Aesthetics functionality


"Mojdodyra", countertops, mirrors, cabinets, pencils - what can offer a modern furniture market for bathrooms?

Aesthetics functionality 14317_1

Aesthetics functionality
Collection of ellisse from Oasis. The space around the shell is used rational. Below are the handrails for towels and the shelf attached to the wall, on the sides, small cabinets of different heights
Aesthetics functionality
The wavy contours of the facades and the combination of white and blue symbolize the unity of the concepts of "water" purity. "Akvaton", "Dionysis" line
Aesthetics functionality
Nothing superfluous: the furnishings of the bathroom consists of a cabinet under the sink, mirrors and a foam cabinet. All items are fixed on the walls of the room. Bauletto from Tulli Zuccari
Aesthetics functionality
The abundance of drawers and shelves will allow you to store in the lockers a lot of trifles. Natura Series from Metalkris
Aesthetics functionality

Extravagant solution for a small bathroom: bright white-blue items in a red corner

Aesthetics functionality
Laufen. This bathroom is dominated by a delicate white-blue color gamut.
Aesthetics functionality
Furniture from the Mosaik collection from IDO is equipped with the sink of the same manufacturer
Aesthetics functionality
Ideal Standard. Under a single tabletop, there are three small lockers with rounded doors.
Aesthetics functionality
Compact set for a small bathroom can have a width of only 50cm ("Ricaro" from Aquaton)
Aesthetics functionality
Glass and metal furniture Surely will attract the attention of High Tech style fans (Bora Series from Metalkris)
Aesthetics functionality
High legs, which are equipped with lockers, contribute to the ventilation of the furniture and allow you to easily wipe the floor under it. "Esnen" from IKEA
Aesthetics functionality

All electrical appliances in the bathroom must be designed to use in conditions of high humidity.

Aesthetics functionality
Design furniture, plumbing and accessories from Keramag strict and emphasized Elegance
Aesthetics functionality
Duravit. On the long granite countertop and under it there are many of the necessary things. The bedside table on wheels is easily moving on the bathroom
Aesthetics functionality
In the manufacture of furniture, the metal is used in combination with other materials, in this case MDF. Metalkris, ORION series

In most typical apartments, the bathroom area is small, about 4m2, and even less. How to place in such a close room Plumbing equipment and things needed to maintain body cleanliness?

If you are unbearable with the walls of your bathroom, you can solve the problem by redeveloping the entire apartment or part of it. The minimum redevelopment is to combine the bathroom and toilet. But it is necessary to obtain permission from the district interdepartmental commission, which is associated with numerous troubles and time loss. It is easier and cheaper to correct the shortcomings of the room with rational furnishings. Bathroom furnishings can be purchased in salons and shops selling plumbing equipment.

What is the furniture need?

The answer to this question depends on the area of ​​the bathroom, as well as the volume of small and large things that you would like to store in it. It is not necessary to get involved in the acquisition of a large number of items, because you risk cluttering the room so that there will be no place to turn. In principle, you can do without furniture at all, buying only accessories and attaching them to the walls. Washing supplies will fit on the sink, if it is large enough, small bottles will fall on the shelf under the mirror, etc. (For more information on accessories for bathrooms - the material of the same name in the same issue of the magazine.) Is the same with furniture more convenient. After all, hiding in the lockers, the necessary little things will be protected from dust and splashes of water.

Furniture for bathrooms are usually sold not sets, but element. That is, from a large number of items a collection of one or another manufacturer, you can choose a few necessary. A set of items offered by different factories, standard. These are the cabinets and stands under the sink- "Moidodyra"; Countertops Furoving Sink; Mirrors with illumination and shelves; bedside tables and low lockers; High wardrobes, as well as hinged cabinets of different sizes.


Aesthetics functionality
Ceramica Dolomite. The angular arrangement of the sink, mirrors, shelves and accessories will help save space in a close bath Moydodyr , the very "washbasins of the head and rockets commander," - the main one, and in some bathrooms the only object of furniture. Reminder of manufacturers is a closed cabinet with a seal with a sink, equipped with drawers, doors and shelves.

There are MoidOders compact (width 50cm), medium and huge (width to one and a half meters), their depth varies from 30 to 60 cm, so you will probably choose a model that will fit well into your bathroom. Holders of small premises are worth paying attention to the angular varieties - they occupy a little space and are convenient to use (as some models from Aquaton, Russia, and Ceramica Dolomite, Italy.

