In search


Toilet off for two thousand rubles and for twenty - in what is the difference between them? Specialist advice will help to deal with this issue.

In search 14325_1

In search of a ceramic friend

Lyra (from Jika) - Czech Ceramic Design Classic!

In search of a ceramic friend

The design of this series of sranches from Dornbracht is dictated by nature itself. The drop is all said

In search of a ceramic friend
Laufen. MY LIFE series
In search of a ceramic friend

Series Santek Santek Santek (Russia). The toilet compact is proposed in the assembled form. (After all, we can!)

In search of a ceramic friend

Set of Olymp from Jika. Simple forms without excess relief make it easier to care for the scenario

In search of a ceramic friend

Vertical Drain Toilet Options (Lyra Series from Jika)

In search of a ceramic friend

Innovative design shells with a comfortable shelf (CITY series from IFO) will give uniqueness of the bathroom appearance

In search of a ceramic friend

Collection of Zagara Santeramics from Dolomite. Design says for himself

In search of a ceramic friend

Monoblock from Duravit.

In search of a ceramic friend
Sink with a semillocation
In search of a ceramic friend

"Retro" - a collection of scholars for those who love to mentally return during their childhood (Series Novecentottana from Lineatre). True, in childhood, the toilet so beautiful and gospel was not

In search of a ceramic friend
Villeroy Boch.
In search of a ceramic friend
Designer collection New Heaven (Villeroy Box) with wooden elements. Color ceramics- Star White
In search of a ceramic friend
In search of a ceramic friend

Toilet bidet from Geberit. The combination of the highest quality and exquisite design creates a feeling of purity, freshness and comfort.

In search of a ceramic friend

In search of a ceramic friend
Sanimization for people with limited physical abilities from Gustavsberg

The prelude to writing this article was a replica of one familiar. "I started repairs," she said, "I started two weeks to store plumbing. Water advise to buy a toilet for two thousand rubles, each other, for twenty. Auck than the difference between them? At least kill, I do not understand." I could not answer And the goal was to help.

Statistics argue that for its own lives, a person spends about two and a half years to communicate with plumbing equipment. Probably, it is a lot. Plumbing ceramics will argue, at least 10-15 years, and in some cases and much longer. "You need to buy such products, having understood well," I decided.

When buying Santechkeramics, you can go one of three ways:

  • Take some amount of money and ask the seller to pick up the required kit on it;
  • choose a model in accordance with your technical preferences;
  • Suggest making a choice of expensive plumbing designer of your interior.

Path First: Tell in prices

The geography of producers of plumbers presented in our market, wide and diverse: from America to Singapore. Moreover, the combinations of manufacturers can be very impressive from a geographical point of view, for example, Spain-Hong Kong (as you?).

This is only at first glance all the toilets and shells are similar. In fact, each manufacturer has its own idea of ​​how sanitary equipment should be. For example, the position of the Scandinavians can be formulated as follows: "Unitaz- Engineering Construction". It is not by chance that the company IDO (Finland) was first implemented in its products "economical" button with two plum modes. The Americans together with the Germans and Austrians have weakness to large toilets (at least 20cm is longer than Russian). Italian plumbing can be distinguished directly from the store threshold - on color and gold rims and stucco (however, we do not always fall to us the best and newest models). Avtot toilet bowls of Japanese production - the most that urine analysis can do, measure blood pressure and include music to dry "embarrassing" sounds - in the Moscow market is not yet visible. Environmental, the demand for "exotic" has recently decreased significantly. Buyers prefer classic white color. Increased interest in high-quality and functional plumbing, for which the average consumer is ready to pay at least $ 200. However, about 60% of the toilet bowls sold are now, domestic. The playful reason for this is more than a modest price.

For the price of the Santeramics can be divided into the following groups:

Cheap - from 1.5 to 2.5 thousand. rub. (Discody). Here, all the domestic and ceramics itself, and fittings (for toilet bowls fittings, mainly exhaust, see below). Cata's price category should include products of the Lubnensky plant (the "Debut" model, "Favorite", "Style"), Kirov "Stroyfarfor" ("Elegant", "Scandy", "Comfort", "Extra"), a gorotkin plant ("Sanita "," Wave "), Samara" Stroyfarfora "(" Samara "). They can be offered both separate items and sets (series) from several items.

