Comfort in Square


The design of the "hieroglyph" and a kitchen in the closet, the interior of a two-bedroom apartment with a total area of ​​105.7 m2 can not be called boring.

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Comfort in Square
The decorative partition-hieroglyph separating the living room from the hallway is very functional: on its numerous shelves there can be books, souvenirs and other small-sized objects
Comfort in Square
The hallway is designed in the same style and in the same colors as the living room. Their separation is very conditional
Comfort in Square
Kitchen furniture of light wood, supplemented, glitter metal, continues the perspective of the living room
Comfort in Square
The "border" design that shares the living room and the kitchen continues on the wall. Square holes in it are effectively accented with backlight
Comfort in Square
According to Feng Shui, dining table is the most important subject of the interior. Bestha, if it turns out to be round, then energy flows will smooth it smoothly
Comfort in Square
Dining group - a kind of buffer between the kitchen and the living room. The well-positioned lamp emphasizes the location of the round table
Comfort in Square
Against the background of bright multicolored tiles, glass shelves are almost imperceptible - they seem very weightless, but at the same time very practical and reliable
Comfort in Square
Despite the seeming compactness, the bed is distinguished by multifunction

Nality: the headboard hides a closet where the pillows can be removed, the shelves and built-in night lights are located above it.

Comfort in Square
The mirror in the guest bathroom is framed by mosaic, whose fragments are repeated on the floor and on the walls
Comfort in Square
Plan before reconstruction
Comfort in Square
Plan after reconstruction

Almost in every copyright interior there is an image, a symbol, a philosophical background. So, often one room carries the ideas of Zen, the second-unrecognized culture of the Aztecs, and Hegel can be studied at all in the kitchen. What awakes, in such an apartment to do? Think. Active- learn, learn ... Agde live? And when? Here is the architect Maria Stepanova and finally decided to create an interior in which it will be pleasant and calmly live, and not just comprehend the ideas.

Customers fully supported the point of view of the architect. They needed comfortable housing with quite detached premises, which should have been enough for all family members. A two-bedroom apartment in a new building under construction was a bridgehead for the design action. Her initial layout, to put it mildly, did not meet the requirements of the owners. For a relatively small apartment, designed for one, the maximum of two people, was designed by a huge kitchen-18m2. The sewing royal place was decided to press on a more modest position, and on her "housing" to arrange a full-fledged room - guest or office capable of turning to the nursery after a while. Reference significantly facilitated the fact that builders at the request of customers did not build interior partitions. ABSA Thanks to the foresight of the owners, they bought an apartment even when and there was no house, one foundation. We did not have to break the unnecessary partitions.

For the new cuisine, a small (5m2) piece of the hallway was allocated, since she had rather impressive sizes and did not particularly suffer from such a redistribution. The owners themselves are not complex about the miniature of the kitchen, they although they love to cook, but devote all their lives of cooking do not intend, but for cooking the existing space is quite enough. In addition, the decision made is explained by the practical necessity. Linear flat layout, all windows look on one side, and communications run from the opposite side, at the wall. The solution to attach the kitchen to this wall got rid of the need to pull the pipes to a new food, they simply borrowed from the next bathroom.

According to the author of the author, right from the entrance door was to open a full panorama of the living room. But such openness is relevant in the studio apartment, and in our case it was necessary to visually divide the hallway and living room. Initially, on the border they wanted to put a large aquarium. He would have effectively missed the light from the window of the living room, and the water would play solar glare, filling the hallway with pleasant flicker. But all this fantastic beauty was knocked out before one postulate Feng Shui. It turns out that in the ancient Chinese philosophy, water, located opposite the entrance, "flushes" from the house of money. Hearing such, even resistant to the influence of Asian wisdom, a person thinks. Vitoga Aquarium decided to replace the partition. The sense of free space did not disappear, Maria Stepanova proposed to make it not solid, and "translucent". The resulting design is similar to the hieroglyph. Through her asymmetric through shelves, light from the window, which was so afraid of losing. In general, they received what they were striving for: a decorative partition visually divides the space, but does not make it completely closed. Maria Stepanova modestly adds that the hieroglyph was not specifically planned. Simply, drawing future shelves, she had to constantly discard heavy and bulky details. So it turned out a harmonious and striving for the equilibrium form.

Feng Shui - Ancient Chinese philosophy, with mystico-symbolic positions explaining the laws of the organization of residential space. Literally "Feng Shui" is translated as "wind and water". According to ancient Chinese beliefs, it is these forces to the maximum degree affect the earth's landscape and on the fate, health and well-being of a person. The teaching states that through each point of the Earth there constantly passes a lot of energy flows (by the way, the existence of energy fields confirms modern physics). Commissioning and unhindered their passage, as well as the prevention of their collisions ensures the competent application of Feng Shui laws. The movement and direction of flows directly depends on the shape of the land plot, the location of the building, its architecture, the location of the items in the room, etc. This teaching will tell you how to build a house correctly, plan the rooms and arrange furniture in them to attract good luck, calm, harmony and prosperity. For example, Feng Shui adherents are not recommended to marry the microwave ovens, it is believed that it will bring complexity and coldness to the relationship, since it acts with the help of cold energy related to the element of the metal, not a fire. Avt is abundance, it turns out to achieve very simple. To do this, it is enough to hang in front of the dining table, the mirror-reflected food in it will "double down" and symbolize wealth. In order to quickly find a job, you need to hang art in black tones in the kitchen. To correct the retained reputation, you will need red curtains in the kitchen, and with a shortage of money, the purple pillows on the sofa in the living room will help.

