House Barbie


Funny color, columns, balconies - this two-storey cottage looks like doll. But the internal space is subordinated by functionality and simplicity.

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House Barbie
From whatever the doors you have come out, you will definitely find yourself on the terrace, it gives the house similarity with villas on the azure coast or in Florida. Actual strip, not spoiled good weather, such an architectural solution is a rarity and courage
House Barbie
Hall-entrance hall with large windows and stained glass windows is solved very vigorously. He clearly continues the "resort" topic given by the bright colors of the facade
House Barbie
Sometimes for the creation of a harmonious interior just just one stroke. The living room would not be so cozy if it were not for an orange fireplace flame in combination with the same bright upholstery of the sofa. A wooden ceiling introduces a feeling of heat and sun
House Barbie
With all its monumentality and monolithic, the fireplace does not nourish the space. Rather, he brings into a light flowing interior of the first floor. Feeling reliability, "eternity"
House Barbie
Due to its optimal configuration, the kitchen occupies a very small space. But it has all the necessary equipment, there was even a wine shelf for wine
House Barbie
Even the simplest furniture will look exquisitely in this unusual dining room - "Aquarium"
House Barbie
"Ice and Flame" - the first thing comes to mind when you get into this space, built on the contrast of warm and cold surfaces and shades
House Barbie
An unusual lightweight staircase with steps for three-quarters serves as the main and the only decoration of the space between the hall and the main premises of the first floor. In all respects elegant decision
House Barbie
A small and slightly elongated children does not look like that due to the unusual semicircular shape of the window and the ceiling, blocked by wooden beams
House Barbie
The large arched window in the bedroom has an amazing property: even when the curtains ducklored curtains in its top are visible garden and a piece of sky.
House Barbie
It seems that wooden beams on the ceiling and in the headboard survived not one generation of the inhabitants of the house. It is these beams, such solid and timeless, turn a simple, even a strict bedroom in the hardening and cozy

It is believed that everyone should build a house in his life. Imalo just build, you need to love to love. Understand and take your creation as it turned out. Sometimes it takes a lot of time and soulful forces. WHATS The construction of his own home remains one of the most exciting and fascinating classes in the world.

House Barbie
Fun coloring, columns, balconies and even a canopy for cars - everything in this house seems not quite real, puppet. Nor give or take a house for a capricious Girl Barbitot The house knows and love in Jurmala many. They say he raises the mood on a cloudy day, makes you smile even the most unfastened pessimist. According to his own experience, I know that it is completely impossible to drive attention by and not pay attention to it. Do not remember it the next day and not to envy a little bit of owners you also will probably not work. Although the owners themselves passed a difficult path before fell in love with this unusual house with a lot of terraces and very unusual for Jurmala coloring, a house, as if built for a capricious girl. By the way, barely appeared in front of the neighbors in all its glory, the building received a fun and very much nickname: Barbie's house.

Starting the construction of its first house, the hosts provided the architects complete freedom. The only limitation concerned the volume: a too large-scale dwelling of a family of four was nothing, and not by pocket. In general, the economic side of the question occupied one of the principal positions in the project, many ideas had to be adjusted along the way, in accordance with the real financial capabilities. In the case, it made it difficult for the life of customers, architects and builders, but the house ultimately did it all the same. It turned out special, interesting, unpredictable and in many ways unexpected and for its owners, and for architects.

The idea of ​​the construction of the construction was dictated by the form and dimensions of the site. Not too big (about 12) and quite narrow, as if clamped between other sites, he determined the outlines of the house. To comply with all the rules, mandatory when the cottage is erected, the building had to be pulled out. Achtoba It did not resemble the trailer and did not inside some corridors, was invented the original course. On all sides, the house was surrounded by terraces and canopies - their total area is 127m2, that is, almost a third of the cottage area (325m2). It must be said that for the Baltic state it was a rather unexpected and bold decision. After all, such a house, firstly, could turn out to be viewlessly too open and, secondly, demanded a well-thought-out heat conservation system. However, the owners decided to take a chance and still realize the idea of ​​architects inules Janson and Casparus Austinsh.