"Economy class" - from 2.5 to 5 thousand rubles. This price category can be viewed by Santk domestic firms scenarm (Breez series, Boreal, Senator, LLC Ekaterinburg-Ceramics (Alpha Series), Osmibt, Stary Oskol (WATEXS SERIES- model "Elissa "," Ardo "," Prestige "), products of the Czech company Jika (Lira, Dino, Olymp, Fiesta series), Polish Cold (Kantsler, Nova, Premier series), as well as plumbing of joint production of type Spain - Hong Kong, etc. .

"Middle class" - from 5 to 10 thousand rubles. This is, first of all, Gustavsberg Swedish schingmanship (Nordic, Scandi, Epie, Classik) and IFO (IFO City, IFO Unix), as well as some Series of Finnish IDO (Trevi, Aniara, Aria, Mozaik) and Polish Cersanit. The price here is largely determined by the design and time release of the model.

Luxe class - from 10 to 25 thousand rubles. This is usually a massive plumbing, intended for large bathrooms and, therefore, for people with prosperity. Ceramics firms Twyford, United Kingdom (Gallery Nordic, Advanced, Tais), Laufen (Gallery, Suing Series, My Life- Toilet Cover are equipped with a mechanical brake), Hartia, Italy (SCULPTURE, MAYORA, MARYLYN), Ideal Standart ( Models GALA, TYZIO, ADVANCE, ISABELLA).

Grand Luxe class. Cata category are more expensive than 25 thousand rubles. This includes products such as Envy, United Kingdom (Royal Series), Twyford, United Kingdom (Model Chantal-Nostalgia), Ross, Spain (model Veranda), it can be purchased in specialized stores. The acrome of Togo, the plumber with the exclusive design, offered only in store salons (they will be a separate conversation). On such products, a solid manufacturer gives a guarantee of up to5 years.

From what plumbing products are made

All plumbing products (toilets, bidets, sinks, urinals) are made of sanitary faience and porcelain. Therefore, the term "Sanfayans", the firmly entrusted with them, is not quite true, it is more correct to say - scholarship.

Sanitary porcelain has a firm and smooth surface than Sanfayans. It also is less porous, has a lower water absorption coefficient and, accordingly, the dirt and odors absorb less. Experts argue that Sanfarfor more racks to shocks than Sanfayans, although for the consumer this difference is practically not tangible to the toilet a heavy item, and the same fate will comprehend the plumbing product from any material. Moreover, externally Sanafayans and Porcelain are very similar, especially since both are covered with glazes or enamels, white or colored (most of the manufacturers support the standard color map of 10ottenkov). As a result, even Sanfayans sellers from Sanfarfora on external signs cannot be distinguished: the hences are close, and external signs too. True, the product catalog is clearly written that there is something, and the buyer must not forget to ask the seller to look there.

Path second: through the variety of structures

Initially, let's try at least conditionally classify toilet bowls.

By connecting to sewerage. All toilets have drain, or, as plumbing, release. The release can be vertical (cons), as well as horizontal or oblique (embrying). Toilets with vertical release are mounted in cases where the sewage is removed from the floor. This option is distributed in the "Stalinist" houses or country cottages. Horizontal and oblique releases are more versatile. Having their toilet bowls, which is called, more mobile. Special transition connections are connected to sewer rims in any position. Therefore, going over to buy, first ask how the drain hole is located in your bathroom.

According to the method of actuation The drainage of the tank bundle included in the toilet bundle can be divided into exhaust (it is necessary to pull the rod by the handle up) and the push (it is required to press the / key button). Exhaust reinforcement is currently becoming more common and only in fairly old Russian models. Toilet bowls with tanks "Press" action, in turn, are divided into two groups on the volume of descended water - Drain in which can be single-mode and duplex. Single-pressing recesses the entire volume of water from the tank at once, for which it has one button / key. The dual-mode allows you to drop both the entire volume and half (thanks to which the toilet allows you to save water). To do this, a two-mode fittings are installed in the tank, and the button that covers its drive / key is divided into how half you press, the mode and you can enable (extra-models there are two independent buttons / keys, such as in Nordic du Gustavsberg).

