Witnesses of fabulous captains


Fashion for bed linen is changing as often as on clothes. So what "wear" today blankets and pillows?

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Witnesses of fabulous captains

Witnesses of fabulous captains

Witnesses of fabulous captains

Witnesses of fabulous captains
Pillowcases are decorated with traditional festons. Elegant floral drawing gives linen from Yves Delorme special sophistication

Filler for stretched manually covered from LinVosges serves batting

Contemporary bed linen sew from durable and silky, pleasant to the touch of cotton fabric Perkal (brand "Paver)

Witnesses of fabulous captains

Witnesses of fabulous captains

Witnesses of fabulous captains
Natural flax. Is it possible to come up with a more eco-friendly and universal material for sewing bed linen
Witnesses of fabulous captains
The century ago, Merezeks and Richelieu decorated the beds of our great-grandmothers. It seems that our grandchildren will sleep on linen underwear with hand embroidery

Witnesses of fabulous captains

Witnesses of fabulous captains

Witnesses of fabulous captains

Witnesses of fabulous captains
Witnesses of fabulous captains
Witnesses of fabulous captains
New times dictate new plots. Your child is waven to choose a company for exciting travel in a dream. I wonder who he preferences monsters or rabbits? In any case, it will be easier to drive the child in the evening in the bed with so linen. Children's kits sew from gentle to the touch of a cotton fabric of good quality (on TAC and Gabel photography)

Witnesses of fabulous captains

In the last issue of our magazine, it was about bedroom furniture about beds, mattresses and frames. In addition to them, they help us to sleep good pillows, blankets and, of course, bed linen. From what is covered with a bed, it depends not only the well-being and mood of a person, but also, as a result, his state of health. So let's talk about duvet covers and pillowcases.

Before the beginning of the XV century. Almost some descriptions of linen in homes and castles are known. According to the testimony of ancient Roman historians, the bed of lovers necessarily covered the woven sheets from Egyptian flax with patterns depicting roses, peaches and satiries. It was believed that such underwear brings power to her lover. Extra century expensive skins of rare animals, like Pavians or Leopards, covered beds in cold castles - it said that it was ready to go a man for the sake of the ladies of the heart. Everywhere to lay the beds with fabrics in Europe began only in the Renaissance Epoch, and even then in the houses of rich people. Lingerie was exclusively white, with lace or white embroidery. Baroque and Rococo introduced the fashion on the plot embroidery of a very frivolous content. Apervaya is a notable lady in which the receptions spread in bed was Madame de Pompadour. It was she who began to use expensive Chinese silk for their linen.

Cynovide appeals of today brought new standards in the bedroom. Now sexy linen is considered black, red, color skins wild animals. Also, Chinese and Japanese characters are added a certain romance, in addition to the fact that this is generally a fashionable topic, the mysteriousness of these signs is very excited. However, in our time, the fashion for bed linen is changing as often as on clothes. But mainly it concerns the color, pattern, the presence of decorations, at least affects the tissues and does not apply to the forms of bedding.

Headsets and their size

The classic set for a double bed consists of two pillowcase, one duvette and sheets. There are single and children's headsets, as well as sets for beds with two mattresses. All bed linen modifications have their own names indicated in the description on the package. Most often, Europeans use the following notation: King-size- for a very large, so-called "three-hand" bed; 2-bed, 1,5-bed, 1-bed- for two-, one and a half and single bed lodge, respectively; Children-underwear up to 125cm in length for a cot per child. But it is still better to be guided by a number of sizes in centimeters or millimeters, since in different countries the standards may vary by 10-15 cm. The following notation was adopted: semi-gun underwear - 215143cm; Double - 215175cm, "Euro" - 220240cm. If no data is listed on the package, you can only advise to avoid buying such products, since this is a clear sign of poor work of manufacturers, and it is not known what quality is the fabric and how long the product will last. Recaped Critical Cases It happens that the picture shown on the package does not match what is inside. But these troubles can be avoided, if you do not acquire bed linen in the markets (such phenomena are found only there).

Now and with us (as well as around the world) to the standard set you can always choose additionally sheets, duvets, pillowcases on pillows, blankets and mattresses of various types and sizes.

