American fridge


Meet: Two-door Side-BY-SIDE units. Dimensions, layout solutions, functional differences, manufacturers and prices.

American fridge 14321_1

American fridge
For embedding in European cuisines, it is best to buy a refrigerator with a depth of the hull no more than 60cm
American fridge
GR-D267DTU refrigerator from LG with the ability to connect to the Internet
American fridge
Model TCG12ZYT73 with a volume of 340l from GENERAL ELECTRIC
American fridge
Model GR-L207DTUA from LG

American fridge

American fridge
In the LG GR-L207NSUA and GR-L207DVU refrigerators, except for the cooled water and ice distributor, there is a minibar
American fridge
GSG20IEC refrigerator from General Electric
American fridge
GR-B247EC refrigerator from AMANA
American fridge
Panning with natural wood - old American tradition
American fridge
Internet refrigerator allows you to watch TV
American fridge
Panning is one of the most common ways of finishing refrigerators.
American fridge
In some models of the Comfort series from Liebherr, the freezer has containers for long-term storage of products
American fridge
GSG25ME1 classic model from General Electric
American fridge
The panels made from stainless steel are practical and comfortable, and the refrigerator looks new even a few years after the purchase
American fridge
One of the ways of registration of outdoor panels of the Side-BY-SIDE refrigerator
American fridge
Another convenience of regulating the shelves
American fridge
Refrigerator ER6780S (560l) from ELECTROLUX

Speaking about Side-BY-SIDE refrigerators, there are bilateral units that were first developed in the United States. Cockup refrigerators The freezer is located on the left, and the refrigeration separation is on the right. Large American refrigerators, being very beautiful and comfortable, are the top, the top class of household appliances. This is a symbol of luxury, quality, taste and wealth of the owner. And at the same time- a spacious, multifunctional and reliable device.

Meet: Side-BY-Side

Prestige is expensive. Ito adds the price of the Side-BY-SIDE refrigerators, invented in the United States in the 50s of the last century. Their task was to satisfy the widespread needs of the average American family, where, besides adults, there were still at least two children. Screen spacious refrigerator "The left-freezer, right-refrigerator" has become an integral part of the Hi-End household appliances. Side-BY-SIDE models are difficult to find an alternative if you buy products once a week, based on a family of several Man. In addition, it is an ideal choice for a cottage or a private house. Food reserves must be stored somewhere, and especially disappointment if expensive delicacies or tropical fruits deteriorated only because the refrigerator does not provide zones with a variable humidity or optimal temperature regime. Or because not all products managed to crawl into close drawers of your one-door assistant. Of course, it makes no sense to buy a side-by-side, if you visit the store every day and the supermarket is located in a neighboring house. But for the same gardeners and dachensons this model can Become a solution to many problems associated with the storage of all kinds of products. Throughout the year, so to speak, from the season before the season.

There are three main types of layout of large refrigerators (the tag of 550 to 800l): TOP MOUNT, BOTTOM MOUNT and SIDE-BY-SIDE. Top mount freezers The freezer is located on top of the classical solution with which we are familiar with childhood, because almost all domestic models have exactly such execution. The layout at which the freezer is at the bottom (Bottom Mount) is most popular today. In this case, when using the refrigerator (main) branch, you do not have to bend to reach the lower shelf. As we have already mentioned, unlike traditional layouts, the SIDE-BY-SIDE scheme involves a vertical range of camera separation, and most importantly, the increased volume of each compartment. It is with such an aggregate that the concept of "American refrigerator" is associated.

The modern side-by-side is a spacious refrigerator, usually equipped with all the service devices known to date: an automatic iceman, ice and water supply device, a zero temperature chamber, a minibar, etc. About all this a little later.

First of all, about dimensions. Traditionally, Side-BY-SIDE refrigerators are produced from the depth of the case (sore firms) from 69 to 76cm. At the same time, the width, again, depending on the manufacturer, can be from 80 to 120 cm! Models and height are different: from 170 to 190cm. Especially under European standards of kitchen furniture are produced many models from the depth of the housing 60cm. The dimensions are impressive, especially since during the delivery of such refrigerators in standard city apartments, it is literally to remove the entrance door to carry a purchase.