According to the method of filling Drain tanks also vary. The most familiar devices with filling from the side of water with such water intake are still equipped with cheap domestic toilets. Part of the imported toilet bowls are also filled with side, but, as a rule, their fittings are complemented by a stationary "channel", withdrawing water into the lower tank zone, due to which these aggregates are no less than domestic. It is not so accustomed to the system that feeds the water from the bottom - the noise of water in such toileties is practically not heard. Until recently, such a system was completed, mainly imported tanks (almost all IDO models, IFOs, as well as Nordic and Scandia from Gustavsberg), but now it can be found in the Russian plumbing.

According to constructive features The units "separate" (the usual option for us, when the tank and the toilet itself are manufactured and installed and are installed) and the so-called monoblocks in which the tank and the toilet are a single integer. For example, Jacob Delafon, France, France (TROCADERO model, price, 34750 rubles, Ideal Standart, Germany (Belvedere, price, 55000ruction-2), price- 66 thousand), price- 66 thousand . In addition to simpler installation (after all, everything is already assembled), the monoblocks have another advantage from the floor to the tank cover for more centimeters of 10-15 less than that of the "separate" models. In general, if the lowered door of the plumbing cabinet does not allow you to install a "separate" toilet, think about the purchase of a monoblock. An essential lack of monoblocks is more expensive than their "separate" fellow.

Porcelain (Tour. Farfur, Fagfur, from Persian. Fergfour) - Products fine ceramics, impenetrable, impermeable for water and gas, usually white, ringing, translucent in a thin layer, without pores. Porcelain has high mechanical strength, thermal and chemical resistance, electrical insulating properties. It is usually obtained by a high-temperature firing of a fine-dyed mixture of kaolin, plastic clay, quartz and field spam (such a porcelain is called Polevoshpatov). For the manufacture of scenters use solid porcelain, which is poorer fluxes and richer alumina. To obtain the required density and transluacity, it requires the firing temperature of 1450s.

Faience (FR. Faience, from the name of Ital. The city of Faenz, one of the centers of ceramic production) - dense small-pouring (usually white) products of fine ceramics. For the manufacture of faience, the same raw material is used as for the production of porcelain, only the recipes of raw materials and the firing technology are changed. Fayans differs from porcelain with large porosity and water absorption (up to 9-12%), so all the faience products are coated with a thin solid layer of waterproof glaze. In the manufacture of large sanitary and technical products from Fayans, a single firing is usually used, at which the processes of sintering the components of the faience mass, melting the glaze and the formation of the intermediate layer between the porous material and glazed glazing.

Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary

Under the terms of delivery . The toilet can be purchased both in the "disassembled" form and in the fully assembled. The first is the most familiar look with you: "Toiletz separately, the tank separately, the fittings are attached." In this case, the case will have to either engage in the installation itself, or to search for this specialist - invite the "installer" from the company seller or local locksmith-sanitary equipment. True, if the cost of the services of the "installer" is fixed (about 600 rubles) and is paid through the cashier right in the store, then the amount that "gallows" a plumbing mechanic is unpredictable. The result of self-assembly and assembly locksmarts also unpredictable.

That is why experts advise to give preference to factory assembly devices that are ready to connect (reinforcement in the tank is installed and adjusted) and even passed the necessary verification tests. Such toilets are supplied in three versions, the first of which-mentioned monoblock. The second option is a drainage tank is connected in advance with the base (sold in a special packaging, allowing them to be easily transported). Reception Option - Unitaze is separate, the tank is separate (each in its packaging), and screw themselves to each other need directly at the place of future operation. Naturally, the installation of the "collected" toilet is much easier and safer. By the way, it is in this embodiment that the vast majority of imported toilet bowls are supplied. True, the price of the assembled products is slightly higher. There is no importance to hire for installation, it does not matter, the main thing that the conditions listed on the reverse side of the warranty coupon are strictly implemented during the installation (therefore, it is necessary to familiarize themselves with these conditions).

