Ranger doors


Overview of the market of entrance doors: basic requirements for modern doors, internal "anatomy", characteristics of doors of some manufacturers, prices.

Ranger doors 14478_1

Ranger doors
Sample doors equipped with electronic lock and locking system electric drive (Dierre)
Ranger doors
Moisture-proof panel with POLIROX coating is not afraid of the atmospheric impact of moisture
Ranger doors
"Bars-steel doors"

The design of the frame and the box of the doors made from the rectangular pipe (model "Bars minimum"):

1. Mounting foam

2. Construction of the construct

3. Castle

4. anti-removable hinge protection

5. Internal heat and sound insulator

6. Outdoor protective sheet

7. Outdoor finish

8. Protective concubine

9. Loop

10. Internal hardness elements

11. Profiles for fixing locks

Ranger doors
Door panels from Torterolo. Tiny part from a set of proposed samples
Ranger doors

Veneered wood massif panels

Ranger doors
Connected door with the second movable Festo from Guardian (Russia)
Ranger doors
A quarter on an allotted frame profile prevents access to the locks of the castle outside (model PORTEMA1 from Gardesa)
Ranger doors
"Bars-steel doors"

In addition to the castle, any door does not prevent manual shut-off valve

Ranger doors
This door from the Dierre collection was created on the still preserved antique samples.
Ranger doors
Entrance door for cottages with metal layouts Guardian (Russia)
Ranger doors

Decorate the facade of the house- second important feature of the front door

Ranger doors
Designer Joanni Gaibari Designer Works

The market of entrance doors began to develop in the late 80s-early 90s, when the security question in the "separately taken" housing was especially acute. Today, the production of these products is engaged in both large companies selling up to 300-day goods per month and small artels. And the cost of different instances can vary from $ 100 to $ 1500 and above

We list the basic requirements that modern entrance doors must be configured:

  • the ability to protect the dwelling from unauthorized access;
  • the ability to resist negative climatic factors and comply with noise insulation standards, that is, to be a "continuation of the wall";
  • aesthetic appearance; Convenience and reliability in use.
According to the current Russian gtostas R 51072-97 and R 50862-96, there are 13 skills of resistance to hacking. The household entrance door usually rises not above the fourth grade, then follow the doors of banking institutions and vandinents.

The main GOST, according to which today is certified by household entrance doors, - R 51072-97, it is called "protective doors. General technical requirements and methods for testing resistance to hacking and pooletness." This standard applies to newly developed, upgraded and imported products. The resistance of the door to cracking is determined by testing, using the appropriate instruments, electrical, thermal, divided into types and classes. For testing, the manufacturer provides a detailed technical characteristics and drawings of the product, as well as selected samples accredited. Test on the workshop determines the time for which the door is partially or completely open when using certain tools. Next, the test time is multiplied by the highest tool coefficient and the amount of basic values ​​of all used tools are added to this product. The result is the value of resistance to hacking and the door assign the appropriate class of stability.

Until the end of the 90s in Europe, there was no general certification system (standardization) of protective doors, but in 1999. For some countries, it has formed. New standards that united Italian, Austrian, German and Dutch standards were called ENV 1627-1630 and entered into force from 2000. The intercommunication with them is carried out 3wide door tests, and the doors themselves are divided into 6 classes on burglary (these classes are defined, as in Russian Guest, types of tools and temporary test frames). In addition to the numerical designation, the classes still have an alphabetic (A, B, C, D, E). And the first class of the letter is not assigned, since it refers to the usual interior doors with a mortise lock. Additionally, the effort on landing. ClassesD and E are assigned to products for banking institutions. One of the prototypes of the new document was the famous Italian standard UNI9569, which appeared in 1989.

Definitions on GOST R 51072-97

Protective door is a resistant to the hacking device consisting of a door frame and a web-fixed cloth. A climbing position is fixed in a box using a lock device or a locking mechanism that corresponds to a smaller class of resistance to cracking than similar devices for the doors of the values ​​store (according to GOST R 50862).

The locking mechanism is a set of all locking devices and power elements (bollards, casov, etc.), providing locking the doors.

Hacking the door-action, aimed at disrupting the integrity of the door or elements of its structures in order to obtain partial or complete access to the premises protected by it.

Resistance to the ability of the door to resist the hacking, expressed in the quantitative characteristics of the EU.