Naturally, the unusual composition of the construction demanded the corresponding internal planning. The concept of a single open space is implemented on the first floor today. The kitchen, the dining room, the living room is delimited only by a visual one of the real wall or even the partition is not here. The kitchen separates from the rest of the "counter" of the desktop, and the living room and the dining room are separated by the fireplace, which will be discussed below. By the way, the dining room is removed from the kitchen, located in a glass erker and is the most separate room. Such a location and environment of glass walls makes it a parade, designed rather for festive feasts and official techniques, rather than for daily family dinners. The dining room has its own way out on the open terrace. Here in good weather you can put a large table to, without breaking away from the diet, enjoy the view of the blooming garden. Especially for this, adult trees of Sakura and luxurious rhododendron bushes were planted in front of the house.

Today it is difficult to imagine a comfortable country house without a fireplace. He is here. True, it is not in the usual place at the wall, but right in the middle of the building and shares the open space of the first floor to the living room and the dining room. Glass windows allow you to see the flame and from the other side. About such a fireplace can be left without feasible to leave the smallest family member, two-year-old son owners. Ansure with fire playing glass, perhaps, even more interesting than an open flame.

In addition to strict beauty, the fireplace is characterized by functionality: it is easy to ignite, the glass reliably protects the surrounding space from the ashes and small sparks, the stone "rug" does not allow the wooden floor to heat. There is also a convenient place for storing firewood: the side shelves are equally good and for the Hields, and for small baubles. Akline tube, cutting through the building, serves not only by chimney, but also a high-altitude dominant home, connects to a one-piece architectural ensemble the main first floor and a cozy second. On the second floor, more and more traditionally: rooms have walls and doors. The most unusual here is that each bedroom provides its exit to the terrace. This visually increases the space of the rooms, makes it more interesting and complex. In addition, each family member can be alone with a garden, a chamber changing nature outside the window. To save heat, all windows, as well as the doors of balconies and the terraces are made with double double-glazed windows.

Interestingly, the owner is still to the end and did not accept empty, devoid of obvious boundaries the volume of their housing. Therefore, his favorite corner after the completion of the premises will most likely become a secluded office on the first floor. The architectural solution of this room goes like a controversy with the rest of the house. The office is in an extension, a symmetric canopy for cars. If you look from the street, there is no doubt that this room exists, but by going inside the house, you will not just find it. Three walls of the cabinet overlook the street, and one-in-one-hall, and separated from the space in front of the staircase with a huge stained glass window. Thus, whatever happened in the house, whatever the number of guests gathered, nobody disturbs rest.

By the way, about the guest. Votchchychi from the owner, they immediately mastered in these large, open to all four sides of the spaces. All permanent and random visitors to the house, according to its owners, at first glance fall in love with their new housing. It is identifiably, there is something unusually disposal of ease, the feeling of infinite-legged, more characteristic of California than the Baltic States. But even when it rains on the yard, it doesn't want to part with the warm sun. It is seriously settled on numerous terraces, so unusual in the harsh climates.

A few words about the inner decoration of the house. Although it is not yet fully furnished, the main features of the interiors are clearly visible.

The modern interior is imposed very high demands. It should be a logical continuation of the building structure, emphasize its architectural advantages, develop basic ideas. If this is not, no furniture, no pictures and carpets will make the house comfortable, interesting, beautiful. So it is best if the interiors are developed by the architect itself, and during the design period of the building. Hospitality, very often customers refuse it, because, on the one hand, this approach can significantly reduce the architect fee, and on the other, most people are confident that they will cope with their accommodation. It is unlikely that they are right. As a result, the swinier armor appear with no acquittal details, the premises do not correspond to each other in design. All this will appear later, in the process of cutting at home. Arabicing annoying flaws is always more difficult and more expensive than to warn. If possible.