Moid modest device can be different. The easiest and most inexpensive version of the device with two swollen doors and shelves inside (such, say, items from the collections "Sparren" and "Esnen" from IKEA, Sweden). They are also good different combinations of a swollen door with drawers, located in different parts of the cabinet. Very comfortable MoidOders with hinged doors at the bottom of the couch, where the lingerie basket is hidden (there are such models in the range of many manufacturers). In principle, the sink stand can be open in front or from all sides, then the shelves simply put towels and other accessories or put wicker baskets that are used as containers for all sorts of things.

Table top , Furious sink, is an inapproprous alternative to Mojdodyru. Not being the subject of furniture, this, roughly speaking, the board (although the tabletop can be glass) serves as a comfortable stand for washbasin, especially if the sink is small in size. (Some models of the shells originally have wide shelves, for which you can put soap, razor devices and toothbrushes.) On the sides of the countertops are often equipped with metal handrails for hanging towels, the shelf, attached to the table top or to the wall, can be located at the bottom. Table tops made of glass, marble and MDF are in the assortment of many European manufacturers, including Italian (Tulli Zuccari, Arte Linea, Globo, Azzurra, etc.) and Spanish (for example, Metalkris).

Going shopping

Buy Moidodyr or a countertop is best simultaneously with the sink. Thus, you get rid of the whole complex of problems associated with the choice of a model suitable in size and form. The simplest, but often not the cheapest option - to acquire furniture and plumbing of the same manufacturer (for example, the Swiss company Laufen or Finnish IDO). If the Moidodyr liked is made by a factory specializing in the release of furniture, know that the manufacturer is probably cooperating with several manufacturers of shells. You are not satisfied with the model of the shell, which is equipped with Middodar? Try to buy it in another store, but keep in mind that it is extremely difficult to install it so that there is no gaps, it is extremely difficult, and sometimes impossible.Mirrors and shelves In fact, not as furniture objects, be sure to present in the assortment of all firms manufacturers of bathrooms. Of course, you can buy a mirror separately or make to order, but this, again, more troublesome and stretched in time ways to solve the problem. Many manufacturers of bathroom furniture produce wall panels attached above the sink. They consist of a mirror, the shelves on the right, to the left and from it from it, as well as, in some cases, a small single-sided locker. Buying furniture for the bathroom, do not forget to provide local lighting near the shell: it will better consider the person during the washing and other hygienic procedures. Luminaires can be embedded in a visor over a mirror or autonomous. And further. Do not forget that all electrical appliances installed in the bathroom should be designed to use under high humidity conditions.

Lockers Different sizes and shapes can be put or hang anywhere in the bathroom (if only it is found). The linear version of the furniture is especially convenient in elongated or just large rooms, where the length of the wall is large enough. From several items, a wall is obtained similar to the wall in the living room or in the kitchen, only smaller. But more often, furniture objects in the bathroom are located at some distance from each other. Narrow shallow cabinets and small cabinets with shelves attached to the walls occupy very little space. Such objects can be suspended next to the sink or anywhere else, for example in the corner. Attach the locker to the wall is not too high to easily reach all the shelves. If the area of ​​the room allows, you can also buy a high and narrow floor cabinet column (or column, as some manufacturers call it). Having a small width (30-40 cm) and a greater height (about two meters), the column will become a good helper, with a lot of things. Complete bathroom furniture can also include low courses and lockers, which are sometimes equipped with wheels and easily move from place to place.

By the way, buying furniture, pay attention to some details of its design, especially on the lower parts of the floor cabinets. Cabinets may stand on legs or on the so-called bases (they are the same reference boxes). Under the furniture on the legs easily wipe the floor, besides, it is better ventilated. The grounds complicate cleaning under the lockers, but allow it less frequently.


Bathroom - such a place where the temperature and humidity are constantly changing. Especially aggressive medium for furniture folds in houses with poor ventilation, in small rooms. That is why strict and large-scale specific requirements are presented to objects of the furnishings of the bathrooms: all furniture should be made of waterproof materials. This sense is out of competition are models made of glass and metal, but such technogenic design is not all. The desire to buy wooden furniture in the bathroom in most cases is inappropriate, because wood (camouflage or veneer) under the action of water and the pair is quite quickly deformed, swells, it smells and rolled. The acquisition of such models is justified if your bathroom has an area of ​​commensurate with an area of ​​medium living room (15-20m2). Invoor rooms are well circulating air, and the level of humidity does not become critical. (By the way, wooden bathroom furniture offers only some furniture manufacturers of the highest price range.)