With an expensive plumber, which has a large warranty service life, the question of choosing a specialist is solved easier and unequivocally. For example, in a warranty card for the toilet with a warranty service life of 5 years, the following very clear wording was found, which is worth losing it: "Wesply warranty service can be denied at:

an unauthorized or non-professional installation (authorized to be the installation and repair performed by the service center specified in the coupon);

The presence of faults arising in the case of non-professional or unauthorized repair ... actions of third parties or force majeure. "

In general, as soon as the tank opened on his own (even just to see what inside), so consider, lost guarantees. To the question, than caused by such harsh wording, I heard a completely comprehensive explanation: "The reinforcement of the drain tank from a serious manufacturer is designed not yet to 5, and at 15, and in some cases, all 30 years of operation. Its quality is tested by time, which confirms the long-term Warranty. And you have nothing to "repair"! If something happens during the warranty period, it is necessary to simply block the flow of water into the tank and call a company specialist. It will come and replace the reinforcement of the tank new. The same thing should be done if in Bach can break something after the expiration of the warranty period. "

The warranty card may also refine the need to install a mechanical water purification filter (this necessarily indicates the degree of purification, for example 100 μm), which is intended to extend the life of the reinforcement and the toilet itself. Do not deliver warranty. You will not follow the operation of the filter (the resulting specialist will detect solid particles in the tank) - also lose weight. Grohe's awesome Talono, there is an even more remarkable entry, which says that "tweeted service can be denied in the formation of a lime-based plaque." This means that with very hard water you will have to build a softener.

Domestic manufacturers of sanifiers of such requirements for the operating conditions are not put forward. True, the majority of surveyed vendors agreed that the quality of Russian reinforcement, which is called, leaves much to be desired. The most serious domestic manufacturers are purchased and apply imported reinforcement in their products.

In the design of bowls toilet bowl . Many of us have come across such a phenomenon as a "splash" of water. This is an affordable event, when (sorry for forced liberty) Buttocks sitting on the toilet are irrigated cold and not always clean water from the volume of water shutter toilet bowl.

To prevent this trouble, in the bowl of the toilet make a "shelf" - a ceramic ledge. In the shelf usually create a recess-called "springboard" for water flow. Extras from one trouble ("burst"), such a design brings with you three others. First, along the edges of the water puddle in the deepening of the "springboard" a rusty rim is constantly formed (if there is no filter in the system). Secondly, the smell propagating in the volume of the toilet during the period when "the process has already gone", but its results are not yet spoiled by the streams of water from the tank. Thirdly, the flow of water can wash away far from everything, so it is often necessary to take a rash. In addition, to lose with the "shellf" that it lies, a large pressure and solid volume of water are needed, so that any of its savings can not even have any speech (in charge of the popularity of this construction of this construction). There are no time in imported, and in domestic models "Shelves" are extremely rare. But still meet (even in Grand Luxe class), and special problems with their acquisition (if necessary) will not arise.

Now about the toilet bowl without a "shelf". The main advantage of these models is that everything that turned out to be in the toilet immediately falls into the water. This allows you to kill two hares at once: significantly reduce the spread of the smell and save on the amount of water for flushing. Many manufacturers, especially foreign, supply their products to the so-called Anti-Spectrix system. It is based on a very simple principle: the less water that can sprinkle, the less likely to spoil yourself. At the same time, even the water that in the toilet is there is, as it were, in a narrow ceramic penalty, and its level is very small (approximately 7cm). Many manufacturers assure that the case is not only in this, but also in the geometry of the toilet bowl itself, it is designed so that the splashes of water to the sitting simply do not come.

On the organization of a flushing stream Toilet bowls can also be divided into several categories: with a "cascade" drain, water is washes a bowl of a solid stream; With the "shower", the flow is sent around the perimeter of the bowl, as a result of which a whirl funnel is created, "sucking" into the drain hole, everything that floats in the toilet (it is this version of the flow organization is currently used by most manufacturers).

