Over dry streams


"Civilized" landscape from scratch. The older generation is a garden and a garden, an average - a barbecue area, younger - a children's town.

Over dry streams 14309_1

Over dry streams
In the course of the dry stream, between large boulders and small pebbles, it was stuck. The plant emphasizes the drawing of the channel, shaking fresh greens of bizarre Arabesque stones
Over dry streams
On the right of the wicket planted three spherical thui. It is symmetrically to them on the left is a composition of a vertical thui, a flutter juniper and pine mountains
Over dry streams
Flexible branches of male shrubs soaring large boulders lying around the edges of the stream
Over dry streams
Barberry Tunberg with very bright color of foliage is found in several places of the front garden: Harry, on the shores of the dry stream
Over dry streams
Coniferous trees are well rolled with heath and soil plants, as they have the same requirements for the chemical composition of the soil
Over dry streams
In the rosary, in addition to pink bushes, a nasturtium of a rare coral shade is planted. Despite the nonstandarity of such a decision, the combination turned out to be very spectacular
Over dry streams
A few types of Barbaris (dwarf and Barbaris Tunberg) are located along the riverbed of the dry stream. In the spring, when the irises bloom along the shores, the stream becomes especially picturesque
Over dry streams
Roccarium created by the hostess plot perfectly fit into the surrounding landscape. The main dominant here is Tuya, and the boundaries designate a red-hearted barberries (in the foreground) and a nut Manchur
Over dry streams
The green lawn behind the house is sown with special grains of herbs, resistant to external (incomplictant, mechanical). This is a sports lawn, suitable for both evening walks and active moving games.

From home to the fence, a beautiful rocky "Operations" descends, surrounded by low bushes of purple blood barbaris and a kizilnik. This is how the drone of a dry stream looks like a clear day. But as soon as it rains, the opps will turn into a small ringing river, having fun running away from the house through the green "fields" of neat lawn grass ...

Over dry streams
The Manchurian walnut, located behind the house, beyond the barbecue area, has a spreaded crown with wide leaves (up to 40cm). Walnut allows you to quickly form a "adult" landscape - after a few years, it becomes a solid tree when architects from Alpha Flora have begun work, the site resembled nonpauced virgin lands: a dull, silent grass-overwriting with the mountains of construction trash. Only a few paved tracks hinted on the fact that a "civilized" landscape should be formed here. In short, the development of the territory began almost from scratch.

The area of ​​the site is large enough and divided into two parts - solemn facade (about two hundred) and private behind the house (15 hundreds). The facade part of the hosts wanted to arrange in the front key, because it was the face of the site, "meets guests." The territory at home was intended mainly for family leisure. Aon in this case is especially important, since three generations of one family live here: the actual customers, Vladimir and Victoria are gold, two of their children (daughter of seven years old and an adult son) and older parents. The older generation wanted to have a small neckside and a fruit garden at hand. For a little girl was supposed to build a children's town with a swimming pool. Among other things, the family loves to arrange picnics, so the architects were asked to arrange a place for a light portable gazebo, installed for the summer. Behind the building already existed a barbecue platform, and a picture of garden tracks made of concrete paving was formed. In general, there were quite a lot of initial requirements, and the landscape created was to meet the needs and wishes of each household.

Over dry streams
The strict geometry of the track, coming from the house to the gazebo, is softened by smooth bends of flower. The color scheme of the mixboarder is built on the combination of blue and yellow: the blue irises and dolphiniums are shaved by Rudbecki and the palmway on the site decided to arrange a lush rosary inscribed in a rhombus between two garden tracks. The rosary created the hostess at home. We present different groups of these wonderful colors: Rose Floribund, Patio Rose, Rose tea-hybrid and miniature. A clutch for bushes is the nasturtium of a rare coral shade. Architects note that, despite the non-standard of such a decision (rosary is rarely diluted with annuals), the resulting floral community looks very effective, the nitrate is perfectly complemented by the overall rosary gamut.

At the entrance, the track is surrounded by decorative shrubs: three spheroid tui are planted on the right, the heat composition of the high thuly defining the vertical, a flutter juniper and a small pine ball. These "guard" standing on both sides of the gate additionally emphasize the entrance to the territory of private ownership.

The fence is a high grille, behind which neighboring houses are visible. In order to challenge the "outsider" landscape, along it, they planted the dend the grinding. By the same corner of the garden, Catalpa Bignoniye and Ryabina milder took place. Both of these plants are quite unusual for the middle strip and are a bright landscape accent. The inflorescences of Caplip are reminded orchids. Ryabina powdered is distinguished by one-piece leaves covered with a back side with white fluff, and large sweet fruits are little similar to his relative near Moscow. This tree is particularly spectacularly looking into the windy weather-laid crown constantly changing, like a storm sea or sky.