Partial access is the result of a hacking characterized by the passage of a rigid test pattern of the established dimensions into the inner space of the protected room through the hole.

Full access, and deleting the door, opening the door to a width of at least 300mm.

It is necessary to emphasize again that the protection classes defined by Western standards do not fully coincide with the Russian due to the difference in the test method.

Today, few domestic firms and dealers of imported producers are certified by their products, although this is a matter of one thousand dollars (the intake cost of samples of the doors of various types). The fact is that the mandatory certification of entrance doors does not require legislation, its implementation is voluntary. Many sellers, speaking of certificates for the proposed goods, often confuse the certification of the production itself (manufacturing technology) with product certification as such. Avted Universal Certification would allow each buyer to be easily navigated on the market and not asked the seller of unnecessary issues, in the future it is to buy an entrance door via the Internet, relying only on the installation dimensions, product class, design, and the like.

In addition to guests, on the door as part of the construction structure of the house, building standards and rules are distributed (lowering). Typically, the area is the minimum 2m2. Ion, like a wall, should protect the room from cold, noise and drafts. Absorbates there are regulations for noise insulation, breathability and thermal conductivity, which must be bought by the purchased doors.

For the apartment entrance doors, the air permeability is given a value of GNN (kg / (m2h)) and does not exceed 1.5. The insulation index of air noise can not be less than 30 DB. These indicators must be recorded in the certificate of conformity on the sold door, if it is certified in full. As for heat transfer resistance, its value is defined as a value equal to 0.6 from the wall resistance indicator in which the door is installed.

The aesthetics of the appearance of the door, the comfort of use is the parameters of the subjective and therefore are not regulated. The reliability of the work of the locks and the door itself is reflected in the warranty obligations of the manufacturer or, as an option, in the law on the protection of consumer rights.

Today, the vast majority of Russian buyers are focused on the installation of steel doors and, at a minimum, with two castles. If you judge at the suggestion of the Moscow market, in addition to domestic producers, a good half of Europe takes care of our security. Many sellers argue that they have long supplied not just import doors, but adapted to the peculiarities of our climate and the criminal abilities of our "bearishmen" and "houses".

According to the quality of performance, Russian products differ little from foreign - imported locks, fittings are used, the same modern materials for outdoor and internal design are used. Moreover, there are "imported" doors of the Russian assembly (let's say, some models of the MUL-T-LOCK brand). Domestic products are manufactured, as a rule, under the individual dimensions of the opening. Russian doors are usually heavier imported. Most often, this is due to the use of a thicker steel sheet in the design (as a rule, structural grades are in the case). Products of Russian manufacturers are attractive at the ratio of "price-quality", meets the requirements of SNiPs and is offered not only in a wide range of options for outdoor design, but also in a variety of design, designer and technological solutions.

Different types of decorative design of entrance doors

Type of decorative design Dignity disadvantages
Powder painting of the outer metal sheet or the coating of its PVC film Economically, resistant to atmospheric Insufficient sound insulation; For alignment of the surface and its subsequent coloring requires an outdoor sheet with a thickness of at least 2.5mm
Smooth plate MDF, laminated plastic High wear resistance and sound insulation, large selection of color and texture, weather resistance Non-primary look (the next step after the upholstery door of vinyl-skin with buttons)
MDF Plate with CNC Machine on CNC Machines, Laminated PVC Film Presentative view, good wear resistance and sound insulation indicators, large selection of texture and milling pattern, weatherproof resistance Price is 30-40% higher than when coating smooth MDF plastic panels
MDF with milling on CNC machines painted by enamels Very solid and rich species, large selection of drawings and colors, including metallic paints, high sound insulation, weather resistance The price is 50-100% higher than when coating smooth MDF plastic panels
Smooth MDF Plate, veneer veneer with milling drawing on CNC machines Presentable view, good sound insulation The appearance is strongly spoiled by the fact that the MDF structure is visible in the rougins of the milling
MDF filleled panels, veneer veneer A large selection of designer solutions; The internal panels of the entrance doors can be carried out in full compliance with interroom doors; Good sound insulation There is no warranty for the weather resistance; Price one panel- $ 200-300
Pilented panels from a 100% array of valuable wood Presentable view, a large selection of designer solutions; Good sound insulation High price (panel from an array of oak - $ 250-600); The wood array is "lively" material, and no one will give warranty that in the future the panel will not crack (especially after the deadline for the warranty on the door)

Anatomy Door

According to the technology of manufacturing power construction, all doors can be divided into three large groups:
  1. With a box and frame, made only from a bent or cold rolled profile (all import doors and some Russian).
  2. With a box and frame from a standard rectangular pipe.
  3. In the designs of which are used and curved (or cold-rolled) profile, and a standard rectangular tube.