By way of fastening Toilet bowls are outdoor (classic toilet bowed to the floor), insertion (attached to the floor and wall) and suspended. Okiva designs are described in detail in another article of this room. Avot about Pottami (such, for example, the product of the company Twyford-model Gallery Design, the price is 8675rub.) Talk to Nelishna. The advantage of these models, above all, is that they, like suspended, can be installed in a pair with a hidden tank. Mounting such a system is much simpler and, most importantly, cheaper than the "installation", - does not need power steel reinforcement (toilet bowls on the floor). It remains easy to fasten the plastic drain tank in the plumbing cabinet. As a result of the place (plump) such a toilet occupies 10-15 cm less than the usual one.

Since they spoke about saving space, it is worth mentioning another kind of toilet bowls of the "traditional" style. The volume of the tank is the same as everyone, but the tank is more thin and wide (for example, the model CERA of the company IFO, the price is about 6 thousand rubles.). As a result, the distance from the wall to the edge of the toilet bowl is 59cm instead of the usual 65 cm. Of course, the 6xwith is small, but if the toilet is completely small, then ...

And about one version of the toilet, where the plastic tank is used. For example, in the model My Life company Laufen (price-33t. Rubles.) The ceramic tank is actually that is not. This is nothing more than the "Fake Panel" (more precisely, the "Filshbachbing"), which serves as a cover for the plastic tank. And with the designer, and from a technical point of view, this option is no worse than the usual.

Seat. For now, you can buy a toilet as without a seat (rhin, these are the cheapest domestic models) and complete with it. It is worth noting that most of the manufacturers (Irosions and foreign) are necessarily equipped their toilet bowls. Purchasing a toilet without this component, it is worthwhinking on the form and dimensions and toilets and seats are so diverse (documents that normalize the width and the length of the toilet bowl does not exist) that the "universal" seat that you will get separately may simply come up, and the seat From another toilet bowl, it is true.

The seats proposed by the modern market can be divided into two classes: hard or semi-rigid. This designation is not associated with comfort (soft) of squeezing on a sensitive subject, but is due to the hardness and strength of the plastic used in the production of plastic. The "hard" seats are made of more durable and, consequently, the more rigid in the design sense of the material and are equipped with hinges and fasteners of high-grade steel (cutting plastic fasteners). They absorb moisture and smells less, and they serve much longer. "Semi-rigs" are made of softer plastic and have a smaller stiffness of the design (they can be bend, premined, etc.). Simply put, they are more "squirt".

In a special group, it is worth highlighting "retro" -Nethazy structures with a remote tank, which can be attached at different heights (for example, the CHANTAL-NOSTALGIA firm firm TWYFORD, the price is 30170. The chrome spolation and 34640 with gold coated). In general, these are the same toilets from childhood, with a "pear" on the chain for which you need to pull to pull the water. True, from "those" toilet bowls have survived only the form - internal equipment has become the most modern, and the external species is very presentable.

Another representative "Retro" is an unsuitable "point". True, so indecent, this subject of the scholarships are called mainly in the army and fleets (where it is widely and applied). Orthodox Muslims from time immemorial call him much more interesting, "Asian toilet", the builders are called "Genoa bowl". Now this product began to look much more careful and more decent (for example, the model "Drapp" of the company Kirov "Stroyfarfor", the price of 2700rub., As well as products from IDO and VITRA, the model "Toilet bowl in the floor", is supplied under the order). There is also a dazzling white surface, and a nickel-plated non-premarital descent-valve, which opens the water of plum while pressing the appropriate pedal. The advantage of such a system is "visual savings" sites (there is no tank, the toilet is hidden in the floor), the disadvantage is a constant high water pressure in the water supply (1ATM).

By the way, manufacturers argue that the toilet of this design is simply indispensable for those who hold in the dog's house, which, unlike cats, do not want to climb the high pedestal of the usual toilet. Of course, no one guarantees that your favorite will like this "hole in the floor" and he will begin to use it with pleasure. But the idea, you see, tempting, is how much time you can save on "walking"! However, walk useful and animals, and people.

