How to remove the walls from the walls: detailed guide


We tell about the peculiarities of dismantling tile and how to remove it from the wall without damaging.

How to remove the walls from the walls: detailed guide 1417_1

How to remove the walls from the walls: detailed guide

Remove the old coating - the occupation is time consuming and complex, especially when it comes to a tile. It is difficult to damage it when dismantling it is difficult, so practically jewelry is required. We tell how to carefully remove the tiles from the walls and which methods can be used for this.

How to remove tile from the wall




Instructions for removal:

- Small fragment

- Coatings completely

Features of dismantling

The dismantling method depends not only on the target: Do you need to leave the details or not, - but also from what materials were used at previous repairs.

If the cement-sand mixture was taken as glue, then remove the tile from the wall, without damaging, as a rule, it does not even leave the specialists. Especially if the installation was engaged in professionals and performed working qualitatively. Most often, the perforator is required for removal from the cement base.

When using tile glue, the chance to save the solid coating is much higher. However, you need to understand that it will not work out all the details anyway. Usually about 50% of the tile has damage.

It is important to take into account the material to which the tile is glued. If we are talking about concrete or brick, then dismantle the elements are easier. But if the tile is based on the drywall, the process is greatly complicated. It is necessary to be ready for impressive destruction in advance: sometimes it is not possible to preserve neither tile, no sheet of plasterboard. He will also have to change it.

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Tools and materials

The choice of tools also depends on the target: if you think how to remove the tile from the wall in the kitchen so that it remains the whole, you will need some devices. And if you decide that the coverage there will never be useful to you - others. The following list lists the tools that may be required in different cases.

  • Perforator. Also needed nozzle-chisel.
  • Chisel or chisel.
  • Kiyanka and ordinary hammer.
  • Putty knife. It is better to choose the most ordinary metal models, as they are more convenient to get rid of the grout.
  • Chisel.
  • Screwdriver. Choose a model with a handle for which it is more convenient to hit.
  • Bulgarian with a nozzle for cleaning seams. This tool is not required, but it may be necessary if the grout is poorly removed.
  • Tank for breeding in it soap solution.
  • Sponges for washing dishes.
  • Drill with thin drills (about 6 mm).
  • Kanenic wire. Its diameter should be approximately 3-4 mm.
  • Pencil and ruler.
  • Step scrub or staircase staircase.
  • Old blankets, blankets and construction film.

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Preparatory stage

Before dismantling, it is necessary to conduct preparatory work. If you miss this stage, the process is greatly complicated, and keep the tile as a whole state will not be accomplished.

Stick all surfaces

If you collect to remove the old tile from the wall in the bathroom, as you should cover everything around. This is especially true of fragile items: toilet bowl, baths, sinks. In other rooms, for example, in the kitchen, less than such elements, however, the surfaces are still worth closing, as the tile may accidentally jump and damage them. Also cover the floor. Use for this polyethylene films, old bedspreads and blankets.

Capture tile

Professionals have a way to determine if it is possible to remove the coating from the surface and not damage it. Take a rubber handle tool and very carefully catch each tile. It is necessary to understand whether there is an empty coating. If there are many of them, then it is worth working carefully to save the items: the chances of this in this case are more.

In the same way, specialists determine from which element to start disassembly: choose the one under which more emptiness. It is much easier to leave the wall.

Get rid of sews

Before dismantling, you need to completely remove the seams. Make the following solution: Sodarate the economic soap on the usual grater and dissolve it in warm water. Then, with a clean sponge, process the seams. You can also use a spray gun.

Old grout is easy to remove with sharp tools: chisels, spatula or screwdriver. It is also worth clearing the edges of the seams. If there is a special nozzle for a drill, take advantage of it. In the case of its absence, the same sponge and soap solution will suit.

After removing the grout, leave the coating for a while. Tile glue absorb soap water and will become softer. Due to this, the removal of the tile will pass faster.

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How to remove tile from the wall

Dismantling of a small fragment

If you need to remove the coating not from the whole wall, but from any site, you will have to act very carefully. Such a situation may occur if it is necessary to open access to communications in the bathroom or in the kitchen, as well as replace the cracked tile. For work, you will need thin drills and drills, a spatula, hammer and a chisel. You need to place the details: apply two diagonal lines for which Planning to drill the material, put points on them in those places where the holes will be. Then remove the seams according to the instructions above. After you drilled holes, split the tile of the chisel. This must be done from the center to the edges. After the material is removed by a thin tool, for example, a spatula. This method will allow maintaining the whole coating near the dismantled fragment.

If the tile was glued with the tile glue, instead of a drill, it is worth using a rubber hammer: just hit them on the coating. Then the material is easier to go away from the wall: you will find it with a chisel from the edges. This method is likely to remove the coating without damage.

If the kiyanka did not help, then they take a rotary steel wire and bend the edges of the manner of hooks. They are drawn tile at the edges and pull on themselves. This creates a load that will allow you to cut off the tile from the wall. If this method does not help, one of the elements should be split, the holes in it, and then remove the following part parts.

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Dismantling material completely

Most often, when removing the tile from the wall in the bathroom or other room, further repairs are supposed. Therefore, there is no task to fully maintain the material, since in the future the surface is linked with a new ceramics. In this case, they are applied as follows.

To work, you will need a sharp spatula, drill, hammer and, possibly, the perforator.

It is necessary to conduct a preparation step, which is described above: Remove the seams, tweet the glue and catching up the parts. If there are cracked or divided, you can start with them: they are easier to remove from the surface. If there are no such, then remove the material starts from the very top. A spatula is inserted between the surface and ceramics (many use a screwdriver with a strong handle instead of it). Position it at an angle of 45-50 degrees, then take the hammer and beat the spatula to the base on which ceramics was attached. Be careful not to damage the wall and communications that can hide behind it.

After it is necessary to put pressure on the handle and remove the material from the surface. In this way, you can get rid of all ceramic cladding.

If you have a perforator, it is worth using it: you can work much faster with it. However, it is important to know that the places where the electrical wiring, pipes and other communications are located, it is necessary to process very carefully. It is possible to postpone the perforator and remove the material manually. If you get these places, an accident may occur: a breakthrough of sewage or short circuit.

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