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Electronic Control and Access Control Systems: Service functions, components, components, block diagram.

With us current! 14299_1

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Motor lock EL650 (Abloy, Finland) with Rigel M-shaped for sliding doors
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Fingerprint reader V-SMART (Bioscrypt, USA)
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NTMaxiprox reader (HID). The sealed body allows you to install an outdoor device
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Model Proxpro Plus is designed to install on glass, doors or wall panels (HID)
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Autonomous electronic castle "Yuni-Fort" ("Fort", Russia). Locking mechanism, IR reader
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Mechanical latches "Fort", overhead and mortise

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Combined Reader Entry Prox (HID)
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Passage to the building can control various proximity readers (A and B) or digital code set panels (B)
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Solenoid castle EL580 (abloy) equipped with a secret cylinder mechanism
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Electro-mechanical Full Castle with spring latch (ATRA, Italy). It is equipped with an electronic panel and keychain, calculated on 280mld combinations
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Fig. 2.

Diagram of the device of the electro-mechanical lock (option). When slamming the door, the solenoid is briefly turned off, and the riglel, moving from the spring, locks the door of security - this is not a product. This is a process.

Bruce Schnaer, cryptograph

The problem of protecting the progress of the stubborn labor of the property is as old as the property itself itself. IVS This time people dreamed of disinterested and smart worships capable of giving a worthy repulsive to someone else's pretty.

And where is his button? ..

Security devices for housing are already improving hundreds of years. The entrance doors are strengthened, various models of mechanical locks appear (see. Stretch "quiet joy of closets"). In the early years, a new generation of devices, which have a number of service functions, have come to replace the mechanical locks. Specialists call such devices by automated systems for monitoring and managing access to the room. According to the systems used in everyday life, they will be discussed in our article on their merits and disadvantages.

Since we soon approached the new type of devices, we will define the meaning of some terms. What is the system of control and access control system (SUD)? Sampling is a wide sense, a complex of devices and events that ensure the protection and safety of an apartment, buildings, a country area. An ordinary door lock and even a cheek can be attributed to the simplest access control systems. The mining automated system includes dozens of mechanisms combined into a common network. The devices automatically "recognize" their owner and helpfully break the door in front of it; around the clock lead a video monitoring of a protected object; In case of illegal penetration, includes a notification system or report on the fact of a violation of the police; In case of fires, "according to the instructions", for example, produce unlocking all entrance doors so that the tenants can leave the house without interference.

All such systems can be divided into two groups: network and autonomous. The first multifunctional, but complex and roads, so they are used mainly on industrial or economic facilities (hotels, banks, etc.). For use in everyday life, autonomous skud has been developed. They are much easier than network and automate only a few functions. Environment such systems are usually called electronic or electromechanical locks, which is not entirely true. In fact, the castle is let the most important, but still a detail of the Summer. In addition to the mechanism, a locking door, the following nodes are present in the systems: identifier identifier that gives access to the right (map, keychain, digital code); reader or keyboard; controller or control system and processing received information; Power unit.

Systems are easy to handle and provide a high level of burglary resistance. The reader can be hidden from the eyes, respectively, the key well can be eliminated and all the problems associated with it are not physically accessing the locking device. Then the protective armored linings are not needed for the secret part of the castle, and the door canvas is not attenuated through holes. In addition, electronics makes it possible to provide the highest level of secrecy, by the number of possible combinations of the code, electronic scois exceeds mechanical locks by several orders. Finally, the electronics provides the ability to transcode- if the key-identifier is lost, the "mechanics" does not need to be changed, just enter the new cipher.

How does such a system work? The reader is fed to the door opening. This can be done in different ways. For example, a card or key chain is brought to the reader antenna or the code is called manually. From the reader, the signal enters the control system and processing information. There it is identified and, if recognized as "his", the team is issued to open the lock. Alturing the danger turns on the alarming siren, the security service is noticed, the lock is blocked, etc. Sometimes the locks are equipped with additional sensors that are able to "inform" the control system for breakdowns and faults (abroad in the order of things when the SCOD "independently calls" in the service department and causes the wizard). Also, the door can be equipped with sensors that will report the control system that the door is completely closed and the locking of the lock can be put forward.