Bidet . This Santechpribor is somewhat unpaid for Russian consumers. Why? Italet, and the bath in our apartments with you, especially those built in a "stagnant period", to inadvertently small. Ibide there was just nowhere. But the bathrooms in new buildings are pleased with their scoring (brass apartments and two such rooms) - put what you want, the place is plenty. Agranial bidets can now be available at any store trading Plumbing. And it pleases.

Buy the bidet is better complete with the toilet. If this is not possible to do this at some reason, it is not possible, it is necessary to be firmly remembered which company and the series was purchased to the toilet. When you come to any large plumbing store for the bidet and call these data, sellers consultants will easily select another "ceramic friend" under the existing one.

Unlike the toilet bowl, the bidet is usually sold without a lid and without a seat. The cover here does not carry any functional load, being a purely decorative element, therefore is present in rare models. Seat bidets are supplied even less often, and even then almost imperceptible - it is very thin and simply covers the ceramic surface. However, do not need a seat bidet. If cold water constantly circulates in the toilet, then warm, and therefore the surface of the bidet has, at least, room temperature. The maximum temperature will depend on the temperature of the incoming water.

For these devices, special mixtures are used, customizable, with a rotary expulsion, equipped with a bottom valve. A special siphon is not included and purchased separately. The opening lever of the bottom valve is usually located on the back of the mixer: the raised valve closed, lowered, opened. All bids are equipped with overflow protection (the water drain channel from a certain level is laid in the design of ceramics), which is designed to protect against a possible flood. For "gourmets", the drain hole can be decorated with a decorative insertion, chrome or "gold" (for example, in the Duna model of the Italian company FALERY, the price is about 5 thousand rubles.). The dimensions of all holes in the bidet (under the mixer, under the overflow and the drain hole) are unified, which allows you to install any fit fit for the purchased ceramics.

Covers bidets are offered in several modifications: operating from a 220V network with a hairdryer and water heater (for example, a geanoplast model220 with a rigid plastic seat, the price is 7800 rubles) and the model to which cold and hot water is supplied with a compact mixer, But without a hair dryer (for example, a model of 120 of the same Geanoplast with a seat of soft plastic, the price is 5700 rubles). True, there is one thing in such a lid. Knei need to select the toilet of the corresponding form, otherwise or the edge of the seat will hang and the risk will break them down, or the seat simply will not get into place. Consequently, the cover-bidet is better to purchase with the toilet. The specialists of the "WORLD BATH" were given such advice: "If it did not work out to purchase a set, going after the lid-bidet, outline the contour of the existing toilet and in the store, impose this" pattern "on your favorite bidet cover. This method will save you from extra chagrins. "

Sinks . They can be both separate (the most familiar to us sink) and with the pedestal - the so-called "tulip" (one of the possible ways to disguise the protruding siphon and tap pipes and thereby refer to the appearance of the bathroom). These shells are obliged to be the first models with a pedestal who really resembled in the form of a tulip. The identification system is so firmly "stuck" that now "tulips" is called any shells with a pedestal. Related time of the shell with pedestals produce almost all manufacturers of scenishers.

An intermediate position between ordinary shells and "tulips" occupy shells with a semi-deed. Choosing such a sink, it should be borne in mind that, unlike the "tulips", which can be connected to a plum, even removed almost at the floor level, the shells with a semillocation require removing the drain strictly at a certain height (the siphon is closed by half a half-idle).

Sinks are available in two versions: with a hole for the installation of the mixer and the deaf. For typical bathrooms, where the pipe layout provides for the installation of one mixer for the shower and sink, the option without opening is suitable more likely to install the cap.

All sinks are attached to the wall in two ways: using metal brackets (supplemented with screws with dowels) or without a bracket - for special dowels. Schelas are sold, as a rule, complete with fasteners.