As for the layout, the Side-BY-SIDE form fully complies with the content. Refrigerators of this type, having a total useful volume from 525 to 800l, are able to easily place in their cold depths of the week, and then the monthly supply of provisions even for a numerous family. Avteda also has a space for the cooled water supply system, a minibar and device for forming ice cubes (to cook cocktails)! By the way, in the typical side-by-side, the useful volume is distributed as follows: a third is on the freezer, the rest is refrigerated.

The in the indispensable function of each side-by-side is both the "floor" organization of the cold, that is, the organization of several temperature zones with a controlled climate. Among them is a zero temperature chamber (the so-called "freshness zone"), compartment with a variable humidity, the storage compartment for storing beverages and, of course, the freezer compartment.

The "freshness zone", where the temperature is maintained from 0 to + 1C, is designed to ensure optimal storage of perishable products, such as fresh meat and fish. This compartment is an isolated chamber washed with cold air flows from the freezer. Since the camera is sealed, the air jets do not penetrate inside, thereby ensuring the maintenance of the natural humidity of fresh products.

Greens, fruits and vegetables will find their place in the separation with a variable humidity, which can be adjusted using the control panel. High humidity mode is optimal for fresh vegetables and does not allow to plant greenery. By turning on the supply of dry air, you can not worry about any fruit, they will be much longer than in the usual refrigerator.

In the door of most Side-BY-SIDE models, there is a spacious compartment for cooling various drinks (milk, juices, beer, etc.). We can maintain a temperature of 3 lower than in the refrigeration unit.

In the freezing compartment of almost all Side-BY-SIDE, the -18c operating temperature is installed, and the NOFROST technology is a mandatory standard. The automatic NOFROST exhaust system provides for the presence of a fan, thanks to which air flows are distributed across the chamber in different directions, not allowing to form in the case. Thus, the moisture is derived out and is not condensed on the walls. The absence of an inlet eliminates the need for regular manual refrigerator defrost and allows you to fully use its inner space.

In large American refrigerators, the Nofrost system is used throughout the volume, both in the freezer and in the refrigeration unit. Punching standard option for Side-BY-SIDE is also a thermostatic system. More to help you can support the temperature modes selected on the control panels in freezing and refrigeration compartments independently of each other. Moreover, the deviation of temperatures from user specified values ​​does not exceed 1.

The Arktika refrigerator, the newest flagship Side-BY-Side from General Electric, is equipped with a Custom Cool Camera with microprocessor control. In addition, it is convenient to defrost meat or other products, just press the corresponding button on the control panel. Under the supervision of electronics, the refrigerator quickly defuses the product and until you opened the camera, it will support the optimal temperature regime (not +5, as in conventional models, and 0С). The same system will help quickly cool, not fervently, any drinks, say bottles with beer. So, if friends unexpectedly looked around, the Custom Cool option would be simply indispensable.


Side-BY-SIDE refrigerators are the top of the model range of each company. European companies whose products occupy the main place in home appliance stores, as a rule, independently release standard Top Mount or Bottom Mount models, and to complete the ruler, they order Side-BY-SIDE from American manufacturers and supply these products under their brand. Such is the usual practice. Therefore, the lion's share of Side-BY-SIDE models, even if they are sold on the market under the European brand, made at the US plants. The exceptions are refrigerators from LG, Daewoo and Samsung, these units are made directly in Korea.

There is a concept of tuning refrigerators. This is when the European firm, receiving from the North American Side-BY-Side plant, provides only the final finish of the refrigerator, changing the front panels, handles, hinged elements and decor details. The entire technical "filling" remains unchanged. Tuning implies full space for designer fantasy, a variety of exclusive version options and the use of expensive materials. So, the company SMEG produces tuning refrigerators from Maytag and General Electric, Gaggenau models from AMANA, etc.