Different skuds differ from each other by the principle of action and the constructive design of their main components of the reader, controller and the castle. They can be made in the form of separate blocks or combined in a common case. Inspective systems, the recorder and controller or reader and the lock and the controller are similarly combined, and the installation is easier. By the way, about simplicity. The desire to increase the bomb resistance of the entrance door with a very complex system designed for installation in offices often leads to a response. With its external elements, it attracts the attention of the attacker and as if says: "For such a carefully protected door there is something to hide!" But the main thing, "office" systems are designed to work surrounded by other means of safety (video surveillance, displacement sensors, security service, etc.). Dischargers No time to "pick up" in such a device. Other business-staircase of the city house. Complex electronics often leaves before drilling or electric shock.

Reading devices

Model Firm Type of reader Temperature Reading reading, see Price, $
VXM-5. Visaccess (Israel) Contactless -20 ... +50 4-8 300.
Miniprox. HID (USA) Contactless -30 ... +65 2.5-13 240.
S1504 Passman Lr. Tagmaster (Sweden) Contactless -20 ... +60 800. 3950.
Omni. Northern (USA) Contactless -31 ... +63. To 10 280.
FlexPass. Motorola (USA) Contactless -35 ... +65 Up to 12.7 210.
Cyfral DC-2000 Cyfral (USA) Key chains Touch-Memory -40 ... +45 - 110.

Path to protectedness

The skud was invented to improve real estate security. Mechanical locks provide their location (attack type, and sometimes the design) is already a type of keyhole. The desire to make the drive to the locking rift of the castle invisible led to the creation of locking devices operated by electricity.

Electromechanical locks. Most often use electromechanical locks most often use. Their development and production companies are engaged in companies like Abloy (Finland), Cisa, ISEO, Mottura (Italy), Tesa (Spain), Commax (Korea), Ming-Yang, Yu's (Taiwan), Yuni-Fort, OKB Horizon "(Russia) and others. The generally accepted interpretation of the term" Electromechanical Castle "is not. Most developers converge on the fact that the distinguishing feature of this castle is to move the basement using mechanical means (handle, levers, spring, key), and blocking electrical solid.

The simplest variant of the device of such a lock is shown in Fig.2. The lock consists of a locking riglel, a power spring, a controlling rigel, a solenoid stopper and a controller (or an electric microswitch connected to the controller). When closing the door, the locking rigle is extended mechanically from the spring and in this position is fixed with the tongue of the solenoid stopper locked. If there is a voltage, the stopper is drawn to the solenoid, and the locking beeble can be removed by turning the handle, squeezing the spring. The castle remains sideways until the reiguel is again blocked by the solenoid stopper. This happens when the door slams. Then the control latch is pressed inside the lock and closes the terminals of the microswitch, the controller gives a signal to turn off the power of the solenoid, and the last stopper is extended by blocking the riglel.

The command for feeding the voltage to the solenoid controller can give the signal passing through the door of a person, for example, from the radio, buttons, key or from the keyboard. For such a principle, some castles from Abloy work. Slight otherwise castles are arranged from Cisa, ISEO, YU's. Announced the control valve when closing the door weighs the power spring and through the lever system pulls the locking rigleel, and the solenoid fixes the spring in the compressed state. When the voltage is supplied to the solenoid of the spring, it is released and retracts the reigleel inside the lock-door is open.

There are many combinations of riggers and latches. Thus, in the Castle of the 7818 model from the ISEO, the control battlefield can move with the help of electricity, from the key or from the rotary handle, and the locking rigle is controlled only by the lock. AB models of the 809 series from EFFEFF (Germany) locking rigle helps automatically when the door slams, but you can open the lock only with an electric handle. Without electrical lock, it is not related to the lock mechanism, and it is useless to turn it.

Electromechanical locks can be equipped with rotary or pressure handles or a standard secrecy cylinder or sub-type mechanism (exclusion-electromagnetic locks that are almost not used in everyday life and are not considered in this article).

There are mortise and overhead models of locking devices with an electromechanical drive. Curled in dimensions do not differ from standard mechanical locks. There are models for installation on any type of doors: left and right, opening inside or outward, wooden, steel, aluminum and plastic. A number of models have thrust to drive vertical riggers used in a multipoint locking scheme. Overhead locks are very similar to their mechanical "brothers". All of them from the outside have a lock cylinder with a key to open the lock in an emergency, and from the inside open by a mechanical button. More universal models (for example, Serving 5513 from ISEO) there is a cylinder and from the inside, but the key button can be blocked, and then the lock will open only when the voltage is submitted.

