Home Office


Enter the workplace in the already established structure of the apartment - the task is not the simplest, but solved. Especially if this is a mobile workplace or a transformer account.

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Are you vital to equip the workplace at home, but nowhere to put a computer, sewing machine or easel? Here are some good ideas that will help to carve several meters under the home office.

Home Office
Rudolf ntgens /

PICTURE PRESSED WHITE OF THE WORK OF THE TABLE, "WORKING COMPLETEMENT", then dining, then the cabinet. This time he belongs to an amateur sewing at home. One end the table rests on the open section of the rack, which exactly corresponds to it in width. Conducting table supports are made of a beech massif, a tabletop - from the laminated MDF white. The materials are very practical, especially if you consider that they are not only sewn here, but also eat.

Home Office
Rudolf ntgens /

Picture PRESSO. Here is the sewing ended, the sewing machine is removed from the eye, it came to dine. The scenery is replaced very quickly: the table top is not necessary to protect the tablecloth, another cozy banquette appears instead of the working chair.

By multifunctionality, the rack is not inferior to the table. Own tissue rolls, and ironing board, and many boxes with all sorts of trifles fit. Instead of the traditional door, tissue curtains similar to the window "Roman" curtains are used.

Home Office
Rudolf ntgens /

Picture PRESSTOTOS Option is suitable for those who do not need a written table every day. Most of the time, he plays the role of a kind of case for a cute chest, in which business papers can be stored, and not only. When you need to work, you just take off the top part from the chest and put to the window, closer to the light.

Home Office
Rudolf ntgens /

Picture Pressing Construction made of 19mm thick MDF. If desired, the table is easy to upgrade lightly by supplying small wheels. It is possible to roll it from place to place, and not drag, scratching the floor.

Tandem dresser table in the assembled state. The combination of dark brown and white looks very elegant and perfectly harmonizes with the decoration of the whole room.

Home Office
Rudolf ntgens /

Picture Press

Home Office
Rudolf ntgens /

Picture PRESSTO This is a modern secret or mini-dining room? Both. Furniture set made to order from thick plywood glued. The items are covered with white icing, but in a non-colored form would not lose. Dimensions of the console construction - 16511038cm. It consists of one open shelf and two closed, narrow, with folding doors. The feet of the table (its size 1507574cm) are equipped with wheels. For a console, a small niche (height 93cm, width 23cm), in which you can store, for example, folding chairs.

If you put a desk with a desk to the console, it will turn into a dining. After the meal, folding chairs are cleaned into a special niche, the table turns the andparticle workplace is ready.

Home Office
Hajo Willig /

Picture Press sampling from thick birch plywood has already become a classic furniture design. This material is perfectly combined with metal, plastic and ... computer. The stand table does not provide for books for books and business paper, only for technology. Therefore, numerous volumes and folders are located on the sides, on two racks. The design of the table provides good ventilation of all components of the computer system, which, as you know, do not like overheating. The light source is more correct to place the left of the keyboard as when reading or writing.

Home Office
Hajo Willig /

Picture PRESSCEMBER, not quite the usual way to install the computer. However, he thinks can find his adherents. After all, there are lovers watching the well for hours. Be that as it may, the location of the monitor is not on the table top, and the place is noticeably saved. When the computer is turned off, and the keyboard is inclined, sitting behind the glass table, you can write, draw, breakfast, negotiate, but you never know what else! But the second glass surface (in the case of the table) is able to negatively affect the vision, because it throws up additional glare to the screen.

Home Office
Hajo Willig /

Picture PressHinder of this room thoroughly prepared for work. Apparently, he sets up for a long time for a computer, as evidenced by a comfortable soft chair. Well, if there is a place for such a spacious office. From the rest of the world, he is fenced off not only with a rack, but also cloth cloths fixed on the ceiling, and below equipped with roller guides. A concave or M-shaped table form makes it more efficient to use the workspace.

Home Office
Hajo Willig /

Picture Press When you need to move the computer from one room to another, there are a number of difficulties. Therefore, it is good if, in addition to an elegant appearance, the computer desk will also have roller supports. Such mobility will allow you to deploy an office anywhere, if only the electrical outlet was located nearby. The disadvantage of the model is that it is not enough for the feet. VIDEO This space should be at least 60cm in height, 50cm wide and 65cm into depth.