It is worth mentioning that stores often encounter headsets that do not include sheets or only with one pillowcase. So be sure to learn the description on the package or consult the seller. Personal experience shows that when buying bed linen without a sheet, or with one pillowcase later, a large problem is the selection of suitable design, material and quality component - the integrity of the headset will be impaired. Specialized and branded shops will help save the entire range of products of one or different firms.

Witnesses of fabulous captains

Make bedding and linen can be from any material you like, and not just from the traditional one. Just buy a caught cut or give a second life with any suitable textile product. Sisting the necessary home objects or take fabric in the atelier. The only problem is true to calculate the required amount of material. However, in some tissue salons can make the necessary items according to your standards, having calculated the amount of matter. At the same time, it is better to trust yourself and common sense than specialists of the salon that will argue that this tissue is intended for bed, or vice versa. Sewing costs $ 50-100, depending on the complexity of the model.

Materials and dressings

Traditional materials for bed linen, flax, silk. Starting from the seventies, manufacturers use artificial matter. But, although they are more practical, they are easier to wash and iron, the convenience for sleeping they provide a little. In the last 5-7 years it became fashionable to make underwear from materials previously considered unsuitable for bed, - Parchi, Gaza, Tulle, etc.

Cotton fabric is the most common, but not the oldest material for bed linen. It was used only at the end of the XVIII century. Vitaly, because the cotton was cheaper than Chinese silk and more practical flax. For sewing linen, cotton fabrics are used as a hawk, batter, situz, satin, flannel (cleaned cotton), blended (cotton with polyester) knitwear.

Calcularly dense, tougher sist, in the structure of the canvas, the thickening of the threads are clearly visible. Previously, it was used as technical tissue, as well as for covers and linings.

The batter is distinguished by the rare weave of the threads, the product is characterized by ease, transparency, but also sufficient strength. The only drawback is low noise. After 50-70, the thickens will begin to assemble in the washing machine, and the tissues are formed, through which the ducks will be visible (native base of the web). Therefore, there are expensive sets of linen from the batted, which are not expected to use constantly (for example, wedding headsets).

Satin- brilliant and dense tissue, made of twisted cotton twin weaving threads. It has long been noticed that the more the thread is twisted, the brighter. Thus appeared gloss - satin resembling silk. Satin is very pleasant to the touch, linen from it is durable and withstands a large number of styroins - 200-300, and only after a long time the material begins to fill up a little. It is cheaper than silk, but more expensive than other cotton fabrics. It makes lingerie of various designs for everyday use.

Cite is very practical and does not require special care. The fabric is denser than a batter, but does not glit like satin. Sitz underwear, according to the owners testimony, withstands the infinite number of styrices and is inexpensive. Depending on the density of weaving, from the Citz you can do both the front and casual headsets. It is the last, thanks to their cheapness and practicality, enjoy special demand in Russia. According to these indicators, it is comparable to the Cotton with a polyester. Not so long ago, on the shelves of the stores there were sets of linen from the "healthy" seats of domestic and Hungarian production. The fabric has a corrugated surface and does not need to iron. Kits are mostly monophonic, different sizes. The only inconvenience is that, in the morning, you can detect the corrugated trail from the pillowcase on its tender cheek, but it will take a short time. Separately, I want to mention the terry cotton knitwear. Such products have very small patches, the fabric is almost smooth, but stretched well. This is especially convenient if you have to pull a sheet for a large-sized mattress. Among other things, knitwear allows you to get rid of such a time-consuming classes as ironing at home.

Perkal-cotton tissue of high strength (for example, parachutes and sails are sewed from chicks). It is not quite familiar to our compatriots material, but in the collections of such a solid brand, as a "Paver", there are sets of Persian from Yves Delorme.

Flannel heat-saving, soft, pleasant to the touch material covered with a light flush. Well suited for offseason, when they do not heaven yet. The only disadvantage - with frequent use of "rolls" (that is, the surfaces are formed on the surface).