In addition, all locks can be divided into "normally open" and "normally closed." For the first case without supplying voltage, the lock is in the open state. In "normally closed" in a de-energized state, the door is locked. The first are good when quick evacuation is required, for example, in case of fire. But they are pretty simply open if you break food. The second is more reliable from the point of view of security, but another problem arises with them: how to get into the house if the electricity is turned off? Systems with backup independent power supply come to the rescue, but they also need to follow them. Usually, batteries or batteries voltage 12B are used for backup power. There are systems in which the signal light indicates their discharge. An important criterion for selecting the lock model is the duration of possible autonomous work. So, the "Bulldog-10" locks of the OKB "Horizon" require the change of batteries only 1 time 5 years, and the "Fort" model of the company "Yuni-Fort" is 1 times in 2-3 years.

But the highest headache for the user is the problem of use in such locks of mechanical keys. If used, the key well will immediately give the location of the lock. Inesley Rigel moves from the key, then what to turn off the electric blocking of the riglel? Always when this happens automatically, when the key is rotated, the safety of the electromechanical lock is not higher than the mechanical one. If the locking reigleel independent and works only from the key (model7818 from ISEO), and with the help of electricity, only the battle-latch or additional goals are blocked, we will have to carry with you the key and keychain (or card). Ipri this remains the question of how to get into the house with a malfunction in the electrical system. Problems are solved in different ways. In any case, in models for entrance doors, almost all manufacturers provide for the possibility of installing a cylinder mechanism. Amounting it or not - the user decides.

We want to emphasize once again that the electromechanical lock is only an executive element of electronics and is not applied separately. In practice, the "Electrocum" is called a transition mechanism with an electromechanical drive, and electronics of the lock control. Because of this, confusion often arises, since the cost of the lock is 2-3 times lower than the cost of fully equipped akud. The price of the locking mechanism ranges from $ 20 to $ 250 (cheaper products from Russia and Southeast Asia, more expensive, Italian and Finnish), while fully equipped akud will cost no less than $ 200-400.

Electrical locks. Extractive locks are used electromotors (power usually 24V), which lead to the movement of the rigl. Thus, in the model 8120 (abloy), the rigle is removed inside the housing using a motor, and extends under the action of the spring, and in the model 8154 is removed and shifted by an electric motor. 5525 Effeff Motor Motor Manages the movement of two rigleels at once. It is easier for a hot drive, mechanisms with swinging rigel, which is needed to lock the sliding doors (for example, model5540 from EFFEFF and 8812 from ABLOY). The drive mechanism provides a fairly significant effort on the beel, and the latter is pressed with great difficulty. Especially hacking worm drive when he is hidden inside the riglel. Such locks such locks can be attributed to their slow locking - it takes several seconds.

Solenoid castles. This group is still small. The locks have a powerful steel rod, which when the voltage is supplied to the housing. Lovely condition Lock locked, open the door is impossible ("Fort" from "Yuni-Fort"). Since the locations of the castle outside are not visible, it is impossible to hack it. We are his strength and weakness. If something happened to the electrical system and there is no one at home, the door will have to break. When equipping the castle, the convenience of use is increasingly cylindrous with the key, but hack resistance is sharply reduced.

Electromechanical latches. Autonomous electromechanical latches, blocks are used as an addition to conventional mechanical locks. There are two schemes for using such latches. First, they are installed on the door frame instead of the castle of the castle (plate with holes for riglels), and they block the locking rigle in the extended position. Such devices establishes on their products - steel doors with Cisa Cisa Castles. Sesame. There are still latch locks mounted in the door jamb. Such, for example, models 142Hz6 and 342Hz from EFFEFF. According to the second scheme, the latch is embedded in the traction of lateral rigaers in multipoint locking (say, the MMCode system from Mottura, Italy). In this case, the advantage of electronics is its "invisibility": the modified castle is not different from the unmodified, which makes it difficult to work the hacker.

What castle to use as a "executive element"? If we are talking about the entrance doors, then it must have a necessary margin of strength, resistance to hacking. Requirements for electromechanical locks are the same as mechanical. Buying a lock, learn whether it is intended to install at the entrance doors, on which particular or metal.

Castles with an electric drive poorly tolerate the deformations of the door canvase (stemperanny jumps, from dampness). The Motor of the Rigel may fail due to overload. If the door is closed loosely, the lock will lose the ability to automatically snap. Any obstacles to the snow or in the gap between the door canvine and the penny box will tell about the operation of the device. Mechanical locks, though not so comfortable, but sometimes more trouble-free.