Rowan completes the left of the entrance part of the parade garden. Under the windows of the fireplace room there is a rocque. Decorative and deciduous plants were accustomed between large boulders: the red-hearted dwarf Barbaris Tunberg, a shrubs, juniper Cossacks (the only coniferous "inhabitant" Rokariya), soil perennials- Floxes are cylinders, obsolete, and herbanka. Near Rokaria there is a wrapper strabawa IVA and the hydrangea of ​​the tree.

Over dry streams
The cone-shaped fir of the conic (the foreground) and the thuja dwarf spherical shaped are brought into the picturesque structure of the dry stream an element of ordering. The combination of strict symmetry and natural naturalness gives this corner of the site a completely special charm's main theme of the opposite, the right side of the parade landscape-dry stream. Its appearance is due to functionally: it is storm sewage. During heavy rains from the roof of the house, water flows flow, and the facade area of ​​the landscape is not equipped with drainage. The plot is sufficiently dry, so the drainage system has arranged the hidden system only in his second half. But in front of the house, water was not accumulated, from the corner of the building to the gate, the open drainage drangum was laid. For this, a part of the soil was removed, the stream of the stream was cemented and laid out stones and pebbles (some stones are planted on the cement mortar). During heavy rains, dry rods are revived by the flow of running water (it is discharged by the gate, in the open drainage canvas-rave sewage system). The curved channel is framed by several types of barberries, a caticker and various splashing shrubs. The owners initially wanted to be in the landscape there was something that distinguishes him from the rest. It was such a highlight and became a dry stream. Wallowern weather is pleasantly walking along his small pebbles, and in the shower, it turns into a fun rapid flow. The dry stream is the driveway to the house (on the right in the fence there are more gates). So that she did not catch the eye, the Busta Busta Barbaris Tunberg was planted along the edge of the paving slats, who visually altered the front landscape.

Over dry streams
The driveway towards the garage is laid behind the dry stream. In order to visually extinguish it from the picturesque landscape in front of the house, on the edge of the paving, the bushes of a red-hearted Barbaris Tunberg landed the walkway envelopes the house and, bypassing the flower beds, suitable for the site, on which a light summer gazebo is located. On one side of the building planted bushes of the brilliant brilliant. Since it grows rather rapidly (otisaya 70cm for a year and a half already rose to 1,5 m), soon there is a dense, almost impenetrable screen. (Architects were chosen for landing small plants, because they are easier to take root and get used to the haircut.) The kisyst is visible to the Kulis, shaped from chestnuts, lips, maples and spirits. It will take quite a bit of time, and the scene will hide the neighboring houses, while visible behind the fence.

A clear line of the track, coming from the house to the gazebo, is softened by smooth bends of the flower. The main focus is made on the neighborhood of blue and yellow (the hostess loves blue, and yellow creates a expressive contrast to him). The combination of blue irises and dolphiniums with yellow Rudbecki and the palm card informs this part of the garden. Cheerful mood. A contrasting color range is diluted with pastel shades phlox.

Over dry streams
Along the track coming from the barbecue site to the left, barbaris, cherry, and ancient cannon. From the gazebo, a children's town with a swimming pool, built for the daughter of the owners near the arbor, walking from the house, splits and envelopes a barbecue platform from two sides. The left footpath leads from the arbor to the solar, southern part of the garden. On the right, through the greenery of Barbaris, the cherry and the pots, there is a children's town with a swimming pool, on the left side overlooking the fruit garden and a small neckside. This is a host of the older generation of the family. The garden, triangular in shape, is divided into equal beds-segments. Onions, garlic, all kinds of greens and strawberries grow on them. Segments are edged with a corrugated border, a crushed stone is riveted between them (it creates comfortable tracks and prevents the appearance of weeds). Architects noted that thanks to such a breakdown, the garden turned out to be very elegant and now turned into one of the decorations of the site.

In the fruit garden you can see apple trees, pears, plums and cherries. Strying to them near the house are planted with edible honeysuckle and black-flow rowan. Created in this part of the Kulis territory supports the theme of fruit garden - it is formed from fruitless shrubs (raspberries, currants, gooseberries). If you do not follow the raspberry bushes, they grow greatly smashes and are able to quickly float a large enough area. In order to avoid this, they were closed in peculiar limiters, covered in the ground unused tile, etc. These barriers do not allow plants to occupy square meters belonging to them.

Over dry streams
Boulders, forming roccarius, beautiful and by themselves: Breakdown shadows are infringing the setting sun, the freakish shadows draw on them, created three years ago, ended almost immediately at the summer gazebo. Subsequently, the owners docked the land adjacent to the site, significantly expanding it. From the first moment they tried to delve into all the details of the work of landscape architects, they considered themselves able to master the new territory themselves. So behind the gazebo there was another small roccar, and in parallel, on the other of the "shore" of the lawn, a flower bed was formed. Architects point out that the owners of the site opened the undoubted designer talent: the new landscape very harmoniously fit into the uniform structure of the garden.

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