We advise you to buy only the furniture that is designed specifically for use in bathrooms, and not some other. Most of the models of foreign and domestic factories (KSLOV, Russian enterprises specializing in the release of furniture for bathrooms, just a few) produced from slab wood materials - MDF and waterproof chipboard. MDF is often used for the manufacture of front panels of cabinets and Tumbers, which are often applied to which several layers of primer are applied, including polyurethane, and from above-enamel, resistant to moisture and mechanical damage, including abrasion. (From such a material, the facades of the furniture of Aquaton are manufactured). The use by many MDF manufacturers is justified by the fact that from these durable and homogeneous plates you can make parts of different shapes and sizes. Thanks to this, the doors and facades of drawers often have a sufficiently unusual curvilinear configuration (for example, a wavy, as in the Dionysis collection just mentioned company). The front cabinets and tomb panels having a simple rectangular or square shape can be manufactured from the chipboard.

Since MDF plates are rather roads, the furniture housing is not made. This is usually applied by chipboard, but not simple, but designed for use in a humid environment. From above, they are facing waterproof melamine, the edge closes with PVC ribbon so that no gaps remain, through which the moisture could be leaked inside the stove. Thus, manufacturers of high-quality bathroom furniture seek quite a large-year-old! - the life of its products. It is equal to the service life of ordinary cabinet furniture for residential premises with a normal temperature-humidarity mode.

Design and color

Traveling on the present stores and virtual Internet shops in search of furniture for the bathroom, you will probably note that all models of the middle and middleweight price level from the point of view of design can be divided into two main groups. Representatives of the first of them characterize the smoothness of lines and streamliness of forms, the second, on the contrary, the deliberate geometric severity and the complete absence of decorative parts. The most common color gamma-gray-blue, personifies the unity of the concepts of "water" and "purity". (These are products from Laufen, IDO, many Italian, German and Russian manufacturers, as well as IKEA.) Popular and model "wooden" color, and light tones predominate ("Walnut", "beech"). The mansion is bright silver furniture from chrome metal, which is not used in itself, but in combination with other materials, often glass. Usually in the assortment of one major producer there are several completely unlike one to another collections (so diverse, say, model rows of Metalkris factories, Spain, and Tulli Zucari, Italy).

Of course, an attractive design is one of the defining criteria when buying furniture, and for the purity of the style, people are ready to pay huge money. However, you should not forget about the functionality, because in the bathroom everything should be at hand. And in this sense, such a set of objects can be considered the ideal acquisition, which will compromise between the external design and the convenience of use, that is, between form and content.

Manufacturers and prices

Aesthetics functionality
The elegant Aqualuna furniture from Tulli Zuccari is equipped with a wide and comfortable sink, at the edges of which you can position washbasin and razor accessories at first glance, the Russian market for bathroom furniture is quite wide and diverse. Unas in the country sells products of many European and domestic producers. As always, the largest variety of models demonstrate Italian factories offering fairly expensive furniture: Tulli Zuccari, Ceramica Dolomite, Oasis, Arte Linea, Telma, Inda, Azzurra, Bertocci, Pantotre, Lagoccia, Axolo, Berloni Bagno, Globo, etc. Prices The middleweights (a set of several items for $ 2500-3000) to an internally high (for example, a mirror with a shelf for $ 6,000). The Italians and German producers offering furniture of the highest and middleweight price category are not lagging behind: Villeroyboch, Duravit, Ideal Standard, Keramag, Jorger, Burg, Schock and some others. On the border of the middle and high price range there is a well-known Swiss company Laufen and its Czech division Jikalaufen (small with two Maidodar doors - more than $ 1000, and a staffed sink is at least $ 1500; a mirror with backlit is more expensive than $ 500). Approximately the same as the model of the Finnish company IDO: a set of two items, approximately $ 2000.

The listed facts lead us to one rather sad conclusion. A person who is not ready to pay $ 3,000 for the bowl of the bathroom is to make a choice between the acquisition of one or two objects of well-known manufacturers and the purchase of a larger number of lockers manufactured by the middle factor. Firms producing inexpensive and at the same time high-quality furniture in our market are a bit. It is worth mentioning the Spanish company Metalkris, Russian Aquaton and Swedish IKEA. Their furniture can be purchased at quite reasonable prices. Set from "Aquaton", consisting of Moidodyra, Mirrors with a shelf and two or three cabinets, will cost you in the amount of about $ 1000 or a little smaller (the cabinet of the sink- $ 200-400, the mirror with the shelter and the mounted cabinet- $ 200 and the single column - $ 200 -250). Spanish furniture from Metalkris is among the average more expensive. And IKEA offers both mid-hearted, and very cheap models.

To navigate in the Russian market of plumbing, accessories and furniture for bathrooms you will help you the Catalog of the Interior Store, where you will find the right item and learn its price.

The editorial board thanks Akvaton, IKEA, IDO, Makelevvel, Sagt CJSC and the chain of Star Man Hottabych store for help in preparing the material.

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