What should I keep in mind by going to the store? The sinks differ in width and depth, and the uniform standards do not exist. For example, "tulips" from Gustavsberg have a width of 56 and 64cm, Ido may be 50 and 65cm. But the matter here is not only in the absence of uniform standards, the forms and sizes offered by the modern market are also painful. For example, you can find the shells wide from 32 to 120 and even up to 250 (!) See. In the event, the case of the sink is combined with a tabletop (for example, the products of IDO-model Mosaik, Kleo, Lilje, width - up to 120 cm, the price is 10-11 thousand rubles, and the MARILIN, MAIORA model, width - 105-120 cm, Price - 8-12 thousand rubles.). That is why it is necessary to completely know the size of the place of installation, otherwise there is a risk that the acquisition simply will not fit into the space allotted for it.

Almost all imported, and now many domestic shells have overflow protection (overflowing system): water through the hole in the top of the bowl along the special channel inside the ceramics flows into the space under the bottom valve and from there falls into the siphon. Note that the standard domestic siphons for such shells are not suitable (there is no way to divert water from the overflow system), so it is best to purchase them complete with a "native" siphon.

Is it really necessary to protect against overflow? The answer to this question should be started with the fact that this system is invented for Western Europe, where people all their lives save water and therefore wash up, closing the drain hole with a plug (donated with a bottom valve-solving). The system "Drain-overflow" is just designed to ensure that the water does not flow into the floor with a closed hole, and hit the sewer. We are so scrupulously, as in Europe, we do not break the water. Yes, and our person is not used to wash in a plugged cork shell, he got used to do it under a jet of water, which is constantly updated. Therefore, from the point of view of the process of washing for the Russian buyer, the presence of a system of protection against overflow is not so important. Nevertheless, many prefer this protection to be attended. Like what! Put the sock in the sink, distracted for a minute, Ine you, puddle on the floor!

Combined designs (toilet bidet) . These models (for example, Cleanet / Clanet de Luxe from Laufen and SHOWER TOILET2000 from Geberit, price is about 140 thousand rubles.) Combine many functions: toilet, bidet, blowing (drying), clean air cleaning. The seat has a brake (so as not to be struck about ceramics) and even heated. In general, after using such a device, the consumer remains only to hoisting the part of their own clothing. Connecting an easy-to-fulfillment of cases is required to be connected to the pipe of cold water supply and to the 220V network. Next, the unit does everything itself: in the design there is a flowing heater for water and a fan with a heater for air. True, the price of the device is quite high. For those who are such an amount not by pocket, but a bidet combined with the toilet, to have in the house oh, as you want, foreign manufacturers offer a "bidet-bid".

Path Three: Selection Makes Designer

Many customers come to the salon, selling the grand luxe class with a designer who carries out the overall management of the apartment repair (at home). Possible communication options with sellers of consultants here are two. The first: the decision on which specifically (firm and model) plumbing equipment will stand in the apartment, has not yet been accepted, but in general the interior style is defined and recorded in a draft design. In this case, sellers consultants select options that may be approached under the stated style direction, and the client and designer select the best. If the preliminary decision on a specific firm and the designer model is already accepted, it leads to the Customer with him so that he, after looking at it), the real items approved (or rejected) this decision.

Grand Luxe class scholarship is a rather specific segment of our market. Prices here begin with $ 500, and the upper limit to determine in general difficult - there are samples worth and $ 5,000, and at $ 7,000, and more expensive.

What is in this plumber special? There will be a comparison with representatives of the representative class. You want to have such a car - buy, if, of course, the funds will allow. Approximately the same with the toilet and other classes of Grand Luxe class pay for their design and novelty. So for the name of the company and the name of the designer. All this together is prestige. And, of course, for the manufacture of such products, the highest quality ceramics is used (neither water, nor the smell absorbs, their forms are smooth, slim and ergonomic. It is more interesting for the form, the more technological difficulties arises in the manufacture of plumbing. In addition, many products of the Grand Luxe class have a dirt-repellent coating. What it is? The water permeability of the dirt-repellent surface is significantly reduced. And, most importantly, dirty water does not wet it evenly, but rolls into the balls. Consequently, the dirt, even if it appeared, it was easier to wash off with such ceramics (one can say, it simply does not get dirty).

