Concert for home and lake


Studio Rammond Pauls in the suburbs of Riga is a simple one-story pavilion on stilts. Simple so much that he does not leave doubt in their exclusivity.

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Concert for home and lake
The pond in front of the house looks like scenic that even fallen leaves seem not accidentally abandoned wind, and the artist's decomposed hand
Concert for home and lake
The site seems completely natural: all old trees have been preserved and a number of coniferous shrubs, picking up the rhythm of the building, are preserved. The only element of the landscape design is a stone triangle between three birch, which is a miniature garden of stones. By the way, the owner posted him his own and endowed some philosophical meaning
Concert for home and lake
According to plan, this part of the house is a small hallway, and according to the semantic filling, rather a closed veranda, another corner for a secluded and contemplative rest. By the way, the beloved hostess, which considers him something like a "Cabinet". (Zanotta armchair, table and floor lamp Classicon)
Concert for home and lake
The sofa is almost in the middle of the room, and even when a quick look at him becomes cozy and calmly. It is not clear that more contributes to this - "lulling" shape, skin under legs or the entire atmosphere of the house
Concert for home and lake
From this living room is easy to make a concert hall. You just need to slightly deploy a sofa and bring a couple of seats from the hallway.
Concert for home and lake
The window of the living room is at the same time an additional way out of the house right to the lake. Owned the owners are missing, the door window is overlapped by wooden blinds, which are mobile in this place, not stationary
Concert for home and lake
The space flows freely from one room to another. But at the same time, the rigid inner division on the modules is intentionally underlined by decorative light wooden beams on the walls and the ceiling.
Concert for home and lake
The interior of the kitchen from BULTHAUP is a combination of Japanese minimalism and high technologies. Glass wall panel and looks unusual, and in its working characteristics surpasses ceramic tiles
Concert for home and lake
Lighting in this house plays an important role. Here, not only in the afternoon, the set of various sources can vary the intensity of light, allocate or dowy any corners of the interior. But at the same time, all the lamps look extremely simple and attract attention not to themselves, but to highlighted subjects. (Suspended BELUX lamp in the kitchen)
Concert for home and lake
On the roof deck, a slightly stylized, but operating lighthouse. With short summer nights, his light will indicate the way out of the travelers and fishermen, will create a completely unique lyrical atmosphere of privacy and coziness
Concert for home and lake
Plan of the house

Comparison of architecture with music has long become familiar. But not every house is suitable for the origin of such a fine matter as a melody. To do this, you need a special house capable of harmonizing the inner and external space, create around and inside yourself the unique atmosphere of creativity, dreams, peace and unity with nature, with the world.

Concert for home and lake
The pattern of the mesh of the metal table and chairs is repeated on the steps of the screw staircase. Such attention to every detail and every shade of perception and creates the style of a new home studio by all the favorite composer of Raimond Pauls in the suburbs of Riga - one of those rare cases when the joint efforts of the architect, builders and hosts managed not to simply create an interesting object, but also determine the image Life in it, build a new relationship of the world inner with the world outside and its inhabitants. However, the birth of this house, as well as all over the framework of everydayness, was not easy.

The idea to build something new near the Old Dacha, right on the shore of the lake, visited Raymond Pauls for a long time. But before proceeding to the construction, it was necessary to solve the main question: what should be a house that meets all the very detailed requirements of the owners. First, the maestro required a secluded studio to work. Secondly, the new housing of the hosts were going to use all year round, that is, a full-fledged winter building was supposed. But at the same time it should not have cluttered the site and spoil the landscape. The hosts categorically objected to the new-fashioned palace with thick walls, towers and "braces" instead of windows. And, finally, the conceived structure was intended to burn its inhabitants from prying eyes, for which they decided to organize the courtyard, facing the lake.

To implement such a project that meets all the listed requirements, and not too expensive, it took a lot of time. According to Rammond Pauls, he leafed architectural magazines, read special books, communicated with architects and builders for three years. Scrupulously collecting ideas, thinking on individual details and images to bring them in the long-awaited home studio.

As a result, it was created rather unusual for the Baltic architecture small on the area of ​​a single-storey pavilion in Japanese style. However, this is not direct stylization under Japanese aesthetics, but rather a fantasy on the topic. The resulting structure, according to Juris Dambis, who implemented the idea of ​​the maestro, is an example of causing, bold architecture, but causing non-form, but according to ideological content. "It was possible to create something combined and at the same time half ancient with the old house, contrasting with the usual representation of a country housing, but not destroying the prevailing microclimate of the place." Building, according to Juris, there is a "twisting relationship" with a landscape, enriches it. Assue, the surrounding landscape becomes part of the building, saturates minimalist interiors with color and dynamics. "The main thing in this house is the interaction of the form, structure and space. The constant occurring at different levels," says Leon Yakrins, the head of the company Vincents, who has successfully implemented the project.