The profile shape determines the rigidity and stability of the design. The greatest rigidity has "closed" profiles. For example, the most reluctant profile strip, more tough, two strip-combined bands, that is, a corner; Two combined corners give a rectangular pipe (ATO is already a closed profile), which further increases the resistance to deformations. The more complex the geometric shape of the profile cross section, the more closed sections, the stronger and the stronger construction, which are made of it. Reduce the hardness profile rigidity for locks (abacks of the door and in the box). Calling attention to the size of the profile section must also be precisely because for some locks, the corresponding thickness of the door canvase is needed. The use of bent or cold-rolled profiles allows door structures easier, with a smaller number of welding points. It improves the quality and manufacturability of production.

On the finished frame of the door with one or on both sides, steel sheets of the object are welded. In well-equipped production, more progressive technology is used: the door is made from a solid cold-rolled metal sheet, the edges of which are bend so that the power frame and the door panel formed a single whole (by the way, most imported manufacturers are on this path). The power frame is supported by rigidity ribs and is filled with heat-violating material (mineral wool or foamed polyurethane). The xylovoy frame is welded a box or plates protecting the castle (here the best option is the use of alloyed manganese steels). The filler material plays the role of sound and thermal insulator. Minvata and foamed polyurethane must be fireproof (excluding the selection of poisoning substances to 800C with heating).

Locks - the most important element of the design of the door, on the degree of their secrecy and resistance to cracking by 90% depends on its inviolability. Preferred locks that provide additional locking due to retractable riggers protected from drilling and knocking out. Rigels must be moved under the action of the key completely freely. Out-of-hearted particles and trash are unacceptable for raglel. Experts recommend installing safes. Incatalogs of Italian producers, they are highlighted in a separate "safe" group. In general, the castles - theme of a separate detailed conversation, so we will tell about them in another article of this room.

The door can be with one or two arrivals (the best option is a double flyer), it is necessarily equipped with anti-removable anchors (anticipable pins). You can hang the door for two or more loops. Installation of more than two loops is dictated by the demands of the market rather than technical necessity (according to representatives of some firms, "this is more marketing moves than a technically justified step"). In addition, individual organizations take a somewhat overestimated fee for adding a third-legged foot. The loops can have different constructive solutions, be adjustable or unregulated.

To combat noise and draft, damping shock loads when closing, doors need to be equipped with seals along the contour. Depending on the depth of the opening, the option of the door canvase in the box is selected: "flush" with a box or "twist". Most of the imported products are mounted "Vansel" (in-depth design), domestic equity depending on the design. It is harder to open the door, performed "flush".

From the quality of the door frame and box, on the accuracy of the installation of the entire design in the opening, the strength of the consolidation depends on the ability of the product you choose to serve a long time and trouble-free. The box may have a closed and open (P-shaped) form. So historically it happened that the latter is characteristic of most import doors. In addition, in the doors of foreign manufacturers, the box most often composite. With such a design, a power frame (installation) frame is established in the opening, and then the so-called falsecorob is already attached to it. This solution allows you to accurately mount the box and adjust the position of the door itself in the opening. But this lies in this: the box frame itself ceases to be a single rigid design.

The facial and inner surface of the door can have a different decorative design, from which the price of the product largely depends.

Decorative panels from painted MDF panels and an array of oak Moscow production from the point of view of the quality of manufacture are perfectly deserved trust. Capnels covered with veneer of valuable breeds, confidence less, because it is quite possible to get a product performed by treasurely, according to primitive "iron" technology. The MDF Panel Imported Production is more expensive than Russian 3-4 times.

Russian Russians

Growing competition makes our manufacturers constantly improve the technology of manufacturing doors, improve design solutions, search for "their" buyer and new forms of promoting goods to the market. So, how and how much are the flagships of the "doorway"?

If almost all imported products are structurally monotype, then Russian manufacturers produce the doors of three groups (according to the applied profile).