The "hieroglyph" is located on the conventional border separating the hallway and the kitchen from the living room. On the same line there is a dining area of ​​a round table with chairs. It personifies a smooth transition from the kitchen to the living room. In the event, by all this, continuing the visual border, staged a stitched construction of plasterboard. She "descends" on the wall, closing the separation line. As in the "hieroglyph", there are square holes in this design. In addition, it was painted in a more intense color than the living room as a whole. The owners of the apartment first were afraid of such a radical admission, believing that the dark ceiling would be "lying on the shoulders." However, the risk was justified: the ceiling does not look low, and the accented "line" stands out on a general background and attracts attention.

The rest of the living room is withstanding in more relaxed terracotta gamut tones. In general, pastel shades are used throughout the apartment, it was one of the main wishes of the owners. They also wanted to limit the number of furniture items in the living room. Therefore, there are only a large corner sofa and a wall for audio and video equipment. Trying to move away from the "Girl interiors" (the expression of the author of the project) with rounded shapes, the wall was collected from cabinets-cubes, echoing with the squares described above. By the way, such a decision is also convenient, because of the "cubes", both from the children's designer, you can always build a composition of any configuration.

Continue the "square" topic, and the Oriental motives of the "hieroglyph" Japanese curtains on the windows. These are two canvas of different lengths, second-hand overhead ceiling. Aquare slots in them exactly copy the ceiling. The border on the floor between the tile of the hallway and the parquet of the living room is also very conditional. Woven not as smooth diagonal, but in the form of square steps. In short, the "square" theme is dominated everywhere. Even in the corridor on the tile floor, the same drawing is posted as on the suspended ceiling.

In such a "geometric" room and lighting should be appropriate. Simple in shape and modern style. On the two opposite sides of the room stretched tires. The light bulbs are invisible, but they give a lot of light. Vcridor the same sources were built in a suspended ceiling so as not to hang a banal chandelier. Suddenly she would distract attention from the "hieroglyph", which is presented with a leading role in the interior?

In spite of everything, the owners and the author of the project did not want to give up a large aquarium in the living room. He was placed in a specially made deepening in a wall adjacent to the bedroom. But this designer thought was not limited to the whole niche for the aquarium, it was decided to issue a la naturelle for which its walls were separated by tiled under the wild stone. It was a kind of peculiar, slightly wild piece of nature in the middle of a city apartment. Asession with nature, as you know, contributes to a full-fledged stay and relaxation.

And now we will return to the kitchen interior expensed on the backyard. The sides, its role in this architectural context, can be said, secondary: it is needed exclusively for practical needs. Asgubo functional things, as you know, hide ... WSCAP. It took, got, we used and again removed. So the kitchen also hid. And what is not a wardrobe? There is no windows, it is in the very depths of the apartment, and also closes with sliding doors. Wardrobe, and only! Solid side, if the doors of this cuisine to push the cabinet, it will be completely non-minor, but a very complete component of the combined living-dining room space. The asylight wooden facade of the kitchen, contrasting with a saturated color of the suspended ceiling, closes and balances the color series of the living room (dark curtains, light tones of the living room-terracotta dividing "line" - light facade of the kitchen).

The architectural solution of the bedroom was dictated by two circumstances: first, the desire of the owners as soon as possible to use not too large space, and secondly, the indirectal form of the room, it has a beveled angle with a large window. In parallel, the window was erected by the window, thanks to which the room had acquired the shape of the equilateral polygon (the same form repeats and the tail ceiling). In addition, an entrance zone appeared, it is a wardrobe, where large wardrobes are located. Weight for free meters bought a bed without bedside tables. Their role is played by original turning tables attached to the lie on both sides. Dressing table from drywall and glass- Author's thing. Among the finished furniture in numerous stores and salons did not find suitable for this bedroom, and the architect had to design himself. The beveled form of a table and a visor with a backlight above it fits perfectly into the room, where all the angles are cut.

The bedroom is sustained in soothing blue-blue tones. But if the walls are light blue, the partition and curtains are highlighted with dark blue. This technique avoids the monotony of the "sleepy kingdom". The abyss of excessive gloominess is not worthless, the windows overlook the sunny side. On the left and left of the bed in the partition are mounted glass blocks. In addition to the decorative function, they perform and purely practical: first, they skip the light into the input zone, secondly, they will supply the aquarium in a lively aquarium in a living room.

