, we would develop the network, the number of consumers would increase, the deductions rose and everyone would be satisfied. But for construction or reconstruction requires money that can be taken today only from tariffs. However, there is a priority system. Part of the funds goes to the construction of stations, part of electrification of inaccessible areas and emergency repair, and only a small tolika- for reconstruction. Of course, there is a plan for which we produce a replacement of 600-700 kilometers of networks annually, but it is a little more than 1% of the lengths of our power grids. Reconstructed power grids with this year in this pace of work to get into the construction plan in 2102. The insertion of the village may hold planned work on increasing power reserves as in 2 years (and they do not want to wait so much) and after 50 years.

Unfortunately, in the region, controlled by Mosenergo, unlike other territories of the Russian Federation, there is no opportunity to pay us the highlighting of power, that is, reconcile upgrades. Therefore, the ways to produce power is to replace the equipment more productive: either buying a wire or transformer, or the construction of its own network with a substation, supports and wires. For the first case is the "contract of exchange" with the customer. For example, the old transformer is 160 kVA new 250 kVA. Some pull to themselves a separate wire in their supports, because they do not want to share with anyone. It is three times more expensive than the replacement of the "public" wire. And they have to serve the "branch" themselves under the contract with a specialized organization is not suiced. In addition, no one is insured against natural disasters, falls of branches and "fool", which interrupted the cable or wire, the repair of which is carried out at its own expense. That is why it is easier to replace the existing equipment - a transformer, the wires (according to the Agreement, the old at the same time will give you, and work will spend free of charge), or transfer supports with wires to the ownership of the power grid. Then they will be responsible for safety.

EVERYTHING - by the needs

on the tolerance of the object

Permission to power the power supply organization.

Technical conditions for connecting electrical installation.

Help on the performance of the technical conditions of the power supply organization.

Act on the delimitation of the balance and operational responsibility of the parties.

Power supply project, agreed in Mosoblgosenergonezor, Energy Sale of Mosenergo, district electrical networks.

Copy of a license of the project organization.

Copy of the license of the electrical organization.

Act of delivery / acceptance of electrical installation work.

Act on hidden work on the performance of wiring.

Act on the work on the implementation of the grounding contour, foci of lightning protection, potential equalization devices in the bathrooms, etc.

Copies of certificates of conformity for installed electrical equipment and electrical materials (according to the specification from the project).

Protocols for testing and measuring electrical equipment made, in accordance with the requirement of the GOST, an electrical metering laboratory accredited in the Russian State Standard.

His substation

Finally, imagine the situation when the only way to get the power of 35kW with the consent of the energy supplying organization is to connect to the 10kV network through an individual lowering transformer. Until recently, the rules of the device of the electrical installations of this kind of connection was not envisaged. Today, the power grids have the right to provide you with a connection point (for free in Mosenergo or for money in other regions) for the construction of a substation, but there are still a number of issues here.

The problem is the placement of the transformer substation and the equipment included in its kit. As a rule, transformer substations in the countryside have the form of a kiosk installed on the pillars to which the staircase leads. Installation of such substations requires a special land equity. The installation of power transformers on special masts and in separate buildings is also practiced. If new homes are built on the territory of the village, and the land removal under the substation is not provided, the customer will face the need to solve this issue with the participation of a local architect. It's not a fact that he will enter the position of the developer of the house ... And you have to give to this personal land.

In world practice, in such cases, compact post transformers (mini substations) are used, the power of which allows you to connect to the main networks from one to four cottages. These transformers are installed on ordinary (wooden or reinforced concrete) supports, aestheless look. They are "hardy": allow overload to 40% at peak load; Equipped with built-in protective automation and, most importantly, do not require maintenance. Main electrotechnical companies such as ABB, Siemens produce such transformers. According to the director of the JSC "Royal Electric Grid" N. P. Nikitsky, in the villages surrounding Korolev, for three years, transformers of this type of 43 kVA of the American company HOWARD are used in the experimental order. The cost of American production transformers is $ 3.5-4 thousand. In addition, the decision of the state power industry, their operation in Russia is authorized officially and everywhere.

The same in the capacity of the pillars transformers of the Belarusian, Ukrainian, Russian production is twice as cheaper. The main difference between the analogues produced in Russia and the CIS, is that they require permanent maintenance, frequent regulatory work, for which qualified electricians must also have both in the state of local power grid. Therefore, not all power supplying organizations agree to conclude agreements to the maintenance of individual Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian transformers with homeowners. In addition to payment of services under the contract, the customer has to pay for the installation for them a special support, installation of protective automation, commissioning work. Bad account, total costs may exceed those that carry the owner of the import transformer of non-maintained type.

The process of the construction of the network is the same stages as the electrical installation of the house: the application, design, coordination in the energy report, signing with an energy sales, connection. After the construction and equipment of the substation, the act on the delimitation of ownership with the power grids is "red feature" between personal possessions and power supply. Ato moment you carries the full fullness of responsibility and spending the maintenance of personal transformer booth and network. If the neighbors want to connect to you, your right to refuse them or agree, we have already told about it. It is easier to transfer the property to the networks, but then there is no guarantee that no one will agree with them, will not "whip" from them and will not remove greater powerfulness that you do not have enough.