Despite the abundance of ideas that caused an unusual object to life, he himself looks surprisingly simple and unreliable. It is just so simple not to leave doubt in your exclusivity.

Concert for home and lake
The idea of ​​modularity and simplicity left the imprint and at the bedroom interior. BB ITALIA wardrobe seems to repeat the structural plan of the entire pavilion. Ainterrier is completely deprived of decorative elements, here nothing tires the look, does not prevent a full-fledged rest, it is perhaps it is difficult to imagine more understandable, logical and frequent layout. The house consists of ten equal square modules with a size of 4.54.5 m each. A third of the construction is given under the open terrace, the rest of the premises are closed. True, they are only from a technical point of view, a visually pavilion seems open from all sides. It is positively, in the whole house there is only one deaf wall, overlooking the next area, the rest are almost completely glazed. However, on this single "real" wall along the upper edge passes a glass "ribbon". Thus, the house through the sunshine is shifted and as if the surrounding landscape is absorbed. This impression is enhanced by the vertical glazed "rupture" of the rear wall, which is between the garage and the entrance, just opposite the steps leading to the house. For an unusual window-opening, a luxurious centuries-old oak is visible, which makes the entrance to the building is really parade.

The glazed corner obtained as a result of this planning solution performs several functions at once. Soda side, the owners use it as a mini-gym. The wind does not blow here, and at the expense of the large window it creates a complete illusion of exercise in the fresh air. Solid side, this is an extra entrance hall, you can remove the shoes, and smoke the snow in the winter.

Concert for home and lake
Abundance of high

Technological equipment and modern accessories could make this bathroom too cold for a country house if it were not for the window that fills the garden with air. The part of the wall between the bathroom and the sauna, decorated as an unexpected continuation of this window, only enhances the effect of the presence of the nature of a reprehensive point of view in the spatial break. Two ideas are laid at once: the window emphasizes the transparency of the structure of the house and does not allow the look of the incoming one to rest in a deaf wall. All these technical techniques and visual effects work on the main idea - to make the building (in the main number of its internal space) part of the landscape. The preservation of a beautiful view of the lake, to which the owners are accustomed to many years of residence on the old country, was one of the fundamental conditions set by the architect. The second, equally important and difficult demand is the minimum construction time. Not more than two months were assigned to all work, and in the cold season. Naturally, both conditions have been fulfilled, although it demanded extraordinary solutions and techniques.

The main construction occurred in winter. In the fall, it was still warm, only laid the foundation. True, the foundation in the usual understanding here is no - the house stands on the piles. For such an unexpected solution, several reasons were immediately. The stroks of the architecture of the architecture is 100% answered the main idea of ​​the construction, attached ease of the entire structure, the best "implanted" her in the landscape, brought a feeling of visual control over the surrounding area. In addition, the lack of a stationary foundation made it possible to significantly reduce the periods of work-carrying metal structures were made in advance at the factory, and on the spot there was only a direct assembly and a finish of the house. But, perhaps, the main reason that determined the choice of the type of building is the natural features of the place allotted for construction. The picturesque playground in the immediate vicinity of the lake is nothing more than a small fuel meadow. That is, during the spring, and sometimes autumn spills, it completely goes under water.

A funny story is even connected with one of these spring fellow. The construction of the house was already almost completed when the owners, having arrived at his site, caught an amazing picture. The entire platform around the new house was filled with water to the lower level of the floor, and directly near the terrace swam white swans. However, the house itself, although turned into a real island, did not suffer at all. The exactly calculated height of the piles allowed him to survive this and, as the architect claims, will allow to survive all subsequent floods.

Of course, to keep the building from the water, it was easy to raise the level of the earth. But it is a trivial, although quite acceptable, the decision did not attract a neither architect or the owners. The house, as if growing out of the ground, the shimming turne looks here much more appropriate. To enhance the image, at first even wanted to put on the roof of the grass. However, Maestro chose a concert venue here. For this, the roof was "packed" with deck boards from larch - in the same way as the lower veranda, with which the platform connects the spiral staircase. However, the grass as a symbol of "rising soil" on the roof also appeared, but only a narrow strip throughout the perimeter. This green border visually limits the platform, makes a cozy, friendly person who is accustomed to walk along the ground, and not over it.