There are products of unusual design solutions available. For example, the St. Petersburg Firm "Prom" offers doors without traditional anticipation anchors (Avan-Gard trading mark). Instead of them, when forming a profile on bending equipment, an anti-blank comb is performed throughout the end of the door canvase. Answered groove is available in the door box. Fire-resistant doors of this brand have another number of features: first, throughout the perimeter of the canvas, the thermal tape "Fence-L" (Russia) is laid; Secondly, the inner volume of the door leaf is filled with the heat insulating plate of Con LIT-150 or ROCWOOL (Denmark). The thermal tape is exhausted at 100 ° C and completely overlaps the oxygen access to the room, without giving flames to flare. The same manufacturer offers bivalve models. The cost of such a door comes to $ 1,300. Special demand for two-dimensional doors is observed in St. Petersburg, where many old houses with wide openings are observed. Externally, St. Petersburg models are easily recognizable - their facing panels are usually carried out in the style of those still pre-revolutionary, times.

On the Moscow market a lot of doors from the company "Gardian" (Yoshkar-Ola). They are produced in flow, hence the relatively low starting price level ($ 280). The model range consists of four basic models and one intermediate. The largest dealer of this company is "strong nut" - began to actively promote the door of its own production. Remember the advertising slogan "The door on the nickname" Beast "? This is the trading image of the" strong nut ". The unsaluable model" Strong Oreshk "left not far from the prototype, but nevertheless there are some changes. First, in the design of the box profile, an addition was made in the design of the box. The form of another closed profile that immediately increased the rigidity of the box. Secondly, adjustable hinges "Bark" are used and electromagnetic locks are offered. Thirdly, the company goes into a collective trade model.

Loop "Bark" applies not only "strong nut". With today's technical equipment of Russian producers, when a lot is done "on the knee", these loops allow you to smooth out the welds to the door and to the box. The design of the loop is unique and patented in its own way. Products "Bark" are able to withstand very large loads without deformations, there are no backlash, do not give in to pinching, do not require lubrication. Designers of the "strong nut" went even further: they swept the loops at the edges of the door leaf and the lower, which carries the main weight load, "rest on the floor". Thus, the weight of the door is transferred to the floor, the life of the loop increases.

The doors of the shopping brand "Legion" from Duet service is also an example of a product, the production of which began a dealer, but already imported products. The company, as sales statistics accumulate, came to an understanding that the domestic analogue of the import door, but "at Russian prices," will be much more in demand by buyers. So began a very successful production of own products of this brand.

The model "Iron Lady" is distinguished by a fundamentally new design of the door frame and frame frame. Door box and opening plane have a wedge-shaped clearance. With a similar landing in the opening, the door is additionally protected from knocking and breaking in the case of weakened walls.

On the history of the oldest in Russia, the door company "Sesam" can be traced by the development of purchasing demand for the last 15 years. The first patent for the manufacture of doors the company received in 1987, B1991. Fastened a patent for castles of its own production. The use of imported locks began since 1992, and the installation of radio-controlled mechanisms was becoming popular only today. A constructive feature of the doors "Sesame" is the use of hidden loops arranged on the principle of automotive, they are visible only when opening. Enclosures are present as simplified economy class models ($ 265) with a soft upholstery of artificial leather, a sheet of metal with a thickness of 2mm outside, a sheet of organity inside and two Russian locks and a high price level doors. There are 3-line types of door blocks that differ in the design of the oxo and loops. In addition, in the new models of the entrance doors "Sesame" uses the "Invisible" locks and blocks of a mechanical lock (with a second-subscript control over the radio channel) of the Italian company ATRA. On most of their products "Sesame" establishes Italian ATRA locks, which have an easy-sensitive element of secrecy. The owner can independently replace it in case of losing the keys, without reinstalling the lock and without disassembled the door.