Now in Russia you can order a side-by-side of any model of almost any firm. Among European brands are the most popular German Liebherr, Aeg, Bosch, Gaggenau, KuppersBusch, as well as Electrolux (Sweden), Smeg and Whirlpool (Italy). Each of the mentioned companies has several SIDE-BY-SIDE models, both embedded and detached. For example, Bosch supplies models of the Magnum series, KGU6655 (731l) and KFU5755 (602l), with a width of the case 92cm and a depth, respectively, 80 and 69cm (excluding the handle, with neu- plus another 6 cm). As it should be the flagships of the model range, they have a complete set of service functions and modes: separate temperature control in chambers, sensory electronic control, a dispenser for cold water spill and ice generator, rearranged shelves, transparent sliding boxes with humidity regulator, etc. For convenience, capacity and multifunctionality will have to pay, the highest class goods are not cheap. Prices for European Side-BY-SIDE begin with a mark of $ 2000. The most inexpensive refrigerator of this type from Bosch is at least $ 2,700.

Be prepared for the fact that the tuning under a loud and prestigious brand will need to pay considerable money. Such names like Gaggenau, Kuppersbusch, Electrolux add a considerable amount to the price. But instead, you acquire actually exclusive, because each model can be decorated by selecting one or another finish option according to the catalog. Thanks to this, any model manages to successfully enter into a common style drawing of your kitchen furniture, which is not easy to make with a simple refrigerator standard white.

Of course, the most classical Side-BY-SIDE is from the USA. American producers keep in their hands the lion's share of the local market and actively supply their products to other countries. The "leading experts" on Side-BY-Side are AMANA, Frigidaire, Northland, General Electric, Maytag and Viking. The most available at the prices of refrigerators from Amana, Maytag and Frigidaire. Kitchen giants from General Electric, Northland, Viking make up a super elite group, where the price of some models can reach $ 15,000.

American manufacturers traditionally seriously belong to ensuring the reliability and durability of their products. The housings and doors of the refrigerators have built-in strengthened fittings from durable steel, the coating enamel of the outer panels is carried out in several layers, and the outer layer can be resistant to damage to plastic, with various embossed (let's say, with the texture of genuine leather). Doors of all models withstand the cargo to 60kg. Pure American solved and the problem of the unlocked refrigerator doors: besides the usual light and sound alarm, a special refinement system is provided (the semi-transit door is closed by itself). Trusting models from Amana, Maytag, Viking for this purpose a special design of the loops is applied. The Top version of the side-by-side from General Electric (for example, the TPG24BF refrigerator) have a microlift for closing doors.

A separate price and consumer niche occupy refrigerators from Daewoo, Samsung and LG. Possessing a large number of options, Asian Side-BY-SIDE meets the needs of families with medium-sided. As a rule, the Korean manufacturers are offered at least four models, and each of them has a full set of standard functions characteristic of a full Side-BY-Side. For example, one of the top models of the company LG, the GR-P207DVU refrigerator (total 594l), boasts electronic tuning of temperature modes, a liquid crystal control panel display, a dispenser for chilled water distribution and ice, and a minibar. There are also digital temperature control systems in the freezer and refrigeration compartment. In addition, the built-in sensors respond quickly to hot items placed inside, and support the specified temperature mode.

An example of a "compact" side-by-side can serve as samsung SR-S22FTD from the depth of the housing (inadvertent) 60cm. Calculated, first of all, on the European consumer, the refrigerator total 583l has an energy consumption of class "A"; Standard options include a ice generator, a minibar, a drawer with high humidity for fruits and vegetables, an electronic control panel.