Linen fabric is the oldest. It was used in ancient Egypt. The Len-Dolgnets plant does not require much care, but here are the traditional technologies for the release of the thread from it very and very laborious. Nevertheless, since ancient times, the Master was achieving the extraordinary quality of linen products. The canvas was delicated thin, but strong and wearing, with a characteristic muted gloss. Subsequently, when manual weaving moved into the past, weaving manufactures appeared and those fabrics that we can buy and now began to make. Veverop is expensive linen underwear to the class "Lux", but in Russia, Len is available and cheap.

To date, various thread production technologies for linen fabric are known. For bed linen, it is best if the flax is mixed (about one to one) with cotton. It makes the fabric softer to the touch and simplifies washing and ironing. In the early time, in connection with the fashion wave on the ecological design, in demand underwear from simple canvas or even delices (rough twisted threads are woven in a rarefied cloth). Moreover, people do not even scare that the fabric with such a treatment has a very rough structure with hairs (often indicated technical, since canvas are made from such materials for artists, bags and ropes). It is believed that this well affects the body and massages the skin, the official data on the benefits of precisely such linen we do not have.

Fabric made of thin twisted linen threads without cotton is complex in leaving, washing at high temperature and ironing in a wet state. After washing, the unpainted linen canvas naturally brighten and sits down. For headlists, two varieties of such material are used. The highest grade does not have thickens of the threads, all canvas evenly, the weave density is medium and high. The first grade differs only by periodic thickens of the threads, which creates an attractive fabric texture attractive.

Natural silk is the most expensive and elegant material for bed linen. But it happens different, and it is worth paying more attention to its properties to not be disappointed. Cheap Turkish and Chinese silk can hardly be called exquisite- often it is not a very high quality cloth. European dressing fabric is also not at the height and eventually begins to upset the owners, especially the inconsistency of very high prices and noise below average. The most qualitative, but also the most expensive Silk-Japanese. These fabrics are made exclusively manually or on small family manufactories. Allowances There are more than 500 varieties of silk wearing beautiful names and produced throughout the country (for comparison: only 4 species are common in Europe). When someone advises you to be careful with silk, because it slides, cool and forms hooks, it means only one thing: your interlocutor was dealing with a cheap Turkish or European material. The country of the rising sun has exceptional knowledge and experience in the release of high-quality silks, and similar troubles cannot happen to the Japanese cloth.

Witnesses of fabulous captains

Vevecé from Japanese silks make bedding for the interior collections of Kenzo, Miyaki, Armani. Due to the high price of Russian boutiques, these collections have not yet come. For example, in Vienna, in the corporate boutique of Hanae Mori, you can purchase bedding from the twisted lacquer-free Silk with hand painted in the form of butterflies on Lily for $ 9000.

For decorating bed linen, the Japanese uses such, in the European look, "unsuitable" techniques, like hand-painted, bulk embroidery, seal with mineral and natural paints. The Japanese prefer to use various benevolent symbols in all their creations. For example, bamboo symbolizes flexibility, caravillery, pine-resistance. Takes, signs, it is embroidered by hand, often very famous artists. Machine work is applied, but it is very conditional, because only vintage machines are used. The concepts of artificial fabrics for bed linen in Japan does not exist. On ancient tradition, underwear should have been made of silk, and the peasants could use cotton or hemp.

Japanese underwear for the European bed is sewn from traditional material strips with a width of about 30 cm. This restriction is due to the fact that the material is pushed manually on vintage narrow machines. But bed linen on the Japanese futon mattress bed is made of a solid piece of or two parts. Such covers are two species - everyday, performed by the machine (they are easier and cheaper), and for special cases created by hand and valued not only as bed linen, but also as works of art.

Finish and decoration

Traditionally, lace, festers of fabrics, embroidery and a variety of painting techniques, serve as decorations for bed linen. Handwork, of course, more expensive machine, so it is most often used in gift and festive sets. It is also worth remembering that bed linen having a manual finish, embroidery, lace or painting, can not be washed in the car and in hot water. Look carefully on care guidelines or consult with sellers. Veverop is extremely popular with lace from traditional weaving centers in France, Italy, Belgium, as well as embroidery from Germany and France. There are also historically established craft centers that produce wonderful linen decorations: Vologda, Kostroma, Elets, Torzhok et al. If you compare the quality, then the Russian is not inferior to the European one, but it is much cheaper.