Doors of domestic producers

Trademark Manufacturer Profile Features and equipment Castles for minimum configuration
"Avan-Gard" "Prom" (St. Petersburg) Bent Anti-removable comb, can be offered in an elevated fireplace version, double-focus, 1,8mm steel from two sides, panels in St. Petersburg style, minimal equipment, price- from $ 450 MCM (Spain), Kale (Turkey)
"Bars-steel doors" "Bars-steel doors" (Moscow) Bent + trumpet Optimal combination of combined technology, own manufacture of MDF panels, modern imported equipment, with outer side, steel from2 to 3mm, intra-on the lock group, 2-value models, the optimal combination of "price-quality" Cisa (Italy)
"Squirrel" "Bel-ka steel doors"(Moscow) Trumpet Certified according to the I-IV class on the resistance of hacking and the I-I-III class on the boilers, steel is 2.5mm on both sides, 16mm thick panels, in a minimum configuration, 2 ignition (1C additional beglings), secret panel mounting Cisa.
"Gardianp5" (Turkey) "Gardian"


Bent High-quality profile P5, steel 2mm on both sides, developed network of dealers offering an extended package, price - from $ 400 c installed (Customer Castle) Cisa, Mottura (Italy), Kale
"The Iron Lady" "Crystalsk"


Cold-rolled Fundamentally new design box, "fatty" - the thickness of the door leaf without panels 75mm, the outer sheet is up to 4mm, the weight of 130kg, the loop "Bark", the price is from $ 650 Cisa, Mottura.
"Toughie" "TOUGHIE"


GNUTOSVARY Analogue of the profile of P5 from "Gardian", but with greater stability, steel from 2mm on both sides, Loop "Bark" on the edges of the door Cisa.
"Legion" "Duet service"


Cold-rolled Good performance, Russian analogue of imported models, steel 1.8-3mm on both sides, double bee adjustable loops, price- $ 370-700 with installation Cisa.
"Sesame" "SESAME"


Trumpet Steel 1.5-2.5mm, double seal, MDF plates with natural or artificial veneer, plastic and laminate, powder coating, PVC, painting, price from $ 265, but mostly $ 500-800 ATRA (Italy)


Trumpet, bent, bent + pipe Low carbon steel 1.5-4mm or an armorist 4-6.5mm, double beef, any finish (otisky skin to wood array), price- from $ 250, mostly $ 400-800 Motura, Cisa, Kale, Mul-T-Lock


Gerda's doors (United Kingdom-Poland) are produced in Poland. The Gerda model range has 4 doors, 3 of which are sold in Russia. A distinctive feature of these products is the use of molecular (diffusion) welding and the use of castles of own production of the TYTAN series with a changeable secret (for example, TYTANZW6000 has a cylinder with 4,294,967,296 key combinations). Historically, Gerda doors originate from Israeli structures that were successfully sold in Central Europe from the end of the 80s. Their feature, like all the entrance doors from Israel, is concreting box when mounting in the opening. Ito despite the fact that each side of the box is attached to the wall in 8-12 points to mortgage elements or anchors.

The Israeli doors of brands of MUL-T-LOCK, Super-Lock and Magen are equipped with branded locks, equipped with an insert-retractable part designed to fit the height of the door cloth under the magnitude of the opening (advanced to 7cm), and differ with a small mass (it is about 70kg). Models MUL-T-LOCK and Super-Lock are constructively similar. Manufacture of cloths and assembly of MUL-T-Lock doors has been established in Zelenograd. There are 9-base models that have a class of resistance to hacking OTIB. Magen's doors are produced in five models, characterized by a set of lock group and the size of the canvas.

"Italians" are presented with us such trademarks as Gardesa, Master, Minerva, Torterollo and others. Let's start with the master, for in this brand there are relevant for some categories of citizens of the AK-47 and Zeus model. AK-47 abbreviation represents not necessary, it is known to many as a good, reliable automatic. But it turns out that he is powerless against the doors of AK-47! It weighs 450kg, comes on request, it is performed under the size of the doorway of the customer and will cost him (insertion) at $ 4,000. Zeus can resist TT pistols, PM and ultrasound. This door is easier and constructively similar to AK-47. Start price - $ 2500. For the rest, less extreme customers are offered by the doors of high-quality execution with an outer veneer of oak veneer (baseline).

Gardesa brand products are distinguished by a solid strict look. Box, like most Italian doors, composite. In the Russian market, these models are offered in the opening version.

In the category of inexpensive Italian models, the door from Porte Union (Delta series) is very attractive. For the minimum configuration, panels made from laminated MDF are offered. The loops are adjustable for three axes. Internal filling of the canvase consists of non-combustible polyurethane foam. These doors give a five-year warranty. The term of execution is 6days.

MINERVA brand doors weigh up to 120kg. Models from Minerva are offered with outdoor panels covered with oak veneer or tangiac nut. Equipped with an incomparable box, which is attached to the opening in eight points. Box covered with black powder enamel. To order you will perform a door with outdoor aluminum panels.