In the piggy bank of ideas

Comfort in Square

Distillery of the temple of Morpheus

The unusual configuration of the room in which it was assumed to arrange a bedroom, prompted the architect an interesting idea of ​​placing cabinets for clothes and economic trifles. The bed was discarded in front of the window. From the entrance door, the bedroom should be separated by a partition parallel to the beveled outer wall. On the right and left of the door are high cabinets with sliding doors. The left, M-shaped cabinet is quite traditional for modern apartments, but the right is much more interesting. Its originality is in the ingenious use of the partitions supplied at the angle between the bedroom and the living room. Weather Place Architect successfully turns the "dead" angle of one room into a decorative "alive" corner of another. The wardrobes are framed by the entrance to the bedroom, creating a small "pre-banker". Artificially narrowed passage, in addition to its main function of a modified dressing room, performs several more, related to the category of architectural games with the viewer. On the way out of a small dark zone (the glass blocks inserted into the wall change the situation insignificantly) to the light and the base of the blue room are easy to make a mistake in the assessment of the real bedroom. For a long time, the well-known and widespread acceptance turns out to be more appropriate in the interior of a small Moscow apartment. The invention of the ancient Greeks is not less successful today than in the pagan temples.

Since a sauna is equipped in the master bathroom, the room did not combine the bedroom. They decided that it was not very ethical to lead wishing to get through the guests through such an intimate room. Bathroom, as if in contrast to the rest of the apartment, Pott is bright colors. Such an interior involves emotional jack after calm and equilibrium other premises. Yes, and it's not bad to cheer up before the adoption of water procedures.

Maria Stepanova used four contrast colors in this bathroom: white, yellow, orange and green. By the way, it turned out that it seemed to choose such as common shades, often they simply did not want to combine with each other. Avteda This solution is built on the contrast of colors, but not tones, the tones must be absolutely equivalent. Special dynamics and playfulness "cheerful" bathroom give fragments laid out with smaller tiles. From time to time, the eye "clings" for a square, where instead of one tile of the usual size, four, but small, and also different colors.

As a rule, manufacturers of ceramic tiles produce not one model range of products, but immediately a collection. It includes the various elements necessary for the design of the room. First of all, it is the so-called background (or basic) tile - usually one-photon or with a non-discontinuous repeating pattern (for example, under the marble texture). For walls and floor, various tiles are always provided, more and less wear-resistant. Turn on to the collection and various decorative inserts. Their number and variety depend on the prestige of the collection and, of course, affect its price. It can be a tile with a pattern, with metal splashes, natural stone or wood. Decorative borders, wide or thin, as pencils are also offered. Tile sets and functional accessories are equipped with plinths and corners for them for borders. Sometimes there are special elements for ladder designs: staircase plinth, ceramic sticking and "risers" - tile for finishing the vertical part of the step; Frames and corners for the mirror. All types of tiles included in the collection are combined with each other. Elements are performed in general style, combine the fundamental idea. Often the whole collection is suppressed in one color range, and if not, its components are suitable for each other.

The problem with the furniture for the bathroom was quite original: the tabletop under the sink did themselves and laid out the same tile as the walls. Plus, they built the original shelf with glass shelves. The design looks very light, openwork, since the shelves are attached to thin metal strings, and not to wide wooden or plastic supports. Thanks to the original finding of designers, instead of technical strings used usually, they used strings for a curtainer looks more aesthetically. Yes, and not noticeably ugly fasteners - everything is closed with neat chromed plugs. So that the shelf does not swear, the strings pulled quite strongly. But over time they will weaken, and they will have to tighten.

Guest bathroom is also laid out by squares of multi-colored tile, only this time a blue-blue gamma. Invention is used small fragments of Venetian mosaic. Her drawing repeats the tile on the wall. Here the laundry unit is located above which glass blocks are built into the wall. This is such a comfortable and elegant apartment. AESLI someone certainly needs an idea, one can say so: the idea of ​​this project, peaceful balance and peacekeeping.

A functional wall with numerous niches is designed in the children's. Not knowing exactly why they will be used, Architect Maria Stepanova has provided the deepening of the most different length, height and depths. While the room plays the role of a guest and office, there is a TV, there are video tapes, magazines and all sorts of trivia. But at one fine moment their place can take rattles, bottles and nipples. In short, at any time there may be a need to change something here. So that it did not make much difficulty, the wall was performed from foam blocks. The selected material is more convenient for subsequent modeling than plasterboard from which such structures also often manufacture (for example, in this case, this is a decorative partition "hieroglyph" in the living room). Kstnikov and foam block shelves can attach additional elements, for example, hanging glass doors. Just need to competently pick up a dowel with screws or anchors. In addition, you can break out unnecessary shelves and build new ones.

The editors warns that in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the coordination of the conducted reorganization and redevelopment is required.

Comfort in Square 14255_14

Architect: Maria Stepanova

Manager: Oleg Matveyev

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