On distant rounds

You can collect component components for a scois yourself, and you can buy the finished castle in which they are already built. Such devices are called autonomous electronic locks. Their advantage is "balance" of all elements of the system (no need to break the head, whether one item is suitable for another), and drawbacks with modernization. There are autonomous sirens and a "sythtyllectric". For example, a "Nabat" device (NPVF "Bastion"), restricting manipulation with a key well in time (30-90c). If the limit is exhausted, the device can produce the following actions (vial): Enable Siren, make a call to a cell phone, turn on the simulator of the lingerie or send a signal to the alternate security console.


Model Type of reader Supply voltage from the mains block and from the backup power supply, in Key Action Zone The number of keys in the kit, pcs. View of a mechanical locking device Read


Price, $
"Fort" ("Yuni-Fort", Russia) Infrared 12-18 / 4.5 Up to1m 4 (occasion to 600) Mortise or obligant - 220.
"Bulldog-10" (OKB "Horizon", Russia) Keychain Touch-Memory, Infrared 9 (autonomous food only) Up to 1 meters five Cutting, cylinder 20000. 130.

("Sesame", Russia)

Proxy Map. 12 Up to 6 meters four Currency - 200.
"Picar 95G200"

("Picar", Russia)

Proxy Map. 12 Up to 10 cm 5 (occasion up to 200) Overhead 30000. 287.

(TESA, Spain)

Magnetic card 6 (autonomous food only) Contact Up to 1000. Currency - 365.

, pay attention to its complete set. Aimenno: on the type of reader, the number of incoming identification keyfobs, the ability to connect the sensors of security alarm and expansion of the system.

The main difficulties in the installation of electronic locks occur in the case of mounting the hidden wiring in the door of the wood array. For this, it may be necessary to manufacture through channel to the entire width of the door. Due to the problems with the power supply of the power supply, it is better to "take care" by installing the castle even before purchasing the door.

If the door is on the order, let us know the manufacturer that you plan to install a power lock. Then the company will make the holes for the cable in advance, and so that the design of the door does not suffer. If you want to install the lock on the already finished metal door, be sure to consult with its manufacturers, they will prompt how the cable should pass in order not to weaken the ribs of stiffness.

It is best to entrust the installation of electronic locks by a firm specializing in the installation of access control systems. The cost of such a service in Moscow is about $ 20. Moreover, some foreign manufacturers of locks give a warranty on them only when installing their authorized dealers.

Examples of locks with electromechanical drive

Model Type of castle Supply voltage, in View Type of secret mechanism Features Price, $
"Malysh 7" ("ATOS", Russia) Electromechanical 12 Currency Cylinder Rigel's effort on the layer- 12000n (1200kgs) 55.
17685.48.a.c5 (Cisa, Italy) Electromechanical 12 Currency Suwalid Electrically managed latch, 4-port riglel 130.
8120 (Abloy, Finland) Motor 24. Currency Cylinder Programmable opening delay 2-15 s 700.
DL-3 (Commax, Korea) Electromechanical 12 Overhead Cylinder - 37.
EL-370A (Ming-Yang, Taiwan) Electromechanical 12 Overhead Cylinder - 26.

Electronics in dosor

What is a door lock, everyone knows, but the readers (readers) are perceived as a wonder. So, the reader is a device that perceives the encoded signal, which is supplied either by radio channel, or when contact with the identifier (for example, Touch-Memory or a magnetic card), or from a manual code input keyboard. Ensure housing is better to use contactless remote readers (infrared, radio channels). They differ in the signal transmission method (radio wave in the frequency bands of 125kHz, 13.56 MHz and 2.45 GHz or infrared rays) and the installation method. An open method is possible (the device is fixed from the outside of the door or camouflage under the call button, the element of the decoration, etc.) and hidden (inside the wall).

The contact type of devices includes magnetic card readers, Vigand cards and Touch-Memory keyfobs, to contactless proximity (Proximity) -caps of remote control. In the "private sector", proximity cards are used, which are superior to durability and wear resistance magnetic cards and allow you to reprogram the code (which cannot be done with Vigand cards). These cards work so. The reader generates electromagnetic radiation of a certain frequency. If you place a proxy card in the reader's action zone, a microcircuit is activated, built into the card, and a response electromagnetic pulse of a certain shape and frequency is supplied to the reader. The Touch-Memory key rings belong to the contact technologies - they should be closely applied to the reader, so they are less convenient (nozzle the readers themselves are cheap and reliable, they often equip the entrances of urban homes).