Ceramics with a dirt-repellent coating release German companies Villeroyboch (with C-Plus stinker), Duravit (Wonder Gliss), Keramag and Italian LineaTre. VilleroyBouch is the only one today manufacturer, producing Sanafayans Color Star White (looks more white than white, and even it seems that the product is highlighted from the inside). Based on the Star White color, two more new colors - "silver effect" and "gold effect" were created.

Another grad luxe class praises attention to the auxiliary elements. This is basically various coasters / supports under the sinks. Such elements do not directly attribute to objects of furniture or interior, as they are, as it seemed to me, an integral part of the sink itself. What are you standing, for example, "two-legged" products (two front legs- "stands" rest on the floor, the rear is missing, because the product is attached to the wall) from the valuable wood or chrome brass! If the kit is present such a wooden "stand", you will certainly offer a toilet and bidets with covers (aunitas and with a seat) from the same tree so that the whole set is set aside in a single style.

And one more difference between the plumbing of this class. Each major firm that issues the scenario, necessarily offers mixers and accessories with it. The design of this kit is carefully thought out. It is so thought out that, for example, the shape of the mixer's handles and the form of accessories will be echoing with the shape of the stemman miracle itself (for example, the Amadea series of Villeroyboch). Manufacturers of the Plumbing class under consideration conventionally divide their products again on the economy class, the middle class and class LUXE. I expect a series of equipment that correspond to each of them and sharply differing at the price (for example, the company Villeroyboch, the economy-class toilet will cost the buyer at $ 600, and the class LUXE is already at $ 1800). But to compare this economy class, for example, with the Czech Plumbing Economy Class, the right, not worth it.

The long-term warranty on the products of the Grand Luxe class (as well as the products considered above the economy class) give, mainly in cases where there is a representative office of a company confirming the term of the proprietary guarantee (for example, 5 years). If there is no such representation, the warranty period that the seller gives, as a rule, does not exceed 1 year (ATO and six months).

In the plumbing products of Grand Luxe, except those already listed, the following manufacturers are presented: Ideal Standart (plants of this company are scattered throughout Europe, it also manufactures Sanatayans, and mixers, and accessories) and Dolomit, Italy (produces both scenisher and accessories And some furniture items).

Sanimilician for people with disabilities

This special product, the demand for which is very limited, is intended for the elderly, disabled people and people with serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Slipping with low demand The volume of production of such plumbers is small, and the cost is quite high. But, nevertheless, all the famous manufacturers of plumbing pay sufficient attention to this segment. For example, the company IDO model range of this kind of product includes several shells and toilet bowls.

Sinks. First of all, it is already a familiar sink with a shifon shifted back, intended, in most cases, to accommodate a washing machine with frontal loading of linen (price- 6300 rub.). If the washing machine is not installed under the sink, it is possible to drive it close to the wheelchair. The krakins of this kind include the ergonomic washbasin, its front edge is smoothly bent into the inside, which makes it possible to rely on the bowl when washing, and the family of wonderful shells, whose position is easy to change at their discretion. For example, model12821 allows you to change the angle of inclination, and model14418- move the shell in height (attached on a special bracket-holder).

Toilet bowls. For disabled people and the elderly, two models of toilet bowls with folding armrests are intended: Model39271 Mosaik collections and 39694 Collections Trevi. They are made of anodized aluminum and withstand the load up to 300kg.

Models Sanimals for people with disabilities are produced by other manufacturers - Vitra, Gustavsberg, Cersanit, and the shells for a washing machine are produced and domestic firms (for example, the TEF "The Racing" manufactures the "Water Lily" model, the price is about $ 165).

P.S. It must be prevented that in this review, not all firms are listed, the products of which are represented today in the Russian market the sranches are simply impossible to mention at once. The classification given in the text is very conditional. The author is even sure that the representatives of some firms ranked at the Grand Luxe class will protest, since some of their models can be found in the "ordinary" specialized plumbing stores. And, probably, will be right. But be that as it may, I hope from the soul that the material above will help many of you understand the sea of ​​stemman products that offers a modern market. Good luck shopping!

The editors thanks the firm "World of Bath", "Old Man Hottabych", "Makelevvel" for help in preparing the material.

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