Embroidery stitch applied on bed linen more often than other techniques. Performed with thin muuline or silk, perfectly keeps and pleasant to the touch. The apack is relatively expensive, then in Europe, Russia, Turkey and China, the machine embroidery, painting and multicolor printing were distributed.

The design and decorations distinguish several types of heads. The classic is most often white, cream, pinkish or natural lingerie, decorated with lace and embroidery. Romance or Country - various embroidered, drawn or woven flowers, bouquets. Avangard or Modern-abstract drawings and prints, photo-design, unexpected color or pattern of drawing. Baroque color, in general, reminiscent of clothes and fabrics on ancient paintings; Most often it is created under the impression of the decoration of some palace or manor. Children's underwear are different fabulous drawings, toys, funny animals, images of the heroes of fairy tales and cartoons.

General advice

The density of weave, that is, the amount of threads per square centimeter, is important information that sometimes indicate the packaging of high-quality bed linen. Classification looks like this: low density (20-30 threads per 1 cm2), below average (35-40 yarns), average (50-65 yarns), above average (65-80), high (85-120) and very high ( 130-280). The more densely underwear, the more durable. Batist has low density; below average and medium-sized cotton; Above average - Turkish silk, artificial fabric; High-perkal, Chinese silk, satin, artificial fabric; Very high-gloss satin and Japanese silk.

The packaging should also provide recommendations for the care of linen, the composition of the fabric and the scheme of how all items look like with the designation of their quantity. Pillowcases can be fastened with buttons, lightning or have a smell valve. Duvet covers are performed in the form of pockets (with a smell of short side), solid on zippers or buttons, as well as slit, with a hole in the middle (these were used in our entire period of Soviet power). The sheet can be ordinary or with a rubber band around the edge. Moreover, it is convenient to solve the buyer, it all depends on his tastes and the bed on which he sleeps. In our opinion, it is practical than the deaf models of ducts and pillowcases and sheets with a rubber over the perimeter, because it allows you to firmly fix the underwear and do not let it get into sleep during sleep.

The most comfortable underwear is sewn from a solid canvas in width, no item has butts and seams in the middle. Thus looks like European luxury headsets and the Russian, manufactured by exports. Avot Domestic kits for the domestic market, some Turkish and Chinese products are distinguished by the presence of seams. And the point is not that it is uncomfortable to sleep on the seams. It is believed that the lingerie from the whole canvas is stronger, more convenient and aesthetically. As for the fortress, one can say one thing: practical confirmation that underwear made of two cuts is more stripped or abruptly, no, it all depends on the quality of sewing and material. Here, there are violations of weaving technology and sewing inherent in cheap samples.

The getth of the year for sleep is most suitable for different fabrics. Flax is very useful in summer, quality material passes air, and in bed with such a liner will not be inadvertising even with forty degrees above zero. This secret is successfully used in countries with a hot climate. Cotton is good at any time of the year - the unique properties of the fibers help him "adjust" under circumstances: in winter you will be warm, in the summer cool. Silk is good for winter and late autumn, as it perfectly saves the heat of the body and at the same time "breathes." The exception of all rules again is the Japanese silk, it is suitable for any time of the year, since in Japan there are such many weaving techniques and the release of silk fabrics, which can be selected literally on every month of the year. Buying a set of artificial fabrics, you need to know the reaction to your body. Allergies, poor well-being, heat or cold feeling - all these troubles often (but not always) accompany people using underwear from artificial materials. But the approach here can only be individual.

How often to change underwear? If you erase at home, where you can choose a gentle low-temperature refreshment program or light washing, we advise you to transfer bed once a week. Then the linen does not have to boil, and it will last longer. Journal and during illness it must be changed more often. The optimal temperature for washing is 60s. This is enough to destroy all harmful microorganisms for the full cycle. Try to dry the outdoor things in the fresh air, because the ultraviolet component of natural light disinfects the fabric. Porky knitwear is recommended to be dried in a drying machine.