Electrical installation at home

Project. The design of the power line, the external and internal electrical installation of the house should be entrusted to organizations that have a license to perform this type of work issued by the State Energy Industry or Gosstroke of the Russian Federation. There are no chances for the approval of the "left" projects in official instances. It is best that your developer makes the General Contractor and made a project for you by or by subcontractors. But often designing, construction and installation of equipment is carried out different organizations. Then it makes sense to contact the local power grid and ask you to recommend a company to create a project (this can be done on a phone call). This company will later act as a question of coordination of the finished project documentation in the local power grid and in the statenergoneadzor. At this stage, as a rule, there are no major difficulties, except for your requests. The average cost of the power supply project of the cottage with an electrical installation capacity of 5-30kW in the Moscow region is 6-40 thousand. rubles. However, then a long series of obtaining signatures in different instances will be followed and, finally, coordination in the Higher Organized Branch of the State Energy Administration, where decisions are made in strict accordance with regulatory and technical documentation. In other words, mistakes will have to corrected more than once.

In each particular case, various organizations are visa on the project, including:

  • power supply organization, all city municipal services, settlements or villages (if any, from Gorghaz before landscaping);
  • In the controversial case, interested firms and persons who can express disagreement with the fact that you will be embedded in the existing network (for example, a neighbor earlier than you filed a request and agreed on the project, so it will have to agree with him);
  • At the end of the project signs the Energonadzor inspector.
The complexity is to visit the above institutions and subjects that take the population in different days and hours and "respect" a classic bureaucratic red tape. You can speed up the process only unofficially (consult it in firms specializing in coordination).

Installation and testing of electrical installation. Drives "Cleells" from the south, as a rule, produce electrical work with a violation of technology, after which professionals have to redo them. The implementation of installation and commissioning of the project should carry out construction and installation organizations that have a license. It is necessary to conclude an agreement to carry out the payment of the company and the tax authorities officially. This will facilitate the execution of the right to property after the completion of construction (for a substation, cottage). The test and adjustment of the equipment with the subsequent design of the receiving documentation is entitled to carry out in the same or third parties, if the company producing work on the project is not a license to conduct tests issued by the State Energy Industry.

After installing the electrical installation in the house, economic buildings and on the territory of the estate it is necessary to submit to the technical passports of the established electrical equipment, accredited under the Energonadzor. Based on these documents and test results, the owner of the house issues a certificate of compliance with the electrical installation that makes it necessary for its requirements and permission to use electrothermal devices (electric flow boilers, convectors and radiators, electric stoves, warm floors, etc.). There can be problems. As a rule, people buying wires, wiring products, appliances, or forget to demand certificates and passports of products from sellers, or receive (on the market) that do not correspond to the regulations. This certificate will be needed to register insurance in insurance companies.

Inspection. Then you call the Energonadzor inspector to the house, and it, on the basis of a certificate of conformity, should issue an act of admission of electrical installation to inclusion in the network. Skim problems here can be encountered? For example, according to PUE, a socket with protective caps should be installed in the house (so as not to stick a nail), and it is simple, etc. Often at the installation stage of the hosts change the connection circuit or the location of those or other sockets and switches, despite the fact that In the project they are indicated differently. Etc. According to agreeing to firms that they asked them to not specify, the elimination of inaccuracies or violations can cost the "compensation" to the inspector. It sometimes reaches from $ 100-200 per sockets up to $ 1000 for larger pretensions. In addition, the inspector is a busy and can extend with the occasion, hence he needs to "give acceleration." Here and help communications accumulated by local designers and coordinates. We account for "specialists" more difficult.

Energy supply contract. Then the power grid and the owner of the house are obliged to conclude an agreement on the use of electricity. At this stage, the representative of the energy sales leaves for you and the act of acceptance of accounting devices is drawn up and makes them sealing. Since his task is local and it can only fall asleep for the design of the shield and the correspondence of the installed capacity, its "services" is inexpensive, if not generally free. Including the service of air or cable lines carry out the power on the house. Ato moment the local power grid, which with the owner of the house (customer) has a contract, produces preventive operations, service maintenance of the power line before entering the feed wires (cable) to the house. And you can enjoy the light and warmth in the house.


The question is appreciated which amount will cost the private customer. Laying or broaching power line to its house. The cost of services of construction and installation organizations depends on the complexity of the project, on what equipment is installed, and ... on the number of organizations involved in the process of coordination of documentation. Among them is a statenergonadzor, Gorgaz, Rostelecom, etc. The more expensive equipment, the higher the estimated rates. It is no secret that the implementation of the project task is cheaper than the receipt of signatures in permits, and they may not be five and not ten. Installation of a turnkey power line with all the coordination in the Moscow region will cost the owner of an individual house from 7 to 200 thousand. rubles - gigantic scatter! The cheapest solution is the air input to the house from a number of power line supports voltage to 0.4kv. The same, but with connecting to the high-voltage power line and using a transformer substation, worthwhile money.

EVERYTHING - by the needs

Previously, the supervisory function was in the hands of the divisions of RAO UES. Today, it was transferred to the state supervisory authority - a statenergoneador. In regional branches and sites, work with individuals is conducted by the Inspector of Energy Pressor. They go to objects both in order to compile an act on the fitness of the electrical installation and the supervision. The inspector has the right to finf by a private person for violation of PUE (rules of electrical installations) and rules of operation in the amount of 5-10 minimum wages in accordance with Article 9.11 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

The editors thanks Mosenergo and the Directorate of the Royal Electrose JSC for help preparing the material.

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