Close to the wall

American side-by-side is most suitable for the kitchen as built-in technology. The heat exchanger of the previous European refrigerators is located on the back wall, which is why it is impossible to move the device close to the wall. Be sure to need a certain distance specified by the manufacturer, which would separate the heat exchanger from the wall. This is usually a gap of 5-8 cm. All the equipment from the United States has a completely smooth rear wall, since the heat exchanger is located in the "sole" of the refrigerator. (KSLOV, Korean firms began to have a heat exchanger in a similar way. It is so designed, for example, a model GR-L 207 from LG.) Vitoga Aggregate can be moved close to the wall or embed to kitchen furniture, which is strictly forbidden to do with models for which it is The condition is not provided in advance.

A couple of years ago, manufacturers recommended about once every three months to remove dust from the surface of the heat exchanger, and the owners (or lislug) had to argue with a brush, perform this, in general, an indifference procedure. Now this system does not require such a system: the latest models collect less dust and do not require cleaners. The only thing to remember is: a refrigerator, which has a heat exchanger at the bottom, is not recommended to be installed in the kitchens with heated floors. It can reduce the compressor resource and cause an additional electricity consumption.

About the "endurance" of American refrigerators Side-BY-SIDE go legends. The service life of modern models, according to data, which indicates the firm-producer attached to each refrigerator, is 10-15 years. True, many Side-BY-SIDE are designed for quite intensive exploitation, for example, under the conditions of tropical heat (at ambient temperature of + 40 ° C). It is not less, the main factor of reliability remains the thoughtful design and reliability of the refrigeration system.

Philosophy Comfort

Ice generators and automatic ice supply, mini-bar and NOFROST system, zero chamber freshness and door closers - all this does not exhaust the list of differences in Side-BY-SIDE refrigerators. Each manufacturer tries to attract the buyer with maximum comfort, from the model to the model to improve the functions or devices of its aggregates.

So, in the new models of the company, AMANA also has a compartment for drugs, locked from children to the castle. Wellholds from MAYTAG (GS, GT and GC series) have a convenient elevator shelf, the height of which can be adjusted with one hand, rotating the built-in handle.

In general, to the organization of the internal space of such spacious devices, like Side-BY-Side, manufacturers are very careful. The shelves are designed for greater load and are traditionally performed from hardened unbreakable glass with an enameled metal frame, and also have flights so that the liquid is not flowing through the edge. The indispensable attribute of the refrigeration separation is the shelf, both adjustable in height and retractable.

Bosch, Amana, Maytag, General Electric, Gaggenau freezing compartment, extending and suspended baskets are also equipped with hanging baskets. Refrigerators LGSnapped by a special shelf of semicircular shape, where you can horizontally lay a bottle of wine or champagne. The shelves decorated with wood, as in some models from Electrolux, look particularly sophisticated.

The model GZ2727 Geh Zigzag from Maytag (total 730l), where there are convenient containers, adjustable wire and glass shelves, bottle holders, tilted baskets in the doors. In addition, the freezer and refrigeration chambers are not divided strictly vertically, but by a zigzag line. With all its unusualness, such a designer solution was extremely successful, and most importantly, the internal space was more convenient and dynamically changeable. Fvorosor is a basket for large-sized products (meat, bird), a pizza shelf, in the refrigeration unit there are a shelf-elevator and boxes with a variable moisture. Not forgotten with sensory control and electronic key from unauthorized access.

If you go on vacation or on vacation, it is enough to include "Vacation" mode (this feature is present in almost all models of any brand), and the refrigerator will start working at a minimum until the refrigerator door is open again. It will hardly happen, the device will return to fulfill its duties in full force.

What you need to know about the ice generator

Typically an American invention is built into the refrigerator door, the ice and water distribution system is allowed to receive approximately 4kg ice per day in the form of cubes or crumbs. Dear Side-BY-SIDE versions have electronic dispenser control. The desired mode of operation is activated by the button on the touch panel. As a rule, ice cubes, ice crumb or chilled water are provided. The operation of the ice generator is based on the fact that the filtered water enters the cooled form for future cubes, where, freezing, the layer is growing at the layer. Ready pieces of ice fall into a hopper-drive. If the ice crumb function is provided in the ice generator (Crushed ICE), cubes are grinding a special mill.