Completes the list of "Iron Italians in Russia" Torterolo. Structurally, these doors are similar to Gardesa, but there are models with a pronounced element, an exclusive-decorative series of facing panels has been developed by the design bureau of baaptist pininpharin. The price of products decorated with pininfarin panels can be $ 3500-6500.

There are in our market and Spanish doors (for example, Artevi brand). In general, both good, neat products.

And from Greece, not only brandy and fur coats are brought to us, but also the dossio brand doors. Models - 10, dimensions- 60, protection class - III. Ito, along with a strict classic design style. In general, the supplier reacts well to demand. Constructive doors of this brand are largely similar to Spanish Artevi.

Main characteristics of import doors

Trademark Producing country Price, $ Features and equipment Castles for minimum configuration
Gerda. United Kingdom-Poland. From810 Multichannel lock-12Rigels, registration - PVC film and laminated HDF panels, sheet thickness - 1,5mm, 4-row door boxes, adjustable loops Titan
MUL-T-LOCK, SUPER-LOCK Israel From 495. Safety coffee lock with retractable riglels, opening limiter, registration - PVC film, laminated or veneered MDF panel, array, thickness of sheets - 1.5mm, insert, filling the box concrete MUL-T-LOCK, SUPER-LOCK
Magen. Israel From 510. Safety-facing 4-sided lock with retractable rigels, opening limiter, registration of PVC, sheet thickness, 1,5mm, insert, filling the box concrete Magen.
Gardesa. Italy From 920. Safety coffee lock, Additional Rigel, Guillotine, Steel sheets 1.2-1.8mm on both sides, adjustable loops, P-shaped box, exquisite design panels NuCleo, Mottura (Italy)
Master Italy From 795. Suwald Castle, Additional Rigels, Choice Panels, Steel Sheets 1.8mm On Two Sides, Printing, Adjustable Loops, Limiter, P-Shaped Box Cisa (Italy) Mottura
Union Italy From 595. Safety Cable Castle, Additional Rigels, Guillotine, Steel List 2mm from the outside, Adjustable loops, P-shaped box, exquisite design panels, opening limiter, valve Cisa.
Minerva. Italy From 1150. Safety coffee lock, additional rigleels, any panels, steel sheet 2mm on both sides, panel-chipboard, veneered nut (Назаказ- aluminum), 2 замка, bronorob and armor layout, closed box Mottura.
Torterolo. Italy From 875. Safety Cable Castle, Additional Rigels, Choice Panels, Steel Sheets 1.8mm On Two Sides, 3 Model Lines, Printing, Limiter, P-Box Nucleo.
Artevi. Spain From 850. Two locks (one safe), additional riglels, mobile threshold (guillotine), opening limiter, steel sheets 2mm on both sides, in a minimum configuration - metal coating with laminate Cisa.
Plessio. Greece From 980. Safety Cable, Additional Rigel, Guillotine, Opening Limiter, Mass Poles, Steel Sheets 2mm On Two Sides Cisa.

Glass and tree

Steel doors, of course, the main version of the protection of our dwellings, but still not the only one. The market offers options for entrance doors of wood, glass.

The Finnish factory ALAVUS produces doors with a conventional wooden box, a conventional wooden frame, a 5-6-millimeter wall-cutting stove. Decorative design is performed from painted MDF plate, pine veneer or tick, covered with oil. To increase the burglary in the facing plates, an aluminum sheet is turned on with a thickness of 0.5mm, and in the door of the door, made of solid wood, was embossed aluminum profile. After installing the door can be adjusted both in height and in width with special anti-burglable loops. Alavus factory offers models with original mosaic design from the glass package. Inner glass-transparent selective, externally irrigible. Doors are sold with Abloy Castle without a key and larvae, which the buyer purchases apart separately. External species and representative. These products are supplied, as a rule, to order by the catalog of the company (more than 40 models). The cost of the door is from $ 385 (selection).

In the Moscow market there are glazed doors of two Italian brands: Panto and Albertin. The first is a cottage version of the entrance door with a glass-protected bladed lattice. The glass opens on the same principle as the window. Applied wood, treated with "amber honey". Each model has its own name: "Abaco", "Savoy", "Nadir", "City" and others. The door is manufactured on request and only under the individual size of the opening. Price - $ 3000-6000. Albertin-model range of entrance doors for country houses from oak wood, Meranti. Price range - from $ 1000 to $ 3000.