In our case, the customers also at first decided to independently make interiors, but, having come to the finish and confrontation with her for several months, they decided to convey the deal to the expert. Due to this, it was possible to avoid many mistakes, the premises turned out to be interesting, but at the same time not intense, not learned, but completely logical, as follows from the main idea of ​​the house.

All internal space of the house is subordinate to simplicity and functionality. Ash-tree parquet is well combined with painted walls and tinted pine ceiling in the living room. Note that in all its modern times the room looks quite traditional for the Baltic houses: slightly cold-blooded paints, an abundance of air, no extra details. In short, clarity and peace in every meter of residential space. Another business is the unusual colors of the outdoor decoration of the building, because precisely because of them it got his funny nickname.

The color decision of the house was left at the discretion of the architect and originally pursued two objectives- architectural and emotional. That is, on the one hand, the color fragments had to additionally zonate the house, emphasize the variety of its architectural forms. For this rectangular part of the building, it was necessary to become a blue, square yellow, and triangular-raspberry.

Solid side, bright paints were called upon to demonstrate the resort location of the house, create a good mood at its inhabitants and neighbors. When the building was almost ready and it came to painting, it turned out that such bright colors would be very expensive. Therefore, in order to save them, they were replaced with lighter. But the main color solution is still preserved. Just blue became a purple-blue, bright yellow, and the raspberry transformed into pink.

The architect himself honestly admitted that at first such a choice of the owners categorically did not like it, the paints seemed incompetent, dull. But some time later he came across the architectural magazine to work a famous American colleague, who received a prestigious prize. IC his surprise discovered that there were used exactly the same shades as in his Barbie house. At the same time, the champion's house looked rather bright even for Florida, which is, to talk about Latvia, where they traditionally choose nonsense tones. This comparison reconciled the architect with a forced solution. I had to admit that pastel paints correspond much more and temperament of the owners, and the general tonality of Jurmala.

The price of a square meter of this house (eased) is about $ 650. For a constant accommodation cottage, this is not a lot. However, the amount would turn out much less if from the very beginning, at the stage of "paper" design, the owners took into account some important points. For example, it was decided to cover the roof roofing iron, which is inexpensive, but the numerous terraces are lined with an expensive tile, and the total value of the square meter has grown much. Of course, the terrace is one of the main decorations of the house, its undoubted architectural dignity. But, trying to make the project as economical as possible, the owners did not pay attention to the fact that it could have to reduce it. This miscalculation is associated with the fact that they abandoned the services of an architect to detail the finishing of the object. Perhaps know the owners of the house in advance, in which they will cost all sorts of architectural "excesses", and the house would have a completely different appearance. However, then it would be a completely different house and a completely different story.

The main error of most customers, according to Casparce Austinsh, is that they do not take into account that every square meter of the house, saturated or not saturated with a specific function, will cost the same. Assistant, "extra" meters and empty spaces, so beautifully looking in the picture, can significantly increase the price of the finished housing. Of course, this does not mean that it is necessary to build shacks, giving out each centimeter of the square. But approach the problem is reasonably, in advance, calculate the cost of the entire object together with the finish, and not just naked walls is absolutely necessary.

"Most of our people," says Kaspars, "perceive their house not as a product that has a real value, but as a generic nest, the main value of which in it itself. Hence the wrong calculation of its financial capabilities: at home are built or too luxurious, or, on the contrary, Save literally on everything. "

By the way, the official price of this house, calculated by the representative of the insurance company, as a result, turned out to be much higher than its cost. So the money spent the host by the hosts cannot be considered lost. Despite the problems that arise during the work, the house turned out to be beautiful, economical and functional, as was conceived from the very beginning.

House Barbie
Floor plan
House Barbie
Plan of the second floor

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