To bring the ice generator or cooled water supply system, you need to connect it to the Side-BY-SIDE refrigerator to connect it to the cold water highway (by means of a copper or plastic hose). The injection pipe is crashed, and to it, through special adapters, connect the hose, delivering water to an external or built-in refrigerator filter. The filter is necessary for multi-stage mechanical and chemical water purification, which is especially important in Russian conditions. The filtration flasks are made in the form of a replaceable cartridge, which is enough for about a year. It is mounted in a special nest on the back wall of the refrigerator or remotely, in any convenient place (kinmera, under the sink). Connecting the water supply system will cost the owners of about $ 140 (this includes the cost of the filter itself, adapters and crane, which can be blocked if you leave the apartment for a long time). It is best to use replaceable filters recommended by the manufacturer. Usually they have the same brand as the aggregate itself. A single-molb filter (worth a minimum of $ 50) will last 7-8 months, two-collar together times longer, but the price of such a device is much higher, it can reach $ 250.


Although the Side-BY-Side refrigerators are the top of the household appliances, a kind of luxury symbol and weakness, they can additionally decorate them in accordance with any whimping of your taste.

All the leading American firms offering Side-BY-SIDE have in their catalogs models that can be built into a furniture niche 91cm wide with the possibility of fastening on the doors of the refrigerator decorative panels. The size of the panels corresponds to the dimensions of the door. Perimetric holders (white, black or from "stainless steel") specially designed for these purposes allow you to gracefully solve the problem of embedding a large refrigerator in the interior of any kitchen. Aspania General Electric specially developed a Side-BY-Side line of the Profile series under the European standard of the kitchen. The TPG21 / 24PR models of 590 and 660l have a depth of 66 cm and can be decorated with any facing panels, including stainless steel.

Stainless steel today is unconditionally leading among the most popular materials used to finish the facade part of the built-in home appliances. That is, there is its reasons: "stainless steel" is beautiful, hygienic and durable, and products from it after five years of operation are indistinguishable in appearance from the used only month or two. Household appliances, lined with "stainless steel", perfectly fits into the style of High Tech, giving up modern kitchen to a completely cosmic appearance.

If the cooking surfaces, oven and stainless steel hoods immediately won the market and have become a massive product, then refrigerators from polished or matte "stainless steel" still have a reputation as rare, even elite goods. High-quality stainless steel The road itself is very difficult to process, and this leads to the fact that refrigerators with such a coating are sometimes twice as expensive than their fellows, "dressed" in plastic. Such refrigerators are usually not hiding in niches, and put separately, as a self-valued element of the interior. The only drawback of the "stainless steel" is, perhaps, that deep scratches caused by sharp objects, delete quite difficult.

Main ways to finish refrigerators - pinning or decoration in colors selected by directory. Paintless panels can perform a darkened mirror with a color tint, tinted glass, natural wood, polished aluminum and even genuine leather and fur. It all depends on the wishes of the customer and its willingness to pay for exclusive work. But you can change not only the facade of the refrigerator. Buying a prestigious device, say, from the company Northland, for example, model 24 (total volume - 574l, the depth of the case without a handle-59cm) can be selected from four options for sizes, select the width of the freezer and width of the refrigeration chamber, placing them on the left or right relative to each other or even on different sides of the kitchen; Choose how the doors will be opened by the side or towards each other. You can order a door of tinted glass, and the inner walls of the refrigerator are made or white, as usual, or stainless steel. Finally, it is proposed to choose a frame for panel-white, black or from "stainless steel". True, the cost of only the basic model will be about $ 10,400. Avolaby face finish, along with work, adds $ 600-1200 to the book price, depending on the materials selected.