From Russian manufacturers, I would like to mention Bel-ka and "New World". They offer oak doors with glazed and protection in the form of a wrought lattice.

For our country, a glazed entrance door is something from the discharge of unusual. An even more unusual door is completely glass. The invention of the armored cell made serious adjustments to traditional ideas about which materials are suitable for the production of protective structures. Obviously, the manufacture and sale of fully glass doors made of impact-resistant or armored houses are not put on the flow. Such things are placed on order. For example, the Italian firm Master already known to us offers a door from the armored cell (transparent or matte) for $ 2500 with a time limit for 3 months. German doors from her mother's tempered glass are fully applicable in elite apartment buildings. The variety of design solutions in the design of the web allows you to be confident in exclusivity, will allow you to find the optimal combination of design solutions of the interior and the door itself.

Materials used for the manufacture of doors must have a toxic-hygienic passport and a hygienic certificate. Certified doors are usually supplied with the inner side by marking containing the following data: a trademark and (or) other details of the manufacturer's enterprise; type (model) and sequence product number; year of release; The class of cracking resistance (products that sustained tests by explosives can be additionally labeled by the explosion index; the products that sustained the toproom testing is additionally labeled by the index of one of the boiler classes, for example P-1).

What to ask the seller

The seller is the first and often the only person who can describe the features of the goods you gain. From what kind of seller he is, the very possibility of buying itself depends too often. Therefore, it is not, sometimes to take the initiative to yourself. Deciding with the acquisition cost value, think about the options acceptable for you for decorative design of the outer and inside of the door. Find out from the seller what protection castles will be installed on your door, whether children and mature family members can easily use the keys. Possess what to do in case of failure of locks, where and who can call. Do not forget to clarify the warranty deadlines installed on the locks. Often the sellers are called the price of the door without installation. Buying an imported product, clearly designate the dimensions of your opening. Find out whether the company can expand it if necessary. By purchasing the entrance door for the country house, give up the outer panels from the chipboard and MDF plates, veneer veneer, are frequent and sharp change in temperature and humidity will very quickly lead them into disrepair.

It is notable to clarify what kinds of welding the box and the door frame were made (automatic or semi-automatic dotted) are preferred. Specify the brands of the used steel. The entrance door - the product is not the most difficult, so the seller must know everything about it: the steel brand, the diameter of the installation pins, the design features of the locks, the composition of the internal filler, the degree of its harmfulness, flammability, thermal conductivity, the value of the noise insulation index, and the class of hack resistance.

All this will help you make the right choice and ultimately improve the safety and comfort of your home. Successful to you shopping!

Stability classes for hacking (GOST R 51072-97)

Sustainability class Minimum resistance value, EU
Partial access Full access
I. thirty fifty
II. fifty 80.
III 80. 120.
IV 120. 180.

Protective doors must be equipped with Classic and C lock devices and in providing the secrecy of unlocking the door.

Unpiration secrecy (GOST R 51072-97)

Class of the castle device The number of key combinations Number of code combinations
A. 25000. 80000.
B. 100000. 100000.

The number of locking devices included in the locking mechanism, depending on the class of stability of the door, should be no less valid in the table.

Number of locking devices (GOST R 51072-97)

Door stability class Number of locking devices
Class A. Class B.
I. one 0
II. one 0
III 0 one
IV 0 2.

If protection against firearms is envisaged, the door must comply with a specific pooletness class.

Door Poles Class (GOST R 51072-97)

Pole resistance class Type of weapons Caliber bullet, mm Starting speed, m / s Mass bullet, g Type of bullets
P-1. Pistolepm nine 305-325. 5.9 Shell, with a steel core
P-2 Pistolett 7,62. 410-445 5.5 Shell, with a steel core
P-3. AutoTax 7,62. 705-725 7.9 Shell, with a steel thermopower core
P-4. Sniper rifle SVD 7,62. 815-840 9.6 Shell, with a steel thermopower core

Tests for bulbiness and resistance to cracking with the use of explosives are carried out at the request of the customer. Tests are subjected to samples of II-IV grades of resistance to hacking.

The editors thanks the company "Bars-Steel Doors", "Duet-Service", "Strong Oreshk" for help in the preparation of material.

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