Home Office
Christoph Kster /

Picture Press Prred to what you enter your room and the first thing you see is a monitor, printer and processor. As if they live in the apartment, but in the office. Well, how else to place all this in the 19m2 room, which also serves as a living room? It turns out, a more cozy option is possible. In this case, the area of ​​work and rest is practically intersect. Harmony in the situation makes a niche with bookshelves, equipped in Fallestin. Now there is no need to clutter the room with cabinets or racks. Soft furniture with numerous pillows is chosen in the same warm color scheme as the laminated floor and a carpet from sheep wool. Adomatic office is located in a modern computer closet. It is worth the panel with the monitor inside and close the door - the IVOT is no longer reminded of work.

For the sake of improving the circulation of the air, the slits are also made in the screens from the fiberboard closing the central heating batteries.

Home Office
Christoph Kster /

Picture PressPoscolka Working Corner is located away from the door, the incoming does not focus its attention on it. The gaze primarily falls on a cozy seating area with a sofa and wicker seats.

Home Office
Christoph Kster /

PICTURE PRESSDLED Keyboard in the closet there is a separate retractable panel, so the writing table is optional before it. The warm air running from the working computer is freely removed through the slots in the housing and the door.

Computer cabinet (model POWER TOWER, dimensions - 5916467,5 cm) has an aluminum facade and a housing from the fiberboard covered with enamel of anthracite color. In addition to the computer and keyboard, accommodates folders and other items necessary for work. If desired, an additional written table can be put in front of the closet (for example, 1257277cm, maple and aluminum wood).

Home Office
Hajo Willig /

PICTURE PRESSING One combination on wheels: chair, table and ... three-tiered computer-carrier - not the rack, not that rack. Mutted in the tree of one color, the items perfectly complement each other and at the same time they can "work" separately. The wall dimensions allow you to use it and as a dining, and as a working. The stand under the computer has a retractable panel for the keyboard (1506555cm). Dimensions of the table - 16080cm at height 72cm.

Home Office
Hajo Willig /

Picture Predasnot dignity of computer mini-racks are that they are very compact and easily fit even in a close room. They are convenient to "fill out" non-functional angles existing in each apartment. They will not spoil the nor bedroom nor living room. But furniture small sizes have its drawbacks. Such a rack is designed exclusively for work on the computer. It is unlikely that you can easily make anything else on it, for example, writing or flipping directories. Yes, and to a multi-hour seat, it does not have before the monitor.

Home Office
Hajo Willig /

PICTURE PRESSNATORAL, if the computer is used in turns of several family members, his place in the corridor. The atoms would have to "distill" him from the room into the room. This option is also suitable for those who do not build an interior from scratch, but trying to enter the workplace in the already established structure of its apartment. The rack cabinet (1648060cm) allows you to quickly hide the tracks of "work activity" for the descending curtain. On the shelf easily placed the usual, not flat monitor. For reference: the depth of the standard 17-inch monitor is about 50 cm.

Home Office
Hajo Willig /

Picture Press Using a computer accounts for even the most romantic agents. Achto, if this miracle of technology does not fit into the air, enveloped with pink fler interior? Not trouble, the computer can be hidden into the closet. Deposit family, in the end, their secrets. Only it should be an unusual cabinet, transforming and mobile. Due to white color, the design does not seem hard, despite the impressive dimensions (15011065cm). In addition to the computer, the central sequence of the cabinet "shelted" the printer and business folders, and the mini-library is located in the side swivel sections.

Home Office
Hajo Willig /

Picture PRESSDesign modern computer equipment is able to "refer" any furniture. So this elegant monitor turns the simple, almost rustic table into the sample of ergonomics, gives it a very "intellectual" appearance. From the zone of the living room, the workplace is separated by a 180cm-high-septum panel. Making such a partition from metal sheets is quite difficult and expensive, but you can go on another way. MDF panels need to be carefully primed and saked with a metallized film.

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