If you use the services of the laundry, where there are no special modes and the temperature is one, and the cost of washing with each mixer grows, update the bed will have no more than two weeks. Then dirty underwear will not accumulate and it will not be necessary to keep a large set of sets. By the way, how many bed linen must have? Two headset for one bedroom: one in washing, the other is stacked. Agudum and add one spare kit for guests. This calculation is good if you prefer one type of lingerie for all seasons. But if we take into account the seasonal factor and get a thin and cool lingerie in the summer, and in winter soft and warm, it is important to stop on time. Otherwise, you fall into serious spending, and in the lounge closet there will be no free space.

Witnesses of fabulous captains

Fashion for so-called wedding kits arose at the beginning of the XIX century, when each decent girl received in dowry bedding. This headset decorated the marriage bed of newlyweds. Previously, it consisted of four pillowcase, a duvet covers and two sheets. Kits were defined white and abundantly decorated with embroidery and lace. The material, depending on the state of the parents, could be both cotton and expensive silk. Many brides and in our time get to the wedding as a gift sets of linen. In Russia, the traditions of making wedding heads were lost during the Soviet power and are restored only now. And in Europe, still produced special marriage bedding kits, stitched and decorated by hand. The number of objects in such a headset is now limited only by the financial capabilities of the donor.

Firms and assortment

Now in stores you can find bed linen for different taste, case and financial capabilities. Cheap and good bedding are produced by Russia's factory. Manufacturers of linen and cotton products from Vologda, Yelets, Ivanov, Nizhny Novgorod, Tver, Kostroma, Morshansk were known in Tsarist Russia. Their products should be bought in corporate stores, where the quality of products is very strictly monitored and marriage, sizes incisions (which can happen when buying from hands) is not found.

Linen and blended (flax plus cotton) bedding sets of different designs are both classical and modern. Unique pillows for sofas or sleep during the daytime (so-called dums) are made of linen tapestries. There are sets of bleached and natural flax. Interlacing density is different - from the thinner of the sparse canvas to the deck. Dyes applied in the production of linen do not lose and save the color for a very long time even with machine washing. Kits like everyday and gift, decorated with embroidery, mere race, rickel, lace. Unique gift kits include different collections: wedding, new year (depicting an animal as a patron of the upcoming year). The price of a one-hour set consisting of sheets, pillowcases and a duvet covers, - 800-1200 rubles, gift wedding kit - not more than 1800 rubles.

Foreign manufacturers are adequately represented by Sweden, Italy, France and Turkey. Ikea (Sweden) offers good linen sets, but suitable for some reason only for beds and sofas of this company. Materials are solid, natural, natural colors or painted in the style of Scandinavian design. Tissue density is low for cotton, threads, fastening seams, thin. Despite this, IKEA claims that her underwear will endure the infinite number of machine styrics. The cost of sets is from 800 to 7000 rubles.

Italian Gabel and Zucchi firms change the range and collections every six months. Manufacturers are keen on the quality of bed linen and fashion. Gabel produces more democratic products. Design You can choose any, from classic to modern. There are children's collections and a series of diverse plaids (wool, cotton), a stick, covered. You can choose accessories for pillows of different forms (round, small, "candy"). Materials are mostly cotton, hazard, satin. The most fashionable tendency of this season is a bed with photoshells. Amazing blue and blue cloth with trees, sky, mountains. Popular cotton and flax bedding with a modest decor. Different components and size are offered, even with a non-standard number of pillowcases (3 or 4). The cost of dialing is from $ 80 for the usual 1.5-bed with a romantic design of flowers to $ 290 for supermode, including ecological decor.

Zucchi This season goes on an ecological style and produces cotton and flax underwear treated with indigo and nutty dyes, as well as natural. The best sets of cotton, fine french silk with embroidery and lace consist of a duvette, three or four pillows and sheets. The company provides an opportunity to make an order (execution period, from three weeks, depending on the complexity) on bed linen with monograms, according to individual sizes, with embroidery from a special catalog. The cost of everyday sets is $ 120-310. Gift kits can cost from $ 300 to $ 1000, depending on the complexity of execution.