In addition to the three residential rooms, kitchen, bathtubs and saunas, the house has one utility room - a parking space car separated from the inlet terrace of sliding blinds. This decision, on the one hand, is very convenient and practical, because by putting the car, you should no longer go to the house on the street. The sides, it allows the garage not to fall out of the overall architectural context. By the way, the exterior wooden blinds close all the huge windows of the building. This is a designer move (some hint of traditional Japanese architecture), and a reasonable design solution.

Sliding wooden blinds limit the "viewing" of the interior outside. From the inside they allow you to freely admire the view of the lake and not lose the sensations that you are in nature, live in her natural rhythm. But even with such a "transparency" of the walls, there is no feeling of insecurity, at home. For this, the layer of exterior blinds are centered under the angle that the street is visible only from the side of the wall, located right in front of the eyes, and all the side seems to be dotted, although the light transmitting lights. This made it possible to avoid the unpleasant feeling of the life of the "Vakarium", which occurs sometimes in buildings with panoramic glazed.

Inside the house is logically divided into open and private parts. The kitchen, the living room and the cabinet are a single space, not a single partition here. Private quarters (bedroom, bathroom and sauna) are separated from the rest of the room with a sliding wall. This is the mobile wall, and not the door or partition, that is, the bedroom can be included in the overall space, and you can completely separate.

A few words about finishing interiors. It is very restrained and laconic: white plaster, oak floor, sliding constructions from cherry tree, contributing in a strict space some dynamism. Furniture is very small, the most necessary for the work and recreation of the owner. When choosing furniture, kitchen and sanitary equipment, the main emphasis was made on high manufacturability and ergonomics of each item and accessory. Therefore, any, even the most insignificant, at first glance, the thing combines the sophisticated design and limit functionality. Many attention is paid to metal and wooden elements. Their presence gives the building a special color, which can be described as a compound of the eastern and west temperament.

Concert for home and lake
The mirror wall visually increases a small locker room in front of the sauna and bathroom. All necessary cabinets are replaced by suspended shelves located around the perimeter of the room. Thanks to this solution, the dressing room does not seem close, but does not occupy a lot of location. It is worth talking about the sauna. This room is completely traditional for the Baltic country houses, it looks quite unusual here. Agree, the sauna with the window is rare. After all, the window can disrupt the thermal insulation of the room, and the sauna will simply be impossible to use in direct intended. However, all possible "pitfalls" were taken into account in the project. In addition, not only preliminary calculations were carried out, but also multiple tests of the reliability of isolation of the finished room. As it turned out, high-quality double-glazed windows, installed throughout the house (in the mains in the sauna) and high-quality thermal insulation materials allow you to slightly retreat from the standards accepted and design the sauna with the window. Please note that this is the most present, a full-fledged window that occupies almost a third area of ​​one wall!

What is a valuable solution from an architectural point of view? There was a completely unexpected effect: a small sauna seemed to come to life, including the volume, color and light of the surrounding garden. Casting sauna, according to the owners, better rest, relax.

Naturally, creating a country house so unusual for Northern Europe, had to pay increased attention to technical issues. Despite the lack of foundation, the abundance of glass and the seeming weightlessness of the structures, it is housing, unlike the old, can really be used even in the most severe winters. The well-thought-out system of thermal insulation and internal communications allows you to save here a comfortable atmosphere even at -30 outside the window.

Heating in the house is electric. Of course, this is not the cheapest option, but another output in this case was simply not. The fact is that there is no main gas in the country village, and the use of liquid fuels would require weighting and change of the whole structure, because in this case it would have to highlight the room for the boiler, pipes and other necessary equipment. Attacks All communications (sewage, cold and hot water) are located in a small one - 1 m - box, located directly under the floor of the bathroom. The box is also supplied with thermal insulation and heated with electricity, therefore, although it is right on the street, communications are smoothly working all year round. By the way, the house provides a place for chimney and a gas boiler, so if gas is carried out in the village, the heating system can be changed. But there is no big need for this, since three-layer double-glazed windows and an impressive layer of mineral insulation (for example, in the floor it constitutes as much as 20cm) reliably "hold" the inner temperature and make heated with electricity not too expensive.

Even after staying in this house, quite a bit of time, you begin to think about how important the interior is attentive to every detail, whether it is the view from the window, the color of the walls, the arrangement of furniture or the sauna finish. After all, only in the case when all this is in harmony, the "architectural object" becomes home. With its character, energy, soul, music, to understand and hear that only a real maestro can be heard.

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