Biometric readers are promising devices that, according to the forecast of specialists, will soon find wide use in everyday life. The identification of a person in its unique physiological features (papillar pattern of fingers, face geometry and brush hand, ear shape, voice characteristics, painting of the iris, DNA structure, etc.). Simply put, the man itself becomes the key. The list of models of biometric readers is very extensive. Scanner readers are part of many biometric access control systems, which are available abroad by Sensar, T-Netix, Identix, National Registry, Bioscrypt, American Biometric Company, (USA), INFENION (Germany), Morpho (France), British Telecom (England), LG ELECTRONICS (South Korea). Among the models you can mention HandkeyII (palm geometry reader from the American company Recognition Systems), Dactyloscopic Readers V-Prox (BioScrypt, USA) and Bogo2000 (Bogotech, South Korea), FaceKey face geometry reader (Omron, Japan).

What type of reading devices is better to use? Answer: contactless. Radio channels of unidirectional action are cheapest (minimum price - $ 50-60), easy to operate, but their reliability is low, so they equip the auxiliary locks and entrance doors. The advantages of their antenna can be "hiding" under the door trim, wooden panels, plaster, concrete. IR identifiers are less convenient because they require direct access of the infrared beam to the reading device. With their hidden installation on the outer surface of the door remains a tiny (diameter 1-2 mm) hole. The proximity readers and identifiers of IR rays are more reliable, but the cost of this technique is higher than $ 150-200. Biometric readers are able to provide high secrecy, but relatively roads and have low anti-vandal security.

The advantages of IR identifiers include the complexity of unauthorized withdrawal of information, unless their receiver is quite deeply hidden under the door trim. Their quality of their work does not depend on the neighborhood with sources of electromagnetic emissions or metal. The proximity readers need to be isolated from the shielding effects of the metal. Thus, when installing the proxy readers VXS-5 on metal structures, Visaccess (Israel) recommends using a non-metallic lining with a thickness of at least 1 cm. Such devices can be sensitive to closely located power cable (for example, to the elevator shaft behind the wall). In all these cases, the proximity readers will work, but the range of the actions of the blocks will be significantly reduced (sites of centimeters to several centimeters).

To prevent the code signal to prevent the sophisticated dynamic codes technology. In addition, the actual code is encrypted so that each transmission of the keychain command is completely different code parcel. In addition, the actual code is restored by mathematical processing. The interception of the signal becomes meaningless, as it is impossible to predict what the next code combination will cause the lock opening (the simple repetition of the previous signal will not lead to anything). This technology is used, for example, in the "Bulldog-10" castles from the "horizon" OKB.

At the input doors it is better to use small and medium-sized identifiers (up to 13m). Increasing the read range requires an increase in signal power, as a result of which the overall size of the key-identifier increases, the need to use a power source in it (batteries), which limits the life of the device. In addition, the risk of signal delaying with radiocanners increases, and the lock is unlocking to the owner's approach.

The next case of life is clearly indicated about the ease of operation of the access control systems equipped with electricity. One very secured lady wished to equip this device "Service entrance" for a dog in his mansion. An appropriate lock, proximity reader and automatic door opening system were installed on a tiny loophole door, and the key card hung on a dog collar. Thus, homemade pets got the opportunity to take walks in the garden at any convenient time, not disturbing the owners.

An important characteristic of the reading device is a protocol type (method of encoding and information transmission procedure), which it supports. The Access Control Control Access Controls uses several protocols - Wiegand, RS-485, RC-232, Ethernet. The most common - Vigand (Wiegand). Wawton locks, of course, not so important which protocol is used, but if in the future the owner wants to integrate the electronic lock into a single security complex, the incompatibility of the encoding can be this obstacle.

Not all skud transfer low temperatures and high humidity. However, individual elements of the systems are specifically developed for work in extreme conditions (for example, OMNI proximity readers from Northern and MiniProx from HID). If you are planning to install an electromechanical lock or reader on a street door, browse the product passport and make sure that it can tolerate frost and weather.

There is safety in numbers

What are the prospects for the development of household electronic locks? Experts are confident that the future is integrated systems that are called in everyday life "smart home." This is a complex of household devices united by a common processor for processing information. The current complex will no longer be individual locks, they will be particles of a single system for monitoring remote access, along with video surveillance complexes, fire alarms, lighting, etc. Systems of intellectual life support buildings We will tell in the following log rooms.

The editors thanks the company "AAM SYSTEMS", "Armo Group", "Sesam", "Yuni-Fort", "Biometric Systems", Representative Office of ABLOY for help in the preparation of materials.

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