Turkish TAC and La Notte manufacturers release cotton bed linen. Collections are changing as often as European manufacturers. In the season, La Notte is satin underwear of fashionable orange, red, blue shades. Bright abstract drawing is very suitable for modern bedrooms. For the covered used semed satin, gold packing. The stente collection is calm, a romantic flower pattern prevails in it. There are fashionable printing fields, oranges. The cost of the set of the Citz does not exceed $ 150, from Satina- $ 190, the bedspread will cost about $ 100. TAC produces underwear mostly from Citz and Batista. This firm updates the design only in part, since traditional motifs, wildflowers, squares use special demand. The basis of the collection is a romantic decor and abstraction. Colors - from muffled to bright, as well as all shades of white. The cost of the kit is $ 25-110.

France in Russia are pretty expensive firms with their own boutiques, - Frette, the family-run firm Yves Delorme, belonging to the Fremaux Delorme's huge textile holding, and a little more simply linvosges. Yves Delorme uses expensive long-fiber cotton in production, whose share is 3% of all cotton growing in the world. It is beautiful underwear, decorated with manual embroidery and lace, and in gift sets and gold sews, is one of the most expensive, the kit costs from $ 600 to $ 1,500.

Separately, I would like to mention the new Russian trademark "Pobler". Oriented to the average price category Products are made in France. Behind the brand name "Paver" presented bedding, blankets, pillows, bedspreads, blankets, cosmetics, aromatic candles, terry bathrobes and towels, detergents, that is, almost all that is needed to arrange a bedroom and a bathroom. Collections are updated twice a year.

French company Bianca Luna is quite democratic, its collection includes different forms of classic design. This is a manual and machine embroidery, mandatory festo on the edges of the pillowcase so that the pillows hold the form. There are pillowcases for non-standard pillows, plaid (mainly of cotton), bedspreads. Materials are used different: cotton, flax, European and Turkish silk. The cost of sets - from $ 80 to $ 300, gift wedding heads - up to $ 1000.

Inci- French firm that sews all his bedrooms from Citz and Satina in Turkey to reduce the cost of linen. But it absolutely does not mean that the quality is reduced. Products are very strict control, and marriage is not allowed. Collections are updated every six months, but the most favorite components - snow-white, with buds are risen in the range of firms always. The cost does not exceed $ 190 per head.

Each self-respecting designer early or later begins to create collections of textiles for the house, which necessarily includes bed linen. Ralph Lawren, Donna Karan, Armani, Paloma Picasso, Kenzo are presented in various fashionable international stores of Moscow and in nominal boutiques. The only thing that sadness, the prices of these items are too high, and the choice is small. Therefore, the creations of the fashion designers should go to Europe. We say that, selling "old" collections, stores significantly reduce prices, and you can buy a very good headset for acceptable money.

Blumarine in its last collection collaborates with Swarovski, therefore, both bed linen and plaids with bedspreads are decorated with rhinestones. Moreover, a special technology of manufacturing rhinestones invented, not allowing pebbles to scratch or leave abrasions on the body. Embroidery and Venetian lace for gift sets are also used. The cost of the usual set is to $ 300, gift - up to $ 1000.

Children's kits are presented in all firms mentioned. Gabel offers headsets for baby beds with bearings and races. TAC uses fashionable prints with a picture of favorite character - Barbie, Mickey Maus, Winnie Pooh, Harry Poter. The Italian company Junior makes a very stylish, not overloaded with shirts of white, pink, blue, lightweight colors with embroidery. All sets are made from delicate to the touch of cotton of excellent quality. Prices for sets are approximately the same - from $ 40 to $ 100.

Now Russian buyers have the opportunity to easily and quickly change the design of their bedroom with the help of new bed linen. Moreover, pleasure delivers not only a dream, but also the choice of these pleasant items. So now all design styles are available to you.

The editorial board thanks the store "Italian bedrooms" for helping to take pictures, as well as shops "Vologda Len", "Elite Textiles Em 1", "Nekskluziviv", "High Matter", Salon "Yukuki" for the materials provided.

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