Firm Model Dimensions (height grade), see Useful volume, l The volume of the freezer, l Ice


Mini bar Features Price, $
SMEG FA 560 X. 1799166. 576. 203. +. - - 3920.
SRA 25 XP. 1799166. 576. 203. +. - Stainless steel housing. Ability to embed in kitchen furniture 3800.
AMANA. SBDE 522 VS. 1729166/60 575. 183. +. - Designed for paneling and embedding in kitchen furniture 3150.
SRDE 522 SS. 1759168. 580. 190. +. - Exclusive electronic control refrigerator 3900.
SRDE 528 VW. 1719110/78 723. 227. +. - - 2800.
SXD 522 VES. 1749166/60 590. 195. +. - The possibility of decorative decorative panels, installation of metal doors with round handles and stainless hull 3000.
GENERAL ELECTRIC ArctikagCG 20 IBMF. 1708078. 558. 191. +. - Electronic CLIMATEEPER temperature control system. Touch control ice dispenser can accommodate high items like a jug, blender or coffee pot 1965.
Arctika PSG 22. 1708078. 556. 189. +. +. Stainless steel housing 2095.
TFG 28 PF SS 1779183. 780. 290. +. +. - 5060.
TPG21BR 1779166. 590. 200. +. - Prepared for panel (mounted frames for decorative panels) 2600.
TPG 24 PF SS 1779166. 660. 240. +. +. Case completely stainless steel 4642.
TPG 24 PR SS 1779166. 650. 240. +. - - 4292.
Maytag GC 2227 DED BI 1789168. 629. 211. +. - Stainless Steel Case Finish 3500.
GC 2227. 1789168. 630. 211. +. +. Stainless steel housing 3700.
GC 2228 EED 5/3 1789168. 629. 211. +. - Prepared for paneling 2400.
MZ 2727 EEG SS Zigzag 1789179. 730. 265. +. +. Stainless steel housing 3950.
MZ 2727 EEG ZIGZAG Black 1789179. 730. 265. +. - - 2450.
Viking. 2VCBB362. 21418462.7 1170. 320. +. - The freezer has two independent retractable compartments. Locular system of the ice generator with an open door of the freezer. The humidity control system prevents moisture condensation. Automatic closing of doors opened at an angle of up to 30. Various versions of the body; Finishing the handles and doors polished brass 17000.
VCSB 480. 21531219597. 790. 271. - - Professional refrigerator. Ability to embed in kitchen furniture 9100.
VCSB 482. 121,9120,759,7 810. 296. +. - Automatic door closing open at an angle of up to 30. Adjustable door sprinkling door - 90, 110 or 120. Ability to embed in kitchen furniture 9100.
Northland. GC 72 RFI 21218359. 1350. 675. - - The ability to select the width of freezer and refrigeration chambers. Trim from tinted glass. The inner walls of the refrigerator-white or stainless steel. Provided paneling 15811.
Side-BY-Side 24 21212059. 574. - +. - - 10379.
Whirlpool S20 B RWW. 1759077. 468. 133. +. - Electronic control of modes 2100.
ART 735 / W 1759079. 718. 278. +. - - 1750.
Bosch. KGU 6655 Magnum 1789286. 731. 261. +. - Separate temperature adjustment for freezer and refrigeration chambers 2160.
KGU 66990. 17891.5 79.5 731. 261. +. - Stainless steel facing 2753.
Frigidaire. FRSR 25V5A. 1738481. 620. 171. +. - The housing of the electronized steel refrigerator. White finish, shagreen coating 2150.
TRIS 245FB. 1789174. 629. 174. +. - - 2200.
GPSZ 28V8A. 1739281. 713. 198. +. - - 2550.
Electrolux ER 6780s. 1708988. 560. 139. +. - - 2110.
Liebherr. GSND-3323. 184,16668,3 290 (Refrigeration Branch) 398. - - Stainless steel housing 2366.
LG GR-P207NSU. 1728960. 594. 369. +. +. Circular air circulation system. Ability to embed in kitchen furniture 2200.
GR-B207DVZA. 1758975.5 608. 369. +. - Circular air circulation system. Ability to embed in kitchen furniture 2450.

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